pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 8 August 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3017
Evaluation of Corruption Prevention Programs
Case Study on the Corruption Prevention Network Program
Chrisna Adhitama Surya Nugraha
, Machmudin Eka Prasetya
Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Keywords: corruption
prevention; fraud risk
management; anti-fraud
Efforts to prevent corruption in the form of improving the
quality of public service transparency are one of the most
crucial things to be done in Indonesia. (KPK, 2023). This is
carried out through the Corruption Prevention Network
(Jaga) program by the KPK which aims to encourage
transparency in public services and public participation in
corruption prevention. Unfortunately, the program has not
run well based on the assessment of respondents in the Jaga
user survey because it has not reached all areas prone to
corruption and the complaint resolution rate is low. This
study aims to evaluate the Jaga program and assess the
suitability of the Jaga program with the Fraud Risk
Management (FRM) framework. This study concludes that
in general, the Jaga program is in line with the FRM
framework but needs to be improved in terms of
documentation of the Jaga concept, the implementation of
comprehensive and periodic corruption risk assessments, the
development of specific preventive controls based on the
intervening public service sector, the improvement of the
mechanism for handling complaints of indications of
corruption, and the implementation of periodic monitoring
of FRM implementation.
Corruption that occurs in a country has a bad impact because it causes large state
losses and will indirectly result in a decrease in the level of public welfare (Buana, 2018).
Therefore, efforts to handle corruption are needed strategically, comprehensively,
effectively, and efficiently (Suryantoro, 2019). In Indonesia, the government conducts
and initiates various efforts to improve the system to prevent corruption such as
bureaucratic reform, integrity zones, Monitoring Corruption for Prevention (MCP), and
various other programs (Pertiwi & Setyawan, 2020).
As a medium to measure the success of corruption prevention efforts in Indonesia,
the KPK developed the Integrity Assessment Survey (SPI). SPI is carried out in all
ministries/agencies, provincial governments, and district/city governments in Indonesia
Chrisna Adhitama Surya Nugraha, Machmudin Eka Prasetya
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3018
by involving respondents from internal government employees, service users, and
experts/experts (Laoli, 2018). The survey results are in the form of numbers on a scale of
1 to 100 which means that the higher the SPI value, the better the system that has been
developed by government agencies to detect corruption risks and handle corruption when
it occurs in government agencies. In 2023, Indonesia's SPI score is at 70.97 or in the
vulnerable category of corruption. When compared to the previous year, this value has
always decreased for the last 3 (three) years considering that in 2021 the SPI value was
at a score of 72.94 then decreased to 71.9 in 2022 (Sinaga, 2017).
Specifically, the results of the 2023 SPI show that all agencies in Indonesia have a
high risk of corruption because the quality of transparency in public services is still
considered very poor by respondents and needs immediate attention and handling (Susim
& Darujati, 2021). (KPK, 2023). One of the efforts made to encourage transparency in
public services is the Corruption Prevention Network (Jaga) program initiated by the
KPK. The Jaga program encourages government agencies to manage and transparent
public service information so that it is easily accessible to the public that it can prevent
corruption in the public service sector (Muhibah & Setiawan, 2022). Furthermore, based
on the transparency carried out, the public can submit complaints related to
inconsistencies and non-compliance in the implementation of public services to be
followed up by relevant agencies (Linda & Winoto, 2024).
Currently, the public service sector that is the intervention area of the Jaga program
consists of 6 (six) sectors, namely 6 (six) sectors, namely education, health facilities,
villages, ports, licensing, and handling COVID-19. (KPK, 2023). The public service
sector intervention in the Jaga program is based on the consideration of the high risk of
corruption in the sector. (KPK, 2016). However, the 2022 Jaga user survey stated that
Jaga has not reached all public service sectors that have a high risk of corruption. (KPK,
2022). Based on the survey, only 23.3% of respondents stated that currently, the sector in
Jaga has covered all sectors that are prone to corruption. Meanwhile, the remaining 76.7%
stated that there are still other sectors that are prone to corruption but have not been
covered by the Jaga program (Hambali, 2020).
In terms of handling complaints, based on the 2020 KPK Annual Report, the
complaint settlement rate in the Jaga program is still low, which is only 31.02% of the
total 1,979 complaints received. The low level of resolution is partly due to the lack of
commitment of agency leaders to resolve complaints received and the unavailability of
personnel at agencies to follow up on complaints received. (KPK, 2020). This condition
indicates that the Jaga program as an effort to prevent corruption has not been well
understood so it has not received good commitment from all parties involved.
The Association of Certified Public Examiners (ACFE) classifies corruption as a
type of fraud in the Fraud Tree concept and states that corruption is the most common
and most common category of fraud in all countries in the world with a median loss of
$150,000. (ACFE, 2023). Therefore, every organization must develop a system that can
identify, assess, and mitigate corruption risks. (Johnson, 2015). The best way to minimize
Evaluation of Corruption Prevention Programs Case Study on the Corruption Prevention
Network Program (JAGA)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3019
the losses caused by fraud, including corruption, is to make fraud prevention efforts in
the first place. (ACFE, 2023).
As a guideline for organizations in developing fraud handling policies, ACFE and
the Committee of Sponsoring Organization of Treadway Commission (COSO) issued
guidelines for developing anti-fraud policies entitled Fraud Risk Management (FRM).
The guide contains a comprehensive explanation of efforts to develop anti-fraud policies
that can be used to prevent and detect fraud in every organization (Sumarno, 2023). FRM
is a fraud risk control guideline that can be implemented in all types of organizations,
both private and government organizations and is suitable for implementation in all sizes
of organizations. (ACFE, 2023). FRM consists of 5 (five) components, namely fraud risk
governance, fraud risk assessment, fraud control activities, fraud investigation and
corrective action, and fraud monitoring activities.
The lack of reach for all public service sectors that are prone to corruption in the
Jaga program as the results of the 2022 Jaga user survey indicate that there are weaknesses
in the implementation of the FRM framework in the fraud risk assessment component.
Meanwhile, the low complaint resolution rate in the Jaga platform indicates that there are
weaknesses in the implementation of the fraud investigation and corrective action
components. Therefore, further research is needed to assess the suitability of the Jaga
program with the FRM framework and formulate recommendations for the necessary
improvements so that the program has a better impact on corruption prevention efforts in
Research Methods
This research uses a case study research strategy with a single case study and a
single unit analysis, namely the Jaga program at the Directorate of Gratification and
Public Services of the KPK. The purpose of case study research is to get a complete
picture of the object being studied, especially in the form of events or activities in an
organizational unit, so it is necessary to collect information directly to gain understanding
from various perspectives.
This research was conducted using qualitative research methods. Creswell and
(Creswell et al., 2018) explained that qualitative research aims to explore and understand
the meaning of several individuals or groups of social or humanitarian problems.
Qualitative research aims to provide a deep understanding of the conditions and
contextual background of individuals and/or organizations that are the object of research,
explain individual behaviour and interactions between individuals, evaluate the
effectiveness of strategies, and assist in the development of theories and strategies.
(Wahyuni, 2015). The qualitative approach in this study aims to gain a deep
understanding of the suitability of the Jaga program with the Fraud Risk Management
This study uses primary data obtained directly through an interview process with
the KPK as the initiator and implementer of the Jaga program. This study uses
unstructured interviews and structured interview methods. Unstructured interviews were
Chrisna Adhitama Surya Nugraha, Machmudin Eka Prasetya
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3020
conducted to get an overview of the concept of Jaga from the perspective of anti-fraud
management and how the Jaga program is implemented by the KPK. Through this, it is
hoped that the main problems related to the Jaga program can be identified as well as the
main focus of research related to anti-fraud management. The deepening of the main
focus is carried out through the structured interview method so that comprehensive
information related to the root causes of problems in the Jaga program is obtained.
Structured interviews are carried out using components in Fraud Risk Management issued
by COSO and ACFE.
In addition, this study uses secondary data in the form of documents related to the
Jaga program obtained from the KPK. Some of the types of documents used in this study
are regulations and policies related to the Jaga program, standard operating procedures,
activity implementation reports, annual reports, and other relevant documents. The data
in the form of data text are then analyzed descriptively to be able to know and understand
the research phenomenon so that it can answer the problem formulation in this study.
In carrying out the analysis, this study uses content analysis and descriptive
qualitative analysis methods. Data analysis using the content analysis method is carried
out by paying attention to the content and contextual meaning of the text data that has
been collected. In this study, content analysis was carried out on respondents' answers to
research questions to find out the words that were most often spoken by respondents.
These words are then analyzed to see their relationship with the Fraud Risk Management
component so that an overview of the suitability of the Jaga program with the Fraud Risk
Management framework can be obtained. Meanwhile, qualitative descriptive analysis is
carried out through grouping and organizing data into relevant categories or themes, as
well as a deep understanding of the meaning and relationship between these categories.
The results of this analysis are then interpreted to produce findings that provide new
understandings or contributions to existing understandings (Creswell et al., 2018).
Results and Discussion
The following are the results of the analysis conducted on the suitability of the Jaga
program with the Fraud Risk Management framework based on data and information
obtained from the in-depth interview process and relevant documents.
Component 1 Fraud Risk Governance
Fraud Risk Governance encourages organizations to commit to and support the
development of anti-fraud policies and communicate these policies to all units and levels
of the organization. The analysis of the components of Fraud Risk Governance in the Jaga
program is as follows.
Organizational Commitment and Support for the Implementation of Jaga
The implementation of the Jaga program as a form of effort to prevent and detect
corruption in the public service sector has received support and commitment from the
Corruption Eradication Commission through the stipulation of Corruption Eradication
Commission Regulation Number 7 of 2020 concerning the Organization and Work
Procedures of the Corruption Eradication Commission. In the regulation, it is stated that
Evaluation of Corruption Prevention Programs Case Study on the Corruption Prevention
Network Program (JAGA)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3021
one of the duties of the Directorate of Gratification and Public Services is to detect
vulnerability to gratuities and/or bribes in public services, monitor, study, and provide
recommendations for improving public services in Indonesia. The form of commitment
and organizational support for the implementation of the Jaga program can also be seen
in the provision of a budget for the implementation of the Jaga program at the Directorate
of Gratification and Public Services. In addition, a form of commitment to the
implementation of the Jaga program is also obtained from other agencies involved in the
implementation of the Jaga program through the signing of a commitment to follow up
on complaints and the appointment of a person in charge of handling complaints received
through the Jaga.id platform.
Development of a Comprehensive FRM program
The Jaga program is designed comprehensively to be able to prevent and detect
corruption in the public service sector. In terms of preventing corruption in the public
service sector, the Jaga program focuses on increasing the transparency of public services
both in terms of increasing the disclosure of service data and service information.
Meanwhile, in terms of corruption detection, the Jaga program accommodates people
who want to convey indications of corruption through the provision of discussion
channels or complaints on Jaga. id platforms. The implementation of the Jaga program is
not only in the KPK but also involves parties who provide public services to the
community. These parties include Ministries/Institutions that have data related to public
services such as the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research,
and Technology, the Ministry of Health, and BPJS Kesehatan.
Determination of Roles and Responsibilities in the Implementation of FRM
The Directorate of Gratification and Public Services has established roles and
responsibilities in the implementation of the Jaga program through the establishment of
the organizational structure of the Directorate of Gratification and Public Services. In the
organizational structure, the Directorate of Gratification and Public Services appoints a
Task Force responsible for the implementation of the Jaga. In addition, the determination
of roles and responsibilities for the implementation of the Jaga program is also carried
out through the determination of the Unit in Charge and Observer in the follow-up of
complaints of indications of corruption received through the Jaga platform. The Unit in
Charge and Observer are appointed based on proposals from each agency responsible for
following up on complaints received.
FRM Documentation
The Jaga program as a comprehensive effort to prevent corruption in the public
service sector is documented in the Jaga Development Road Map. The document contains
the concept, vision, and mission of the Jaga program. However, the document has not
been formalized as an official document of the organization. Explanations and
documentation related to the formal Jaga program can be found in the KPK's annual report
and the annual report of the Jaga program.
FRM Communication to All Stakeholders
Chrisna Adhitama Surya Nugraha, Machmudin Eka Prasetya
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3022
Communication of the Jaga program to all stakeholders is carried out through
various media and forms of activities, including technical guidance and socialization
activities. Technical guidance activities are intended as an effort to explain concepts and
technicalities to all parties involved in the Jaga program such as local governments and
other agencies. Meanwhile, Jaga's socialization activities are aimed at making the Jaga
program known not only by agencies but also by the community.
Komponen 2 Fraud Risk Assessment
The Fraud Risk Assessment component encourages organizations to
comprehensively identify fraud risks and schemes. The results of the identification of
fraud risk risk are the basis for the organization to determine appropriate prevention and
detection efforts. The implementation of the Fraud Risk Assessment component in the
Jaga program is as follows.
Identification of Corruption Risks in the Public Service Sector
The Jaga program is designed to prevent corruption in the public service sector.
Given the breadth of the public service area, the Jaga program sets the focus of the area
based on several considerations including consideration of corruption risks in the area.
The high risk of corruption is seen from the number of corruption cases in the sector. In
addition, the high risk of corruption is also seen from the size of the budget and the pattern
of budget management in the sector. The higher the managed budget and the centralized
and less supervised budget management, the higher the risk of corruption. Based on these
parameters, the KPK identified the public service sector that has a high level of corruption
vulnerability and designated it as a sector that is an intervention area for the Jaga program.
Identification of Availability and Effectiveness of Control in Managing Fraud Risk
Identification of existing controls is an important step in the fraud risk assessment
process. Information related to the availability of control is the basis for the formulation
of appropriate policies to prevent and detect fraud in the organization. In the development
of the Jaga, the control identification process that has been developed in each sector is
carried out by assessing the quality of transparency of public services in the intervened
sector. Transparency of public services is the main control that is identified and assessed
because it is the key to preventing corruption in public services.
In addition to identifying the quality of service transparency, the reliability of
control in the public service sector that is intervened in the Jaga program is also carried
out through an assessment of corruption vulnerability in the sector. The assessment
process was carried out in the education and village sectors through an analysis of
policies, regulations, and their implementation to see the reliability of controls designed
to prevent corruption in the sector. However, the process of assessing corruption
vulnerability has not been carried out in the port, licensing, health, and Covid-19 handling
Assessing and Responding to Residual Fraud Risks
Response to residual risk is an important effort in the framework of FRM
considering that this response acts as an antidote to fraud and as a mechanism to find
fraud that occurs in an organization. Ideally, the response to residual risk is carried out to
Evaluation of Corruption Prevention Programs Case Study on the Corruption Prevention
Network Program (JAGA)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3023
close the gap or difference between the identified risk and the reliability of control in an
organization. This is intended so that the residual risk level is successfully lowered to an
acceptable risk level or included in the organization's risk appetite.
In the Jaga program, the assessment process for residual risk is carried out after the
risk assessment and control process is completed. Based on the residual risk assessment,
the Jaga Task Force then formulated the mitigation measures needed to close the gaps in
corruption in each sector. Included in the formulation of the mitigation measures is the
determination of the person in charge of implementing the mitigation measures.
Reassessment, Documentation, and Reporting on Fraud Risk
The process of reassessing the risk of corruption in the service sector is carried out
based on the urgency or needs of the Guard Task Force and the Directorate of
Gratification and Public Services. The reassessment process is carried out through the
collection of relevant information related to the public service sector from other work
units and based on the analysis of public service data that has been available in the Jaga
program. This is done in the education and village sectors but has not been implemented
in other sectors.
Komponen 3 - Fraud Control Activities
The fraud control activities component requires each organization to define and
develop activities to prevent and detect fraud to mitigate the risk of fraud that occurs or
is not detected by the organization. In the Jaga, activities to control fraud in the form of
corruption are carried out through the following things.
Development of preventive control
Preventive control in the Jaga program is focused on efforts to increase transparency
in public services. This is based on the consideration that transparency is a very important
aspect of efforts to prevent corruption in the public service sector. Efforts to increase
transparency are also carried out to close the gap in corruption based on the identification
of corruption risks carried out in the previous stage. In addition to the provision of data,
information, and regulations, the development of corruption prevention activities in the
Jaga program is also carried out through the provision of recommendations for improving
public service systems and mechanisms in the sectors in Jaga. This is done in the village
and education sectors through the provision of recommendations for improving public
service systems and/or procedures in both sectors based on corruption vulnerability
Efforts to detect corruption in public services
To detect corruption in public services, the Jaga program facilitates people who find
indications of corruption to submit their findings through the Jaga.id platform. The
complaints submitted are then verified, analyzed, and followed up by the substance of the
complaint and the authority of the agency that handles it.
Komponen 4 - Fraud Investigation and Corrective Action
The Fraud Investigation and Corrective Action component is related to the
mechanism for collecting information related to potential corruption and efforts to detect,
Chrisna Adhitama Surya Nugraha, Machmudin Eka Prasetya
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3024
investigate, and determine the appropriate follow-up related to indications of corruption.
The analysis of the fulfilment of this component is as follows.
Development of whistleblower systems, fraud investigation procedures, and
investigation implementation
The Jaga program accommodates people who find indications of corruption in
public services to convey the findings through the Jaga.id platform. Furthermore, the
indication of corruption will be followed up through the process of verifying the
completeness of information first before then forwarding it to the Unit in Charge or the
unit responsible for resolving complaints. The unit in Charge is responsible for following
up on the complaint by the mechanism that applies in each agency. In addition to being
forwarded to the Unit in Charge, the results of verification of complaints submitted by
the community can be followed up directly by the Guard Task Force based on certain
considerations. However, the complaint handling mechanism has not been established in
the business process of the Directorate of Gratification and Public Services even though
it has been agreed as a procedure for handling complaints received through the Jaga.id
The Use of Analytical Data in Identifying Weaknesses in Control and Potential
Losses Caused by Corruption
The use of analytical data in identifying weaknesses in control and potential losses
caused by corruption in public services has been carried out by the Task Force in the
education and village sectors. This was done through data analysis in the ABC Program
and analysis of the use of village funds in XYZ Regency. The data used as analysis
material includes public service data published on the platform Jaga. id combined with
other data such as public complaint data.
Communication and Follow-up of Investigation Results
Communication of the results of investigations on indications of corruption in the
public service sector submitted through the Jaga.id platform is carried out through the
provision of explanations and information on the status of complaint follow-up on the
Jaga.id platform. The explanation can be accessed by all users of the Jaga.id platform,
including reporters, observers, and other users. This also serves as a control over the
follow-up investigation carried out on each complaint received. For investigations carried
out directly by the Guard Task Force, communication of the results of the investigation
is carried out through the delivery of letters to the investigated units. The letter was
prepared based on the Analysis Report signed by the Director of Gratification and Public
Services. Furthermore, the Guard Task Force prepared a letter to submit the results of the
analysis and recommendations to the relevant agencies.
Evaluation of the Investigation Process
Evaluation of the investigation process carried out in the Jaga program is carried
out through the preparation of a recapitulation of complaint status and identification of
the cause of the non-resolution of complaints by the Unit in Charge. However, the
evaluation process of the implementation of the investigation has not been carried out
comprehensively because it has not been carried out on the substance of the investigation
Evaluation of Corruption Prevention Programs Case Study on the Corruption Prevention
Network Program (JAGA)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3025
so it has not been possible to conclude the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the
investigation carried out by the Task Force.
Komponen 5 - Fraud Risk Management Monitoring Activities
Fraud monitoring activities are related to the efforts made by the organization to
ensure that all FRM principles have been implemented effectively by the organization. In
addition, organizations must also respond to deficiencies from the application of FRM
principles by establishing corrective actions and appropriate responsible units. So far, the
monitoring process of the Jaga program as part of the implementation of FRM on the risk
of corruption in public services has not been carried out comprehensively to see the
suitability of the implementation of the five components of FRM. Monitoring of the Jaga
Baru program is limited to the validity of the data provided in the Jaga platform as well
as monitoring the total access to the Jaga platform. The Jaga Task Force annually assesses
the validity of the data displayed in the Jaga.id platform and updates the data through
coordination with the data owner (Walidata).
Based on the results of the research analysis, it can be concluded that in general the
Jaga program has been aligned with the FRM framework, but not all FRM components
have been fulfilled in the implementation of the Jaga program. This is found in the Fraud
Risk Governance component. Despite the support and commitment from the organization,
the Jaga program has not been supported with adequate documentation because the
concept, strategic plan, and road map of Jaga have not been recorded in a formal
document. In the Fraud Risk Assessment component, the process of reassessing
corruption risks has not been carried out thoroughly in all public service sectors that are
intervened in the Jaga program and has not been carried out periodically.
The Fraud Control Activities component has been fulfilled in the Jaga program
because the Jaga program has established a form of preventive and detective control
activities to prevent corruption in the public service sector. However, the Jaga program
has not yet established a form of preventive control that is specific to each sector because
the assessment of corruption risks has not been carried out in all sectors. The Jaga
Program has established a means for the public to submit complaints related to indications
of corruption through the Jaga.id platform and its follow-up mechanism, but it has not
been formalized in the business process of the Directorate of Gratification and Public
Services so the Fraud Investigation and Corrective Action component has not been fully
fulfilled. In the Fraud Monitoring Activities component, the Jaga program has not
established a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation mechanism to determine the
components that need to be corrected so that it has a good impact on the prevention of
corruption in the public service sector.
Chrisna Adhitama Surya Nugraha, Machmudin Eka Prasetya
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3026
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