Community Empowerment Through MSME Development of the Dompet Dhuafa Resilient
Family Program in Seberang Ulu District in Palembang City
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2969
by helping to reduce poverty and raise taxes. Zakat is one way to help people in need,
Indonesia has a lot of potential because it can use zakat to help reduce poverty and
improve people's living standards (Firmansyah & Sukmana, 2014). Zakat is a religious
practice that encourages people to share their wealth with others. Some people believe
that this concept of sharing can have a very powerful impact on society as a whole. In
recent years, a new idea has emerged called the sharing economy, where the economy is
based on the principle of sharing and giving. According to Benkler, the idea of sharing is
a powerful medium to encourage economic growth (Ulfah, 2016). According to him,
companies that are more efficient in sharing ideas and ideas between their components
will be better than companies that do not want to implement a sharing culture. Some
people in a company get bonuses when they do a good job. Others in the company never
get a bonus. Meanwhile, Swiercz (Fadhilah & Widiastuti, 2018) says that the best solution
to overcome the traditional problem of economic recession, as is happening in the U.S.
today, is through enthusiasm and sharing mechanisms between several components of the
economy (Arsj, 2022). Economic prosperity depends on people's willingness to share
resources. This spirit of sharing will help keep the economy running in the long term.
Giving and sharing are very closely related because the more prosperity and happiness,
the more people tend to share (Satrio & Siswantoro, 2016).
Based on concrete reasons regarding the importance of the concept of sharing, it is
appropriate for Indonesia to optimize the potential of zakat, infak and alms as a form of
sharing economy which is believed to have a positive impact on the building (Historiawan
& Syufaat, 2022). Including ZIS (zakat, infaq, and alms) funds collected nationally are
the total funds collected by various OPZs (Zakat Management Operations) in all
provinces in Indonesia for a year. Some of the institutions that are included in OPZ
Indonesia include BAZNAS (National Amil Zakat Agency), Provincial BAZNAS,
Regency/City BAZNAS, National Amil Zakat Institution (LAZ), Provincial LAZ, and
official Regency/City LAZ which must report collection and distribution to BAZNAS by
the mandate of Law Number 23 of 2011 concerning Zakat Management. The following
is the data of the National ZIS Collection based on the type of OPZ (Rohim, Tanjung, &
Beik, 2019).
In Indonesia, the management of zakat funds has been regulated by Law No. 38 of
1999 concerning Zakat Management. This law regulates Zakat Management
Organizations (OPZ) that are allowed to operate in Indonesia. The OPZs mentioned in
the law are the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) and the National Amil Zakat
Institute (LAZNAS). BAZNAS is an institution for collecting and utilizing zakat funds
formed by the government from the central level to the regional level, while LAZNAS is
an OPZ formed by non-governmental organizations The Government has regulated the
reporting process for BAZNAS and LAZNAS with the Decree of the Minister of Religion
of the Republic of Indonesia No. 373 of 1999 concerning the implementation of Law No.
38 of 1999 concerning the Management of Zakat Article 31.