Josephus Noya
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3648
Testing the regression coefficients of the variables, whether the self-efficacy
variable (X2) is significant or not significant, tested the significance of the t value. This
test was carried out using a two-way test, using a real level of 5%. The test results obtained
count for the self-efficacy variable of 11.430; Meanwhile, the size of the ttable at the 5%
confidence level is 1.980. The values mentioned above can be explained that partially
(individually), the self-efficacy variable has a significant effect on employee performance
because the calculated t value > t table value. The calculated t value of the independent
variable is in the Ho rejection area, this means that the regression coefficient of the self-
efficacy variable is equal to 0, in other words, the coefficient of this variable is significant.
The results of this research are not in line with (Aisyiyah, Turnip, & Siregar, 2022)
One way to achieve optimal performance is through self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is very
necessary in developing employee performance because the presence of self-efficacy in
individuals will create confidence in their ability to complete the work given by their
superiors promptly. Self-efficacy is self-assessment, whether you can carry out good or
bad actions, right or wrong, and can or cannot do what is required.
Self-efficacy determines how people feel, think, motivate themselves and behave.
Self-efficacy is a person's evaluation of his or her ability or competence to carry out a
task, achieve goals, and overcome obstacles. (Harnyoto et al., 2020).
If someone is no longer interested or loses interest in what they are doing, then that
person will lose the ability to achieve a goal, so the steps in each process and the results
of their work performance will tend to decrease. On the other hand, if the person
concerned believes they can achieve their goals, then their self-motivation and level of
performance will tend to increase. (Nurul Hikmah, Rahmawati, & Lestari, 2021).
To get the best performance, one way can be achieved through self-efficacy. Self-
efficacy is very necessary to develop employee performance because, with self-efficacy
in individuals, there will be confidence that they are capable of completing the work given
by their superiors. Someone who has high self-efficacy will achieve better performance
because that person has strong motivation and the ability to perform activities or
behaviours successfully. (Andriyani, 2017), (Setyawan, 2017), (Noviawati, 2016).
Effect of Work Life Balanced (X1) and Self Efficacy (X2) Variables on Employee
Performance (Y) Simultaneously
The influence of the variables Work Life Balanced (X1) and Self Efficacy (X2) on
the related variable, namely employee performance (Y) can be seen from the R2 value of
0.741 which shows that together, the variables Work Life Balanced (X1) and Self
Efficacy (X2) has a significant effect on related variables, namely employee performance
(Y) simultaneously at 74.1% and the rest is influenced by other variables that are not in
the research model. This is proven by the calculated F value of 150.549 > F table in df
(2) (105) of 0.05; so it is concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means
that the variables Work Life Balanced (X1) and Self Efficacy (X2) have a significant
effect on the related variable, namely employee performance (Y) simultaneously.
The results of this research show that the two variables, namely the Work-Life
balance (X1) and Self-efficacy (X2) if they interact with each other, will significantly