pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 8 August 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2924
Digital Communication Strategies in Building Online
Communities: A Case Study in Remote Work Communities
Zaky Al Hamzah
, Fitria Ayuningtyas
, Munadhil Abdul Muqsith
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran, Indonesia
Keywords: remote work
community, group
synergy, group
communication, online
Komunitas Kerja Remote, or Remote Work Community
(KKR), is a community of remote workers, freelancers, and
solopreneurs in Indonesia. They actively establish
communication to learn together and share information,
insights, and experiences while networking and informing
about remote job openings on the KKR website, namely
www.kamikerjaremote.com. The purpose of the research is
to study the communication strategy of the remote work
community in Indonesia and convey information on remote
job openings to all KKR members in Indonesia. The theory
used is group synergy, based on research concepts about
group communication, group behaviour, and communication
patterns. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method
with data acquisition by interview method and
documentation sources. The results of the research approach
are useful for exploring rich and contextual information and
supporting an in-depth interpretation of community reality.
So KKR's communication strategy in online communication
to establish strengthening and remote job vacancy
information has been successful. This can be seen from the
activation of KKR members in discussing, exchanging ideas,
sharing information, insights, and work experiences as
remote workers, as well as the increasing number of job
openings on the KKR website.
The history of remote working in the world began with the development of the terms
"telecommuting" and "telework" in 1973 when the terms "telecommuting" and "telework"
were used (Fauzana, 2022). The scientist who first initiated it was Jack Nilles, an
information technology expert. Remote working (United Kingdom: telecommuting,
remote working) (Rawinarno, Shafira, Widiarto, & Alynudin, 2023). Another equivalent
term: work from home (United Kingdom: Work From Home/WFH) is a model or
employment agreement in which employees gain the flexibility to work in terms of where
and when to work with the help of telecommunication technology (Wikipedia: 2023).
Digital Communication Strategies in Building Online Communities: A Case Study in Remote
Work Communities (KKR)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2925
Thus, Remote Workers are the activity of travelling to the office or workplace
replaced by telecommunication relationships. With this system, many employees end up
working from home (Fonna, 2019). While other workers can work anywhere or are called
nomad workers or web commuters. These people use communication technology to work
from cafes or other places that are convenient for them (Mungkasa, 2020).
Another term that has a broader meaning than Remote Worker is Telework
(Wikipedia (2023) from Woody Leonhard). Telework refers to the replacement of any
form of telecommunication technology related to work-for-travel, which ultimately
reduces the barrier of distance with telecommuting (Nursyamsi, Siregar, & Nurahlina,
2022). A person who telecommutes is commonly referred to as a "telecommuter". The
motto often echoed by telecommuters is "Work is something we do, not and not the
purpose of travelling."
The naming of remote work has many names, such as 'remote working', 'distance
working' (Shiells, Stern, & Deardorff, 1986) or 'outwork' (OSWAR, 2020). Other
scientists have categorized remote workers as 'homework', 'alternative officing' and
'mobile working. Not only that, a distinction is also made between working from home
and the head office, working at the head office and branch office combined, and nomads
without an office. More analytical approaches, such as (Shiells et al., 1986), have been
categorized based on spatial considerations, and coordination devices (OSWAR, 2020).
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the trend of remote workers in Indonesia has
experienced a significant increase. Jobstreet, an online platform that provides search and
recruitment services, shows that before the pandemic, only 4% of respondents worked
remotely, but this figure increased to 13% during the pandemic (Nursatyo & Rosliani,
Jobstreet surveyed 33,084 respondents in Indonesia in November-December 2020.
Jobstreet conducted a survey in Indonesia as well as similar surveys in 189 other
countries. As a result of a survey conducted by Jobstreet, the number of Indonesian
workers working remotely has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Only 4% of
people surveyed worked remotely before the pandemic. The pandemic increased the
figure to 13%.
Figure 1: Remote Workers in Indonesia (Before, During, and After the Pandemic)
(source: https://databoks.katadata.co.id/datapublish/2021/06/17/survei-bekerja-jarak-
Zaky Al Hamzah, Fitria Ayuningtyas, Munadhil Abdul Muqsith
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2926
During the pandemic, the number of respondents who combined working in the
office and remotely increased from 28% to 41%. However, the number of respondents
who work full-time in the office dropped from 68% to 46%. Only 9% of respondents still
want to work in the office during the pandemic. This is in contrast to 23% of respondents
who expected to be able to work remotely during the pandemic.
A McKinsey study found that nearly 60% of people in the United States have the
option to work remotely, at least part-time. While 35% can work from home full-time
(WFH) (Halim, 2023). This trend is happening across all age groups and industries,
although some industries are better suited for remote work than others.
Remote Work Community (KKR) is a community of remote workers, freelancers,
freelancers and solopreneurs in Indonesia. This community was established in 2015 by
Rahmat Awaludin. This community aims to bring together remote workers and provide a
platform to share experiences, knowledge, and support in living a career as a remote
In a study entitled "Communication Patterns of Full Remote Working Workers
(Case Studies on Visualabs Workers)" by Yovita Riski Aulia Dindi and Riski Damastuti
(Damastuti, de Groot, Debrot, & Silvius, 2022), it was concluded that Visualabs
Indonesia in carrying out remote working allows all its employees to communicate with
each other without any position limitations, this communication process is called the all-
channel communication pattern. The communication process at Visualabs Indonesia is
mediated by various communication technologies in the form of applications such as
Zoom Meeting, Telegram and WhatsApp, this process is called Computer-Mediated
Communication (CMC). By using the CMC model theory as a research guide, the
obstacles that often occur when remote working are missed communication, missed
perception, difficulty in showing expression, lack of social relationships, only making
friends through social media, communication is more work-oriented, and employees limit
professional and non-professional relationships.
Meanwhile, in a study entitled "The Utilization of Social Media for Community
Improvement" by Hendro Gunawan and Clara Hetty Primasari (Prakoeswa et al., 2018),
it was concluded that there are still many members of the Big Bike Yogyakarta
Community who do not understand how to maximize Social Media properly and correctly
so that their community can develop better.
However, from the two studies, there is no information about communication
strategies and communication patterns for members of Digital-Based Communities, such
as those conducted by the Remote Work Community (KKR). Therefore, the question in
this study is to explore "How is Digital Communication Strategy in Building Online
Communities: A Case Study in Remote Work Communities (KKR)?"
Research Methods
Research on Communication Strategies Digital Communication Strategies in
Building Online Communities: A Case Study in the KKR Community is by descriptive
Digital Communication Strategies in Building Online Communities: A Case Study in Remote
Work Communities (KKR)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2927
qualitative research method (Creswell, 2014). Descriptive qualitative research is a type
of qualitative research method that aims to describe observed phenomena in a systematic
and detailed manner.
Descriptive research makes a systematic, factual, and accurate description of the
facts and properties of certain objects (Ellulu, Abed, Rahmat, Ranneh, & Ali, 2014). This
descriptive study will be by the reality that is happening without explaining the
relationship between variables. Data collection for this study uses interview methods,
internet searching, observation and literature studies related to verbal communication.
Interviews are conducted directly face-to-face with informants or research participants so
that the analysis of the resulting data can be more detailed and rich.
Descriptive qualitative research methods can be used in this case study, for
example, to get a clear and detailed picture of the digital communication strategies used
by communities to build and grow their online communities. Furthermore, the resulting
data will be compiled into a narrative description and analyzed qualitatively.
Results and Discussion
Web Forum Communication
The Remote Work Community (KKR) has 58,252 people spread throughout
Indonesia and abroad. To establish communication between members spread across
various regions in Indonesia and abroad, KKR forms a multiplatform as a means of
communication, discussion, information sharing, and question-and-answer. As the parent
platform, it is in the form of a Forum Website with the name www.kamikerjaremote.com
page. Although this community was established in 2015, its website was only launched
in September 2023.
Figure 2 Remote Work Community (KKR) Web Forum
Zaky Al Hamzah, Fitria Ayuningtyas, Munadhil Abdul Muqsith
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2928
Figure 3 Features of the Remote Work Community (KKR) Website
The information presented on the KKR web forum is very easy to understand by
KKT members and the general public who access this web forum. Overall, the feature on
the KKR web forum is a means for all remote workers to find jobs, collaborate, share
information, and provide education and/or products so that members can continue to grow
and develop according to their respective competencies and skills.
Multiplatform Communication
While other platforms are:
1. Facebook: We Work Remote
Figure 4 Remote Work Community (KKR) Facebook Account
KKR's Facebook account has 59.3 thousand members spread throughout Indonesia
and abroad. KKR's Facebook profile reads:
2. Indonesia's community of remote workers and freelancers.
What we contribute to society and the country is to build careers from home, help
foreign businesses and get paid in foreign currency.
We have our village and lifestyle, spending more quality time with family, and
going to the public space and services on weekdays, we refuse to be in the same stream
and traffic jam as most people.
We give more opportunities to great talent from rural areas to have the same income
as those who are in the big city, we value our knowledge and skill more than a formal
For users who want to join, please use their real name. Users with the names of
objects or other strange things will not be approved.
Digital Communication Strategies in Building Online Communities: A Case Study in Remote
Work Communities (KKR)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2929
This group is a gathering place for Indonesian remote workers & freelancers. We speak
English too. Feel free to post your remote job offering in English.
The demographics of KKR Facebook members can be accessed in the image below:
Figure 5 Origin of City and Country of KKR Facebook Group Member
Figure 6 Gender of KKR Facebook Group Members.
The KKR Facebook manager explained that the information presented in the posts
of the KKR Facebook account can be used by remote workers who are domiciled in
Indonesia or abroad or those who obtain work projects from clients in Indonesia or
abroad. The information on the KKR Facebook account post not only contains job
vacancy information for Remote or Freelance Workers but also in the form of information
on courses to support skill improvement for KKR members.
Figure 7 Remote Work Community (KKR) Instagram account
Zaky Al Hamzah, Fitria Ayuningtyas, Munadhil Abdul Muqsith
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2930
KKR's Instagram account already has 1,624 followers and has 274 posts. Some of
the posts are motivational quotes in the United Kingdom.
Channel Youtube
Figure 8 Remote Work Community (KKR) YouTube Channel
KKR's YouTube channel has produced 42 videos with 129 subscribers. Although
the number of subscribers is still below 200 subscribers, the content presented is very
useful for KKR members everywhere and is a means to communicate with fellow
members (members) and/or members with mentors or experienced freelancer
Figure 9 Remote Work Community (KKR) LinkedIn account
The KKR account on LinkedIn has only been followed by 77 followers. Ndee
Siswandhi, one of the KKR administrators, who initiated this community from the
beginning, wrote his post on the LinkedIn column.
Welcome New Members of Our Group Work Remotely
WeWorkRemote is a community of remote workers, freelancers and solopreneurs
from Indonesia who do their work from anywhere, be it from home, cafes, warthogs, city
parks, beaches, mountains and others as long as they are connected to the internet.
The group to introduce the "FUTURE of Life" which will provide FREEDOM and
FLEXIBILITY in working until a balance is achieved in Work and Life.
Digital Communication Strategies in Building Online Communities: A Case Study in Remote
Work Communities (KKR)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2931
It is hoped that members can share information related to this and also help other
members how to achieve their dream of working from anywhere.
Figure 10 Remote Work Community (KKR) Tiktok Account
The KKR account on Tiktok is still followed by 72 followers, 115 followers and
119 likes. Meanwhile, the posts that became a means of communication with members
were educational information about Remote Work, as well as Podcasts of KKR Members'
Experiences and Success Stories on how to overcome the challenges of being a Remote
Worker. Episode #01, tells the story of Rina, a Content Writer who has been working
remotely for a long time from the oDesk era until it changed its name to Upwork.
WhatsApp Group (Grup WA)
KKR expands its communication through We're Working Remote WAG. The
number of WAG members is 290 members. However, there is a pattern of Multi-
Directional Communication Patterns (Effendy, 2017), which is a communication process
that occurs in a group where communicators and communicators exchange ideas
dialogically. This is a characteristic of interpersonal communication. One of the
advantages of interpersonal communication is that there is emotional closeness due to the
intensity of communication. In addition, interpersonal communication can also be done
in cyberspace, such as on social networks, without having to meet face-to-face.
External Communication
KKR management and members not only build internal communication, KKR
management and members also build communication with external parties. Here's the
1. Sharing in Jakarta Smart City
KKR Jakarta is a Community of Jakarta Smart City.
2. Participants of the FGD in Jakarta
KKR Jakarta has been a resource person (offline) for JSC Lab Sharing at the Jakarta
Smart City Future Hub 3 times.
3. Members of the West Java Digital Service Community
Zaky Al Hamzah, Fitria Ayuningtyas, Munadhil Abdul Muqsith
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2932
The Bandung KKR Management before COVID-19 became the West Java Digital
Service Community.
4. West Java Digital Service (JDS) FGD Participants
The Bandung KKR Management became the resource person for the FGD and the
Launching of the West Java Digital Service Public Vehicle at Gedung Sate, Bandung,
West Java. Become a Resource Person in the JDS Tech Update Special.
5. Launching the KKR Website Launch
KKR Management and Members Held an Offline Gathering as well as the
Launching of the KKR Website in 3 major cities, namely Jakarta, Bandung and Malang.
In addition to partnering with the government, KKR also establishes group
communication in the form of partnerships with IDCloudHost, Kirim. Email, UTAS,
RemoteSkill Academy, Automix.AI, LokerBot, Cdiscram Indonesia, and others.
The Group Syntality Theory, used in this study, explains the communication
process of a group. Each group must have a learnable personality. In addition, this theory
is related to group personality, which includes aspects such as togetherness, dynamics,
temperament, and group ability. The Theory of Group Sintality on the relationship
between Our Remote Work Community and this research explain how the
communication process occurs in the community when they carry out their
communication strategies and communication patterns. In the research conducted, the
four scopes, namely togetherness, dynamics, temperament, and the ability of the group to
find their meaning.
The researcher found that the togetherness of the KKR Community is built when
there is active interaction in the KKR WAG, online interaction in Facebook Groups and
offline meetings both as resource persons and part of the Partnership. In addition, the
family aspect is intertwined when members share important information about tips and
strategies as Remote Workers, answering each other when there are novice members who
want to get best practices from experienced Remote Workers. In many events, WAG
discussions can last for hours from day to night.
Communication dynamics in discussion rooms and dialogues in WAGs and
Facebook Groups also went smoothly and smoothly even though it was done in non-
formal or casual communication language. Thus, the atmosphere of familiarity between
fellow members can minimize the emergence of seeds of conflict and feuds, which have
the potential to give birth to disharmonious attitudes.
However, on other occasions, some statements or posts can provoke conditions for
discussion and dialogue leading to conflict. Although this temperament attitude is
common in income differences, in the observation of researchers, this attitude can be
quickly muted and communication conditions return to normal.
What is interesting is the fourth personality of the elaboration of the Group Sintality
Theory, namely Group Ability. The old and new administrators were able to provide
space for several members of the KKR Community to share success stories and
experiences. This sharing space is very important and useful, considering that there are
Digital Communication Strategies in Building Online Communities: A Case Study in Remote
Work Communities (KKR)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2933
still many community members who are new to the Remote Worker profession. The
abilities, knowledge, insights, and experience of experienced Remote Workers can be an
oasis or source of knowledge and knowledge for new members of the KKR Community.
The Community Communication Strategy of KKR is establishing communication
with each other without any position limitations, this communication process is called a
multi-directional communication pattern using various channels or digital media
platforms: web forums, social media and offline meetings. In addition, the KKR
Community turns out to have a group communication personality that is appropriate from
the basis of the Group Sintality Theory, namely "group personality" which includes
Togetherness, Dynamics, Temperament, and Group Ability. KKR in its activities turned
out to be able to establish a communication strategy so that active dynamics were built,
cohesiveness in togetherness, to maintain the temperament between members in the
process of discussion and dialogue, and no less importantly to improve the skills
(abilities) of each member by facilitating space for group skills. Togetherness and Group
Abilities can be established in intensive communication through virtual and offline
forums (face-to-face).
Zaky Al Hamzah, Fitria Ayuningtyas, Munadhil Abdul Muqsith
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2934
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