pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 8 August 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3773
Gallery Tour Strategy to Increase the Number of Visitors at
Tirtodipuran Gallery Link Yogyakarta
Agustina Magdalena
Insitut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: promotional
strategies, gallery tours,
exhibition visitors, word
of mouth.
The strategy to increase the number of visitors to galleries
and museums is now still a burden for managers. The
promotion strategy used by the manager should not stand
alone or continue to use the most effective promotion mix
(promotion mix) carried out by the analysis of the strengths
and advantages of each gallery or museum. One form in the
promotional mix that can still be used is word-of-mouth
information which has been proven to be effective because
it focuses on visitor satisfaction and loyalty as the target
market for art galleries. However, WOM also cannot stand
alone without the help of other forms of promotion such as
advertising and public relations. This study aims to provide
information about the effectiveness of gallery tours as a
promotional strategy to increase the number of visitors to the
gallery. The method used is qualitative with a descriptive
approach. The data collection technique is by observation,
interviews, and documentation carried out directly by
researchers at the research location, namely the Tirtodipuran
Link Yogyakarta gallery from October to December 2023.
The results of the study show that visitors are impressed by
the existence of gallery tours, so gallery tours can be a form
of promotion, namely WOM and the increase in the number
of visitors can also be evidenced through visitor data that
shows an increase in certain months when the gallery holds
the opening of exhibitions and artist workshops in which
there are gallery tour activities in it. So the conclusion
obtained from this study is that gallery tour services can not
only create visitor satisfaction and loyalty but also can be a
form of promotion in the form of WOM to increase the
number of visitors to the gallery and it is hoped that this
promotion strategy can also be applied in national museums
in Indonesia.
Gallery tours are a form of promotional strategy carried out by Tirtodipuran Gallery
Link Yogyakarta. In the gallery tour, there are several series of activities and services
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provided by the gallery to visitors as a step to provide comfort and satisfaction for visitors
while in the gallery (Rahmadhani HRP, 2024). The customer will talk to other customers
about their experience using the product or service they purchased, so this advertisement
is a reference from someone else and this reference is done by word of mouth (Chien,
2017). Gallery tours, in addition to being a service that focuses on satisfaction as an effort
to build visitor loyalty, are also an effective form of promotion in increasing the number
of gallery visitors, namely information from word of mouth (Word of Mouth).
Visitors who can take part in the gallery tour are divided into several groups
ranging from school-age children (kindergarten, elementary, junior high, high school, and
college), elderly age groups, children with special needs, government employees as well
as the private sector and community in general (Murti, 2017). The series of activities in
the gallery tour is also considered to be an effective learning tool in daily leadership
practices, especially among schools, both for teachers and students (Kaimal et al., 2016).
The series of activities in the gallery tour will be adjusted to the needs of the tour group
on that day so that the experience and benefits of the gallery tour will also differ
depending on the category of each visitor (Mashuri, 2020).
Gallery tours are also a good promotional strategy for creating customer loyalty.
Customer loyalty is a customer who not only re-buys a good or service but also has a
commitment and a positive attitude towards the service company, for example by
recommending others to buy or use the company's services (Saputri, 2019). With this
gallery tour service, it is hoped that visitors will feel comfortable in the gallery
environment and can enjoy the atmosphere in the gallery during the visit which will
finally give a good impression of the gallery tour activities that are followed by visitors
(Thohari et al., 2024).
From these statements, it is hoped that the gallery tour, in addition to visitors
getting satisfaction from their visit to the gallery, can also be a promotional tool for the
gallery by using the good impression and loyalty of visitors to attract new visitors to the
Tirtodipuran Link Gallery. Visitors are expected to get a good impression and give their
loyalty from the series of programs or activities in the gallery tour offered by the gallery
which will be discussed in the next section of this article.
Research Methods
The formal object of this study is the gallery tour strategy which is a form of visitor
service as a way to provide visitor satisfaction in the hope of creating visitor loyalty and
the formation of a good impression which can then be an effective form of promotional
strategy about the material object of the research, namely increasing the number of
visitors at the Tirtodipuran Link Yogyakarta gallery as the context in which this research
is conducted. The author determined this topic as the object of research because he wanted
to ensure the connection between the gallery tour service at Tirtodipuran Link Yogyakarta
and the increasing number of visitors who came to the gallery and prove that the loyalty
of visitors who have a good impression can also be an effective promotional strategy to
bring in other new visitors.
Gallery Tour Strategy to Increase the Number of Visitors at Tirtodipuran Gallery Link
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The method used by the author in this article uses a qualitative approach. The author
describes the results of his research by linking several previous sources and using several
techniques in collecting data, namely field observation, interviews with visitors and
guides, documentation of activities, and direct participation in a series of gallery tour
activities. The author uses these data collection methods and techniques because the
research is carried out by the author himself and gets data in the field directly by observing
activities, listening to the responses from visitors who take the tour, interviews with
guides and representatives of the gallery who are authorized to explain about the activities
and reading literature related to the research topic.
The observation carried out by the researcher was by making direct observations at
the research location, namely the Tirtodipuran Link Yogyakarta gallery. The researcher
attended a gallery tour guided directly by artist Angky Purbandono (Angky Pu) which
was followed by students of SD Grow Yogyakarta as participants. The researcher
observed the activities of the tour participants from the arrival of the participants in the
gallery to the end of the activity by sharing the works of the participants during the
workshop to take home as their memories. The purpose of this observation was to find
out the extent of interaction between the artist and the participants in the gallery tour
series and the enthusiasm of each participant in participating in the entire series of
activities. Another observation was made by the researcher on another day while
attending the opening of an exhibition titled "In the East of the Sun" by artist Riono
Tanggul. At the opening of the exhibition, the researcher observed the course of activities
from the beginning of the event opened by representatives of gallery managers, exhibition
curators, and main artists. The researcher observed the enthusiasm of guest visitors in
attending the event from the beginning until visitors were welcome to start a tour of the
gallery that could be accompanied and interact directly with the artists present.
Interviews conducted by researchers were conducted with several parties. In
addition to visiting the gallery, the researcher also conducted interviews with artists who
were present at the opening of the exhibition and officers who were tasked with guarding
the gallery and serving visitors who came. From this interview, the researcher obtained
the answers of the resource persons as evidence to strengthen the analysis and initial
arguments in his research. The results of the interview also open up several different
perspectives that can be the next reference for the gallery management in improving the
gallery tour service to be better according to the wishes of visitors.
The documentation carried out by the researcher includes taking photos during
observation, both location photos, works on display, activities at the opening of the
exhibition, and gallery tours. The purpose of documentation is to capture the moments
that exist during the research and provide evidence of visitor satisfaction when interacting
with artists during gallery tours. The researcher also collected data on the number of
visitors for the last 4 months since the study took place, namely in August, September,
October, and November from the archive of gallery visitor data provided by the public
relations section.
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From the three data collection techniques, the researcher can connect the results of
the three techniques into research results that can also be discussed for future research.
Results and Discussion
Visitors are impressed when they take a gallery tour.
When taking a gallery tour, visitors can enjoy several services provided by the
gallery. The services provided for the gallery tour visitors start from the presence of a
welcome drink in the entrance area which indicates the welcome of gallery guests before
starting a series of activities in the gallery tour (Rachim & Gunawan, 2022). The gallery
manager provides several kinds of drinks and snacks for visitors to enjoy before starting
their activities to take a tour of the gallery on that day. An example observed by the
researcher was when there was a gallery tour and workshop by artist Angky Pu which
was attended by students from SD Grow Yogyakarta. The same thing was also found
when researchers attended the opening of the Riono Tanggul artist exhibition in
November this year at the Tirtodipuran Link Gallery in Yogyakarta. The gallery manager
through its employees provides several kinds of snacks and drinks and even adds to the
satisfaction of visitors, guests are welcome to order drinks at the gallery's Ooze Bar for
free (Table 1, Figures 1 and 2).
The series of activities after visitors are given a welcome drink service is to follow
the gallery guide to go around enjoying the artworks exhibited in the gallery. The guiding
officer is the public relations section of the gallery because the public relations department
is the one who knows the most about the products of the works being exhibited and can
explain the intentions and objectives of the artist in his works (Junaidi, 2017). In the
researcher's observation while participating in the gallery tour and Angky Pu's workshop,
the role of public relations in the gallery tour is very important to give a good impression
to the gallery visitors at that time were the students of SD Grow Yogyakarta (Table 1,
Figure 3). Public relations is responsible for explaining to visitors about the existing
works, and must also be able to attract visitors to actively interact so that the gallery tour
feels warmer and more memorable for visitors who take part in the tour activities that
day. The same thing was also observed when researchers participated in the opening of
the Riono Embankment exhibition. In the opening ceremony, visitors who came had the
opportunity to take a tour of the gallery guided directly by the artists from the works on
display. Visitors can not only enjoy the works on display but also interact directly with
the existing artists so that it becomes a satisfaction for visitors who come at the opening
of the exhibition (Table 1, Figure 4). Public relations also plays a role in publicizing the
exhibition which makes visitors come to the exhibition from the opening to the exhibition.
Publication activities carried out by public relations, for example, by collaborating with
various parties in the context of installing exhibition posters and distributing catalogues
provided at the opening of the exhibition to visitors who come (Hedynata & Radianto,
2016). The posters and catalogues themselves are part of the advertising efforts made by
the gallery management (Table 1, Figure 5, and Figure 6).
Gallery Tour Strategy to Increase the Number of Visitors at Tirtodipuran Gallery Link
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In addition to the welcome drink and gallery tour guided by public relations at
Angky Pu's gallery tour and workshop, visitors who are elementary school students are
invited to witness the process of printing stickers from the design results on the computer
into the form of printed stickers which are then used by the students to make their work
in the form of a piggy bank that is attached to stickers according to their preferences and
later can be taken home as souvenirs (Table 1, Figure 7 and Figure 8).
From the three series of activities in the gallery tour, both regular gallery tours
and during the opening of the exhibition, it can be observed that there is a deep interaction
between tour participants and public relations and artists who guide gallery tour activities.
This interaction can make a good impression on the participants of the gallery tour which
is then conveyed to their closest people at home after the tour is completed. In addition to
the interaction between public relations and artists and tour participants, the presence of
a welcome drink when participants first arrive is also expected to give the impression of
a good welcome from the gallery management to visitors.
Tabel 1
Dokumentasi Penelitian
Welcome drink provided for visitors
during the Angky Pu workshop
Welcome drinks were provided for
visitors who came to the opening of
the exhibition "Di Timur Matahari"
by artist Riono Tanggul
Agustina Magdalena
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Public relations guided the gallery
tour of workshop participants from
SD Grow Yogyakarta.
Artist Rofik accompanies and
interacts with gallery visitors during
the opening of the exhibition.
Students of SD Grow Yogyakarta see
the process of printing stickers by
artist Angky Pu at the workshop.
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Artist Angky Pu interacted directly
with the students in his workshop to
make each participant's work take
home as souvenirs.
An example of a publication activity
carried out by public relations by
attaching posters in public locations
that have collaborated with the gallery
The catalogue provided by the gallery
manager for exhibition visitors is a
form of publication and advertising.
Source: Writer, 2023
Satisfaction and Good Impression of Gallery Visitors as a Word of Mouth (WOM)
Holding the principle of WOM that one customer will talk to another customer
about his or her experience when using the product or service purchased or used, then
even though it looks simple, this method is the most effective in marketing and even
selling a product or service. The management of the Tirtodipuran Link gallery
understands this very well, so it tries its best to meet the needs of gallery visitors.
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In this study, in addition to direct observations, researchers also conducted
interviews to complete the results of the research that had been carried out. The researcher
conducted interviews with visitors who came at the opening of the exhibition, an artist
who was participating in the exhibition, and a gallery guard.
Gallery visitors increase in the month of the opening of exhibitions and workshops.
The researcher asked for data on the number of visitors in the gallery
administration to see whether or not there was an increase in the number of visitors in a
certain month, especially if there was an opening of an exhibition or workshop in that
month. The data received by the researcher is visitor data from August to November
because the time of the research conducted by the researcher is from October to
December, so the visitor data needed is at least three months of data from the previous
month, including those that include the opening of exhibitions and artist workshops.
Table 2
Gallery Visitor Recap August 2023
Day, date
Tuesday, 1 August 2023
Wednesday, 2 August 2023
Thursday, 3 August 2023
Friday, 4 August 2023
Saturday, 5 August 2023
Sunday, 6 August 2023
Tuesday, 8 August 2023
Wednesday, 9 August 2023
Thursday, 10 August 2023
Friday, 11 August 2023
Saturday, 12 August 2023
Sunday, 13 August 2023
Tuesday, 15 August 2023
Wednesday, 16 August 2023
Thursday, 17 August 2023
Friday, 18 August 2023
Saturday, 19 August 2023
Sunday, 20 August 2023
Tuesday, 22 August 2023
Wednesday, 23 August 2023
Thursday, 24 August 2023
Gallery Tour Strategy to Increase the Number of Visitors at Tirtodipuran Gallery Link
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Friday, 25 August 2023
Saturday, 26 August 2023
Sunday, 27 August 2023
Tuesday, 29 August 2023
Wednesday, 30 August 2023
Thursday, 31 August 2023
From the August table, it was recorded that the total number of visits in one month
was 1,055 people with an average daily visit of 39 people. It is known from public
relations that in August there will be the opening of exhibitions and workshops for artists.
Table 3
September 2023 Visitor Recap
Day, date
Number of visitors
Friday, 1 September 2023
Saturday, 2 September 2023
Sunday, 3 September 2023
Tuesday, 5 September 2023
Wednesday, 6 September 2023
Thursday, 7 September 2023
Friday, 8 September 2023
Saturday, 9 September 2023
Sunday, 10 September 2023
Tuesday, 12 September 2023
Wednesday, 13 September 2023
Thursday, 14 September 2023
Friday, 15 September 2023
Saturday, 16 September 2023
Sunday, 17 September 2023
Tuesday, 19 September 2023
Wednesday, 20 September 2023
Thursday, 21 September 2023
Friday, 22 September 2023
Saturday, 23 September 2023
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Sunday, 24 September 2023
Tuesday, 26 September 2023
Wednesday, 27 September 2023
Thursday, 28 September 2023
Friday, 29 September 2023
Saturday, 30 September 2023
From the September table, it can be seen that the total number of visits in one month
is 755 people with an average of 33 visits per day. In that month the exhibition is still
ongoing but there is only a gallery tour if needed by visitors (by request).
Table 4
Gallery Visitor Recap October 2023
Day, date
Number of visitors
Sunday, 1 October 2023
Tuesday, 3 October 2023
Wednesday, 4 October 2023
Thursday, 5 October 2023
Friday, 6 October 2023
Saturday, 7 October 2023
Sunday, 8 October 2023
Tuesday, 10 October 2023
Wednesday, 11 October 2023
Thursday, 12 October 2023
Friday, 13 October 2023
Saturday, 14 October 2023
Sunday, 15 October 2023
From the table in October, it can be seen that the number of visitors is only 290
people with an average of 22 visits per day. That month is the end of the ongoing
exhibition and half of the month the gallery is closed for work decline and renovation.
Table 4
Gallery Visitor Recap November 2023
Gallery Tour Strategy to Increase the Number of Visitors at Tirtodipuran Gallery Link
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3783
Day, date
Number of visitors
Friday, 10 November 2023
Saturday, 11 November 2023
Sunday, 12 November 2023
Monday, 13 November 2023
Tuesday, 14 November 2023
Wednesday, 15 November 2023
Thursday, 16 November 2023
Friday, 17 November 2023
Saturday, 18 November 2023
Sunday, 19 November 2023
Tuesday, 21 November 2023
Wednesday, 22 November 2023
Thursday, 23 November 2023
Friday, 24 November 2023
Saturday, 25 November 2023
Sunday, 26 November 2023
Tuesday, 28 November 2023
Wednesday, 29 November 2023
Thursday, 30 November 2023
Finally, in the November table, it can be seen that the total number of visits is 821
people with an average daily visit of 43 people. In that month, there was the opening of
the exhibition "Di Timur Matahari" by artist Riono Tanggul.
From the four tables, it can be seen that the highest number of visitors is in August,
which is 1,055 people with an average of 30 visitors per day, followed by 821 people in
November with an average of 43 visitors per day. This is because in August there is an
artist workshop in which there is also a gallery tour and the opening of the exhibition.
Similarly, in November there was the opening of the exhibition "In the East of the Sun"
by artist Riono Tanggul. In other words, the existence of gallery tours given to visitors,
both in artist workshops and exhibition openings, has a clear impact based on gallery
visitor data.
The results obtained by the researcher through direct observation, interviews, and
administrative data regarding the number of gallery visitors answered some of the
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researcher's initial analysis of the effectiveness of gallery tours as a promotional strategy
to increase the number of visitors, especially gallery tours contained in artist workshops
and exhibition openings. First, the researcher obtained evidence that visitors were very
impressed by taking part in the gallery tour both during the Angky Pu artist workshop
which was attended by SD Grow students, as well as the impression of visitors who could
interact and be accompanied by artists to see the works at the opening of the Riono
Tanggul exhibition which was known from the researcher's interview with one of the
visitors encountered. However, the role of public relations is also very much needed in
this case, both to guide gallery tours if needed, maintain good communication with loyal
visitors, and make publications related to ongoing exhibitions in the gallery.
Second, based on the results of interviews with Rofik artists and Vivi visitors, the
researcher found that visitor satisfaction if they get gallery tour services both
accompanied by direct artists and gallery guards will be a good impression that has the
potential to become a Word of Mouth (WoM) promotional strategy. This is due to the
theory that truly loyal customers have the potential to become word-of-mouth advertisers,
loyal to the company's product portfolio for a long period (Hasan, 2009:81). This means
that visitors with a good impression have the potential to revisit the gallery and tell their
good impressions to friends or family so that they can become potential visitors to the
next gallery. These results are by customer satisfaction indicators according to Hawkins
and Lonney (Ngabito, 2020:11) including (1) the suitability of expectations felt by
customers, (2) interest in revisiting, and (3) willingness to recommend to friends or
Third, based on visitor data obtained by the researcher, in certain months (August
and November) that include artist workshops or exhibition openings, including gallery
tours in a series of activities, gallery visitors become more crowded than usual days. This
is proof of conformity with the definition of word-of-mouth communication according to
Ali Hasan customers who have loyalty to the product will be willing to tell good things
about the company and its products to others, friends, and family which is much more
persuasive than advertising (Hasan, 2009:81). So in this case, visitors as loyal customers
will tell the good impression of the gallery tour service and other supporting facilities that
they receive to the people around them to come and visit the gallery. This is also by the
opinion of Gremler and Brown (Hasan, 2009:83) that customer loyalty is a customer who
not only re-buys a good or service but also has a commitment and a positive attitude
towards the service company, for example by recommending others to buy.
So some of the researchers' findings have proven that a gallery tour can be a form
of promotional strategy that prioritizes visitor satisfaction and loyalty by hoping that the
good impression obtained through the gallery tour can be a source of positive information
in word-of-mouth communication. The results of the study prove that there is a direct
comparison between visitor satisfaction through gallery tour services that create a good
impression can increase the number of exhibition visitors in the gallery because the
Gallery Tour Strategy to Increase the Number of Visitors at Tirtodipuran Gallery Link
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3785
formation of WOM promotion which contains this good impression and synergizes with
other forms of promotion, namely advertising and public relations can increase the
number of exhibition visitors who come to the gallery. The role of public relations is also
needed to create this WOM in addition to carrying out publication activities and helping
promotions in the form of advertising from the manager so that visitors come to the
exhibitions held, public relations is also tasked with maintaining the loyalty of gallery
visitors in the form of good communication when guiding gallery tours.
This study is useful in finding out the importance of gallery tour services that can
also be applied to national museums, but with the limitations of researchers in the search
for literacy, additional literacy is needed to do so. The researcher proposes to conduct
further research by comparing the effectiveness of this direct gallery tour service as a
form of promotion with the existence of a virtual tour gallery as a technological
development for digital promotion so that it can be known the difference in the impression
obtained by gallery and museum visitors between physical and digital gallery tour
services. Finally, the researcher can conclude that the success of the promotion strategy
carried out is inseparable from several interrelated promotional mixes, both forms of
advertising, public relations, word-of-mouth information, and other forms of promotion
that go hand in hand and do not stand alone to achieve goals, especially marketing in the
field of art which requires an emotional bond with the public and art connoisseurs.
Agustina Magdalena
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