pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5003
Transformation of the Role and Competence of Public
Relations in Using Artificial Intelligence Technology
Shellie Paola Chelsie1*, Erna Febriani2
Universitas Esa Unggul, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]1*, [email protected]2
transformation, roles,
competencies, diffusion of
innovation, ChatGpt.
This research aims to determine the transformation of the
role and competence of the Akarsana public relations agency
in using the ChatGpt application to run PR programs. This
research uses qualitative descriptive analysis with a case
study approach. This research was conducted at the
Akarsana Public Relations Agency. Data collection
techniques were carried out using interviews, observation,
and documentation. The results of this research show that the
use of ChatGpt supports Akarsana PR to transform from
conventional PR to digital PR in the era of Industrial
Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0. With ChatGpt as an
innovation, PR Akarsana can make it easier to do research
and copywriting. ChatGpt also helps Akarsana's PR role as
a bridge between companies and institutions or society to the
public. Apart from that, Akarsana's current PR competencies
must also be supported by new AI-based PR competencies
so that Akarsana PR can transform optimally in the era of
Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0.
The current development of digitalization, which has entered the era of Industrial
Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0, has made several aspects of life, namely social, economic,
educational, cultural, environmental, and political undergo fundamental changes in
behavior and way of thinking. Digital innovation is growing so rapidly that conventional
methods have shifted and have even been replaced by technology as a whole.
According to (Arief & Saputra, 2019), the implementation of Industry 4.0 can
increase productivity, labor absorption, and market expansion for the industry. Activities
in this era include a variety of advanced technologies, such as AI, the Internet of Things
(IoT), advanced robotics, and 3D printing. The focus of Society 5.0 is on four main areas,
namely healthcare, mobility, infrastructure, and fintech. Society 5.0 uses a more human-
focused approach.
Today's human life is highly dependent on increasingly advanced technology and
communication. One of them is evidenced by the ownership of mobile phones by each
individual, ranging from children to adults and the elderly. The positive things produced
Shellie Paola Chelsie, Erna Febriani
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5004
by the use of mobile phones are not only felt by individuals but by several institutions
and organizations in the field of application of mobile phones are the main means of
sustainability of every activity carried out.
The sophistication of technology that affects the current human mindset has made
experts more aggressive in coming up with new ideas. In this case, the Industrial
Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0 have begun to prioritize artificial intelligence known as
Artificial Intelligence (AI) which has a great influence on the progress of aspects of
human life, especially in the business field. AI itself has encouraged companies to utilize
technology to improve their existence. According to Rouhiainen in (Arief & Saputra,
2019), AI is the ability of a machine to use algorithms to learn from data, and use what it
has learned to make decisions like humans do. AI is a system that thinks like a human; a
system that acts like a human; a system that thinks rationally; and systems that act
Without realizing it, AI has entered and changed human lives much faster than we
imagined, causing a small or widespread impact. The emergence of Artificial intelligence
(AI) certainly has advantages and disadvantages for humans. The advantages of artificial
intelligence can help ease the workload of humans, for example, in making decisions,
searching for information more accurately, or making computers easier to use with a more
understandable display. The way artificial intelligence works is to receive input, to be
processed, and then output in the form of decisions (Gunawan & Manullang, 2020). But
on the other hand, the presence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can also pose a great threat
to the work done by humans (Arly, Dwi, & Andini, 2023).
In its development, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been implemented in various
fields, one of which is the implementation of AI in Public Relations (PR). (Poetra, 2021),
said that Public Relations (PR) is a management function that builds and maintains a good
and beneficial relationship between an organization and the public that affects the success
or failure of the organization. In general, PR is an organization with interaction activities
in building and maintaining communication between people and organizations to
influence the audience to build a good reputation for the organization it is ostensibly.
Based on the formulation of the problem above, the objectives of this study are:
1. To find out the role of public relations agency Akarsana in using the ChatGpt
application to run PR programs.
2. To find out the competence of Akarsana's public relations agency in using the ChatGpt
application to run PR programs.
3. To find out the transformation of the role and competence of the public relations
agency Akarsana in using the ChatGpt application to run PR programs.
Transformasi Peran Dan Kompetensi Public Relations Dalam Menggunakan Teknologi
Artificial Intelligence
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5005
Figure 1
Framework of Thought
The focus used by the researcher in this qualitative method is the "Case Study
Method". Case studies in English are "A Case Study" or "Case Studies". The word "Case"
is taken from the word "Case" meaning case, study, or event While the meaning of "case"
is very complex and broad. A case study is an exploration of "a tied system" or "a
case/multiple cases" that over time through in-depth data collection and involves various
"rich" sources of information in a context. This tied system is bound by time and place
whereas cases can be studied from a program, event, activity, or an individual. In other
words, a case study is a research in which the researcher explores a certain phenomenon
(case) in a time and activity (program, event, process, institution, or social group) and
collects information in detail and depth using various data collection procedures over a
certain period.
Type of Research
The approach used in this study is a descriptive qualitative method. According to
(Martha, 2021), qualitative research methods are defined as research methods in the social
sciences that collect and analyze data in the form of words (oral and written) and human
deeds and researchers do not try to calculate or qualify the qualitative data that has been
obtained and thus do not analyze the numbers.
Data Source
Public Relations (PR) era 4.0
Public Relations Practitioner
(PR) Hosted by the Agency
Peran Public
Relations (PR)
Public Relations
(PR) Competency
Innovation Diffusion Theory
Transformation of the Role and
Competence of Public Relations in
Using Artificial Intelligence
Shellie Paola Chelsie, Erna Febriani
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5006
According to Lofland (Meleong Lexy, 2001) states that words and actions are the
main sources of data in qualitative research, the rest are additional data such as documents
and others. The words and actions referred to here are the words and actions of someone
observed or interviewed who is the primary source of data. If using a questionnaire or
interview is a method of data collection used by researchers, then the source of the data
is called respondents, namely people who respond to or answer the researcher's questions,
both written and oral. If the observation technique is used by the researcher, then the
source of the data can be an object, motion, or process of something.
This study uses two types of data sources taken according to (Kuantitatif, 2016),
which are as follows:
1. Data Primer
Primary data is a data source that directly provides data to data collectors. The data
is collected by the researcher directly from the first source or where the object of the study
was conducted. The researcher used the results of interviews obtained from informants
about the research topic as primary data. The interview was held on March 15, 2024, in
person, and then the researcher also conducted interviews via Zoom, telephone, and
WhatsApp chat.
2. Data Seconds
Secondary data is a data source that does not directly provide data to the data
collector, for example through other people or documents. In this study, the secondary
sources of data are books, journals, and articles related to research topics regarding the
transformation of the role and competence of public relations in using artificial
intelligence technology in the use of Chatgpt in public relations agency Akarsana.
Research Object
The object of research according to (Kuantitatif, 2016) is a scientific goal to obtain
data with certain purposes and uses about something objective, valid, and reliable about
something (certain variables). The object of this research is the transformation of
Akarsana's role and public relations competence.
Data Collection Techniques
The data collection techniques used in this study are:
a. Interview
According to (Bungin, 2013), it is stated that interviews are often referred to as
interviews which means obtaining information for research purposes by conducting
questions and answers face-to-face between the interviewer and the respondent.
Interviews are used by researchers to conduct several questions from consumers in
running their respective businesses. The interview was conducted in a directed interview,
which means that it was less formal and systematic compared to an in-depth interview
that met the criteria.
b. Observation
According to Imam Gunawan (2013: 143), Observation is the most basic and oldest
method, because in certain ways we are always involved in the process of observing or in
other words an investigation that is carried out systematically and with and especially
Transformasi Peran Dan Kompetensi Public Relations Dalam Menggunakan Teknologi
Artificial Intelligence
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5007
using the senses, the eye, to direct events. So here the author makes direct observations
in the field to obtain data that is closely related to this research. In this case, the author
made direct observations in the field regarding the transformation of the role and
competence of public relations in using artificial intelligence technology in the use of
Chatgpt at the public relations agency Akarsana.
c. Documentation
Based on (Bungin, 2013), it is stated that the documentary method is a data
collection method used in social research methodology which means tracing through
historical data. Documentaries are used by the research based on documents, especially
official documents. Official documents are based on external documents. External
documents are based on articles that can be used as research.
Data Analysis Techniques
According to Miles and Huberman (1984: 19), qualitative data analysis activities
are carried out interactively and continuously. This activity starts with data reduction,
data display, as well as conclusion drawing, and verification. Meanwhile, data analysis
according to Moleong (2001: 67) is the process of organizing and sorting data into
patterns, categories, and units of speech so that the themes can be found.
Data Validity
According to Sugiyono (2017: 369), the data validity test in qualitative research is
to prove the validity or validity of the data found in the field. The data from the research
can be said to be "valid" if the data contains the truth of the data in the field.
Results and Discussion
Transformation of Akarsana's Public Relations (PR) Role and Competence in Using
ChatGpt on Everett M Rogers' Innovation Diffusion Theory
The Innovation Diffusion Process of Everett M Rogers has four elements and this
study analyzes the third element in the innovation process, namely the time of the theory
of Everett M Rogers. Where in the time element there are five stages of identification in
the process of adopting innovations that involve that time. The results of the Diffusion
Identification of Innovation in this study are as follows:
This first element was first discovered by Akarsana's CEO in 2020. An innovation
that can help get the job done well and doesn't take long for research and copywriting is
ChatGpt. In general, the average Akarsana employee knows what ChatGpt is, but they
don't know what ChatGpt does and how to use it yet (Dozier, Grunig, & Grunig, 2013).
The discovery of ChatGpt is a very extraordinary innovation in Akarsana. The era
of Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0 is very influential and has shifted the
conventional way of carrying out the role of PR practitioners. ChatGpt is an innovation
to help complete the work of Akarsana PR practitioners. In line with the statement from
Syabani Takdir about the emergence of innovations in Akarsana, namely ChatGpt.
Shellie Paola Chelsie, Erna Febriani
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5008
Syabani Takdir consideration as a person who recommends ChatGpt as an
innovation for research and copywriting feels that ChatGpt will continue to be used
continuously, even though ChatGpt is not only used for research and copywriting but can
also be used for other work if needed.
Social System
The units involved in the deployment of ChatGpt as an innovation are only limited
to the scope of Akarsana's offices and employees, especially PR practitioners who most
often use ChatGpt in completing research and copywriting work. This is because
Akarsana's main focus is the people who have a direct impact on operational efficiency,
namely Akarsana's employees and the priorities of Akarsana which aims to achieve
optimal results most effectively and efficiently. So that ChatGpt which has a direct impact
on the work environment can improve the performance of Akarsana PR practitioners.
The Importance of Akarsana's Public Relations (PR) Communication Competency
A public relations practitioner who has an important role must be competent
because PR preliminaries as a strategic function in helping clients to build faith,
reputation, good relationships and maintain existence are not easy. Competence is the
basic capital of PR practitioners to apply theories which are then presented to the public.
The following are the components that must be possessed by Akarsana PR practitioners
related to communication (Deng & Lin, 2022).
1. Knowledge, the ability that Akarsana PR practitioners possess to manage emotions
and behaviors effectively in the context of communicative and communicative actions.
2. Skills, PR practitioners Akarsana also have adequate skills, be it education, education
in the field of communication science that has been taken, skills that are naturally
acquired, and experience as a PR practitioner.
3. Motivation, to achieve these communication goals, competent PR practitioners must
have the motivation to use their knowledge and skills effectively because it also affects
the quality of communication, interpersonal relationships, and the results achieved. In
the era of the ever-evolving Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0, the ability to
adapt to new technologies, communication trends, and audience dynamics is essential.
Communicators who are motivated will be more open to training to improve their
4. Outcomes, Akarsana's PR role as a managerial and communication technician
intersects a lot with writing, such as developing media strategies, preparing press
release materials, and also managing interview requests from clients. To make a write-
up, of course, you must have many informative references related to the client's
requested material. Since 2020, PR Akarsana has used one type of ChatGpt Artificial
Intelligence for research and copywriting so that the processing time is more effective
and the results delivered are by the client's goals.
Transformation of Akarsana's Public Relations (PR) Role and Competence in Using
ChatGpt on Everett M Rogers' Innovation Diffusion Theory
Based on the purpose of this research, is to determine the transformation of the role
and competence of the Akarsana Public Relations Agency in using the ChatGpt
Transformasi Peran Dan Kompetensi Public Relations Dalam Menggunakan Teknologi
Artificial Intelligence
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5009
application to run PR programs. Akarsana is a Public Relations Agency that can transform
following the times from conventional to the era of Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0.
PR Akarsana has also fulfilled all innovation diffusion processes involving five
stages and the elements that exist at the stage of time have also been owned by PR
Akarsana. Innovation diffusion does not just happen, four main elements will affect each
other, and determine whether an innovation can be accepted by the final adoption unit,
namely innovation, time, communication channels, and social systems (Rogers, 2003).
Still to Rogers (1983: 20) Adopting a new idea, even though it has benefits, is difficult.
Many innovations take years from the time they become available to widespread
adoption. Therefore, a common problem for many individuals and organizations is how
to accelerate the rate of diffusion of innovation, namely innovation, communication
channels, time (knowledge, persuasion, decision-making, implementation, and
confirmation), and social systems.
The process of diffusion of innovations proposed by Rogers was carried out by PR
Akarsana. Public Relations Agency Akarsana also commented that the emergence of
innovations helps PR in carrying out its role so that changes in the development of
technology can be used as best as possible as support for PR performance. By utilizing
existing technology, PR Akarsana is very helpful in completing work well, both in terms
of time efficiency, cost efficiency, and manpower efficiency. There is a very significant
difference in the role of PR before and after being touched by technology in the era of
Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0. is used by Akarsana to make the role of PR as
a bridge between the company and the institution or community better.
The researcher thinks that the Adaptive Structuration Theory (AST) can also be
applied in Akarsana to see how the adaptation of Akarsana's PR from before and after
using ChatGpt. The Adaptive Structuration Theory (AST) is almost the same as the
Innovation Diffusion Theory, but the initial focus of the Adaptive Structuration Theory
(AST) is structuration and appropriation. Adaptive Structuration Theory (AST) can also
help Akarsana understand how technological innovation can affect organizational
structure and how organizations adapt to technological changes in the era of the Industrial
Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0.
On the other hand, based on the researcher's analysis of the innovation used by
Akarsana, namely Artificial Intelligence of the ChatGpt type, there is a discrepancy in the
statements submitted by the resource persons regarding the data that is not answered in
ChatGPT, especially those related to religion, the keywords in ChatGpt must be specific
because there are some that ChatGpt cannot explain in detail, such as we are looking for
biographies of certain figures or looking for things related to religion about the division
of rights inheritance or so on. The researcher tried to search for religion and biography
on ChatGpt, it turned out that ChatGpt could provide information about it.
The researcher also found several limitations, namely first, the ChatGpt screenshot
data obtained from the source is only the latest data. The resource person's livelihood
history on ChatGpt at the time of first use is no longer there. Second, the data obtained,
namely ChatGpt screenshots for previous year's projects, is also no longer available. So
Shellie Paola Chelsie, Erna Febriani
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5010
researchers have had a little difficulty seeing the development of ChatGpt users from the
beginning of use until now. Third, the researcher's limited time in conducting interviews
with resource persons, the researcher only conducted direct interviews with the resource
persons for only two days. The rest of the interviews are conducted via Zoom, WhatsApp
chat, and telephone only.
Based on the findings of researchers related to the incompatibility of the innovations
used by Akarsana, namely the ChatGPT-type Artificial Intelligence, the Adaptive
Structuration Theory (AST) can be used as a reference for decision-making. Referring
back to the initial focus of the Adaptive Structuration Theory (AST) is structuration and
appropriation, structuring is a certain arrangement or pattern that can be used as a
reference for decision-making. While the conformity referred to here is the application of
predetermined structures, whether it is compatible with the concepts of appropriation.
Peran Public Relations (PR) Akarsana
The implementation of Akarsana's PR role is also shown by collecting and
presenting information according to client requests. Akarsana PR practitioners collect
relevant information by conducting research first and then brainstorming with the team
for review before the results are given to the client. Then PR also uses social media as a
forum to reach the target market of their clients in today's digital era. The results of social
media are the creation of engaging content that considers relevance to the audience, a
language style that is consistent with the brand has a strong call to action (CTA), and
conveys the benefits of the product/service. The content of such publications is designed
to inform and influence the public, and PR is also responsible for ensuring that the
message conveyed through such content is always consistent.
The Importance of Akarsana's Public Relations (PR) Communication Competency
The importance of Akarsana's PR communication competencies in the era of
Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0 does not only include conventional skills such
as writing and speaking, but also skills in using technology and understanding the
dynamics of digital media. Because with this competence, it can support the performance
of PR Akarsana. In addition, this competency is expected to help PR Akarsana adapt
quickly to the changes in the digitalization era, take advantage of digital opportunities,
and maintain reputation and good relations with the public.
Based on the results of the analysis conducted by the researcher, Akarsana PR
practitioners already have components of the interpersonal competency model by
Hazleton (2006) which builds an interpersonal competency theory of public relations
based on seven assumptions of interpersonal competence known as Spitzberg & Cupach
(1984). Building an interpersonal competency model consisting of five components,
namely, knowledge, skills, motivation, outcomes, and the context of subjective situations
in communication participants.
The transformation of Akarsana's PR role and competencies is the latest innovation
that greatly helps the role of PR in optimizing performance. This is because Akarsana's
Transformasi Peran Dan Kompetensi Public Relations Dalam Menggunakan Teknologi
Artificial Intelligence
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5011
main focus is the people who have a direct impact on operational efficiency, namely
Akarsana's employees and the priorities of Akarsana which aims to achieve optimal
results most effectively and efficiently. So that ChatGpt which has a direct impact on the
work environment can improve the performance of Akarsana PR practitioners. From the
results of the analysis of the data findings that have been described in the discussion,
Akarsana's PR has fulfilled all the elements of the Innovation Diffusion Theory. The
innovation diffusion process involving five stages of innovation decisions has also been
fulfilled by PR Akarsana. Researchers found another theory that is relevant to ChatGPT's
discovery as an innovation, namely the Adaptive Structuring Theory.
The role of PR that has transformed in using ChatGpt has not been supported by
qualified and certified competencies. Based on the analysis of the findings and data
explained in the discussion, PR practitioners must have qualified skills and competencies
so that there are no more obstacles in using ChatGpt. The researcher also found theories
that are relevant to the new AI-based PR competencies in the era of the Industrial
Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0, namely oral communication, character (written
communication: level 1 and oral communication: level 2), and listening (visual
communication (level 2, level 4 and level 5) are very important and must be owned by
Akarsana PR in the current era of digitalization
Shellie Paola Chelsie, Erna Febriani
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5012
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