p–ISSN: 2723 – 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5337Development of Digital Al-Qur'ran Application forVocational School Entrepreneur Tahfidz Tiles Through aDesign Thinking ApproachAbdurrochimInstitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, IndonesiaEmail: [email protected]*CorrespondenceABSTRACTKeywords: digital Qur'an,design thinking, SMKentrepreneur tahfidz tiles.This research develops a digital Qur'an application centeredon the needs of its users in the world of education. Thepurpose of this study is to find out user needs, design aprototype of the digital Qur'an application, and find out thenewness of the application based on user needs. Thisresearch uses the Design Thinking method in each stage,namely the stage of problem analysis (empathize), problemframing (define), determination of ideas and solutions(ideate), product design (prototype), and product testing(test). Based on the response of users in the empathize stagewith a sample of 43 people selected by random sampling andthen analyzed at the define stage, it was found that users needan application that has good security features, users needlearning features related to Islam, users need a feature thatcan review reading and memorization progress, users needa word-by-word and per-verse translation feature for free,and users need an application that does not take up muchspace on the phone's memory. Based on the results of theresearch on the development of the digital Qur'anapplication, it was found that 2 new features of the digitalQur'an application suit the needs of users. These features arefeatures to review the progress of reading and memorizationas well as features that contain Islamic teachings such as theteachings of aqidah, morals, hadith, Do-a collections, andshalawat collections.IntroductionAlong with the development of information technology, the Qur'an is currently notonly available in physical book form but has also been made in digital form. Thedigitization of the Qur'an is developed in the form of applications and websites that canbe accessed through smartphones and computers. (Shameera, Nadhira, & Shibly, 2017).The digital Qur'an application is distributed to the public without the need for payment.The facilities in the Al-Qur'an application generally include features for reading,searching for verses, and translation. (Mulyana, Zidane, Hidayat, & Rochman, 2024). Abdurrochim
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5338
The rise of the use of the digital Qur'an is encouraging progress for Muslims and
the general public who want to study and learn about the Qur'an. However, on the other
hand, the rampant use of the digital Qur'an also raises problems related to standardization
in the writing of the Qur'an, which is very diverse. (Hendratmi, Ryandono, &
Sukmaningrum, 2020). This happens because some of the digital Qur'an applications
circulating in the community, especially applications in the form of smartphone
applications, come from foreign products whose writing sometimes does not follow the
standards for writing Qur'an verses by the habits of the Indonesian people. (Mustafida,
Fauziah, & Kurnia, 2021).
The strategy of using the digital Qur'an can increase the efficiency of learning the
Qur'an by presenting features based on user needs so that readers can achieve a denser
presentation of vocabulary, guide readers to more quickly identify and understand the
content of the Qur'an, and build stronger connections in studying and studying the Qur'an.
This is in line with research conducted by (Hidayat, 2016) Which discusses the digital
Qur'an in terms of its diversity, problems, and future.
Researchers developed a digital Qur'an application to make it easier for users to
learn. As we know humans read through patterns that are often seen or heard. Through
the digital Qur'an application developed by researchers, the researcher hopes that users
who use the application can quickly understand the meaning of the word verse and be
correct in reading or reciting the Qur'an wherever they are and whenever they want to
learn it. (Yuliadi, 2024).
Through this study, researchers try to dig deeper into the user experience with the
Design Thinking approach. This research process will go through 5 (five) stages of the
Design Thinking process, namely empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test in its
design. Successful design thinking must have several qualities, including creativity and
visualization, that have been recognized in the literature. (Razzouk & Shute, 2012). In
addition, Design Thinking was chosen because it is a user-centered framework, Design
Thinking is a reference so that the research carried out can focus directly on user needs
so that the results are really according to user needs. This research is expected to provide
convenience for users to increase effectiveness and efficiency in studying the Qur'an
properly and correctly.
The objectives of this study are as follows:
1. To find out the needs of users in the development of digital Qur'an applications at SMK
Entrepreneur Tahfidz Genteng.
2. To find out the prototype design in the development of the digital Qur'an application
at SMK Entrepreneur Tahfidz Genteng.
3. To find out the newness of the application in the development of the digital Qur'an
application at SMK Entrepreneur Tahfidz Genteng.
Research Stages
Development of Digital Al-Qur'ran Application for Vocational School Entrepreneur Tahfidz
Tiles Through a Design Thinking Approach
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In the process of developing a digital Qur'an application, the researcher develops a
digital Qur'an application through the Design Thinking stage as a method used to
determine the application design needed by users as a basis in the process of making a
digital Qur'an application as the final product in this study. (Sugiyono, 2017).
Location and Subject of Research
This research was conducted at SMK Entrepreneur Tahfidz Genteng. The
researcher chose SMK Entrepreneur Tahfidz Genteng because the location of the school
can be reached by researchers, and the school is a school that combines technology with
Islamic religious teachings so the school is suitable to be used as a location for research
on the development of digital Qur'an applications. The main target of the study is students
in grades X, XI, and XII at SMK Entrepreneur Tahfidz Genteng, using random sampling
Research Instruments
The research instruments used in this study include:
1. Observation (shadowing) is a data collection technique by making observations at the
research location based on the need for information that the researcher wants to get.
This technique is used by researchers to collect preliminary data. So that the researcher
already has an overview and goals before conducting interviews with users.
2. Interview, the interview technique used in this study is a direct interview technique. In
general, interviews are used to complete the information obtained from the
questionnaire filled out by the respondents. Interviews are possible to be conducted
with students as users and principals as clients at SMK Entrepreneur Tahfidz Genteng
regarding the use of digital Qur'an applications at the SMK.
3. Questionnaire (Questionnaire), used to capture or collect data on the effectiveness of
the use of interactive media based on the digital Qur'an application developed by
looking at aspects of flow and content based on user needs, in this case, grade XII
students majoring in Visual Communication Design at SMK Entrepreneur Tahfidz
Genteng to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the developed products that are
by the actual user needs.
Each research instrument used in this study can help in solving research problems,
so the researcher chose to use these instruments in the research process of developing
digital Qur'an applications at SMK Entrepreneur Tahfidz Genteng.
Results and Discussion
User Journey Map
After determining user personas based on categories, namely the active user
category as many as 26%, passive users as many as 70%, and novice users as many as
4% of the 43 respondents. Then at this stage, the researcher will explore the user
experience based on the category from the results of interviews at the empathize stage.
The following are the results of the user journey map based on the user category.
Active user journey map
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5340
Based on the results of the Point of view with the active user category, it was found
that active users consisted of respondents 1, 3 respondents, 6 respondents, 14 respondents,
17 respondents, 19 respondents, 30 respondents, 32 respondents, 35 respondents, and 40
respondents with their respective needs and reasons based on their respective experiences
based on the experience of using the digital Qur'an application. Figure 4.7 below is the
user journey map in the active user category.
Figure 1 User journey map of active user categories
Based on Figure 1 of the active user journey map, it was found that there were
several obstacles in the use of the application and there was one obstacle in the account
login section, from these obstacles then the user provided several solution suggestions,
namely the sharia teaching and Islamic studies feature, the marking or review of reading
progress, smaller application storage space, free features, offline applications. In the login
section, users give suggestions to use g-mail account verification.
Based on solution suggestions from active users, the opportunity that can be
improved by researchers, in this case, is to provide a user account security feature so that
it cannot be used by others without the user's permission, then provide an Islamic religious
learning feature, provide a feature to assess and review the user's reading and
Development of Digital Al-Qur'ran Application for Vocational School Entrepreneur Tahfidz
Tiles Through a Design Thinking Approach
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5341
memorization progress, and simplify the application so that it does not take up much space
on the cellphone (HP) memory storage.
Testing Stage
After going through the stages of empathizing, defining, ideating, and prototyping,
the testing stage is then carried out. At this stage, the researcher provides access to users
to use or operate the digital Qur'an application developed by the researcher for a time
frame of one hour, so that users can give an assessment of the application.
After an hour of trial use of the digital Qur'an application by users. The researcher
then provided a questionnaire in the form of questions related to the digital Qur'an
application resulting from the development. The technique used at this stage is the
usability testing technique as a tool to see user ratings of the product being developed.
The users in this case are students of SMK Entrepreneur Tahfidz Genteng Classes X, XI,
and XII of the Visual Communication Design Department who are selected by random
sampling which totals 43 people.
Testing Results
The questions asked by the researcher in this testing stage consist of 4 aspects,
namely related to programming aspects, content aspects, display or design aspects, and
user satisfaction aspects to the developed regulations. The following are the test results
obtained by the researcher from user feedback selected by random sampling using a Likert
scale assessment from the value range of 1 to 5, as follows:
1. How easy is it for you to use or operate the digital Qur'an application resulting from
the development?
Figure 2 Results of user ratings related to product operation
In Figure 2 above, it is known that as many as 27 users rated the operation of the
product with a value of 5 which means it is easy to use, then 13 users gave a value of 4
which means it is quite easy to use, and as many as 3 users gave a value of 3 which means
neutral or not easy and not difficult to use.
2. In your opinion, what is the value of the accuracy of the reaction of the buttons or
menus in the developed digital Qur'an application?
Likert scale value (1 to 5)
User Assessment Results
Regarding the ease of operation of the
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5342
Figure 3
Results of user ratings regarding the accuracy of button reactions
In Figure 3 above, it is known that as many as 18 users rated the accuracy of the
button reaction with a value of 5 which means good, then as many as 22 users gave a
value of 4 which means quite good, and as many as 5 users gave a value of 3 which means
neutral or between less and good enough.
3. In your opinion, what is the value related to the appearance or design of the digital
Qur'an application that is developed?
Figure 4
User ratings related to product appearance or design
In Figure 4 above, it is known that as many as 17 users rated the appearance or
design of the developed digital Qur'an application at a value of 5 which means good or
good, then as many as 26 users gave a value of 4 which means the display is quite good
or quite good.
4. In your opinion, what is the value related to the Khazanah feature that contains
Islamic lessons?
User Assessment Results
Regarding the Accuracy of Button
0 0
1 2 3 4 5
Likert scale value (1 to 5)
Likert scale value (1 to 5)
User Assessment Results
Related to product appearance or
Development of Digital Al-Qur'ran Application for Vocational School Entrepreneur Tahfidz
Tiles Through a Design Thinking Approach
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5343
Figure 5
User ratings related to Khazanah features
In Figure 5 above, it is known that as many as 41 users gave a score of 5 to the
Khazanah feature which contains Islamic lessons which means the feature is good or
good, then as many as 2 users gave a score of 4 to the Khazanah feature which means the
feature is quite good. (Arifin, 2018).
5. In your opinion, what is the value related to the reading and memorization review
feature in the developed digital Qur'an application?
Figure 6
User ratings related to the reading and memorization review feature
In Figure 6 above, it is known that as many as 40 users gave a score of 5 related to
the reading and memorization review feature which means the feature is in a good
category, then as many as 3 users gave a score of 4 which means the feature is quite good.
The digital Qur'an application has been widely developed by many students and the
general public, but the research on the development of the digital Qur'an application
focuses on the development of the Qur'an application in particular in the educational
User Assessment
Related Khazanah50
0 0 0 2
1 2 3 4 5
Likert scale value (1 to 5)
User Assessment Results
Related Reading and Memorization
0 0 0 3
1 2 3 4 5
Likert scale value (1 to 5)
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5344
environment to be used by students and teachers who can make it easier for them to learn
to read and memorize the Qur'an, as well as in general
can be used by the community to utilize the application developed to help the user
community in learning the Qur'an, this is in line with the opinion of Rianto (Sadiman
Arif, 2010) who said that in addition to accelerating the learning process, the help of
audio-visual media the digital Qur'an can quickly increase the level of intelligence,
change passive and static attitudes to active and dynamic.
This research aims to develop a digital Qur'an application that is centered on the
needs of the target or its users, in this case, especially students in the educational
environment and society in general. To be able to achieve the expected goals in this
research, the researcher uses the Design Thinking research method, where the Design
Thinking method is a research method that focuses on the stages of research based on the
user's response from the initial stage to the final stage, as stated by Kelley and Brown in
(Lazurdy & Sukoco, 2019) said that the Design Thinking approach is a human-centered
approach to innovation that taken to integrate the needs of people as users. Design
Thinking includes the stages of analysis (emphasize), framing problems (define), making
ideas (ideate), designing prototypes (prototypes), and testing (test). Meanwhile, (Plattner,
2015) revealed that the most important thing in design thinking is to build innovators who
can use the Design Thinking paradigm to turn ideas into reality, transform organizations,
and change all aspects of life.
Based on these expert opinions, it can be concluded that the Design Thinking
method is the most suitable method for use in research and development of a product,
business development, and others. This is because Design Thinking prioritizes and
involves users or customers in determining services on products, or features on products
that suit the needs of users or customers.
The development of digital Qur'an applications in the educational environment
generally contains several simple features that can complement the usefulness of the
Qur'an application as an effective learning medium in learning the Qur'an. Several studies
on the digital Qur'an are references in this study, namely in his journal Efenddy (2018)
raised topics related to the law on the use of the digital Qur'an, stating that it is permissible
although some argue that the law of reading the Qur'an in the form of a physical book and
reading the digital Qur'an are different laws and practices.
Along with the advancement of information and communication technology,
currently, learning in all fields has become very easy, especially the Qur'an which also
gets ease in learning it, for example in the past before the existence of sophisticated
technology such as the internet, if someone wanted to learn the Qur'an must come to a
scholar, teacher or ustad and others, but in this era, the sophistication of information and
communication technology can create conveniences in learning the Qur'an, such as the
existence of a digital Qur'an application that can be used on smartphones and laptops with
the availability of features that make it easier to study the Qur'an. This is evidenced by
research conducted by (Alwi, Anas, Ibrahim, Dahan, & Yaacob, 2014) which found that
19 digital Qur'an applications are still active and can be downloaded for personal
Development of Digital Al-Qur'ran Application for Vocational School Entrepreneur Tahfidz
Tiles Through a Design Thinking Approach
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5345
computers and laptops and there are 245 digital Qur'an applications for smartphones with
their advantages and disadvantages.
The results of the development of the reading and memorization progress review feature
are expected to help and facilitate students and the general public in reading and
memorizing the Qur'an, as well as Islamic learning features that are expected to help
students and the general public understand Islamic teachings, in this case, the teachings
of aqidah, morals, hadith, a collection of Prayers and a collection of prayers available in
the application that has been developed.
The advantages and disadvantages contained in this research depend on how we
look at it and what the obstacles are in conducting research. Regarding the development
and use of the digital Qur'an as a learning medium, it is very good to continue to be
developed to make it easier for users to learn and recognize the Qur'an. With the existence
of a digital Qur'an application, it is hoped that it will not reduce the value of the Qur'an
itself, but can make users more active in reading and studying the Qur'an.
Based on the formulation of the problem and the purpose of the research in this
study, it is to find out the level of user needs, how to design the prototype of the digital
Qur'an application as a result of the analysis, and to find out the newness of the application
needed by users in the world of education at SMK Entrepreneur Tahfidz Genteng. The
results of the analysis of user needs at the empathize stage through user interviews, in this
case, students in grades X, XII, and XII at SMK Entrepreneur Tahfidz Genteng with a
sample of 43 students selected by random sampling. Then the results of the interview
were analyzed at the define stage, the results of the analysis of user needs at the define
stage found that there are 5 types of user needs based on user experience in utilizing the
digital Qur'an application, namely users need sharia teaching features and Islamic studies
that contain material on moral teachings, aqidah, hadith, Do'a-doa and a collection of
shalawat. The results of the development of the digital Qur'an application in this study
found that there were 2 new features based on the results of user needs interviews. These
features are features to review the progress of reading and memorization of users, as well
as features that contain Islamic teachings such as the teachings of aqidah, morals, hadith,
a collection of Prayers, and a collection of shalawat.
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5346
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