p–ISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5347The Influence of Serving Leadership Style and WorkCulture on Employee Performance at PT. Noor Abika Toursand TravelRaden Fahri Ziaurrahman1, Romat Saragih2Universitas Telkom, IndonesiaEmail: [email protected]1*,[email protected]2*CorrespondenceABSTRACTKeywords: servantleadership; organizationalculture, employeeperformance, leadershiptransition, servicecompany.Every leader has a unique character and background,resulting in variations in their leadership style. Thesedifferences lead to diverse ways of influencing teammembers, known as leadership styles. This study aims toexamine the impact of servant leadership and work cultureon employee performance at the Umrah and Hajj servicecompany, PT. Noor Abika Tours and Travel, after aleadership transition. The research method employed isquantitative, utilizing descriptive analysis and causalanalysis. The sample in this study uses a saturated sampletechnique, involving the entire population, which consists of54 employees of PT Noor Abika Tours and Travel. Dataanalysis was conducted using multiple linear regression withthe assistance of SPSS version 27. The results of the studyindicate that the variables of servant leadership style, workculture, and employee performance are all in the very goodcategory. The findings also show that servant leadershipstyle and work culture have a positive and significant impacton employee performance, both partially andsimultaneously.IntroductionIn the face of an increasingly competitive business era and widespreadglobalization, companies have taken various strategic actions on an ongoing basis tostrengthen their competitiveness. Success in achieving successful strategies andmaintaining resilience in this ever-changing environment is highly dependent on the roleof competent and self-development-oriented human resources. This view is affirmed inthe book by (Suryani, Sugianingrat, & Laksemini, 2020), that human resources are themost important element for an organization.In creating strong human resources, good employee performance is needed.According to (Utomo & Saragih, 2017), performance is the result of the quality andquantity of work achieved by employees in carrying out their duties according to theresponsibilities given. The existence of human resources with superior performance Raden Fahri Ziaurrahman, Romat Saragih
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5348
allows company leaders to more effectively guide their team members towards achieving
company goals and achieving competitive advantage. In addition, work culture also plays
an important role in influencing the success of a company. According to (Oktaviani &
Saragih, 2017), organizational culture refers to a common system that is adopted as a
guideline by the members of the organization, this guideline applies as long as the
members of the organization are in the organizational environment and have
characteristics that can distinguish one organization from another. In addition, the success
of a company does not only depend on employee performance and work culture but is
also greatly influenced by the role of leaders in the organization. According to
(Ferdinandito & Haryana, 2021), Leadership is the process by which a leader influences
his team members to achieve certain goals. Each leader has a different character and
background, which leads to differences in their leadership styles. These differences result
in various ways of influencing team members, commonly referred to as leadership styles.
A leader must be able to provide motivation, inspiration, and a good example for his
subordinates. In addition, leaders must be open to receiving suggestions and criticism
from employees and listening to their complaints. The company's goals can be achieved
if there is effective communication and good cooperation among all members of the
organization (Adriano & Saragih, 2018).
Each leader has a different character and background, which leads to differences in
their leadership styles. These differences result in various ways of influencing team
members, commonly referred to as leadership styles. Each leader has his leadership style,
as stated. (Mukmin & Prasetyo, 2021) It is stated that an organization needs an effective
leader, who can influence the behavior of its members. Leadership styles can change
according to conditions within the organization, one example is the change of leadership
within the company. In 2020, PT. Noor Abika Tours and Travel experienced a leadership
transition where there was a change of President Director. This transition was responded
to by the adoption of a leadership style served by the new President Director. (Prasetyo,
Ali, & Rekarti, 2023).
Table 1
Recapitulation of Umrah Departure
No Departure Number of
Number of
1 January 4 85
2 February 4 68
3 March 2 75
4 April 7 143
5 May 5 92
6 June 4 64
7 July 5 77
8 August 7 148
9 September 5 122
10 October 4 92
11 November 5 114
The Influence of Serving Leadership Style and Work Culture on Employee Performance
at PT. Noor Abika Tours and Travel
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5349
12 December 4 164
Table 1 is a recapitulation of Umrah departures in 2020 which shows an increase
and decrease that varies in the number of departures and the number of pilgrims. The
table shows that Umrah departures tend to increase. This happens due to several factors,
possibly one of which is due to a leadership transition in the company. In January-May,
the leadership at PT. Noor Abika Tours and Travel is still run by the previous president's
director, while departures from June to December have been run by the new president's
director. (Fitria & Trismiyanti, 2019).
The focus of this study is to analyze whether the leadership transition that results in
a change in leadership style and work culture affects employee performance at PT Noor
Abika Tours and Travel. In the research (Aditya, 2024) Showed that leadership style and
work culture affect employee performance, the better the leadership style and work
culture in the company, the higher the performance of the employees. In the study, the
variable used is leadership style in general so it becomes a gap that can be filled by
researching one of the leadership styles, namely the serving leadership style, especially
related to how the service leadership style and work culture affect employee performance.
This study uses a quantitative approach and causal analysis. The variables used in
this study consist of independent variables and bound variables. The independent
variables used were serving leadership style (X1) and work culture (X2), while the bound
variable was employee performance (Y). The population of this study is permanent
employees of PT Noor Abika Tours and Travel, which consists of 54 employees. Because
the population is relatively small, this study uses a non-probability sampling technique
with a saturated sampling method. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire.
Data analysis includes descriptive statistics, multiple linear regression analysis,
classical assumptions, determination coefficient analysis, and hypothesis testing with t-
test and f-test. The measurement scale in this study uses a Likert scale with five levels,
namely strongly agree, agree, disagree, disagree, and strongly disagree. This study uses
primary data obtained from respondents' responses to questionnaires that have been given
to company employees. The secondary data used in this study are in the form of research
journals and reference books.
Results and Discussion
Descriptive Analysis
Table 2
Results of Descriptive Analysis
Variable Percentage Category
Serving Leadership Style 90,2% Excellent
Work Culture 95,7% Excellent
Employee Performance 90,3% Excellent
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Based on Table 2, it can be seen that the leadership style that serves is in the very
good category with a percentage of 90.2%, the level of work culture is in the very good
category with a percentage of 95.7%, and the employee performance is in the very good
category with a percentage of 90.3%.
Classical Assumption Test
1. Normality Test
The following are the results of statistical tests based on Kolmogorov-Smirnov:
Figure 2 Kolmogorov-Smino Test Results
The following is Figure 2 showing the results of statistical tests with the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov approach in this study. Based on the figure, it can be seen that the
data meets the criteria for normality. This is because of the significance value of Asymp.
Sig (2-tailed) is greater than 0.05. Therefore, the data can be said to be distributed
Multicollinearity Test
Table 3
Multicollinearity Test
Collinearity Statistics
Tolerance BRIGHT
1 (Constant)
Serving Leadership Style 0.983 1.017
Work Culture 0.983 1.017
Dependant Variable: Employee Performance
Based on Table 3, the serving leadership style variable (X1) and the work culture
variable (X2) had a tolerance value greater than 0.10 and a VIF value smaller than 10.
Thus, it can be concluded that the independent variables used in this study do not
experience symptoms of multicollinearity.
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at PT. Noor Abika Tours and Travel
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Heteroscedasticity Test
Table 4
Heteroscedasticity Test
Model Sum of
df Mean
F Mr.
Regression 0.000 2 0.005 0.268 0.766
Residual 0.000 51 0.000
Total 0.000 53
a. Dependent Variable: Residual
b. Predictors: (Constant), X2, X1
To check for heteroscedasticity, the Breusch-Pagan test can be used. In Table 4, the
results of the Breuch-Pagan test to test heteroscedasticity are shown. From the table, it
can be seen that the significance value obtained is 0.766 which means that it has exceeded
0.05 as a criterion there is no indication of heteroscedasticity. Therefore, the results of the
brunch-pagan test of both variables showed that there was no indication of
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Table 5
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Coefficients t Mr.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 2.611 0.088 26.570 <0.001
Serving Leadership
Style 0.229 0.014 0.815 15.963 <0.001
Work Culture 0.168 0.015 0.571 11.187 <0.001
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance
The results of the regression analysis in Table 5, the regression equation can be
obtained as follows:
𝑌 = 𝛼 + 𝑏1𝑋1 + 𝑏2𝑋2
𝑌 = 2.611 + 0.229𝑋1 + 0.168𝑋2
The constant has a value of 2.611 which indicates that if the value of the variable
of serving leadership style and the variable of work culture is zero, then the value of the
variable of employee performance is 2.611. The regression of the servant leadership style
variable is 0.229 or 22.9%, which means that if the value of the servant leadership style
variable increases by 1%, then the value of the employee performance variable will
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increase by 22.9% assuming the other independent variables remain. The regression of
the work culture variable is 0.168 or 16.8%, which means that if the value of the work
culture variable increases by 1%, then the value of the employee performance variable
will increase by 16.8% assuming the other independent variables remain. All independent
variable coefficients show positive values, which indicates a positive relationship
between the independent variable, namely the serving leadership style and work culture,
to the dependent variable, namely employee performance. In other words, the higher the
level of service leadership style and work culture in the company, the higher the
performance of employees in the company.
Partial Test (T-Test)
With a significance level of 0.05, the table used is 1.675. The following are the
results of the simultaneous processing of T-test data using SPSS 27:
Table 6
Partial Test (T-Test)
Coefficients t Mr.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 2.611 0.088 26.570 <0.001
Leadership Style 0.229 0.014 0.815 15.963 <0.001
Work Culture 0.168 0.015 0.571 11.187 <0.001
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance
In Table 6, it can be seen that each independent variable has a significance value
smaller than 0.05. Therefore, the results show that the variable of servant leadership style
(X1) partially has a significant effect on employee performance (Y) with a significance
value of <0.001 which is smaller than 0.05, and a t-count value of 15.963 greater than t-
table 1.675. In addition, the work culture variable (X2) also partially had a significant
effect on employee performance (Y) with a significance value of <0.001 which was
smaller than 0.05, and a t-count value of 11.187 greater than t-table 1.675.
Simultaneous (Test F)
With a significance level of 0.05, the table in this study is 3.18. The following are
the results of the simultaneous processing of F test data using SPSS 27:
Table 7
Simultaneous Test (Test F)
Model Sum of
df Mean
F Mr.
Regression 0.010 2 0.005 169.679 < 0.001
Residual 0.002 51 0.000
Total 0.012 53
a. Dependent Variable: Y
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at PT. Noor Abika Tours and Travel
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b. Predictors: (Constant), X2, X1
Based on Table 7, it can be seen that independent variables (serving leadership style
and work culture) simultaneously affect the dependent variable (employee performance).
This is because the significance value of <0.001 is smaller than 0.05 and the f-count value
of 169.679 is greater than the f-table of 3.12.
Coefficient of Determination
Table 8
Coefficient Analysis of Determination
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the
1 0.932a 0.869 0.864 0.00551
a. Predictors: (Constant), X2, X1
b. Dependent Variable: Y
Based on Table 8, it is known that the determination coefficient is 0.869 or 86.9%.
This shows that a servant leadership style and work culture contribute 86.9% to employee
performance. The remaining 13.1% was influenced by other factors that were not studied
in this study.
Based on the results of the descriptive analysis, the variable of the leadership style
that serves is included in the "excellent" category with a percentage of 90.2%. This shows
that the serving leadership style has been able to have a significant positive influence on
employees at PT. Noor Abika Tours and Travel. The work culture variable is also
included in the "very good" category with a percentage of 95.7%. This very high
percentage indicates that the work culture at PT. Noor Abika Tours and Travel is in a very
positive condition, reflecting the company's core values in various aspects of operations
and work interactions, and creating a work environment that is consistent with the
company's values. In addition, the employee performance variable is also included in the
"very good" category with a percentage of 90.3%. Overall, the performance of employees
at PT Noor Abika Tours and Travel is high, with strong involvement and proactive
initiatives in supporting and completing their tasks.
Analysis of Leadership Styles That Serve Employee Performance
In the relationship between the variables of leadership style that serve employee
performance, leadership style significantly affects employee performance with a
significance value of <0.001 less than 0.05, and a t-count value of 15.963 greater than t-
table 1.675. Overall, a servant leadership style can have a positive impact on employee
performance, this can be due to its supportive and empowering approach the statement
put forward by Greenleaf in the research (Praseno & Supriyadi, 2022). This finding
supports previous research by (Hayuni, 2023) who argues that implementing the concept
of leadership that serves effectively, will have an impact on improving employee
performance. The element of empowerment in servant leadership is a key factor
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influencing the improvement of employee performance which marks the importance of
empowerment in this leadership style.
Analysis of Work Culture on Employee Performance
The results of the T-test show that work culture has a significant effect on employee
performance. With a significance value of < 0.001 which is smaller than 0.05 and a t-
count value of 11.187 is greater than the t-table of 1.675. It can be concluded that work
culture significantly affects employee performance. This is in line with the research of
(Nurhadi, Ramlawati, & Serang, 2023) This states that a good work culture creates a
positive work environment, which can trigger, direct, and support employee behavior to
work with enthusiasm and enthusiasm to achieve optimal results. These findings also
support research by (Sarah & Sjahri, 2023) This found that work culture plays a vital role
in influencing employee performance, this is because a positive and healthy work culture
will have a direct impact on employee productivity and overall performance.
The relationship between leadership style and work culture on employee
performance has a positive influence. The results of the F test that has been carried out
show that the significance value of <0.001 is smaller than 0.05. This shows that there is
an influence between leadership style and work culture on employee performance.
Overall, if the combination of a serving style of kemempinin is effective and a good work
culture, then together it will create a conducive work environment. Which motivates
employees to work better and achieve optimal results.
Based on the results of the study, the serving leadership style and work culture
affect employee performance. This is supported by the results of hypothesis tests through
the T-test and the F-test which show that these two factors both partially and
simultaneously have a positive and significant effect. Therefore, it is recommended for
leaders at PT. Noor Abika Tours and Travel continuously maintain and improve the
servant leadership style and work culture, as both have a significant positive influence on
employee performance. By reinforcing these aspects, companies can improve employee
motivation, engagement, and work effectiveness, ultimately contributing to the
achievement of overall organizational goals.
It is hoped that further research can expand the study of serving leadership styles
by deepening the relationship and its impact on various aspects of the scope of business.
In addition, it is hoped that the next research can include studies on similar research
objects but with different variables, so that a deeper understanding of the factors affecting
conditions in similar research objects can be obtained, especially in the context of Umrah
and Hajj spiritual travel service companies.
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at PT. Noor Abika Tours and Travel
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