Gallery Tour Strategy to Increase the Number of Visitors at Tirtodipuran Gallery Link
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3775
The method used by the author in this article uses a qualitative approach. The author
describes the results of his research by linking several previous sources and using several
techniques in collecting data, namely field observation, interviews with visitors and
guides, documentation of activities, and direct participation in a series of gallery tour
activities. The author uses these data collection methods and techniques because the
research is carried out by the author himself and gets data in the field directly by observing
activities, listening to the responses from visitors who take the tour, interviews with
guides and representatives of the gallery who are authorized to explain about the activities
and reading literature related to the research topic.
The observation carried out by the researcher was by making direct observations at
the research location, namely the Tirtodipuran Link Yogyakarta gallery. The researcher
attended a gallery tour guided directly by artist Angky Purbandono (Angky Pu) which
was followed by students of SD Grow Yogyakarta as participants. The researcher
observed the activities of the tour participants from the arrival of the participants in the
gallery to the end of the activity by sharing the works of the participants during the
workshop to take home as their memories. The purpose of this observation was to find
out the extent of interaction between the artist and the participants in the gallery tour
series and the enthusiasm of each participant in participating in the entire series of
activities. Another observation was made by the researcher on another day while
attending the opening of an exhibition titled "In the East of the Sun" by artist Riono
Tanggul. At the opening of the exhibition, the researcher observed the course of activities
from the beginning of the event opened by representatives of gallery managers, exhibition
curators, and main artists. The researcher observed the enthusiasm of guest visitors in
attending the event from the beginning until visitors were welcome to start a tour of the
gallery that could be accompanied and interact directly with the artists present.
Interviews conducted by researchers were conducted with several parties. In
addition to visiting the gallery, the researcher also conducted interviews with artists who
were present at the opening of the exhibition and officers who were tasked with guarding
the gallery and serving visitors who came. From this interview, the researcher obtained
the answers of the resource persons as evidence to strengthen the analysis and initial
arguments in his research. The results of the interview also open up several different
perspectives that can be the next reference for the gallery management in improving the
gallery tour service to be better according to the wishes of visitors.
The documentation carried out by the researcher includes taking photos during
observation, both location photos, works on display, activities at the opening of the
exhibition, and gallery tours. The purpose of documentation is to capture the moments
that exist during the research and provide evidence of visitor satisfaction when interacting
with artists during gallery tours. The researcher also collected data on the number of
visitors for the last 4 months since the study took place, namely in August, September,
October, and November from the archive of gallery visitor data provided by the public
relations section.