pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 8 August 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3080
The Application of Project-Based Learning to Enhance
Student’s Proficiency in Producing Written Reports
Shalzsabilla Hakim
, Syafrizal Syafrizal
Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Indonesia
Keywords: writing
ability; report text;
project-based learning.
This study was quantitative. The purpose of this project
was to demonstrate how PjBL could help students
overcome obstacles and improve their report-writing
abilities for the XI grade of SMAN 2 Rangkasbitung.
Twenty-five learners were the study’s subject. The research
study used tests and observation procedures as its
instruments. The research was done in three following
steps: pre-test, treatment, and post-test. Based on the result
of the post-test, students writing report text ability showed
an improvement. It was proven by the pre-test mean; the
result of the mean was 67.00 while the student’s post-test
mean was 78.00. To conclude, the student’s writing ability
of the eleventh grade SMA N 2 Rangkasbitung presents a
contrast difference before and after the treatment. Overall.
It’s because most of the students are not familiar enough
with the general structure of report text, hence they are
unable to write a good report text. To recommend, the
teacher can use PjBL as one of another approaches.
English has so many branches of language skills, writing is one of them. Writing
can be mentioned as an activity that helps people to share their thoughts as well as
enhance critical skills (Setiawan, Suwondo, & Syafii, 2021). Therefore, writing skill is
not only needed for everyone, but it is a skill that students should be mastered in line
with this. Thus, (Indrawati & Nadliroh, 2018) mentions that writing is one of the basic
language skills that contains language components such as spelling, grammar,
vocabulary and punctuation. And, writing is a skill that students should practice over
and over and needs some technique as well as preparation to master it. Moreover,
students need to practice it continuously due it the difficulties. In line with this, (Fadhil,
Kasli, & Halim, 2021) stated that in learning writing students need time to study and
practice so they can develop their skills.
Composing includes a few components that need to be considered counting word
choice, utilising or fitting linguistic use, language structure, mechanics, and structure
ideas into logical and attractive complete (Amalia, 2021) and writing conventions like
composing capitalization and accentuation. How to rationally arrange them using visual
The Application of Project-Based Learning to Enhance Student’s Proficiency in Producing
Written Reports
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3081
guidelines and conversation markers so that they create an integrated whole, how to
change material to meet dialect system, how to analyse and how to form the final thing
(Septiana, Wuryaningrum, & Syukron, 2020). Hence, it is reasonable that composing is
assumed to be a troublesome dialect ability. To illuminate the issue, instructors ought to
be more inventive in instructing and composing an offer to understudy with a curious
and valuable method several curious classroom procedures (Backhaus, 2021). Several
fortifying classroom procedures have developed to resolve the broadly accepted see that
composing is the foremost troublesome capacity among the four dialect aptitudes. One
of the strategies is utilizing picture arrangement to empower the understudies to
discover the thought effortlessly, to organize it in a well-organized passage, and finally
to adore composing (Suseno, Indriyani, Afdal, & Nizori, 2022). Hence, even though
writing is important, a lot of students have difficulties towards writing, because students
need to consider the writing requirement.
This skill is necessary for students in junior high school because it is for students
development of their competency (Batubara, Rahila, & Rahmadani, 2021). Therefore,
students in junior high school they already tough about writing and they learn a variety
of texts. Reports are written text that has a strong visual component since they include
references to various natural and human-made wonders found in the natural world.
Gerot and Wignell in (Batubara et al., 2021). Continuing that a report is a text that tries
to tell the reader about an event, and in report text it should be factual text or real text
that refers to that a thing, or events are organized in some treasured ways. Based on the
explanations, the report text principally presents a factual description of an object.
Students should focus on both the language aspects and the general structure of the
report text if they wish to become proficient in recounting texts (Lestari, Leksono,
Hodijah, & Agustina, 2016). Urgency in mastering writing skills cannot be overstated,
especially given the increasing importance of effective communication in both academic
and professional settings. Writing is a fundamental aspect of language skills, crucial for
expressing thoughts clearly and enhancing critical thinking. According to (Indrawati &
Nadliroh, 2018), writing encompasses various language components such as spelling,
grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation, making it an essential skill for students. Mastery
of writing is not merely a desirable goal but a necessity, as students who struggle with
writing may face significant challenges in their academic and future professional lives.
The complexity of writing, as described by (Bulqiyah, Mahbub, & Nugraheni,
2021), involves several elements including word choice, linguistic accuracy, and
structural coherence. This complexity highlights why writing is often considered one of
the most challenging language skills to acquire. (Bulqiyah et al., 2021) further
emphasizes that students need ample time to practice and study writing to develop
proficiency, indicating a pressing need for effective teaching strategies.
To address these challenges, educators must employ innovative methods to make
writing more accessible and engaging. One promising approach is using visual aids,
such as picture sequences, to help students organize their ideas and improve their
Shalzsabilla Hakim, Syafrizal Syafrizal
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3082
writing skills. This method aims to mitigate the difficulties students face and make the
writing process more enjoyable and manageable (Widiyatmoko & Pamelasari, 2012).
For junior high school students, writing skills are particularly critical for their
overall development. As noted by (Batubara et al., 2021), students at this stage are
introduced to various text types, including reports, which require a strong visual and
factual component. Mastery of report writing, which involves presenting factual
information about events or objects, is essential for academic success and future
communication tasks.
The urgency to improve writing skills among students is clear. Effective writing is
not just a requirement for academic achievement but also a vital skill for personal and
professional growth. Educators must address this issue with innovative teaching
strategies to help students overcome the inherent difficulties of writing and achieve
proficiency in this crucial area.
Research Methods
A quantitative research design was chosen for this study. Analysing the
correlation between variables is a means of testing objective hypotheses in quantitative
research. Most of the time, the variable can be measured using an instrument. Hence,
numbered information can be analyzed using statistical procedures. Quantitative
research needs test tables and confirmable theory assumptions, and it pursues scientific
explanations. Creswell in (Manurung, Pardede, & Purba, 2020). Only one group did
pre-and post-testing, this study used a pre-experimental research design. Before and
after the treatment, the test was performed. The test is proposed to know whether or not
Project Based Learning will be effective to enhance students writing ability in writing
report text. In short, the research design is shown in the table 1.
The population for this research were grade eleventh students of SMA N 2
Rangkasbitung. There were 3 classes in total. Each class consist of 30 to 37 students.
The sample was a subclass of the aim populace that the researcher plans to study for the
determination of making generality about the target population. In this research, the
researcher used observation guidelines and the question. Observation guideline is to
assess the students about the effectiveness of English language teaching, moreover,
question test is to assess the measuring the successful learning process.
Research Technique Data Collection
For the data collecting technique, the researcher used a test. The test is used to
measure the ability of a person and also to achieve the goal. The data was collected by
giving 5 essays about the report text, and the test was conducted twice.
The Application of Project-Based Learning to Enhance Student’s Proficiency in Producing
Written Reports
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3083
Students took a pre-test to assess their writing skills before starting the treatment.
After the researcher gives students a preliminary assessment, the students will
treat for one meeting by implementing Project-based learning. For the activity of the
treatment, the researcher divided the students into 4 groups consisting of 5 students
before the researcher did the group project. The researcher opens the class and teaches
the students about the report text, and question and answer session. After the researcher
measured the student's understanding of the report text in general, after that the
researcher separated the students into 4 groups and they were asked to write an animal
report text. Two groups used the handwriting method which was that they could explore
their creativity by writing a report text on the cardboard, and the rest of the group made
the report text on Canva or PowerPoint based on their preference. Furthermore, after the
students finished with the task, the researcher did the analyzing and sharing session with
the students and followed with a closing activity.
Following the treatment, the students got the same test. This post-test was
conducted to see the result whether the PjBL method is effective or not.
Scoring of the Test
The researchers collected the test for this mini-research consisting of 5 questions,
with the scores as follows:
Method of Data Analysis
Following data collection, the researchers proceeded with data analysis using the
following steps:
1. Normalcy Test
2. Homogeneity of Variance Test
3. Hypothesis Test
Results and Discussion
The result of the research instrument will be shown in this chapter. The statistical
product and servicing solution (SPSS) was used to analyse the data version no 28 for
Windows. The experimental results using the Matching-Only Pretest-Posttest class were
examined using the independent sample t-test. The first test and the final test,
specifically have two different variables that are tested for implications on the
connection between them using the t-test. The test carried out is a one-party t-test.
Table 1
student learning completion
Shalzsabilla Hakim, Syafrizal Syafrizal
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3084
Paired Sample T-Test
The independent sample t-test was used to analyse the experimental outcomes
using the Matching-Only Pretest-Postest class, both the first and the last test. The initial
test and the final test, in particular, are the two variables that are tested for the
implication of two connections through the t-test. The test carried out is a one-party t-
Table 2
Statistics for Paired Samples
Std. Error
Pair 1
Table 3
Relations Between Paired Samples
Pair 1
The data presented in the table highlights a notable difference in the writing
proficiency of students before and after the implementation of Project-Based Learning
(PjBL). Initially, only 8 students, representing 35% of the cohort, scored above the
minimum threshold of 75, indicating their proficiency in writing report texts. This
implies that a significant majority, 65% of the students, scored below 75, revealing a
general lack of proficiency in both understanding and writing report texts among the
eleventh graders.
However, following the PjBL intervention, there was a substantial improvement
in the students' writing abilities. Post-treatment, 15 studentsan increase from the
initial 8 scored above 75, demonstrating a clear enhancement in their skills. The scores
of these students ranged between 74 and 100, reflecting a broad improvement in their
writing proficiency. Conversely, the number of students scoring below 75 decreased to
The Application of Project-Based Learning to Enhance Student’s Proficiency in Producing
Written Reports
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3085
10, indicating that fewer students struggled with the writing task after the PjBL
This significant improvement underscores the effectiveness of Project-Based
Learning in addressing the gaps in students' writing skills. The intervention not only
increased the number of students meeting the proficiency benchmark but also improved
overall student performance, reducing the proportion of students who underperformed.
This suggests that Project-Based Learning can be a valuable approach to enhance
students' abilities in writing report texts and potentially other areas of academic
The study findings suggest that implementing Project-Based Learning is greatly
improving the students writing report text skills for eleventh-grade students at SMAN 2
Rangkasbitung. Proof of this can be found in the pre-and post-test results. The results of
the studies show the students taught Project-Based Learning was enjoyable, particularly
when it came to learning report text. As a result, the performance of the students on the
post-test improved as a result and their scores significantly raised. The cumulative ratio
of the pre-test is only 35% who can differentiate the general structure of the report text
as well as the writing ability and it increases to 70% who can differentiate the report text
general structure and write a report text. Meaning that the PjBL is useful for the
improvement of students' composition skills.
Shalzsabilla Hakim, Syafrizal Syafrizal
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3086
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