The Construction of The Meaning of the Boycott According to the Boycotters on the Israeli-
Palestinian Issue
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5663
"Because in the past, when I was a student around 2005 to 2010, I was also active
in several student organizations whose focus was to fight for the Islamic brotherhood, so
at least we have discussed, shared, and shared information," (Informant 5, 2024).
The answers from the three informants above are information that supports Alfred
Schutz's theory, where according to Alfred Schutz meaning is formed based on
knowledge obtained through social interaction and experience. (Tayo & Nursanti, 2023),
therefore based on the results of interviews with the three informants, it can be confirmed
that the answers of informants three, four, and five are contrary to Kreitler's theory of
meaning construction, where Kreitler argues that knowledge and meaning play a role in
the formation of meaning, knowledge is personal and private (Kreitler, 2022), while in
informants one and two, the results of the interviews show that there is alignment with
Kreitler's theory and contrary to Alfred Schutz's theory.
Motives for Boycotting
To obtain information about the motives of informants in carrying out the boycott,
the researcher asked questions related to their personal reasons for the boycott. The
answers obtained were then reduced and analyzed by categorizing the informants'
answers into the category of motives, namely in-order-to motive and because of motive.
In terms of the motive of the goal, through Informant Two and Informant Five, the
researcher found that these informants carried out this cancel culture movement with
several objectives, including stopping the supply of support to Israel so that Israel's money
power was reduced and attacks on Palestine could be stopped. This is in line with Alfred
Schultz's phenomenological theory which explains the motive of the goal as a projection
of a phenomenon that will occur as a result of an action. (Aho, Altman, & Pedersen,
2024), while the motive because, the researcher found that the research informants carried
out the cancel culture movement for religious and humanitarian reasons, the answers of
Informant One, Informant Three, and Informant Four validated Alfred Schultz's theory of
motive because (because motive) where the factor environment and history (in this case,
religious and humanitarian factors) that affect the cancel culture movement they carry
Experience of Boycott
In addition to knowledge, meaning is also generated from individual experience.
The researcher provided interview questions about the experiences of each informant
during this boycott movement.
The researcher gave several questions to the teachers of Tunas Unggul High School
in Bandung City as research informants. Through this subchapter, informants were asked
to elaborate on how they experienced themselves as individuals as well as teaching staff
who carried out the cancel culture movement.
Based on the results of the interviews, the five research informants had their
underlying experiences in carrying out this boycott. Through this experience, researchers
can find out that the opinions of Kreitler and Alfred Schutz are valid in stating that
experience plays a role in the formation of meaning, this finding is contrary to Atwar