pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 8 August 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3643
Interaction of Work-Life Balanced and Self-Efficacy
on Employee Performance
Josephus Noya
Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Indonesia
Keywords: work-life
balance, self-efficacy,
This research aims to determine, test and analyze the
influence of work-life balance and self-efficacy on the
performance of Maluku Province Bappeda employees. This
research uses a descriptive-quantitative approach with a
correlational cause-effect type. A total of 108 people were
determined using full sampling. Data were analyzed using
multiple linear regression with the help of SPSS 23.00
software. The results of the study concluded that (1) work-
life balance had a positive and significant effect on the
performance of Maluku Province Bappeda employees, (2)
self-efficacy had a positive and significant effect on the
performance of Maluku Province Bappeda employees and
(3) work-life balance and self-efficacy simultaneously have
a positive and significant effect on the performance of
Maluku Province Bappeda employees.
An effective, efficient and accountable government organization can be realized if
it is supported by human resources (HR) who are responsible and have integrity as a form
of performance implementation. HR is the main factor in an organization, therefore
efforts are needed to manage HR professionally so that the vision, mission and goals of
the organization can be achieved.
Performance is seen as a qualitative and quantitative result. The success or failure
of the performance achieved by the organization is influenced by the level of employee
performance individually and in groups, where performance is measured using
instruments developed in studies that depend on general performance measures, then
translated into a basic behavioural assessment which can include various things, namely:
quantity work, quality of work, opinions or statements expressed, decisions taken in
carrying out work and job descriptions.
The study of employee performance still receives very important attention from HR
experts and practitioners. Various determining factors have been studied in efforts to
improve performance. Various dimensions have been investigated, both organizationally
and individually, from various points of view and producing varying results. Work-life
balance is an important factor for organizations and employees. This is because, in a
Josephus Noya
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3644
successful WLB, employees can control their lives, reduce work stress, and increase job
satisfaction. WLB is one of the hopes, especially for Generation Y employees.
Organizations must meet the expectations of Generation Y because the number of
workers from this group will be the largest in the coming period (Riyanto, Ariyanto, &
Lukertina, 2019).
Work-life balance is an important topic for employees regardless of the nature of
their work because family and career are aspects of life that cannot be separated. Thus, it
is important to help employees achieve a sense of balance between work and personal
needs to increase work engagement, productivity and performance. (Wardani &
Firmansyah, 2019). Based on research conducted by Aslam (2015) 150 respondents
showed that 95.8 per cent of changes in performance for the better were caused by work-
life balance. Apart from that, research conducted by Soomro, Breitenecker, & Shah
(2018) From 280 respondents shows that work-life balance has a positive effect on
increasing performance productivity. However, this is in contrast to (Anugrah &
Priyambodo 2021) Research, where the results showed that work-life balance did not
affect performance.
Several studies have found a link between performance and self-efficacy. (Kawet
& Rimper, 2014), (Harnyoto, Sawitri, & Naser, 2020), (Arfan, Sapurtra, Prayekti,
Epsilandri, & Seprtyarini, 2021). Likewise, the relationship between performance and
self-esteem has been studied by (Rafiditya & Syarifuddin, 2020); (Khaer & Nursyafitri,
2017). As well as a study of the relationship between performance and self-leadership by
(Sawitri, Cahyandari, & Muawanah, 2018) and (Hammado, 2015). There are still
differences in findings from previous researchers, providing opportunities for researchers
to contribute.
Research Methods
This research uses a descriptive-quantitative approach with a correlational cause-
and-effect type, meaning that the relationship between the independent variable and the
dependent variable is a cause-and-effect relationship. The research was carried out at the
Maluku Province Bappeda. This research was carried out for 2 (two) months, namely July
to September 2023. The population used in this research was all 108 Bappeda employees
of Maluku Province. The sample is part of the number and characteristics of the
population. The sampling method is full sampling because the population size is small.
The data analysis technique in this research uses descriptive analysis and multiple linear
regression analysis with the following equation:
Y = b0 + b1X1 + b2X2 e
Y = Employee Performance
X1 = Work Life Balanced
X2 = Self-efficacy
bo, b,b2 = Regression coefficients
e = error term
Interaction of Work-Life Balanced and Self-Efficacy on Employee Performance
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3645
Results and Discussion
The influence of the independent variables work-life balance and self-efficacy on
the dependent variable, namely the performance of Maluku Province Bappeda employees
(Y), is known through multiple linear regression calculations. Based on the results of data
processing using the SPSS 23.00 program, the following table is obtained:
Table 1
Results of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
t table
Work-Life Balanced
Self-Efficacy (X
Constant : 9,250
F. Ratio
: 150,549
R square: 0,741
: 0,000
Multiple R: 0,861
: 108
Based on the table above, a mathematical equation model can be prepared as
Y = b0 + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + e
Y = 9,250 + 0,406 X1 + 0,657 X2+ 2,493
Y = Employee Performance
X1 = Work Life Balanced
X2 = Self Efficacy
bo, b1,b2 = Regression coefficients
e = error term
The explanation of the mathematical model above is:
1. The b0 value shows the predicted performance of Maluku Province Bappeda
employees 9,250 which is not influenced by the variables of work-life balance and
2. The b1 value shows that the work-life balance variable (X1) has a positive sign, this
means that if work-life balance increases it will result in employee performance
increasing. Furthermore, the regression coefficient is 0.406, meaning that every one-
unit increase in the work-life balance variable will increase to 0.406 units in employee
performance if the other variables are constant.
3. The b2 value shows that the self-efficacy variable (X2) has a positive sign, this means
that if self-efficacy increases it will result in the performance of Maluku Province
Bappeda employees increasing. Furthermore, the regression coefficient is 0.657,
meaning that every one-unit increase in the self-efficacy variable will increase to 0.320
units in employee performance if the other variables are constant.
First and Second Hypothesis Testing
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3646
1) The first hypothesis states that the variables work-life balance and self-efficacy have
a significant effect on the related variable, namely employee performance (Y),
partially. The test was carried out by confirming the calculated t value with the t table
value at degrees of freedom (df=105).
2) The calculated t value for the work-life balance variable is 6.185 > t table value
(df=105) is 2.060; So it can be concluded that Ho is rejected, Ha is accepted, which
means that work-life balance has a partially significant effect on employee
performance. (Hypothesis 1 is accepted)
3) The calculated t value for the self-efficacy variable is 4.070 > t table value (df=105) is
2.060; So it can be concluded that Ho is rejected, Ha is accepted, which means that
self-efficacy has a partially significant effect on employee performance. (Hypothesis
2 is accepted).
Third Hypothesis Testing
The third hypothesis states that work-life balance (X1) and self-efficacy (X2) have
a significant effect on the related variable, namely employee performance (Y)
simultaneously. The test is carried out by confirming the calculated F value with the table
F value in df (2)(105). The table above shows the calculated F value of 150.549 > F table
in df (2)(105) of 0.05; so it is concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, which
means that the variables work-life balance (X1) and self-efficacy (X2) have a significant
effect on the related variable, namely employee performance (Y) simultaneously. The
influence of these two variables is 0.741 or 74.1% of the Maluku Province Bappeda
employee performance variable is influenced by work-life balance (X1) and self-efficacy
(X2) and the remaining 25.9% (100%-74.1%) is influenced by other variables not
included in the research model.
Table 1 shows the results of multiple linear regression analysis, where it can be seen
that the largest regression coefficient value is the self-efficacy variable, as well as the
calculated t value and partial r2 value, which shows that the largest influence comes from
the self-efficacy variable with an influence size of 74.5 % because it has the largest
correlation coefficient value between the other two variables. The regression coefficient
shows the magnitude of the influence of each independent variable (X1, X2) on the
dependent variable (Y) if the magnitude of the other independent variables in the model
remains constant.
The Effect of work-life balance on employee Performance
The work-life balance variable (X1) has a positive sign, this means that if the work-
life balance improves, it will result in employee performance increasing. Furthermore,
the regression coefficient is 0.406, meaning that every one-unit increase in the work-life
balance variable will increase to 0.487 units in employee performance if the other
variables are constant.
The partial coefficient of determination explains the effect of each change in the
independent variable (X) on changes in the dependent variable (Y). The results of data
processing show that the partial coefficient (r) for the work-life balance variable is 0.521.
This means that: the work-life balance variable can explain every variation in employee
Interaction of Work-Life Balanced and Self-Efficacy on Employee Performance
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3647
performance changes of 0.521 with the assumption that the other variables are constant,
meaning it shows that work-life balance has a high correlation with employee
performance of 52.1% with the assumption that the other variables do not change.
Testing the regression coefficients of the variables, whether the work-life balance
variable (X1) is significant or not significant, tested the significance of the t value. This
test was carried out using a two-way test, using a real level of 5%. The test results show
that the count for the work-life balance variable is greater than the t-table value. The test
results obtained count for the work-life balance variable of 6.248; Meanwhile, the size of
the ttable at the 5% confidence level is 1.980. The values mentioned above can be
explained that partially (individually), the work-life balance variable has a significant
effect on employee performance because the calculated t value > t table value. The
calculated t value of the independent variable is in the Ho rejection area, this means that
the regression coefficient of the work-life balance variable is equal to 0, in other words,
the coefficient of this variable is significant.
The results of this research are in line with the research. (Wardani & Firmansyah,
2019) That work-life balance is an important topic for employees regardless of the nature
of their work because family and career are aspects of life that cannot be separated. Thus,
it is important to help employees achieve a sense of balance between work and personal
needs to increase work engagement, productivity and performance.
In some organizations, employees have alternatives for balancing work and non-
work. In this context, the organization provides an alternative in its Human Resources
Policy, where employees can choose between working or not working temporarily. The
work-life balance experienced by employees has been proven to be able to significantly
increase their contribution to organizational performance while growing their attachment
to the organization where they work. (Riyanto et al., 2019).
Likewise, research by Saifullah (2020) The research title is "The Influence of Work-
Life Balance and Flexible Work Arrangement on the Performance of Konveksi Muslim
Female Employees". The research results show that the variables work-life balance and
Flexible Work Arrangement have an influence of 28.2% on employee performance and
the remaining 71.8% is influenced by other variables not included in this research.
The Influence of Self-Efficacy on Employee Performance
The self-efficacy variable (X2) has a positive sign, this means that if self-efficacy
increases it will result in employee performance increasing. Furthermore, the regression
coefficient is 0.657, meaning that every one-unit increase in the self-efficacy variable will
increase to 0.657 units in employee performance if the other variables are constant.
The partial coefficient of determination explains the effect of each change in the
independent variable (X) on changes in the dependent variable (Y). The results of data
processing show that the partial coefficient (r) for the self-efficacy variable is 0.745. This
means that the self-efficacy variable can explain every variation in changes in employee
performance of 0.745 with the assumption that other variables are constant, meaning it
shows that self-efficacy has a strong correlation with employee performance of 74.5%
with the assumption that other variables do not change.
Josephus Noya
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3648
Testing the regression coefficients of the variables, whether the self-efficacy
variable (X2) is significant or not significant, tested the significance of the t value. This
test was carried out using a two-way test, using a real level of 5%. The test results obtained
count for the self-efficacy variable of 11.430; Meanwhile, the size of the ttable at the 5%
confidence level is 1.980. The values mentioned above can be explained that partially
(individually), the self-efficacy variable has a significant effect on employee performance
because the calculated t value > t table value. The calculated t value of the independent
variable is in the Ho rejection area, this means that the regression coefficient of the self-
efficacy variable is equal to 0, in other words, the coefficient of this variable is significant.
The results of this research are not in line with (Aisyiyah, Turnip, & Siregar, 2022)
One way to achieve optimal performance is through self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is very
necessary in developing employee performance because the presence of self-efficacy in
individuals will create confidence in their ability to complete the work given by their
superiors promptly. Self-efficacy is self-assessment, whether you can carry out good or
bad actions, right or wrong, and can or cannot do what is required.
Self-efficacy determines how people feel, think, motivate themselves and behave.
Self-efficacy is a person's evaluation of his or her ability or competence to carry out a
task, achieve goals, and overcome obstacles. (Harnyoto et al., 2020).
If someone is no longer interested or loses interest in what they are doing, then that
person will lose the ability to achieve a goal, so the steps in each process and the results
of their work performance will tend to decrease. On the other hand, if the person
concerned believes they can achieve their goals, then their self-motivation and level of
performance will tend to increase. (Nurul Hikmah, Rahmawati, & Lestari, 2021).
To get the best performance, one way can be achieved through self-efficacy. Self-
efficacy is very necessary to develop employee performance because, with self-efficacy
in individuals, there will be confidence that they are capable of completing the work given
by their superiors. Someone who has high self-efficacy will achieve better performance
because that person has strong motivation and the ability to perform activities or
behaviours successfully. (Andriyani, 2017), (Setyawan, 2017), (Noviawati, 2016).
Effect of Work Life Balanced (X1) and Self Efficacy (X2) Variables on Employee
Performance (Y) Simultaneously
The influence of the variables Work Life Balanced (X1) and Self Efficacy (X2) on
the related variable, namely employee performance (Y) can be seen from the R2 value of
0.741 which shows that together, the variables Work Life Balanced (X1) and Self
Efficacy (X2) has a significant effect on related variables, namely employee performance
(Y) simultaneously at 74.1% and the rest is influenced by other variables that are not in
the research model. This is proven by the calculated F value of 150.549 > F table in df
(2) (105) of 0.05; so it is concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means
that the variables Work Life Balanced (X1) and Self Efficacy (X2) have a significant
effect on the related variable, namely employee performance (Y) simultaneously.
The results of this research show that the two variables, namely the Work-Life
balance (X1) and Self-efficacy (X2) if they interact with each other, will significantly
Interaction of Work-Life Balanced and Self-Efficacy on Employee Performance
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3649
improve employee performance. In the sense that, a work life that is balanced with
personal life coupled with very adequate self-efficacy, then performance will increase,
and vice versa. This is in line with (Larasati, Hasanati, & Istiqomah, 2019) That work-
life balance is a way for employees to have a healthy life, so this influences improving
employee performance.
The balance between work life and personal life plays a crucial role in improving
one's performance. First of all, this balance helps optimize productivity. By providing
sufficient time for rest and personal activities, a person can avoid fatigue and burnout
which can harm work efficiency. On the other hand, quality free time can increase focus
and energy while working.
Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, the following conclusions were
1. Work-life balance has a positive and significant effect on the performance of Maluku
Province Bappeda employees.
2. Self-efficacy has a positive and significant effect on the performance of Maluku
Province Bappeda employees
3. Work-life balance and self-efficacy simultaneously have a positive and significant
effect on the performance of Maluku Province Bappeda employees.
Josephus Noya
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3650
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