Citra Yustika Pratiwi, Siti Nurwahyuningsih Harahap
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3116
contract, many works have the potential to cause work accidents (Pangkey, Malingkas, &
Walangitan, 2012).
Maluku and Papua is the easternmost province of Indonesia which is a project area
carried out by PT PLN (Persero) Maluku and Papua Development Main Unit (UIP). PT
PLN (Persero) UIP MPA handles power plant, substation and transmission construction
projects. Several substation construction projects are in the construction stage that are
being worked on in Maluku and Papua (Maftuchan, 2018). The level of K3 risk in
electrical projects such as substations is extreme and high, so it requires a risk analysis of
the Occupational Safety and Health Management System (SMK3) in the field (Yuliana,
SMK3 is an inseparable part of the labour protection system and construction
services work can minimize and avoid the risk of moral and material losses, loss of
working hours, as well as the safety of humans and the surrounding environment which
can later support effective and efficient performance improvement in the development
process (Kristiana & Wijayanto, 2017).
The implementation of SMK3 can be a reference that regulates various activities in
it and manages K3 systematically and comprehensively in a complete management
system so that it is expected to minimize the risk of work accidents that will occur starting
from the highest level to the lowest level of work accidents (Albani Musyafa, 2020). The
implementation of K3 by procedures will foster trust and confidence in the safety and
security guarantees of construction service users (Nurdin, 2022).
According to data on work accidents for the construction of PT PLN (Persero)
construction projects in 2021-2022 No.40438/KLH.01.01/D0150500/2022, there were 26
work accidents, one of which was caused by being hit by the rubble of coal blocks during
power generation work (Abisono, 2024). Various obstacles encountered in the
implementation of SMK3 are a lack of knowledge about regulations related to SMK3 and
the competence of personnel in the field in implementing SMK3 in the substation
construction project (ADHIEM, PERMANA, & FATURAHMAN, 2021).
Previous research "Project Risk Analysis with the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Method (Case Study: Lampung Modern Library Project at Advanced Stage)"
Risk events can be studied in the form of fishbone diagrams and analyzed using the
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The AHP method will provide a significant
risk priority order to the project cost. This study was conducted based on a questionnaire
to determine the frequency of risks and the impact of risks.
The results of the study showed a high-risk rating based on the risk factor value
(FR). The risk with the highest risk factor is an addendum with FR = 0.5574 which is
categorized as a moderate level risk. Meanwhile, the risk with another medium-level
category is the risk of design changes with FR = 0.4695, and the low level is damage to
the main facilities by a third party with Risk Factor FR = 0.1459.
The handling of addendum risks is by accelerating the administrative process of
submitting addendums so that there are no delays in work. Meanwhile, the risk of design