pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 8 August 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3734
The Spatial Patterns of Pacenan House in Sumberejo,
Taufik Hidayat
, Yusfan Adeputera Yusron
, Susilo Kusdiwanggo
Universitas Ibrahimy Situbondo, Indonesia
, Universitas Brawijaya Malang,
Keywords: spatial
transformations, building
shapes, pacenan house.
Pacenan house is a traditional house of the coastal area in
Situbondo. The architectural style of the Pacenan house is
adapted from the Tanean Panjang traditional house. The
spatial pattern of the Pacenan house differs from that of
Tanean Lanjhang, as the Pacenan house only has "roma"
(rooms) and "amper" (open spaces). However, over time, the
spatial patterns of the Pacenan house have transformed.
Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the
transformations in spatial patterns and their impact on the
building shapes of Pacenan houses in Sumberejo, Situbondo.
Research data was obtained through field observations and
interviews. The data was then analyzed descriptively. The
results indicate changes in spatial patterns occurring in
Pacenan houses in the village of Sumberejo, including the
addition of rooms and alterations in the function of spaces.
Transformations in spatial patterns are influenced by space
requirements, land availability, social factors, and economic
considerations. The impact of these changes in spatial
patterns varies; some result in alterations to the building's
form, while others do not transform the structure.
Sumberejo Village is included in the area of Banyuputih District, Situbondo
Regency. Situbondo Regency is one part of the Horseshoe area. Horseshoe is a term for
the area given by Raden Wijaya the First King of Majapahit to Aria Wiraraja the King of
Sumenep (Ayu, 2020). In the 13th century, Aria Wiraraja ordered some of the Madurese
people to move to the Horseshoe area (Chafifah, 2023). The Madurese people who moved
brought a culture of settlement, including Tanean Lanjhang which was implemented in
Situbondo Regency. Tanean Lanjhang consists of Canaan (yard), house, vapour (kitchen),
cage and langar. Tanean Lanjhang in Situbondo Regency has adapted to the new
environment as a result of the way its residents adjust to the living environment. The
developments and changes that occur in architecture will occur along with the passage of
time and changes in the location where humans live (Santri, 2018). Humans are the
The Spatial Patterns of Pacenan House in Sumberejo, Situbondo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3735
dominant factor in influencing the spatial pattern of the Pacenan House. Rumah Pacenan
is an adaptation of Tanean Lanjhang. Pacenan houses have a strong character in spatial
elements that can be identified in their diversity (Yusran & Hadinata, 2019).
Figure 1 Location Map of Sumberejo Village (Hidayat, 2024)
Research conducted by (Arifurrohma, Koriawan, Erg, & Rediasa, 2016). The
research discussed the history and existence of the Pacenan House, the division of space,
the function of the space, ornaments, and the aesthetic value of the Pacenan House in
Anchor District, Situbondo Regency. The shape of a traditional building can be seen from
the legs, body, and head of a building. The Pacenan House consists of three parts, Res as
the legs, Kalambih as the body, and Tepas as the head.
Spatial change is one of the studies of morphology in architecture. Morphology is
the study of the form and shape of the residential environment. Morphological analysis
pays attention to changes in objects, both small, medium, and large changes (Setyabudi,
Sudikno, & Nugroho, 2012).
Taufik Hidayat, Yusfan Adeputera Yusron, Susilo Kusdiwanggo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3736
Figure 2
Parts of the Pace House (Hidayat, 2024)
Research Methods
The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a morphological analysis
approach. The object of the research is the Pacenan House in Sumberejo Village. The
subjects of the research are the residents of the house and the elders of the Sumberejo
Village community. The determination of samples was carried out using the Purposive
Sampling Technique, which is a sampling technique based on certain criteria
(Wakarmamu, 2022). The population of the building is 55 pieces inhabited by 53 families.
Based on the criteria of building maintenance, 28 building samples were selected.
The Spatial Patterns of Pacenan House in Sumberejo, Situbondo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3737
Figure 3 Map of the Distribution of Pacenan Houses (Hidayat, 2024)
The identification of the Pacenan House was carried out on the spatial aspect of the
building. Interviews were conducted with homeowners, builders, and elders of Sumberejo
Village who understood about the Pacenan House in the area. The synthesis was carried
out by juxtaposing and comparing the spatial changes of the Pacenan House with the
shape of the building.
Results and Discussion
The Lanjhang Tanean in the place of origin of the Madura Tribe consists of a team,
a house, a kitchen, a cage, and a langar. As described by Lintu Sulistiyantoro (Lintu
Tulistyantoro, 2005).
Taufik Hidayat, Yusfan Adeputera Yusron, Susilo Kusdiwanggo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3738
Figure 4 Plan of Tanean Lanjhang in Madura (Lintu Tulistyantoro, 2005)
The Pacenan house as part of the Panjang taken initially only had an amper room a
Roma room and a kitchen. The amper functions as a place to receive guests and the roma
functions as a place to rest the family and a place to store valuables while the kitchen as
a back room functions as a place to cook and eat (Amini et al., 2014).
Figure 5 Plan of the Pacenan House in Sumberejo (Hidayat, 2024)
Over time, there have been changes in the space of the Pacenan House. The
development and change in architecture along with the time and location where humans
live (Asikin, Wulandari, & Rukmi, 2019). The results of the study show that the spatial
changes of the Pacenan House in Sumberejo Village are the addition of space and changes
in the function of the space.
Space Addition
There are ten types of additional space in the Boarding House, namely:
1. Place the vapour next to the Roma.
2. Adding a roofless terrace with a structure attached to the core building.
3. Adding a roof terrace with a structure attached to the core building.
4. Adding a roof terrace and partition inside the Roma with the structure attached to the
core building.
5. Adding rooms in the Roma with structures attached to the core building.
6. Adding a roof terrace and rooms inside the Roma with the structure attached to the
core building.
The Spatial Patterns of Pacenan House in Sumberejo, Situbondo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3739
7. Adding rooms inside the Rome, and a kitchen next to the Roma with a structure
attached to the core building.
8. Adding a roofless terrace and separate kitchen with the core building with the exit
facing the core building.
9. Adding a roof terrace, warehouse, and kitchen separate from the core building.
The addition of a terrace attached to the core structure of the boarding house
changes the shape of the building. This is in line with the opinion (Santri, 2018) that the
spatial aspect as an architectural element is a character that is represented through
architectural forms so that it becomes a characteristic that describes a character in the
The addition of partitions and rooms to the roma did not change the shape of the
building. The addition of partitions is the impact of the increasing need for space due to
changes in residents' activities (Sosiawan, 2020).
The addition of a terrace to the Pacenan House was due to protect Tabing Tongkok
from rainwater and as a form of self-actualization of economic success. Social and
economic aspects are factors that affect the increase in outdoor space due to changes in
environmental status that cause an increase in the economic and social needs of residents.
Changes in the Function of the Space
The amper room is divided into two parts, namely on the left side the amper is
reserved for male guests, and on the right side it is reserved for female guests. Changes
in the function of the space that occurs in the Pacenan House only occur in the amper,
where the stall can be placed on the left or right side of the amper. Changes in the function
of the space in the amper do not change the shape of the building. Because the stalls
placed on the amper are left open without adding walls or partitions that change the shape
of the building. This can be analogized to the stall-like furniture placed in a room.
The picture below is a stall placed on the left side of the amper.
Figure 6 House with stalls on the left amper (Hidayat, 2024)
Taufik Hidayat, Yusfan Adeputera Yusron, Susilo Kusdiwanggo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3740
Figure 7 House with a stall on the right amper
(Hidayat, 2024)
Factors Affecting Changes in Space Function
The change in one part of the amper is caused by economic factors, namely,
homeowners need income from selling. The character of changes in the function of the
space follows the needs of residents by paying attention to several factors, including
health. Based on the categorization of case units, the degree of influence of changes on
old houses, the direction of the trend of change, and the comparison of cases of double-
purpose dwellings were obtained (Hartiningsih, 2012) To further complete this study, it
can also be done by examining migrant settlements with various ethnic differences with
differences (Absari, Antariksa, & Yusran, 2023).
Table 2
Spatial changes to the house plan
Building Plans
Adding a roof terrace,
the position of the
kitchen door facing
Adding an open terrace
and the position of the
exit door facing the left
The position of the exit
door faces the right
Increase the width of
the vapour and the
position of the exit
door facing the front
The Spatial Patterns of Pacenan House in Sumberejo, Situbondo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3741
Building Plans
Adding a roof terrace
and the position of the
exit door facing the
Adding a roof terrace
and the position of the
exit door facing the
front and back
Adding a kitchen next
to the Roma with a
structure attached to
the core building, the
position of the exit
door facing the front
Adding a roofless
terrace and a power
behind the Roma with
the structure attached
to the core building,
with the exit door
facing the left side
Adding a roof terrace
and a roof behind the
Roma with the
structure attached to
the core building, with
the exit door facing the
Adding a roof terrace
and a kitchen behind
the Roma with a
structure attached to
the core building, with
the position of the exit
door facing the right
Adding a roof terrace
and a kitchen behind
the Roma with a
structure attached to
the core building, with
the position of the exit
door facing the right
Adding a roof terrace
and a kitchen behind
the Roma with a
structure attached to
the core building, with
the position of the
Taufik Hidayat, Yusfan Adeputera Yusron, Susilo Kusdiwanggo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3742
Building Plans
kitchen door exiting
facing the left side
Adding a roof terrace
and a roof behind the
Roma with the
structure attached to
the core building, with
the exit door facing the
left side
Adding a roof terrace
and a roof behind the
Roma with the
structure attached to
the core building, with
the exit door facing the
left side
Adding a roof terrace
and a kitchen behind
the Roma with a
structure attached to
the core building, with
the position of the exit
door facing the front
Adding a roof terrace
and a kitchen behind
the Roma with a
structure attached to
the core building, with
the position of the exit
door facing the front
Adding a roof terrace
and a kitchen behind
the Roma with a
structure attached to
the core building, with
the position of the exit
door facing the front
Adding a roof terrace
and a kitchen behind
the Roma with a
structure attached to
the core building, with
the position of the exit
door facing the front
Adding a roof terrace
and a kitchen behind
the Roma with a
structure attached to
the core building, with
The Spatial Patterns of Pacenan House in Sumberejo, Situbondo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3743
Building Plans
the position of the exit
door facing the front
Adding a roof terrace
and a kitchen behind
the Roma with the
structure attached to
the core building, with
the position of the exit
door facing the front
and back
Adding a roof terrace, a
partition inside the
Roma, and a kitchen
behind the Roma with
the structure attached
to the core building
with the position of the
exit door facing the
right side
Adding a room inside
the Roma and a vapour
behind the Roma with a
structure attached to
the core building with
the position of the exit
door facing the back
Adding a roof terrace,
a room inside the
Roma, and a kitchen
behind the Roma with
a structure attached to
the core building with
the position of the exit
door facing the right
Adding a roof terrace,
a room inside the
Roma, and a kitchen
behind the Roma with
a structure attached to
the core building with
the position of the exit
door facing the right
Adding a roof terrace,
a room inside the
Roma, and a kitchen
behind the Roma with
a structure attached to
the core building with
the position of the
Taufik Hidayat, Yusfan Adeputera Yusron, Susilo Kusdiwanggo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3744
Building Plans
kitchen door exit
facing the right side
Adding a room inside
the Roma, and a
vapour next to the
Roma with a structure
attached to the core
building with the
position of the exit
door facing the front
Adding a roofless
terrace and separate
kitchen with the core
building with the exit
facing the core
Adding a roof terrace,
warehouse, and kitchen
separate from the core
building where the exit
position faces the
Panjang taken
The purpose of this study is to find out the changes in space in Pacenan's house in
Sumberejo Village and its influence on the shape of the building. Spatial changes in the
Pacenan House consist of additional space and changes in spatial functions. There are 9
types of space additions and one type of room function change. The addition of space in
Pacenan's house is caused by functional factors and social factors. Changes in the function
of space in the Pacenan House are caused by economic factors.
The addition of space that results in a change in the shape of the building is the
addition of a roof terrace and a kitchen. The addition of space that does not change the
shape of the building is the addition of rooms in the Roma. Changes in the function of the
space in the amper do not change the shape of the building.
The Spatial Patterns of Pacenan House in Sumberejo, Situbondo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3745
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