pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 8 August 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2936
Software Defect Elimination Information System in Software
House Company
Johannes Simatupang
Universitas Bina Nusantara, Indonesia
Keywords: software
testing, software defects,
zero defect application
In software that is free from defects or errors, a fixed method
and technique of software testing is required. For this step,
an Information System is needed to help eliminate software
defects, so that testing or testing work is not a burden on
software costs but is a perfection of software development
work so that Zero Defect Application Software can be
realized. From several software testing methods and
techniques, a strategy suitable for the size of a software
development project is required. So even though the
software development project is small, it still requires a
suitable test. And for software development testing to have
reliable quality, it is necessary to measure and criteria for
each software testing practice, so that a software
development project can be determined in quality. To
support software testing work, an Information System is
needed that supports the need for processors to assess a
quality software development test. With the Software Defect
Elimination Information System, an objective quality of
software development testing can be produced.
Software or Software as a form of work of software development is an important
right. The quality of a Software or Software reflects the quality of the Software Engineer
team itself (Rifa’i, Ananda, & Fadhli, 2018). Customer satisfaction determines how
successfully a software or software is implemented in an organization's environment.
Software that is categorized as office automation steps the management in making
decisions, accelerates the filing of a file and steps up personnel in collaborating with other
colleagues using the internet as an infrastructure (Jauhari, Anamisa, & Mufarroha, 2022).
Companies that process software are not spared from defects or defects in production
results. Software called service packs, patches, and percentage updates are common
actions to fix defects in their work (Hutabarat, 2022).
A study conducted by the International Business Machine (IBM) (James W.
Cortada, 1995) shows that every software application development at IBM results in 60
(60) software defects. A study conducted by IBM also showed that 50% (fifty per cent)
Software Defect Elimination Information System in Software House Company
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of programming time is used for error detection. And 80% (eighty per cent) is used for
error detection after the programming stage (Sudipa et al., 2023). At least 10 (10) times
the cost is spent on correcting errors at the programming stage and 100 (one hundred)
times the cost is spent on correcting production errors (Reivaldi Kesuma Kagi,
Muchammad Ficky Duskarnaen, & Hamidillah Ajie, 2020).
William E Perry explained, "Too little testing of software is a crime, too much is a
sin". Most of the problems that arise concerning software testing are failure to define
software testing goals, software testing being carried out at the wrong stage in the
software development cycle, and ineffective testing techniques.
Figure 1. Software Testing Cost Curve (William E. Perry, 2006)
Based on Figure 1 If the Cost of Software Testing increases, then the number of
undetected software defects decreases. However, cost-effectiveness can be achieved if
software testing is optimal, and not over-tested. What is meant by Over Test is testing
excessive software so that the cost of testing is more expensive (Prastyo, Suhartono,
Faisal, Yaqin, & Firdaus, 2024).
Software that is categorized as Application Software, which is produced by a
Software House or Consulting Company is used to support the business process (Business
Process) of a client company. Application Software is made in a tailor-made way, tailored
to the needs of the end-user (Pamuji, 2018). User Expectation of an Application Software
is a benchmark of customer satisfaction. Before the Application Software is released and
implemented, the software developer conducts software testing or Software Testing.
Internally, at this time the Software House Company is focusing on providing a service
in the form of Zero-Defect Application Software, Definition of Zero-Defect, trying to
minimize software defects produced by the Software Engineer Team. If Zero-Detect
Application Software is achieved, it can be concluded that customer satisfaction is met.
Then customer relationship management can be easily formed so that the status of the
customer will change from a satisfied customer to a loyal customer towards the Software
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Software developed in a tailor-made manner, at the implementation stage based on
daily experience, there are deviations from the end-user and third-party software,
resulting in an Application Software that is developed tends to have defects or defects.
This is experienced by the Software House Software Engineer Team. Of course, based on
the bad experience at the implementation stage, the management wants a solution strategy
for "Software Defect Elimination". The solution strategy that the management expects is
of course by paying attention to the best cost, time, and human resources.
"V-Concept" Software Testing
The steps of the software test process are, first, Assess the development plan and
status: the testers create a test plan that will be used for the evaluation of the software to
be implemented. Second, Develop the test plan, and form a test plan with the same pattern
for several software development testing processes. Third, test software requirements, the
inability to get the right needs during the request collection stage can increase
implementation costs and must determine end-user requests accurately and completely
and do not cause conflicts with others. Fourth, the software design test, externally and
internally, the software design has been tested, the testers pay attention to the design
which is the objectivity of the end-user request. Fifth, test software construction, the
chosen approach to develop software from the internal design will determine the type and
activity for testing, if the software is developed using the "Waterfall" life cycle, then
verification and subject to error are needed. Sixth, Execute tests, involve testing coding
in a dynamic state, approach methods and tools specifically in the test plan used to
validate the executable code according to the end-user requirements and structural
specifications of the design. Seventh, Acceptance test, acceptance testing allows users of
software to evaluate the applicability of software that will be used daily. Eighth Report
test result, report testing is a continuous process, defects will appear in the test, and then
corrections can be made by considering low costs. Ninth, test software installation, the
ability to execute software that is the result of production, so it is necessary to test the
environment of the software. Tenth Test software changes, after the software is
successfully implemented, and then the performance of the software is maintained.
Eleventh Evaluate test effectiveness, improving the quality of testing can be achieved by
conducting an effective evaluation of the test at the end of each software development.
Research Methods
For the development of an information system for the imitation of software defects,
the following steps are needed to research the problem: formulating the research problem
and limiting it, after which data collection through interviews, observations on several
software development projects and literature studies by referring to books and the
internet. Analyze relevant data filtering case studies, group and classify data as needed,
and select strategies and information system design models to support the proposed
strategy. Solution Design for case studies, namely, System design analysis in general
through the formation of data models and process models, Information System prototype
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2939
design to support software defect elimination strategies as well as design testing and
Information System development products are presented in the form of software.
Software is a form of work of one or several programmers. Software consists of programs
that are organized to achieve the goals of the software as a representation of the
information system being developed. Models of the software development cycle have
evolved since the history of software development and the programming language
generation was developed. Another software development model is Prototyping, which
is the process of a "Software Engineer" creating a software model to be developed. The
difference in the properties of the desired product is called a defect, a state in which
software is free from defects is called a Zero-Defect. Software defect prediction is one of
the important activities in the testing phase or stage of the software development life cycle
(De, Malik, Ghosh, Saha, & Saha, 2015) proven in 2002, according to NIST (National
Institute of Standards and Technology).
Information is one of the important resources available to managers (Mcleod Jr,
1995). The output of information generated by the computer is used by both managers
and other people in an organization. The first important computer application is
processing data for the accounting section (Accounting Information System - AIS).
Strategy management is defined as a set of decisions and actions that result in the
formulation and implementation of plans designed to achieve the Company's objectives.
Customer satisfaction is a function of performance and expectations. If the performance
is below expectations, the customer is said to be dissatisfied. If the performance is by
expectations (expectations). Software testing is a key component and quality assurance
of software and represents the subject matter of specifications, design and coding
(Herdiyanto & Lukman, 2022). In software development, software engineers try to
develop software from abstract concepts to visible implementations, and then test the
software. Software Engineer creates a list of test cases intended to disassemble software
that has already been built. For any software development project, there is an inherent
conflict of interest that occurs at the time testing begins. Several companies engaged in
software development technology services provide services for software testing in
addition to software development services themselves.
Black-box testing is an alternative to the white-box method, which is a
complementary approach. By applying the black-box method, we attract a series of test
care, the first of which is a test care that reduces the price of more than one, and a test
care that tells us something about the presence or absence of an error class. Then using
the white-box testing method, the software engineer can provide assurance that all paths
are independent on a capital, use all logical decisions on the true and false sides, and use
structure and internals to guarantee validity. Both methods use testing techniques for their
Table 1
Testing Technique
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Determine System
Performs With Expected
System Achieves Desired
Level Of Proficiency
System Can Be Returned
To An Operational Status
After A Failure
System Can Be Executed
In A Normal Operational
System Is Protected By
Standards And Procedure
System Is Protected By
Importance To
System Performs As
Verifies That Anything
Unchanged Still Performs
Errors Can Be Prevented
Or Detected
The People-Computer
Interaction Works
Data Is Correctly Passed
From System To System
Controls Reduce System
Risk to An Acceptable
Old System and New
System Are Run And The
Results Compared To
Software quality measurement is a quantification of the results of evaluation. The
quantification of the results was obtained using scoring, as a measurement tool to describe
the state of software testing. Each rating obtained is multiplied by a factor, and then a
score evaluation worksheet for measuring the quality of soft warfare testing is prepared.
so by measuring the quality of software testing, the quality of the software developed can
be determined. By using a measurement model with 3 levels, namely factor, criteria and
Results and Discussion
Based on the results of software testing, it is not only the responsibility of the
Software Engineer Team. It is the joint responsibility of a Company to demonstrate
software that has been tested or is free of defects. Therefore, testing of software requires
good and proper management. When planning or planning a software development
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project, it is necessary to consider the strategic plans of a software development project
to be implemented. When organizing or organizing a team of software testers, it can be
determined who the staff is involved, there is already a clear job description to be
implemented and the goals of the job description. At the time of actuating or
implementing software testing, the software tester has the expected goal of a device being
tested. At the time of controlling or controlling the work, each person who is responsible
for the formation of a software tester team can already account for the results of testing
software developed for the project leader. The controlling started at the planning time and
continued at the time of organizing and more presentations (%) supervision at the time of
actuating. To avoid the impact that will arise, it is necessary to evaluate the software
development work and develop an appropriate formula for designing application software
to support the work process of eliminating software defects.
The developed Software Defect Elimination Information System can be described
using the following Context Diagram:
The context of the diagram describes the data flows between system entities. The
context diagram of the Software Defect Elimination Information System in Software
House describes the data that is related to software testing.
The context of the sister diagram above illustrates the relationship between the
entities involved in the software testing that is carried out, namely: first, the project
manager who receives an assignment from management to lead and manage a software
development project including testing as an activity to realize customer satisfaction. The
project manager is responsible for managing projects that are being started and will be
completed. Second, software developers receive assignments from project managers who
also serve as software architects, to determine the software architecture developed with
standardization. Third, a software tester is a software test that is being developed, working
together in an integrated manner. The fourth customer, namely the user of the software
Opening_New_Project Testing_Workpaper
Opening_New_Project Testing_Workpaper
Figure 1 Context Diagram of Elimination Information
System Cacat Perangkat Lunak
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developed, is coordinated by a counterpart from the customer side and works together
with the project manager in completing the software project.
For Software Submission Monitoring, in the Information System, there are two
monitoring tools, namely the Testing Score Evaluation Graph and the Testing Cost
Evaluation Graph. Figure 2 Software Test Score Evaluation shows how many Test
Iterations are performed so that the best Score can be achieved.
Figure 2 Evaluation of Software Testing Score
In addition to paying attention to the Software Testing Score Evaluation Graph,
other oversight is needed regarding the cost of submission. In Graph 7. Describe the costs
required for each Software Testing Iteration.
Graph 3 Software Testing Cost Evaluation
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Benchmarking the quality of software testing requires standardization of
assessment. The best quality assessment today uses scoring techniques because the
technique is assumed to have high objectivity. After several tests, an Assessment score
will be obtained. Assessment scores are used as an assessment for each activity, the goal
is to avoid test failures so that other testing work is not wasted. After the assessment is
passed with the conditions that meet the requirements, the test assessment is continued
using weighting for each testing factor so that an index factor is obtained. Then the index
factor is obtained, then the conclusion of software testing evaluation based on the
evaluation criteria is a benchmark for the success rate of software development so that
the goal of making Zero Defect Application Software is realized.
Figure 4 Evaluation Result based on Index Factor Test
The Software Defect Elimination Information System is designed to assist software
developer stakeholders in taking action and planning for software testing. The system
assists in evaluating tests, displaying graphs of test scores, as well as costs for
considerations, and recording software that has been released and fixed for bugs or errors.
By conducting software testing, it is proven that software defects can be eliminated. The
magnitude of the defects eliminated depends on the number of test iterations performed
and how many test techniques are empowered. The more testing techniques used, the
higher the weight of the test.
Software testing is not just an individual activity, but a teamwork, so a proper and
efficient organization is needed for the implementation of software testing. Stakeholders
involved in this test include daily implementers or users, software engineers, project
managers, and Quality Control staff or software testers. Software testing can be done by
referring to the Matrix of strategies, methods, and techniques of software testing so that
in practice testing on a software development project is adjusted to the cost and size of
the project. The Software Defect Elimination Information System has a clear size and
criteria to determine the quality of software development tests based on Index Factors and
Evaluation Results so that Zero-Defect Application Software can be realized, which has
an impact on customer satisfaction with the company.
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With a strategy for software development testing, the need for human resources can
be planned, and the testing stages can be carried out according to the available techniques.
This system helps the tester team assess the software testing work objectively because the
testing work paper data is stored in a database. Software testing iterations can be carried
out as efficiently as possible with the help of the Software Defect Elimination Information
System. Defects or bugs that arise after the software is released will be input into the
database for re-analyzing software development or as a knowledge base for new software
development testing work.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2945
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