Maria Bona Putri S, Ratih Hasanah Sudradjat
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4361
Based on the significance value, the linear regression results show that the
significance value of the Personal Selling variable (X) is 0.000 <0.05, indicating that
Personal Selling (X) has a positive and significant relationship with the Purchase
Intention variable (Y) individually. The t-table value for 5% significance is pdf = 350 - 2
= 348, resulting in a t-table value of 1.649949. Therefore, based on the t-value, the test
results show that the t-value for Personal Selling (X) is 19.509 > 1.649949, meaning that
Personal Selling has a positive and significant relationship with Purchase Intention.
Discussion of Research Results
From the research results obtained, it is known that each variable of Personal Selling
and Purchase Intention has met the criteria for good data, which are valid and reliable.
This is also supported by the normal data distribution and freedom from
heteroscedasticity issues.
Discussion of the Influence of Personal Selling on Purchase Intention
Based on the descriptive analysis of the Personal Selling variable (X), it is known
that the highest to lowest percentage values include Iconnet sales representatives having
good product knowledge and explaining the advantages and benefits of the product to
potential consumers, both valued at 78.4%. The last position is the statement of the sales
representatives' lack of knowledge about the background of potential customers. Based
on the descriptive analysis of the Purchase Intention variable (Y), it is known that the
highest to lowest percentage values include respondents' satisfaction with Iconnet sales
representatives offering Iconnet products with a score of 86.2%, followed by the
statement that the offered product's advantages make respondents interested in buying
Iconnet products at 85.1%, and the last position is respondents' interest in purchasing
Iconnet products at 83%.
From the research results conducted, it can be concluded that Personal Selling
influences Purchase Intention. This research result is determined by the t-test and
significance test conducted related to the personal selling variable on purchase intention,
with a t-value of 19.509 and a significance value of 0.000. This indicates that the t-value
of 19.509 is greater than the t-table value of 1.649949, and the significance value of 0.000
is less than 0.05, indicating that personal selling influences the purchase intention of
housing residents in Medan City.
The determination coefficient (R²) is 0.522, meaning that Personal Selling
influences Purchase Intention by 52.2%, and the remaining 47.8% is influenced by other
factors outside the research model. Overall, the research results state that personal selling
does influence the purchase intention of housing residents in Medan City. Personal selling
involves direct interaction between the seller and the buyer. This allows the seller to
answer questions, provide relevant information, and address objections directly, which
can increase the buyer's trust. Additionally, in the personal selling process, the seller can
quickly identify and address objections or doubts that customers may have, helping them
feel more comfortable making a purchase.
These research findings are also supported by previous studies with similar results,
such as the study by (Aprianto & Candraningrum, 2019), which states that personal