pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 8 August 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3190
The Implementation of Planning and Budgeting System
Redesign in Efforts to Reform Planning and Budgeting
Kartika Sukma Oktanidya
Perencana Ahli Muda pada Badan Pusat Statistik, Indonesia
Keywords: redesign,
planning, budgeting,
The Redesign of the Planning and Budgeting System (RSPP)
is one of the government's efforts to realise effective and
efficient planning and budgeting at the central and regional
levels. The implementation of RSPP is expected to be able
to answer problems in the planning and budgeting system,
including the inconsistency of central and regional
expenditure programs, differences in programs used in
planning and budgeting documents, the formulation of
program nomenclature and normative outcomes, and
development performance information in planning and
budgeting documents that are difficult for the public to
understand. However, in its implementation, there are still
problems faced by Ministries/Institutions so the Ministry of
Finance together with the Ministry of National Development
Planning/Bappenas need to periodically evaluate the
formulation of RSPP in Ministries/Institutions through the
Work Plan and Budget documents that have been issued. The
process of improving the implementation of RSPP in
Ministries/Institutions is followed by improving the
guidelines and rules that oversee the implementation of
RSPP in Indonesia. Several policies need to be taken to
support the implementation of RSPP, namely the Logical
Framework policy in the Formulation of Performance and
Performance Indicators as well as the Synchronization of
Planning and Budgeting Documents through the Integration
of Planning and Budgeting Applications so that planning and
budgeting documents become harmonious and easy to
understand. For the implementation of RSPP to be effective
and efficient, the Ministry of Finance together with the
Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas need
to periodically evaluate the performance information that
has been prepared by the Ministries/Institutions by the
Regulation on the Implementation of Planning and
Budgeting System Redesign.
The Implementation of Planning and Budgeting System Redesign in Efforts to Reform Planning
and Budgeting
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Planning and budgeting are two things that are interrelated and require synergy to
realize effective and efficient planning and budgeting (Sodikin, 2020). Efforts to improve
the quality of planning and budgeting in Indonesia began with the launch of the reform
of state financial management (Suryadi, 2023). This reform was marked by the enactment
of Law Number 17 of 2003 concerning State Finance, Law Number 1 of 2004 concerning
the State Treasury and Law Number 15 of 2004 concerning the Audit of State Financial
Management and Responsibility. Meanwhile, related to planning, was marked by the
enactment of Law Number 25 of 2004 concerning the National Development Planning
System (Zunaidi & Santoso, 2021).
By the mandate of Law Number 17 of 2003 concerning State Finance, the
preparation of planning and budgeting by Ministries/Institutions are guided by 3 (three)
budgeting systems, namely (1) Unified Budgeting Approach, (2) Performance-Based
Budgeting Approach and (3) Medium Term Expenditure Framework Approach (Rahim,
2022). The Integrated Budgeting Approach is carried out by integrating the entire
planning and budgeting process within the Ministries/Institutions to produce RKA-K/L
documents with budget classifications according to organization, function and type of
expenditure (economy). The performance-based budgeting approach is a budgeting
system that pays attention to the relationship between funding and performance and pays
attention to efficiency in achieving this performance (Anggriawan, 2023). Meanwhile,
the KPJM Approach is a policy-based budget preparation that causes budget implications
for more than 1 (one) year (Purnomo, 2021).
The implementation of the Law package in the field of State Finance does not
automatically result in effective and efficient state financial management (Madjid, 2020).
To improve Performance-Based Budgeting, especially regarding the measurement and
evaluation of budget performance, the Government issued Government Regulation (PP)
Number 90 of 2010 concerning the Preparation of Work Plans and Budgets of
Ministries/Institutions (RKA-K/L) (Pratama, 2017). Ministries/Institutions and Local
Governments (Pemda) are introduced to the reward and punishment system and the
application of fee standards. In addition, to answer the challenge of disintegration in
program and budget planning, the government passed Government Regulation Number
17 of 2017 concerning Planning and Budgeting Synchronization which regulates the role
of institutions and responsibilities for the preparation of national development plans and
budgets as well as the control of the achievement of development goals (Sihaloho, Ariza,
& Munandar, 2024).
However, as the planning and budgeting process in Indonesia has been running
for approximately 8 (eight) years, Budget Reform is considered to still not show the
effectiveness of planning and budgeting through the results of evaluations conducted by
the Ministry of Finance and the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas). The
results of the evaluation include 4 (four) things, namely (Ministry of Finance, 2020):
1. Central and regional spending programs are not synchronized so their performance
achievements have not met the target;
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2. The programs used in planning and budgeting documents are different so they are
difficult to consolidate;
3. The formulation of program nomenclature and the outcome of a program are not
directly visible (normative); and
4. Development information contained in budgeting planning documents is difficult for
the public to understand.
The results of the evaluation show that the challenges and needs to improve the
quality of the budget and the implementation of the Money Follow program reflect the
duties and functions of the Ministries/Institutions as well as the program objectives
(outcomes) (Amin, 2019). In addition, the preparation of planning, budgeting,
implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting becomes easier to consolidate. This
is what prompted the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of National Development
Planning/Bappenas to redesign the Planning and Budgeting System (Biswan & Grafitanti,
The redesign of the Planning and Budgeting System, hereinafter abbreviated as
RSPP, is an alignment between performance-based planning and budgeting, changing
budgeting from an input base to an output base to improve the quality of planning and
budgeting as well as the effectiveness of state spending. RSPP is one of the planning and
budgeting approaches to implement the money-follow program so that it has an impact
on the community (value for money). The RSPP was first implemented during the
preparation of the 2021 State Budget. Guidelines for the preparation of Programs,
Activities and Outputs (outputs) of Ministries/Institutions used in the preparation of
planning and budgeting documents are outlined in the Joint Circular Letter of the Deputy
for Development Financing of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas
and the Directorate General of Budget of the Ministry of Finance Number: S-
122/MK.2/2020 and B-517/M.PPN/D.8/PP.04.03/05/2020, Date: June 24, 2020, Matter:
Guidelines for Redesigning the Planning and Budgeting System. The general purpose of
implementing RSPP is to realize more targeted and flexible planning and budgeting as
well as to improve the relationship between budget allocation and performance.
Planning and budgeting reform is one of the efforts to realize effective and efficient
planning and budgeting. However, over time, planning and budgeting reforms and various
regulations that have been drafted have not succeeded in realizing effective and efficient
planning and budgeting. Therefore, the Indonesian government launched the Redesign of
the Planning and Budgeting System in 2020 which was used for the preparation of the
2021 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).
The redesign of the Planning and Budgeting System can help to accelerate
economic growth and recovery as well as strengthen reforms with detailed and thorough
socialization, as well as periodic supervision and evaluation of each program that is being
implemented. The Redesign of the Planning and Budgeting System will facilitate the
synchronization process between planning and budgeting documents and the information
contained in the Budget Implementation Entry List (DIPA) can be easily understood by
the public (Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, 2020).
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and Budgeting
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Challenges and needs to improve the quality of planning and budgeting in Indonesia
which reflect the functional duties of ministries and ministries and objectives (outcomes)
that reflect the results of national program performance so that an initiative to redesign
the planning and budgeting system has emerged. The implementation of RSPP is expected
to be able to overcome the problem of central and regional spending programs that are
out of sync so that the performance achievements have not met the target. One example
of program missynchronization occurs in the physical Special Allocation Fund (DAK)
regarding road construction between national, provincial and district/city road priorities.
The construction of the road infrastructure is a program of the central government so that
when the infrastructure has been completed and will be handed over to the Regional
Government, the Regional Government refuses because it is not to the needs of the
Regional Government and the consequence is to carry out infrastructure maintenance that
has been programmed by the central government.
In addition, the implementation of the Redesign of the Planning and Budgeting
System is expected to overcome the problem of programs used in different planning and
budgeting documents that it is difficult to consolidate. Before the implementation of the
RSPP, 428 programs overlapped between ministries/institutions. This is because each
echelon official in one ministry/institution submits a program proposal. Therefore,
periodic synchronization is needed between the budget document in Bappenas and the
planning in the respective ministries and agencies with the programs in the budgeting
document (DIPA). For example, there is a Stunting program involving 18
ministries/institutions and local governments, so a cross-ministry/institution program
involved in the program is needed. With the reform of the budget for the implementation
of RSPP in 2021, it can reduce the number of programs from ministries/ministries from
428 to 102 programs consisting of 1 generic program, 17 cross-ministry/institution
programs and 84 specific programs (Sri Mulyani, Media Indonesia 2020).
The next problem is that the formulation of program nomenclature and the outcomes
of a program are not directly visible (normative) so it is difficult to connect the output
and the outcome of the budget. For example, we want the Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP)
to be above 100, which means that farmers have an advantage from the production of
agricultural commodities compared to the amount of farmers' consumption (farmers'
spending). However, the written program nomenclature is normative or cannot be
measured so it will have an impact on the achievement of outcomes (Sri Mulyani, Antara
The development performance information contained in budgeting planning
documents is difficult for the public to understand, and it is also a problem in the planning
and budgeting system that must be overcome. The development performance information
contained in the planning document (Renja K/l) and the budgeting document (DIPA) is
very normative and has too many descriptions, this has caused criticism from various
parties who find it difficult to understand the document which has an impact on the
principle of accountability. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the performance
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information structure so that the relationship between inputs, outputs, outcomes and
impacts can be seen (Olfah et al, 2023).
The four problems and evaluation of the planning and budgeting system in
Indonesia are used as the basis for redesigning the budgeting system which is expected to
be able to clarify the relationship between programs, activities, outputs and outcomes and
can increase synergy between Echelon I work units or between ministries and agencies in
achieving development goals so that spending efficiency is maximized.
The objectives of this study are:
1. Examining the effectiveness and challenges of implementing the Redesign of the
Planning and Budgeting System by Ministries/Institutions;
2. Identify the implementation of the Redesign of the Planning and Budgeting System at
the Central Statistics Agency;
3. Provide recommendations for improvement strategies related to the implementation of
Planning and Budgeting System Redesign in the future to realize effective and efficient
planning and budgeting.
This policy paper will be useful for the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of
National Development Planning/Bappenas to improve the implementation of a more
effective and efficient Planning and Budgeting System Redesign as well as for
Ministries/Institutions in compiling performance information by the program objectives
(outcomes) to be achieved.
Research Methods
The analysis of the discussion in this policy paper uses a descriptive approach based
on literature and a study of laws and regulations related to the Redesign of the Planning
and Budgeting System. The literature used is in the form of documents produced by
Ministries/Institutions as guidelines in the implementation of the Redesign of the
Planning and Budgeting System as well as various rules prepared by the Ministry of
Finance and the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas as guidelines for
the implementation of the Redesign of the Planning and Budgeting System of all
Ministries/Institutions. Until now, there has not been much research or policy paper
related to the implementation of the Redesign of the Planning and Budgeting System in
Indonesia, so the literature is limited to documents made by the Ministry of Finance and
the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas. In addition, the collection of
documents through correspondence with the Ministry of Health and the Supreme Court
related to the implementation of the RSPP.
A case study was also conducted on the implementation of the Redesign of the
Planning and Budgeting System at the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), to see the
effectiveness of the RSPP in the preparation of planning and budgeting documents as well
as the obstacles in the preparation of the RSPP structure in BPS. The data used related to
the implementation of the RSPP at the Central Statistics Agency was obtained from the
Work Plan and Budget (RKA) document in 2021.
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and Budgeting
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Results and Discussion
Effectiveness and Challenges of the Implementation of Planning and Budgeting
System Redesign
The implementation of the Planning and Budgeting System Redesign policy is a
policy rolled out by the government to answer the gap between planning and budgeting.
With the implementation of RSPP, it is hoped that planning and budgeting can go hand
in hand and synchronously to realize effective and efficient planning and budgeting. The
implementation of the RSPP which began in the preparation of the 2021 State Budget has
shown its effectiveness slowly as shown in Table 1.
Table 1
Restructuring of Performance Information for 2020-2021 at the Ministry/Lembaga
January 2021
July 2021
Table 1. shows that the number of programs decreased in mid-2021 after the
implementation of RSPP. The number of programs in 2020 was 414 programs, which
decreased in 2021 to 102 programs consisting of 1 Generic Program, 17 Cross-
Ministry/Institution Technical Programs and 84 Ministry/Institution Specific Technical
Programs. This is to the principles of RSPP implementation, where programs can be
carried out by one or more Echelon I Units, and even one program can be carried out by
one or more Ministries/Institutions. Simplification also occurred in activities, in 2020, the
number of activities was 3,021 activities, which decreased in mid-2021 to 2,502 activities.
The implementation of activities can be carried out by one or more Echelon II Units
within the same Echelon I scope or across Echelon I Units in one Ministry/Institution to
increase synergy in achieving activity goals. The restructuring of performance
information can overcome duplication of budgeting so that it becomes more effective and
According to the Ministry of Finance (2020), the implications of the
implementation of RSPP cause changes in the process of formulating performance
information nomenclature at the following levels:
1. The program, not only describes the duties and functions of Echelon I but also
describes the functions of the Ministries/Institutions themselves which are formulated
directly by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of National Development
Planning/Bappenas as the coordinator of the relevant Ministries/Institutions;
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2. Outcome (Program Objectives), reflects the results of the program's performance to be
achieved at the national level. If the program formulated is cross-
Ministries/Institutions, the nomenclature of program objectives and indicators is
formulated by their respective duties and functions and by their contribution to
achieving the program objectives;
3. Activities, formulated by the activities carried out by the Echelon II unit to produce
output to support the realization of the above goals. Activities can also be cross-
Echelon II units and cross-Echelon I within the same Ministry/Institution;
4. The output, in formulating the output, must reflect the final product produced as "real
work and eye-catching". The formulation of output is divided into Classification of
Output Details (KRO) and Output Details (RO).
The information structure of Program performance, Outcomes (program
objectives), Activities, KRO and RO in the Work Plan and Budget Work Plan of
Ministries/Institutions after the Redesign of the Planning and Budgeting System is
explained in the following figure:
Figure 1. Renja and RKA-K/L Data Structure in RSPP
The implementation of RSPP in the 2021 fiscal year carried out by
Ministries/Institutions is still not optimal in the preparation of performance information
on both KRO and RO programs, and activities. Issues on the implementation of RSPP
from Ministries/Institutions in 2021 include (Ministry of Finance, 2021):
1. The technical program of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry still contains the
Detailed Classification of Output (KRO) and Detailed Output (RO) for Generic
Programs in some ministries and agencies.
2. The technical program of the Ministry of Ministries and Agencies still contains non-
specific ROs, including:
a. The nomenclature of RO is the same as KRO
Indikator Kinerja
Indikator Output
Indikator kinerja
Klasifikasi Rincian
Rincian Output
Indikator KRO
Indikator RO
Lokasi RO
Tagging: PN, PP, KP,
ProPN, JanPres, MP,
Upload: RAB&TOR
Unit Kerja Es 2
Jenis Komponen
Pengadaan Barang
& Jasa
Output Kegiatan
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b. RO units in the form of packages/activities
c. RO is not an end product and/or the beneficiary of RO is not external to the
Ministry of Ministries
3. The Technical KRO still contains generic components
4. RO with units that are not of the same type/equivalent/cognate with KRO so that the
sum of the RO volume becomes biased.
5. RO that is not the same as KRO
The existence of implementation issues as a result of the initial evaluation
conducted by the Ministry of Finance can be used as a guideline by Ministries/Institutions
to improve performance information in the process of preparing the K/L Work Plan in the
following year.
Based on the RSPP principles set by the Ministry of Finance together with the
Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, the programs of
Ministries/Institutions are grouped into 2 (two), namely:
1. Generic Program (supportive)
The nomenclature formula used in the RSPP is a management support program.
The management support program is a program designed to support the implementation
of the Ministries/Institutions in running the government (bureaucracy). The KRO and RO
used are KRO and RO that support the internal administrative activities of the
2. Technical Programs
The technical program is a program designed to implement national development
priorities that have been set out in the 2020-2024 RPJMN and the Government Work Plan
(RKP). The technical programs of Ministries/Institutions are grouped into 2, namely:
a. Technical programs are Cross-Ministries/Institutions, which are the government's
flagship programs that are implemented by more than 1 () Ministries/Institutions that
are thematic and sustainable.
b. Specific technical programs implemented by 1 Ministry/Institution
The management support program is a merger of several supporting programs of
Ministries/Institutions that have currently been implemented in Ministries/Institutions,
namely the technical management support program of the Ministry/Institution, the
apparatus supervision program, the facilities and infrastructure program, the training
program/BPSDM and the R&D program as long as it does not produce products that will
be mass-produced/implemented. The training program in question is as long as the
participants or beneficiaries are the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) or the participants come
from the general public but the graduates will become ASN.
The implementation of the Redesign of the Planning and Budgeting System has
not been fully by expectations. Some Ministries/Institutions still exist where the
Management Support Program is used by the Technical Work Units, for example, internal
services spread across the Technical Work Units. This will result in duplication of the
budget because the Management Support Program should only be used by the supporting
Work Unit. Therefore, special guidelines are needed related to the standardization of
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KRO and RO which should be in the Management Support Program and the Technical
Program so that there is no confusion of duties and functions. In addition, implementation
issues also occur in technical programs that still contain non-specific RO, for example,
the same RO nomenclature as KRO, the RO unit of the package/activity and the RO is
not the final product and/or the beneficiary of the RO is not external.
Table 2
Program Redesign at the Ministry of Health
Initial Programs (9 Programs)
Redesign 6 Programs
Management Support Program and
Implementation of Other Technical
Tasks of the Ministry of Health
Public Health Programs
Outcome: Increasing the availability and
affordability of quality health services for all
Program to Improve Supervision and
Accountability of the Ministry of
Health Apparatus
Health Service and JKN Program
1. Implementation of strengthening national
health insurance
2. Increasing access to basic health services
and quality referrals for the community
3. Increased access, independence, and quality
of pharmaceutical preparations and medical
4. Increasing the fulfilment of health human
resources according to standards
Health Research and Development
Public Health Development Program
Health Service Development
Vocational Education and Training Program
Outcome: Increasing the fulfilment of health
human resources according to standards
Disease Prevention and Control
Disease Prevention and Control Program
Outcome: Decrease in infectious diseases,
non-communicable diseases, and
improvement in mental health
Pharmaceutical and Medical Device
Science and Technology Research and
Innovation Program
Outcome: Improving the quality of research,
development and its use for health program
policy inputs
Health Human Resources
Development and Empowerment
Program (PPSDMK)
Management Support Program
1. Increasing coordination in the
implementation of duties, coaching and
providing management support of the
Ministry of Health
2. Increasing transparency and accountability
of governance and achieving the goals of
bureaucratic reform in the Ministry of
Program to Strengthen the
Implementation of National Health
Table 2 shows the redesign of the program at the Ministry of Health, the number of
initial programs is 9 programs after implementing the RSPP into 6 programs, consisting
of 1 generic program and 5 technical programs. Simplification of programs at the Ministry
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of Health to realize more effective and efficient planning and budgeting. Simplification
is also carried out on activities, KRO and RO at the Ministry of Health.
Table 3
Program Redesign at the Ministry of Finance
Initial Programs (12 Programs)
Redesign of 5 Programs
Management Support Program and
Implementation of Other Technical
Tasks of the Ministry of Finance
Fiscal Policy Program
Supervision and Accountability
Improvement Program of the Ministry of
Finance Apparatus (ITJEN)
Education, Training and Competency
Certification Program in the Field of
State Finance (BPPK)
State Revenue Management Program
State Budget Management Program
Program to Improve the Quality of
Central and Regional Financial
Relations (DJPK)
State Expenditure Management Program
Financing and Risk Management
Program (DJPPR)
Fiscal and Financial Sector Policy
Formulation Program (BKF)
State Treasury Management Program
Program Pengelolaan Perbendaharaan,
Kekayaan Negara dan Risiko
Tax Revenue Enhancement and Security
Program (DJP)
Supervision, Service and Revenue
Program in the Customs and Excise
Sector (DJBC)
Management Support Program
(All Echelon I Units including BLU)
State Wealth Management Program,
Settlement of State Receivables
Management and Auction Services
Indonesia Service Integration Program
National Single Window (LNSW)
Table 3 shows the restructuring of the Ministry of Finance's program before and
after the implementation of the Redesign of the Planning and Budgeting System. The
number of programs in the Ministry of Finance before the Redesign of the Planning and
Budgeting System was carried out was 12 programs which were held by each Echelon I
Unit. After the implementation of RSPP, the program was simplified into 5 programs
which are an integration of several Echelon I Units. The RSPP at the Ministry of Finance
not only has an impact on the planning and budgeting system but also encourages synergy
and collaboration between echelon I units in the context of carrying out tasks so that they
are more effective and efficient.
Activity Redesign
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In addition to program redesign, activity redesign also needs to be carried out to
simplify activities in Ministries/Institutions to facilitate the assessment of performance
accountability and budget for the implementation of activities. The activities that are
prepared no longer reflect the duties and functions of Echelon II units or vertical Task
Forces from Ministries/Institutions, but rather reflect the activities carried out by the unit
to produce outputs to support the realization of development goals (outcomes). Activities
can be carried out by more than one Echelon II unit within the scope of Echelon I units
or across Echelon I units.
Based on the RSPP principles set by the Ministry of Finance together with the
Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, the formulation of activities is
grouped into 2 (two), namely:
1. Generic Activities (supportive)
Generic activities are activities that support the internal implementation of
Ministries/Institutions (internal management support). Generic activities in the
Management Support Program under the responsibility of the Secretariat General/Main
Secretariat of the Ministry/Institution.
2. Technical Activities
Technical activities are activities related to technical programs, which support the
implementation of the duties and functions of Ministries/Institutions in supporting
national development goals. Technical activities of Ministries/Institutions are grouped
into 2, namely:
1. Technical activities are cross-sectional, which are activities of Ministries/Institutions
carried out by two or more Echelon II Work Units within the same Echelon I Work
Unit or across Echelon I.
2. Specific technical activities carried out by 1 Echelon II unit.
The implementation of activities by two or more Echelon II Units within the same
Echelon I scope aims to improve coordination and synergy between Echelon II Work
Units in achieving certain goals. Cross-border activities are applied not only to the
planning and budgeting process but also to the monitoring and evaluation process as well
as performance accountability assessment. Ministries/institutions that carry out cross-
border activities compile different activity objectives and activity performance indicators
for each implementing work unit.
Table 4
Implementation of RSPP at the Ministry of Health in 2021
Public Health
5 Activities
47 KRO 216 RO
Health Services and
15 Activities
99 KRO 223 RO
Education and
4 Activities
41 KRO 145 RO
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Disease Prevention
and Control
7 Activities
60 KRO 291 RO
Science and
Research and
4 Activities
45 KRO 54 RO
23 Activities
257 KRO 609 RO
Simplification of information on the performance of programs, activities, KRO and
RO at the Ministry of Health in 2021 is shown in Table 4. The program at the Ministry of
Health is 6 programs consisting of 1 generic program and 5 technical programs held by
all Echelon I Units. The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of National Development
Planning/Bappenas need to evaluate the simplification of performance information that
has been carried out by Ministries/Institutions to see the efficiency of the implementation
of RSPP. The number of KRO and RO in each activity at the Ministry of Health is still
relatively large, so it needs to be re-examined so that the budget structure formed is easy
to understand.
Output Redesign
Output is the most striking part of the change in the implementation of the
Planning and Budgeting System Redesign. These outputs or outputs are divided into two,
namely the Classification of Output Details (KRO) and Output Details (RO). The urgency
of redesigning the output is to group the outputs produced in the form of goods and
services that have been non-standard so that it becomes difficult to compare and measure
their efficiency. KRO is a clustering of similar ROs and has the same or diverse units.
The characteristics of KRO are:
1. KRO nomenclature in the form of goods or services;
2. KRO is not a real output that directly describes the achievement of activity goals;
3. KRO is general, so it can be used by all Ministries/Institutions;
4. The KRO has a certain unit that has been predetermined;
5. KRO is standard so that Ministries/Institutions are not allowed to change the
nomenclature or KRO units;
6. KRO is comparable where the output, and budget allocation unit between each KRO
can be compared with each other.
Output Details (RO) is the final product produced by the government, either in the
form of goods or services to achieve activity targets. RO is prepared by each
Ministry/Institution so that it can adjust to activities at the upper level. Characteristics of
RO include:
1. RO nomenclature in the form of goods and services;
2. RO nomenclature describes a specific focus/locus of an activity;
3. RO is a real output that describes the achievement of the target activities of the
implementing work unit directly;
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4. RO for technical activities is the final product with beneficiaries outside the relevant
5. RO for generic activities with internal beneficiaries of the organization is an
intermediate output;
6. RO is very specific (unique) which reflects the tasks and functions of the work unit
that produces it;
7. The unit in RO is the same as the unit in KRO;
8. RO is open so that Ministries/Institutions can make changes to the RO nomenclature
according to needs.
At the beginning of the implementation of RSPP, there were still many formulations
of RO that were not by the characteristics of RO, including RO is not a real output, RO
nomenclature refers to the name of the organizational unit, tasks and functions as well as
sources of funds, RO is not specific to the locus and focus.
In the implementation of RSPP which has been going on for three years, there are
still several challenges that need to be improved so that the implementation of RSPP runs
optimally and the effectiveness of planning and budgeting can be realized. Challenges in
the implementation of RSPP include:
1. There are still some RO nomenclatures that do not reflect the product in the form of
final goods/services. The improvement targets carried out are the improvement of the
Detailed Output (RO) formula and its performance indicators as well as the
improvement of the use of KRO.
2. RO units that are not the same type/equivalent/cognate with KRO so that the sum of
the RO volume becomes biased.
3. There are different budget needs for the same RO. The target of improvements made
for the same RO is to standardize budget needs.
4. The planning and budgeting application system is still not integrated. Further
coordination is needed between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of National
Development Planning/Bappenas regarding the synchronization of the planning and
budgeting system so that it can simplify the budget preparation process.
5. Flexibility in budget implementation. Further coordination with relevant regulators is
needed in the implementation of a more flexible budget so that it can cut the time
needed and the budget implementation process is not disrupted.
Implementation of Redesign of Planning and Budgeting System at the Central
Statistics Agency
The restructuring of program performance information at the Central Statistics
Agency began in 2020 before the Redesign of the Planning and Budgeting System was
implemented. In 2019, before the restructuring, there were 4 programs at BPS, then in
2020, it became 2 programs, namely the BPS Management Support Program and the
Implementation of Other Technical Tasks and the Statistical Information Provision and
Service Program (PPIS). Table 3. shows the restructuring of the program at BPS along
with the program goals that will be achieved in the period 2020 2024. The BPS
Apparatus Facilities and Infrastructure Improvement Program and the BPS Apparatus
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Supervision and Accountability Improvement Program are merged into the BPS
Management Support Program and the Implementation of Other Technical Tasks.
Table 7
Program Restructuring at BPS
Initial Programs (4
Program Redesign (2 Programs)
BPS Management Support
Program and
Implementation of Other
Technical Tasks
BPS Management Support Program and
Implementation of Other Technical Tasks
1. Increasing the management of BPS human
resources in the framework of institutional
2. Increased supervision and accountability of
BPS performance
3. Increasing services by providing facilities
and infrastructure according to standards
4. Improving the governance of budget use
and implementation of activities
5. Increasing office services
BPS Apparatus Facilities
and Infrastructure
Improvement Program
BPS Apparatus
Supervision and
Improvement Program
Statistical Information Provision and Service
Program (PPIS)
1. Increasing the use of quality statistical data
2. Ensuring the availability of statistics that
meet quality assurance standards
3. Improving the quality of relationships with
data users (User Engagement)
4. Strengthening K/L/D/I's commitment to
5. Strengthening sectoral statistics of K/L/D/I
Statistical Information
Provision and Service
Programs at BPS are divided into 2, namely the Management Support Program and
the Implementation of Other Technical Tasks BPS which is a generic program and the
Statistical Information Provision and Service Program which is a technical program by
the duties and functions of each Echelon I unit. The implementation of RSPP. The
management support program only accommodates general and supporting activities
carried out by the Echelon I Unit which is also supportive. While the Statistical
Information Provision and Service Program is technical and carried out by the Technical
Echelon I Unit, the Technical Echelon I Unit at BPS consists of the Deputy for
Methodology and Statistical Information, the Deputy for Social Statistics, the Deputy for
Distribution and Services Statistics, the Deputy for Production Statistics and the Deputy
for Balance Sheet Statistics and Regional Analysis.
Tabel 8
Hasil Redesain KRO dan RO pada Program Teknis BPS Tahun 2021
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Statistical Information
Provision and Service
Statistical Information
Provision and Service
Statistical Information
Provision and Service
Provision and
Development of
Production Balance
Balance Report
Institutional Facilitation
and Development
No Suboutput
Sectoral Statistics
Development Report
Publikasi/Laporan Inter
Regional Input Output
Data and Public
No Suboutput
Balance Report
Publication/Report of
the National Tourism
Satellite (TSA) Balance
Data and Public
No Suboutput
Publication/Report of the
National Tourism
Satellite (TSA) Balance
Programs at BPS are divided into 2, namely the Management Support Program and
the Implementation of Other Technical Tasks BPS which is a generic program and the
Statistical Information Provision and Service Program which is a technical program by
the duties and functions of each Echelon I unit. The implementation of RSPP. The
management support program only accommodates general and supporting activities
carried out by the Echelon I Unit which is also supportive. While the Statistical
Information Provision and Service Program is technical and carried out by the Technical
Echelon I Unit, the Technical Echelon I Unit at BPS consists of the Deputy for
Methodology and Statistical Information, the Deputy for Social Statistics, the Deputy for
Distribution and Services Statistics, the Deputy for Production Statistics and the Deputy
for Balance Sheet Statistics and Regional Analysis.
At the time of the issuance of the Joint Circular Letter of the Ministry of Finance
with the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappneas on the 2020 RSPP
Guidelines, each Ministry/Institution was asked to identify KRO that is by its duties and
functions with the existing RSPP guidelines. However, the RSPP guidelines are not
unique, which means that the existing KRO can be used by all Ministries/Institutions.
This makes it difficult for BPS to determine a KRO that is by the duties and functions of
BPS as a data provider, so a KRO that has similarities with BPS is chosen. Likewise, the
KRO unit of "service" is not suitable when applied in BPS because the BPS is not an
agency that provides services but produces data. In addition to BMA, BPS also uses KRO
Facilitation and Institutional Development (BDB) because BPS is also a sectoral
statistical coaching agency tasked with coaching central and regional K/L/D/I.
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At the time of the first implementation of RSPP, Ministries/Institutions are not
allowed to propose the addition of appropriate KRO units in BPS so that they use
predetermined KRO units, namely "services". The use of the KRO unit of "service" is
considered unable to describe the real output in BPS because it is difficult to identify how
much output is produced by several surveys/censuses that are incorporated into one RO.
It is hoped that in the future the guidelines related to RSPP will be equipped with the
concept of the definition of each KRO so that it is easier to understand and make it easier
to map the KRO that will be used. Along with the implementation of the RSPP for three
years, the RSPP guidelines are revised every year to accommodate the needs of
Ministries/Institutions that have not been listed in the guidelines. However, until now
there has been no special regulation regulating the implementation of the RSPP so it is an
obstacle for Ministries/Institutions to understand the concept and definition of each KRO.
Policy Options
Furthermore, recommendations for policy choices that can be taken by the
government consist of the use of a logical framework or logic model in the formulation
of performance and performance indicators of Ministries/Institutions and synchronization
of planning and budgeting documents through the integration of planning and budgeting
Policy Logical Framework in the Formulation of Performance and Performance
A logic model is a logical framework that relates inputs, processes, outputs and
outcomes that are systematically arranged to respond to situations faced by the
organization. According to Knowlton & Phillips (2013), Zunaidi and Santoso (2021)
define a logic model as a method of visually presenting ideas. This model offers a way of
describing and sharing an understanding of the relationships between the elements needed
to implement a program or an attempt to change conditions. The most basic concepts in
the conceptual framework of performance management and budgeting are outcomes,
outputs, activities and inputs which are described as follows:
1. Output merupakan barang atau jasa yang disediakan oleh unit kerja pemerintah untuk
pihak eksternal;
2. Outcome merupakan dampak yang dimaksudkan dengan adanya output tersebut;
3. Activity adalah jenis tugas kerja yang dilakukan dalam rangka produksi output. Suatu
output pada umumnya memerlukan serangkaian activity terkoordinasi dari jenis yang
berbeda san dalam jumlah yang berbeda;
4. Input merupakan sumber daya yang digunakan dalam melaksanakan kegiatan untuk
menghasilkan output, misalnya tenaga kerja, peralatan dan bangunan.
The benefits of using the logic model according to (Wholey, Hatry & Newcomer,
2010) (Ramadhan, 2022) are:
1. It can determine balanced evaluation pain points and key performance measurement
points to improve usability and aid in performance reporting;
2. Assist in identifying program activities that are important, but repetitive, inconsistent
or inconsistent with program objectives;
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3. Describe the position of a program in the organization or problem hierarchy using logic
The logical framework systematically formulates Performance and Performance
Indicators starting from the input stage to the impact. The outcome is an expected change
in the condition of beneficiaries outside the organizational unit. So it must be clear who
the beneficiaries are and the desired change in conditions. The use of logic models to
formulate performance information in the context of the implementation of the Redesign
of the Planning and Budgeting System. The logic model is used as an evaluation tool for
the formulation of performance information in the Work Plan (Renja) and Work Plan and
Budget (RKA) of Ministries/Institutions for the level of programs, activities, outputs and
outcomes as well as their conformity with RSPP guidelines.
Planning and Budgeting Document Synchronization Policy Through Planning and
Budgeting Application Integration
The synchronization of the preparation of the Work Plans of Ministries/Institutions
(Renja K/L) on the KRISNA application (Ministry of National Development
Planning/Bappenas) and the preparation of Work Plans and Budgets of
Ministries/Institutions (RKA-KL) on the SAKTI application (Ministry of Finance) is an
action plan for the direction of digitalization policies in the 2020-2024 RPJMN related to
the Integration of Electronic-based Planning and Budgeting which ensures the
aggregation of data and information electronically at all stages of the budgeting cycle
starting from planning, determination, implementation/administration to reporting. The
implementation of the integration of the planning and budgeting system is a follow-up to
the mandate of Government Regulation Number 17 of 2017 concerning the
Synchronization of the National Development Planning and Budgeting Process which is
intended to integrate and strengthen the preparation of national development plans and
budgets, control, achievement of development goals, and as a definite step in the
implementation of bureaucratic reform within the government.
Figure 5. Planning and Budgeting Application Flow
Figure 6 explains the flow of preparing planning and budgeting documents starting
from the preparation of Renja K/L on the KRISNA application to monitoring and
evaluation through the SMART application. The formulation of performance information
is carried out at the planning stage in the KRISNA application which includes programs,
activities, outcomes, KRO and RO. The preparation of this performance information is
Renja K/L
Monitoring &
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adjusted to the Strategic Plan of Ministries/Institutions and the 20202024 RPJMN.
Performance information that has been compiled by Ministries/Institutions is then
evaluated by the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas and the Ministry
of Finance. The performance information examined includes the completeness of the
performance information structure (nomenclature, targets and units) as well as the
relevance between levels of the performance information structure. Performance
information that has been approved on the KRISNA application will then be synchronized
into a reference for performance information in the context of the preparation of RKA-
K/L on the SAKTI application. The integration of the planning and budgeting system by
connecting the KRISNA and SAKTI applications will strengthen the implementation of
more quality and effective planning and budgeting data integration to achieve the national
development goals outlined in the RPJMN and RKP by using a thematic, holistic,
integrative and spatial approach. In addition, the integration of the planning system in the
KRISNA Application with the budgeting system in the SAKTI Application can overcome
the inconsistency of planning and budgeting documents that were previously prepared
separately so that there may be differences between the documents.
The Redesign of the Planning and Budgeting System is a policy implemented by
the government to synchronize planning and budgeting documents both between
Ministries/Institutions and between the central and regional governments. The
implementation of RSPP also addresses the inconsistency of duties and functions of work
units that cause duplication of budgeting. The implementation of RSPP also aims to
realize effective and efficient planning and budgeting. RSPP began to be implemented in
the 2021 fiscal year in planning and budgeting documents prepared by
Ministries/Institutions in 2020.
In the implementation of RSPP, there are still problems faced by
Ministries/Institutions in preparing the redesign of programs, activities, KRO and RO.
The problems faced by Ministries/Institutions are relatively the same, namely the
preparation of program nomenclature, activities, and RO that are not by the principles of
Planning and Budgeting System Redesign, as well as the use of generic KRO in Technical
Programs or vice versa so that they are not by their duties and functions. Therefore, it is
necessary to periodically evaluate the implementation of the Redesign of the Planning
and Budgeting System in Ministries/Institutions so that the problems that arise can be
overcome immediately.
The implementation of the Redesign of the Planning and Budgeting System at the
Central Statistics Agency has not been fully by the principles of the RSPP. However, BPS
always strives to improve the structure of the RSPP in the process of preparing planning
and budgeting documents. In addition, the duties and functions of BPS as a data provider
are unique so it is difficult to determine the technical KRO by the specifics of BPS. In the
preparation of the RSPP, BPS strives to continue to improve by the guidelines that have
been set and updated every year to accommodate the types of KRO that do not yet exist.
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Therefore, it is necessary to take a Logical Framework policy in the formulation
of Performance and Performance Indicators and Synchronization of Planning and
Budgeting Documents Through the Integration of Planning and Budgeting Applications
to support the implementation of the Redesign of the Planning and Budgeting System so
that the alignment of planning and budgeting documents is guaranteed.
Several recommendations for strengthening the implementation of the Planning and
Budgeting System Redesign have been explained in the Discussion chapter which is
briefly described as follows:
1. The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of National Development
Planning/Bappenas must establish special rules related to the implementation of the
Redesign of the Planning and Budgeting System which includes an explanation of the
concept and definition of each KRO so that it is easy to understand and does not cause
multiple interpretations.
2. The Ministry of Finance together with the Ministry of National Development
Planning/Bappenas must conduct a review/evaluation of the suitability of the
implementation of the Redesign of the Planning and Budgeting System periodically
with the concept of RSPP so that it is possible for Ministries/Institutions to improve
the performance information that has been prepared.
3. The implementation of the Redesign of the Planning and Budgeting System must be
carried out at the beginning of the preparation of the RPJMN and the Strategic Plan of
the Ministries/Institutions so that it can be implemented optimally.
4. Guidelines for the implementation of the Redesign of the Planning and Budgeting
System must accommodate the KRO and the specific output units of the
Ministries/Institutions so that there is conformity with the needs of the
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