pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 8 August 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3115
Risk Management in the Implementation of the Occupational
Safety and Health System (SMK3) in the PLN Maluku and
Papua Substation Project
Yunita Palik
, Dewi Ana Rusim
, Mujiati
, Bernathius Julison
, Bahtiar
, Duha
Awaluddin Kurniatullah
Universitas Cenderawasih, Indonesia
Keywords: risk
management, occupational
safety and health, SMK3,
PLN substation, Maluku
This research involves several PLN substation projects in the
Maluku and Papua regions. The subject of this study
consisted of 25 respondents, namely 1 Project Manager,
HSE Engineer and project supervisor. The questionnaire that
has been given is then analyzed using the severity index
method. The results of K3 risk identification on 44 risk
variable indicators with high variables are found in the
categories of product purchase and control, work safety in
SMK3 and monitoring standards. The highest level of K3
risk to cost performance in substation construction projects
in Maluku and Papua is the specification of the purchase of
goods and services, the verification system of purchased
goods and services, emergency planning and recovery, and
labour health monitoring. The allocation of K3 risk in
substation construction projects in Maluku and Papua is the
most allocated risk shared between the owner and the
contractor. The most K3 risk response is by holding and
partially allocating to the owner by transferring.
Recommendations for mitigation of K3 risks in substation
construction projects in Maluku and Papua are by preparing
procedures for work steps/related documents that are jointly
supervised between the owner and owner. Then it is
necessary to form an organization related to K3 that will be
responsible for emergencies, work accidents and monthly
reporting to the local Manpower Office.
The development of electricity construction projects in Indonesia, namely the
35,000 MW power plant construction program, is one of the government's mega projects
to provide electricity to the community (Fitriana & Wahyuningsih, 2017). During the
construction process to complete the construction within the agreed time according to the
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3116
contract, many works have the potential to cause work accidents (Pangkey, Malingkas, &
Walangitan, 2012).
Maluku and Papua is the easternmost province of Indonesia which is a project area
carried out by PT PLN (Persero) Maluku and Papua Development Main Unit (UIP). PT
PLN (Persero) UIP MPA handles power plant, substation and transmission construction
projects. Several substation construction projects are in the construction stage that are
being worked on in Maluku and Papua (Maftuchan, 2018). The level of K3 risk in
electrical projects such as substations is extreme and high, so it requires a risk analysis of
the Occupational Safety and Health Management System (SMK3) in the field (Yuliana,
SMK3 is an inseparable part of the labour protection system and construction
services work can minimize and avoid the risk of moral and material losses, loss of
working hours, as well as the safety of humans and the surrounding environment which
can later support effective and efficient performance improvement in the development
process (Kristiana & Wijayanto, 2017).
The implementation of SMK3 can be a reference that regulates various activities in
it and manages K3 systematically and comprehensively in a complete management
system so that it is expected to minimize the risk of work accidents that will occur starting
from the highest level to the lowest level of work accidents (Albani Musyafa, 2020). The
implementation of K3 by procedures will foster trust and confidence in the safety and
security guarantees of construction service users (Nurdin, 2022).
According to data on work accidents for the construction of PT PLN (Persero)
construction projects in 2021-2022 No.40438/KLH.01.01/D0150500/2022, there were 26
work accidents, one of which was caused by being hit by the rubble of coal blocks during
power generation work (Abisono, 2024). Various obstacles encountered in the
implementation of SMK3 are a lack of knowledge about regulations related to SMK3 and
the competence of personnel in the field in implementing SMK3 in the substation
construction project (ADHIEM, PERMANA, & FATURAHMAN, 2021).
Previous research "Project Risk Analysis with the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Method (Case Study: Lampung Modern Library Project at Advanced Stage)"
Risk events can be studied in the form of fishbone diagrams and analyzed using the
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The AHP method will provide a significant
risk priority order to the project cost. This study was conducted based on a questionnaire
to determine the frequency of risks and the impact of risks.
The results of the study showed a high-risk rating based on the risk factor value
(FR). The risk with the highest risk factor is an addendum with FR = 0.5574 which is
categorized as a moderate level risk. Meanwhile, the risk with another medium-level
category is the risk of design changes with FR = 0.4695, and the low level is damage to
the main facilities by a third party with Risk Factor FR = 0.1459.
The handling of addendum risks is by accelerating the administrative process of
submitting addendums so that there are no delays in work. Meanwhile, the risk of design
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3117
changes is handled by re-coordinating between contractors and consultants to make
design changes.
The objectives of this study are:
1. Identifying risks that occur in SMK3 of the PLN Maluku and Papua substation projects
2. Determining the high risk affecting SMK3 in PLN's substation project in the Maluku
and Papua regions
3. Determining the allocation and risk response that affects SMK 3 of the PLN substation
project in the Maluku and Papua regions
4. Determining risk mitigation recommendations at SMK3 of the PLN substation project
in the Maluku and Papua regions
Research Methods
Research Location
The research location was carried out in several provinces, namely Maluku, North
Maluku, Papua and West Papua.
Data Source
Data analysis was carried out based on data obtained from in-depth interviews with
informants and then compared with the theory in the literature review. Furthermore, the
collected data will be processed and presented narratively in the form of a matrix table
according to the variables studied.
Data Primer
This primary data includes;
1. Interview
According to (Moleong, 2019) explained that an interview is a conversation with a
specific intention. The conversation was carried out by two parties, namely the
interviewer who asked the question and the interviewee who answered the question.
2. Observation
According to (Noor, 2011), observation is divided into participant observation,
overt and covert observation, and unstructured observation.
Data about informants
Data on informants were obtained from exclusive interviews and the distribution of
questionnaires to workers and experts.
Data Seconds
In this study, the secondary source of data is the Cost Budget Plan (RAB), schedule,
books, journals, and articles related to research topics regarding the internal control
system over payroll systems and procedures to support labour cost efficiency.
Data Collection Method
The methods used in the research are qualitative and quantitative methods,
conducting interviews and distributing questionnaires, where questionnaires are prepared
based on previous research studies. related to the problem being studied.
The questionnaire was distributed to the respondents by being delivered directly by
the researcher, to ask the respondents to fill out the questionnaire. If the respondents are
Citra Yustika Pratiwi, Siti Nurwahyuningsih Harahap
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3118
busy enough, then the researcher leaves the questionnaire, then asks to be filled out
directly by the Consultant/Worker who directly works on the project and will be taken
after a few days.
Results and Discussion
Risk Variable Analysis
The process of risk variable analysis to analyze the data in this study was carried
out on the assessment of probability and risk impact on cost and time aspects in the
construction project of Avalanche Bridge 1 and 2. This analysis uses the Severity Index
(SI) method. Where SI has the advantage of making it easier to classify.
Risk Probability Assessment Against Cost Performance
The scale of probability and impact assessment according to (Majid and McCaffer,
1997) is as follows:
Very rare/low (SJ/SR) = 0,00 < SI ≤12,5
Rare/Low (J/R) = 12,5 < SI ≤ 37,5
Moderate/Medium (C/S) = 37,5 < SI ≤62,5
Frequently/High (S/T) = 62,5 < SI ≤ 87,5
Very Frequently/High (SS/ST) = 87,5 < SI ≤ 100
𝑆𝐼 =
+ (4𝑥2)}
SI = 43%
AI = Rating Constant
xi = frequency of respondents
i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ..., n
x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, is the respondent's frequency response
a0 = 0, a
= 1, a2 = 2, a
3 =
3, a4 = 4
x0= the frequency of respondents is "very low", then a0 =0
x1 = "low" respondent frequency, then a
= 1
x2 = frequency of respondents "quite high", then a
= 2
x3= "high" respondent frequency, then a3 = 3
x4= frequency of respondents "very high", then a4 = 4
The severity index value is 43%, so the probability category of the risk variable of
the bottom soil condition is Medium (S).
Risk Impact Assessment on Cost Performance
The criteria for determining the scale of impact on costs were carried out according
to Knight and Fayek in 2002, with the scale of impact on costs:
Very Low (SR) = 1 % Cost Overruns < 1,5 %
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3119
Low (R) = 1,5 % Cost Overruns < 2,5 %
Keep (S) = 2,5 % Cost Overruns < 3,5 %
Tall (T) = 3,5 % Cost Overruns < 4,5 %
Very High (ST) = 4,5 % Cost Overruns < 5 %
Risk Probability Assessment of Time Performance
Based on the data analysis in Table 4.4 on probability assessment using the severity
index method, the SI results with a high category (T) were obtained in the data risk
variables and K3 reports around an SI value of 64.00%.
Risk Impact Assessment on Time Performance
The criteria for determining the scale of impact on time are based on Kerzer 2006,
the description of the scale of impact on time is as follows:
Very Low (SR) = Not affected by the project schedule ≤ 1 day
Low (R) = There is a delay in the project schedule >1-3 days
Medium (S) = There is a delay in the project schedule > 3-7 days
High (B) = There is a delay in the project schedule > 7-30 days
Very High (ST) = There is a delay in the project schedule > 30 days
Determining the Risk Level
The determination of the performance risk scale in this study is based on PMBOK
2014, as a probability scale of respondents' assessment of the implementation of work.
With the categorization of risk levels ranging from low (R), medium (S), and high (T),
the risk level of cost performance can be seen in Table 4.7 as follows:
Table 1
Risk Level Matrix
This analysis is applied to assess the risk level of cost and time performance. An
example of calculating the level of risk of cost performance using the probability and
impact multiplication method is as follows:
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For example, the probability in the risk variable of emergency plan and recovery is
obtained with a probability of 4 and an impact value of 3, then the value of the
performance risk level is:
Risk Level = Probability x Impact
= 4 x 3 =12
From the results of the calculation of the risk level, it is then grouped according to
the category, so that the performance risk level value of 12 is included in the "High"
Table 2
Risk Variable Categories on Cost Performance and Waktu
Validation of Risk Results Against Time Performance
Rendah 1 X 6 1 < X ≤ 6 2 21
7 X 10 7 < X ≤ 10 38 19
Tinggi 11 X 25
11 < X ≤ 25
4 4
44 44
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3121
Table 3
Risk Outcomes on Time Performance
Risk Mitigation Recommendations
RF1 Kebijakan K3 2 2 4 Rendah
RF2 Tanggung Jawab dan Wewenang Untuk Bertindak 3 3 9 Sedang
RF3 Tinjauan Ulang dan Evaluasi 2 3 6 Rendah
RF4 Keterlibatan dan Konsultasi dengan Tenaga Kerja 3 3 9 Sedang
R5 Rencana strategi K3 2 2 4 Rendah
R6 Manual SMK3 2 3 6 Rendah
Peraturan perundangan dan persyaratan lain
dibidang K3
2 2 4 Rendah
R8 Informasi K3 2 3 6 Rendah
R9 Pengendalian Perancangan 2 3 6 Rendah
R10 Peninjauan Kontrak 2 2 4 Rendah
R11 Persetujuan,Pengeluaran dan Pengendalian Dokumen
2 3 6 Rendah
R12 Perubahan dan Modifikasi Dokumen 2 3 6 Rendah
R13 Spesifikasi Pembelian Barang dan Jasa 3 3 9 Sedang
R14 Sistem Verifikasi Barang dan Jasa Yang Telah Dibeli
4 3 12 Tinggi
Pengendalian Barang dan Jasa Yang Dipasok
3 3 9 Sedang
R16 Kemampuan Telusur Produk 3 2 6 Rendah
R17 Sistem Kerja 3 3 9 Sedang
R18 Pengawasan 3 3 9 Sedang
R19 Seleksi dan Penempatan Personil 3 3 9 Sedang
R20 Area Terbatas 2 3 6 Rendah
Pemeliharaan, Perbaikan, dan Perubahan Sarana
3 3 9 Sedang
R22 Pelayanan 2 3 6 Rendah
R23 Kesiapan Untuk Menangani Keadaan Darurat 3 3 9 Sedang
R24 Pertolongan Pertama Pada Kecelakaan 3 3 9 Sedang
R25 Rencana dan Pemulihan Keadaan Darurat 3 3 9 Sedang
R26 Pemeriksaan Bahaya 3 3 9 Sedang
R27 Pemantauan/Pengukuran Lingkungan Kerja 3 3 9 Sedang
Peralatan Pemeriksaan/Inspeksi, Pengukuran dan
3 3 9 Sedang
R29 Pemantauan Kesehatan Tenaga Kerja 3 2 6 Rendah
R30 Pelaporan Bahaya 4 3 12 Tinggi
R31 Pelaporan Kecelakaan 3 3 9 Sedang
R32 Pemeriksaan dan pengkajian Kecelakaan 4 3 12 Tinggi
R33 Penanganan Masalah 4 3 12 Tinggi
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There are 7 risk variables contained in cost performance risk and time performance
risk using direct interviews with respondents from each project, mitigation is handled as
Table 4
Risk Variables
Risk Mitigation
Specifications for Purchase of
Goods and Services
- Monitoring the preparation of
procurement plan documents
with the procurement team-
Supervising the procurement
process, both direct
appointments/open tenders
Verification System for
Goods and Services
Check the goods/materials that
have arrived at the project site
with the owner and contractor
before payment is made
Emergency Planning and
Prepare an emergency response
Conduct emergency response
simulations together with
Workforce Health
Prepare employee health
screening procedures for health
workers at the project site who
can periodically check the
health of workers before
activities such as in high-
altitude areas
Hazard Reporting
Conduct routine inspections at
the project site with K3
Accident inspection and
Prepare work accident
procedures along with minutes
in the event of a work accident
and establish an investigation
team when a work accident
Problem Handling
Establish an OSH team
organization in each project
and a monthly OSH report to
monitor the OSH workforce
and activities and the risks of
each work in the project on
Risk Level Recapitulation
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3123
Table 5
Risk Scale to Cost Performance
Table 6
Risk Scale Against Time Performance
Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that what
can be taken from this study is as follows. The results of K3 risk identification of 44 risk
variables showed that high variable indicators were found in the categories of product
purchase and control, work safety in SMK3, and monitoring standards. The highest level
of K3 risk to cost performance in substation construction projects in Maluku and Papua
is the specification of the purchase of goods and services, the verification system of
purchased goods and services, emergency planning and recovery, and labour health
Furthermore, the highest level of K3 risk-to-time performance in substation
construction projects in Maluku and Papua is the system of verification of purchased
goods and services, hazard reporting, accident inspection and assessment, and problem
handling. The allocation of K3 risk in substation construction projects in Maluku and
Papua is most allocated between owners and contractors. The most K3 risk response is
by holding and partly allocated to the owner by transfer.
The recommendation for K3 risk mitigation in substation construction projects in
Maluku and Papua is to prepare work procedures or related documents that are jointly
supervised between the owner and the contractor. In addition, it is necessary to form an
organization related to K3 that will be responsible for emergencies, work accidents, and
monthly reporting to the local Manpower Office.
R13 Spesifikasi Pembelian Barang dan Jasa 4 3 12 Tinggi
R14 Sistem Verifikasi Barang dan Jasa Yang Telah Dibeli
4 3 12
R25 Rencana dan Pemulihan Keadaan Darurat 4 3 12 Tinggi
R29 Pemantauan Kesehatan Tenaga Kerja 4 3 12 Tinggi
R14 Sistem Verifikasi Barang dan Jasa Yang Telah Dibeli
4 3 12 Tinggi
R30 Pelaporan Bahaya 4 3 12 Tinggi
R32 Pemeriksaan dan pengkajian Kecelakaan 4 3 12 Tinggi
R33 Penanganan Masalah 4 3 12 Tinggi
Citra Yustika Pratiwi, Siti Nurwahyuningsih Harahap
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