pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 8 August 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3832
Analysis of Junction Congestion and ITS Handling Efforts
on Urban Roads
Gde Ngurah Purnama Jaya
, Umar Mansyur
Universitas Pakuan, Indonesia
Keywords: congestion,
intersection, traffic light.
Congestion is one of the problems that often occurs in
several areas, such as the Damage Circle Line Intersection.
This research aims to identify the causes of traffic problems,
the characteristics of traffic movements, and the level of
service in the area. The research method was carried out by
collecting related data from the results of literature studies,
agency surveys, and observations. There are several
transportation problems at the Damage Circle Line
Intersection. The Damage Circle Line Intersection has
transportation problems because of the road capacity and
vehicle and other commonly known as conflict points. In
addition, the traffic light is not functioning properly, and the
level of road service is quite low, indicating that road service
is quite high, while the travel speed is low. This study
concludes that the traffic problem at the Dramaga Ring Road
Intersection is triggered by several factors, including the
intersection between the flow of vehicle traffic and others
which is commonly known as a conflict point. In addition,
the traffic lights on site are not working properly, and the
area is a congested commercial area.
Transportation has a very important role in supporting people's economic growth
and is the lifeblood of a country's economic development (Iriyena, Naukoko, & Siwu,
2019). The success of the development is greatly influenced by the role of transportation
as the lifeblood of political, economic, socio-cultural, and security defense (El Hafizah,
Mahendra, Sekartadji, & Firdausi, 2023). Therefore, the success of development must be
supported by a good transportation system, by the needs and developments of the times.
In general, transportation is an activity of moving something (goods and/or goods)
from one place to another, either with or without means (Zahra, Manalu, Nabillah, &
Dewi, 2024). So the definition of transportation means a process, namely the process of
moving, moving, transporting, and transferring where this process cannot be separated
from the need for supporting equipment to ensure the smooth process of moving
according to the desired time (Do Ceu, Pandulu, & Arifianto, 2018).
Analysis of Junction Congestion and ITS Handling Efforts on Urban Roads
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3833
Indonesia as one of the developing countries experiences more complex problems
compared to developed countries, ranging from technical problems and problems that
support development itself (Ferdila & Us, 2021). One of the problems that until now has
not been able to be handled is congestion.
One of the areas in West Java province that experiences transportation problems is
Bogor Regency, where transportation in Bogor Regency is notoriously jammed and
unorganized (Razi & Sumberdaya, 2014). The Bogor Regency Government itself has
carried out a public transportation arrangement program which is carried out in several
stages. Until now, the stage that has been completed by the Bogor Regency Transportation
Office is to encourage all city transportation managers to form legal entities by the
mandate contained in Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Transportation Traffic
(Hidayati, 2017).
Incidents like this also occurred on Jalan Raya Dramaga, Bogor Regency, especially
at the intersection of the Dramaga Ring Road (Sholahudin & Hendardi, 2020). Apart from
the imbalance between road capacity and vehicle volume, congestion is caused by public
transportation (angkot) that stops carelessly on the road, trucks, malls, IPB campuses,
Terminals, Markets, and others. Previously, the existence of the Dramaga Ring Road
(JLD) was built to relieve congestion on the Dramaga Highway. However, every day the
volume of vehicles continues to increase, causing long traffic jams on Jalan Raya
Research Methods
The scope of this research area is located in Dramaga District, Bogor Regency. The
location of this research was based on the rapid growth of trade and service activities as
well as higher education which resulted in a high volume of traffic that crossed the
Dramaga Highway.
To the existing objectives, the method used in this study is the data collection
method, namely literature study, agency survey, and observation.
Literature Studies
This literature study is taken from reading books, documents, theses, laws, and
regulations as well as thoughts related to the research theme.
Agency Survey
An agency survey is a data collection technique carried out by collecting data from
related agencies, such as the Bogor Regency Highway Service, the Bogor Regency
Transportation, Communication and Information Service (DISHUBKOMINFO), and the
Development Planning Agency.
Observation is a direct observation in the field of the object of study by observing
the existing conditions of congestion on Jalan Raya Dramaga.
Traffic Counting Survey, namely:
The observation carried out is direct observation by way of a survey to calculate the
number of vehicle traffic volumes, geometric data is carried out by calculating Traffic
Gde Ngurah Purnama Jaya, Umar Mansyur
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3834
Counting. This calculation is carried out to find out the number of vehicles passing in
front of the Traffic control monitoring point (Syaikhu, Widodo, & Arifianto, 2017).
As for the length of the survey time, it is carried out by the predetermined post point
for 12 hours, namely at (06.00 13.00 18.00 WIB) which is intended to find out the
volume of vehicle traffic passing through the Dramaga Highway.
Analysis Methods
The method applied in the research process is determined by the research motto
used. identifying congestion in Jalan Raya Dramaga consists of quantitative analysis and
qualitative analysis.
Results and Discussion
Geographical Conditions of Bogor Regency
Bogor Regency is part of West Java Province with the Regency Capital in Cibinong
District. Geographically located between 6°19' North Latitude - 6°47' South Latitude and
between 106°01' - 107°103' East Longitude. Administratively, North Bogor Regency
borders Depok City; The South is bordered by Sukabumi Regency; To the east, it is
bordered by Purwakarta Regency and Bekasi Regency; and to the West it borders Lebak
Regency and Province.
Banten. The total area of Bogor Regency is 2,663.81 km2 with 40 sub-districts and
434 villages/sub-districts.
Road Network Pattern
Based on the status of the road, the road network in Dramaga District consists of
National Roads and Regency Roads. Meanwhile, based on its function, it is divided into
Primary Arterial Roads and Collector Roads (Pujiyono & Subiyakto, 2021). In general,
the road network in Dramaga District forms a linear road network pattern.
Table 1
Status, Fungsi, Panjang Ruas dan Kondisi Perkerasan RuasRuas Jalan Pengamatan
Street Name
Dramaga Highway
Jalan Lkr. Dramaga
Physical Condition of Roads and Intersections
The physical condition and pattern of the road network at the research site consisted
of the length and width of the road as well as the geometric condition of the road.
Table 2
Physical Condition and Pattern of the Road Network at the Dramaga Ring Road
Jalan Lkr. Dalam
Analysis of Junction Congestion and ITS Handling Efforts on Urban Roads
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3835
2/2 UD
3.6 km
7 M
3.5 M
0 M
0 M
Pedestrian Facilities
Based on the results of a field survey of 2 roads located at the intersection of the
Dramaga Ring Road which does not have pedestrian facilities, it becomes a problem
because pedestrians use the shoulder of the road and the road body.
Vehicle Type
Based on the results of field observations, the Dramaga Ring Road Junction section
serves the movement of freight and passenger transportation traffic, including, Types of
light vehicles including passenger cars, microbuses, pick-ups, and small trucks; Types of
heavy vehicles which include buses, two-way trucks, three-axle trucks and combination
trucks.; Types of motorcycle vehicles which include motorcycles and three-wheeled
vehicles.; and Types of non-motorized vehicles which include pedicabs, bicycles, horse-
drawn carriages, strollers, and others.
Factors Causing Traffic Problems Around the Dramaga Ring Road Intersection
Activities on the Simpang Ringkar Dramaga road section is a commercial area that
is used daily to show quite high activity where it is the center of community social
activities in the form of trade and services, offices, and there are favorite universities in
Bogor Regency. Then there are also many residential activities such as residential housing
and office activities. In addition, the Dramaga Ring Road provides access to other areas
such as the campus, cinemas, and Leuwiliang areas.
Vehicle Movement Composition Analysis
Based on the results of the analysis of vehicle movements, the dominant vehicle
movement in the Dramaga Ring Road intersection area on Sunday was two-wheeled
vehicles. The number of two-wheeled vehicle movements in the Dramaga Ring Road
intersection area reached 5,622 vehicles/hour or around 70.30%, then light vehicles were
2,101 vehicles/hour or around 26.27%, the lowest was non-motorized as many as 44
vehicles/hour or around 0.55%.
Gde Ngurah Purnama Jaya, Umar Mansyur
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Analysis of Junction Congestion and ITS Handling Efforts on Urban Roads
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Figure 1
One of the areas in West Java Province that has experienced transportation
problems is Bogor Regency, which is famous for being jammed and unorganized,
especially at the Dramaga Ring Road Intersection. This problem is caused by an
imbalance between the capacity of the road and the volume of vehicles and public
transportation that often stops carelessly on the road body.
Traffic problems at the Dramaga Ring Road Junction are triggered by several
factors, including the intersection between the traffic flow of vehicles and another,
commonly known as conflict points. In addition, the traffic light at the location is not
functioning properly, and the area is a dense commercial area. The characteristics of
traffic movements at the Dramaga Ring Road Junction show that on holidays and
weekdays, there are peak hours, generally in the morning at 07.00 WIB 08.00 WIB and
the afternoon at 17.00 WIB 18.00 WIB. The results of the traffic volume analysis on
Jalan Raya Dramaga show that on holidays, the traffic volume reaches 1,611 SMP/hour,
while on weekdays the traffic volume reaches 1,545 SMP/hour.
The level of road service at the Dramaga Ring Road Junction from the results of the
analysis shows that the road section is quite low, which indicates that the road service is
Gde Ngurah Purnama Jaya, Umar Mansyur
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quite high but the travel speed is low. This shows that there is a disturbance in the road
Analysis of Junction Congestion and ITS Handling Efforts on Urban Roads
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