Novela Sari, Elvi Sinarsi, Ahmadi, Risky Cyndythia Sukarno
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2947
prevalence of ARI of 50% and for North Sulawesi province it is the Province with the
lowest prevalence of 4.4%. (RI Ministry of Health, 2022).
According to the statistics of the Batam City Health Service in 2022, ARI cases
were 5,529, in 2021 there was a decrease in ARI cases by 4,762 and in 2022 there was a
relevant increase of 6,396 cases of ARI (Profil Dinas Kesehatan, 2022).
According to statistics from the Batam City Health Service, for the three highest
ARI illnesses there are on Puskesmas Sei Langkai as many as 2.555 news, Stone Aji news
as much as 2.311 news and Baloi Permai news 1.650 news (Health service Profile, 2022).
Based on the quantity obtained from Puskesmas Batu Aji related to ARI disease in
news for the last 3 years, the difference between the decline in the increase of cases per
year is in 2020 the number of people affected by ARI was 1.042 news, in 2021 has an
increase of 2.363 news and in 2022 has a decline of 2.311 (Secondary Data, 2022).
ARI disease in toddlers is the first disease in the Batu Aji Community Health
Center. There are 2 sub-districts in the working area of the Batu Aji Community Health
Center, namely Kibing Village with several 4,665 toddlers, Buliang Village with 6,141
toddlers and Bukit Tempayan Village with a total of 2,598 toddlers (Secondary Data,
From the results of observations and interviews, it was found that several houses
did not have ventilation, walls were covered with wood or zinc, there was a lack of
lighting in the house, especially sunlight, the condition of the floors were plastered, dusty
walls in the corners of the rooms and wrong habits (Lubis & Ferusgel, 2019). One family
who smoked while inside the house resulted in mild ARI complaints in toddlers such as
coughs, colds and fever (Bachtiar, 2018).
The relationship between the environment and humidity is that if the humidity in a
room is not optimal, it will cause the proliferation of bacteria or viruses causing ARI
diseases, including the lighting in the house (Ariano et al., 2019).
Therefore, people are encouraged to pay attention to and maintain the physical
environment of their homes, and apply healthy and clean living habits to avoid the risk of
contracting infectious diseases such as ARI.
From the statistical results above, the researchers intend to research because cases
of ARI in toddlers at the Batu Aji Community Health Center are relatively high and the
percentage of the physical environment of the home is still below the desired target.
Supported by previous research regarding the incidence of ARI, but not many have
researched the physical environmental factors of the home on ARI complaints. This study
aims to determine the relationship between physical home environment factors and
smoking habits on ARI complaints in toddlers in Buliang, Batam City.
Research Methods
This research is a type of quantitative research with a cross-sectional approach
(Hamid & Prasetyowati, 2021). The location of this research is Buliang Village, Batam
City. This research began in March-July 2023 from research planning, and research
implementation, to writing research reports. The population in this study was 2.206