pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3360
The Relationship Between Coping Strategies and Resilience
for Students with People Pleaser Tendency
Desi Permata Sari
, Komarudin
Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: students,
people pleaser, resilience,
coping strategies.
Entering the early adult phase as a student, they will
experience natural selection with a decrease in the number
of people closest to them due to their busy schedules and
different responsibilities. Some of the students try to
maintain by always pleasing the people around them and
even sacrificing their own needs and desires so that the
pressure experienced will feel heavier, students tend to be
people pleasers and will experience complex problems in
lectures with their responsibility and desires that tend to
continue to make others happy with them. This has an impact
on stress, anxiety, and even depression, so resilience is
needed so that students who tend to be people pleasers can
overcome and survive the pressure and responsibility in their
lives as students. One of the factors that affects resilience is
the coping strategy so students tend to be people pleasers
who have a good coping strategy and will have good
resilience as well. The purpose of this study is to determine
the contribution of the relationship between coping
strategies and resilience to students with a tendency to be
people pleasers in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Data
collection was carried out using a coping and resilience
strategy scale with a Likert scale model. The number of
respondents in this study was 200 students with a tendency
to be people pleasers in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
with an age range of 18-24 years. The results of this study
show that there is a significant positive relationship between
coping strategies and resilience. The effective contribution
result was 59.8% and the correlation coefficient in this study
was 0.773. The significance test in this study is 0.000 < 0.05.
A student is someone who is studying in college. The average age of students in
Indonesia entering early adulthood ranges from 18 to 24 years old. According to Willis,
the age of 18 to 24 years is the age of early adulthood (young adulthood) (Nurrahmaniah,
2019). Early adulthood is the transition from adolescence. Adolescence is characterized
The Relationship Between Coping Strategies and Resilience for Students with People Pleaser
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by the search for self-identity, in early adulthood, this self-identity is obtained little by
little according to the chronological age and mental age (Wilis, 2011).
Various problems arise with increasing age in early adulthood. As a student at this
stage, the problem that will be experienced is natural selection with a reduction in the
number of people closest to you due to different busyness and responsibilities. However,
some of the students try to maintain by always pleasing the people around them and even
sacrificing their own needs and desires. The desire to help others is a good intention, but
the willingness to do something for others even though you feel reluctant can cause
negative consequences that have an impact on yourself. This encouragement to please
others is called people pleasing or in Indonesian can be interpreted as an attitude that aims
to please others. (Harapan, Ahmad, & MM, 2022). This attitude wants to put others first
but often goes too far because it is sacrificing yourself. In everyday language, we often
refer to people pleasers as "unpleasant" people. A people pleaser and this people-pleasing
attitude is very disturbing because they do not have enough courage to say "no" even
though it is difficult to do so (Firmansyah, n.d.).
The psychological effects of students being people pleasers, such; Anxiety and
stress disorders, losing the will to progress, losing self-characterization, and harboring
anger because being a people pleaser will make a person harbor anger because they know
that they are being taken advantage of by those around them and have a passive-
aggressive attitude and this can trigger frustration and risk making them depressed.
(Afrianstika & Yusuf, 2024). From these problems, it is stated that one of the
psychological effects of students who tend to be people pleasers is anxiety and stress
disorders to the risk of depression. The task of being a student and the responsibility of
pleasing others becomes an additional burden for him to be a people pleaser. The ability
to overcome the problems faced to avoid anxiety and stress is needed by students,
especially those who have characteristics or tendencies to be people pleasers. (Dinata,
Wahyudi, & Fikry, 2023).
From the results of interviews conducted by the researcher, it was found that the
causes of stress and anxiety of students tend to be people pleasers, namely, lack of
operating the desires that exist in them, and lack of confidence in the ability to solve
problems. From these problems, the general resilience aspect is seen in all subjects,
namely impulse control according to (Reivich & Shatté, 2002) Which is characterized by
a lack of ability to be able to operate the desires or hobbies, urges, and pressures
experienced by the individual. Often the subject puts aside and prioritizes other people's
pleasures, and problems and forgets what is experienced so that students tend to be people
pleasers who will always adjust and survive the pressures that arise in their various lives.
One of them has problems in the aspect of emotion regulation, according to (Reivich &
Shatté, 2002) Characterized by the lack of individuals regulating emotions because they
always think about the problems or sufferings of others rather than themselves. And three
of the subjects have problems in the aspect of self-efficacy according to Reivich & Shatte
(2002) characterized by a lack of individual confidence to solve their problems, always
needing the opinions of others in solving their problems. (Rahmayanty et al., 2023).
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Resilience is one of the most important soft skills for students, students who have
high resilience are students who have managed to get out of the problems they face and
succeed in their study period and consider these problems as part of the challenges of
their study period, and not something that should be used as an excuse to be down.
Students tend to be People pleasers who will experience complex problems in lectures
with their responsibility and a desire to continue to make others happy with them.
(Afrianstika & Yusuf, 2024). Stress, anxiety, and depression require resilience so that
students can overcome and survive the pressure and responsibilities in their lives as
students. Reivich describes some of the abilities that make a person have good resilience
are confidence in oneself to be able to overcome a problem, being able to identify
problems, and take lessons from a difficult event or situation.
(Reivich & Shatté, 2002) Conducted research with student subjects at Ahmad
Dahlan University, explaining that students need resilience to be able to adapt and still be
able to develop themselves well according to their competencies. The results of the
research conducted by (Triyana, Hardjajani, & Karyanta, 2015) Explained that as many
as 20 students (5%) had very low resilience, 20 students (50%) had low resilience, and
18 students (45%) had moderate resilience. The average empirical value of resilience was
86.08. Thus, it is concluded that in general, students of the Psychology Study Program,
Faculty of Medicine, Sebelas Maret University have low resilience.
From the description above, it can be concluded that students need resilience to
be able to adjust and develop themselves, however, there are still many resilience in
students in Indonesia that are relatively low. In line with that, resilience according to
Reivich & Shatte (2002) is an individual's ability to overcome and adapt to severe events
or problems faced healthily and productively. According to Smith, et al., (2008) resilience
is the ability to bounce back and recover from stress and be able to adapt to stress or
adversity. Resilience is seen as a measure of success in coping with stress. Therefore,
there is a need for a coping strategy to increase the resilience of students who tend to be
people pleasers to avoid stress, anxiety, and depression due to the pressure experienced.
Defines resilience as a coping process against stressors, difficulties, changes, and
challenges that are influenced by protective factors. Coping strategies are one of the
factors that can affect an individual's resilience because coping strategies have a
significant role in the process of developing resilience in a person. Coping strategies play
an important role in the process of developing student resilience, so it can be said that
coping affects a person's resilience.
A coping strategy is an action that occurs as an individual's response to a stressful
situation that can have a negative impact, both psychologically and physiologically. In
addition, coping strategies are also influenced by a person's experience in dealing with
problems, cultural background, self-image, environmental factors, social factors, and
others, which are some of the factors that greatly affect a person's ability to solve a
problem. Coping strategies are an individual's effort to reduce and control the threat of
stress and learn to overcome it. The coping strategy is divided into 3 dimensions, namely;
problem-focused coping, emotion-focused coping, and dysfunctional coping.
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The researcher found that there was a study with the same variables in the study
to be carried out, the study was conducted by Pratiwi (2016) showing the results of the
analysis obtained correlation coefficient (r) = 0.525 with p = 0.000 (p < 0.001). Another
similar study, (Sani, 2019), this study showed a positive relationship between resilience
and coping strategies that focus on PFE problems (r = 0.557, p < 0.01). Which
hypothesized that there was a positive and significant relationship between resilience and
coping strategies that focused on EFE emotions (r = 0.194, p < 0.01). Another similar
study is the (Shaputra, 2021), which shows a result of rs = 0.874 with p = 0.000 (p < 0.01).
These studies show that there is a significant positive relationship between coping
strategy variables and resilience variables. The difference between this study and the
previous research is in the subject and aspects used. This study connects resilience with
coping strategies in students with a tendency to be people pleasers in the Special Region
of Yogyakarta. So the researcher wanted to find out whether there was a relationship
between coping strategies and resilience in students with a tendency to be People pleasers
in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
The purpose of this study is to find out if there is a relationship between coping
strategies and resilience for students with a tendency to be people pleasers in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta.
The research was conducted in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, from March 22
to June 20, 2024, the population of this study is someone who enters the early adult phase
and lives their life as a student with a tendency to be a people pleaser, this study 200
samples were taken using the solving technique. Data collection was carried out by
spreading the measurement scale, the scale used in this study is the resilience scale
adopted from (Zulmi, 2021). And the scale of the coping strategy adopted from Siaputra,
I. B., et al., (2023).
Results and Discussion
The characteristics of the subjects in this study are students who are entering the
early adult phase. Early adulthood is often referred to as young adulthood with an age
range of 18 - 24 years. Based on the criteria mentioned by the researcher is in line with
the opinion expressed by Wilis. According to Wilis (2011), Early adulthood is a transition
from adolescence. Adolescence is characterized by the search for self-identity, in early
adulthood, this self-identity is obtained little by little according to the chronological age
and mental age. Entering the early adult phase as a student, they will experience natural
selection with a decrease in the number of people closest to them due to their busy
schedules and different responsibilities. Some of the students try to maintain by always
pleasing the people around them and even sacrificing their own needs and desires so that
the pressure experienced will feel heavier, students tend to be people pleasers and will
experience complex problems in lectures with their responsibility and desires that tend to
continue to make others happy with them. This has an impact on stress, anxiety, and even
Desi Permata Sari, Komarudin
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3364
depression, so resilience is needed so that students who tend to be people pleasers can
overcome and survive the pressure and responsibility in their lives as students. One of the
factors that affects resilience is coping strategies, so students tend to be people pleasers
who have a good coping strategy and will have good resilience as well.
In the results of the study, the analysis of the characteristics of the research subjects
based on criteria was obtained from as many as 200 respondents consisting of 69 men and
131 women. The number of female respondents is greater than that of men because of the
place and environment in which the researcher shares the psychological scale, there are
many women, and based on the results of the researcher's observations and interviews,
women are indeed the most vulnerable to being a people pleaser because they prioritize
The age of the respondents in this study is early adult, namely 18-24 years old.
The age of most respondents was 21 to 24 years old with the frequency of respondents
getting 104 students with a tendency to be people pleasers, then the age of 18 to 20 years
with a frequency of 96 students with a tendency to be people pleasers.
The data on the distribution of the scale based on the origin of the respondents'
institutions or universities, there were 71 students from Yogyakarta State University, 29
students from Gadjah Mada University, 26 students from 'Aisyiyah University
Yogyakarta, 24 students from Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta, 16 students from
Ahmad Dahlan University, 14 students from Islamic University of Indonesia, 7 students
from Duta Kencana Christian University, 6 students came from UIN Sunan Kalijaga, 3
students came from STIKES Yogyakarta, 2 students came from UPN Veteran
Yogyakarta, 1 student came from Alma Ata University, and 1 student came from
Yogyakarta Institute of Technology.
Based on the explanation above, this study was conducted to determine whether
or not there is a relationship between coping strategies and resilience in students with a
tendency to be people pleasers in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The results of the
analysis based on the results of the research data will be presented one by one in
paragraphs, namely descriptive analysis based on the level of categorization of free
variables and bound variables, normality test, linearity test, determination coefficient test,
and hypothesis test, namely product-moment correlation test.
The first analysis result was a descriptive analysis at the level of categorization of
the resilience scale in students with a tendency to be people pleasers with a very low
category level to get 0 frequencies with a percentage of 0% or no students with a tendency
to be people pleaser who had very low resilience. A total of 46 students with a tendency
to be people pleaser were included in the low categorization level with a percentage of
23%, as many as 40 students with a tendency to be people pleaser with a percentage of
20% were obtained at the medium categorization level, as many as 22 students with a
tendency to be people pleaser with a percentage of 11% were at the high categorization
level and consisting of 92 students with a tendency to be people pleaser with a percentage
of 46% in very high categorization. It can be concluded from the descriptive analysis that
the majority of students tend to be people pleasers have very high resilience and can
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function properly when facing various pressures in their lives. At the level of
categorization of the coping strategy scale in students with a tendency to be people
pleasers based on descriptive analysis, there were 0 respondents with a percentage of 0%
with a very low and low level of categorization, then at the medium level of
categorization, there were 44 respondents with a percentage of 22%, consisting of 68
respondents with a percentage of 34% included in high categorization, and 88 respondents
with a percentage of 44% were categorized very tall. It can be concluded that the majority
of students tend to be people pleasers have a very high coping strategy and can function
well when facing various pressures in their lives.
Based on this explanation, it can be seen that the scale of coping strategies has a
positive significance relationship with resilience. The relationship is said to be positive if
the independent variable and the bound variable are unidirectional, which means that the
higher the independent variable, the higher the bound variable, and vice versa. The lower
the independent variable, the lower the bound variable. In this study, the results were
obtained that the respondents had a very high coping strategy, resulting in a very high
resilience category.
The next exposure to the results of the analysis is the normality test. The results of
the normality test showed a significance of 0.125. Based on the decision-making of the
normality test, if the significance value > 0.05, the data is normally distributed, but if the
value < 0.05, the data is said to be not normally distributed. The statistical value of the
normality test is 0.125 which means the significance value is 0.125 > 0.05 and the coping
strategy data and resilience-bound variables show normal distributed data.
The next analysis is a linearity test that serves to determine whether or not there is
a linear relationship between two variables, namely the coping strategy independent
variable and the resilience-bound variable. The provision for two variables is said to be
linear if the significance value > 0.05 is said to be linear, but if the significance value is
< 0.05 then the two variables are not said to be linear. The statistical results of the linearity
test showed a significance value of 0.100 > 0.05 which showed that the two variables
were linearly related. This happened because of the value of deviation from linearity >
The correlation product moment hypothesis test in the results of this study showed
a significance of 0.000 which means that both coping strategy variables and resilience
variables have a significant relationship. The correlation test value of product-moment
obtained a value of 0.773** so that the result of the coefficient interval and the level of
relationship between the coping scale and resilience in students with a tendency to people
pleaser in the Special Region of Yogyakarta has a strong relationship level and the type
of relationship between these two variables is positive because there is no negative sign
(-) of the product moment column table and is strengthened by exposure to descriptive
analysis which shows that the independent variable and the variable tied together to obtain
a very high statistical value. Therefore, the results of the study are by the hypothesis that
has been made by the researcher.
Desi Permata Sari, Komarudin
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In the next discussion, the R Square determination coefficient test was presented
where to determine the ability of the coping strategy variable to explain the resilience
variable, the R Square value was obtained at 0.598 or a percentage is 59.8%. This means
that the ability to cope strategy variables affects the resilience variable by 59.8% while
40.2% is influenced by other factors that are not explained in this study such as individual
factors (cognition, coping strategies, locus of control, and self-concept), family factors,
community factors, and risk factors. (Everall, Altrows, & Paulson, 2006).
Based on the results of statistical tests that have been passed through each step and
process, prove that coping strategies have a positive relationship with resilience and
strength. The positive relationship in question is the independent variable, namely the
coping strategy tends to be very high, while the resilience-bound variable also tends to be
very high, or vice versa, if the independent variable tends to be low, then the bound
variable is also low.
This study strengthens the following previous research based on the results of
statistical tests from several other studies that show that coping strategies have a
relationship with resilience. These studies were conducted by Pratiwi (2016) on "The
Relationship between Coping Strategies and Resilience in Women Heads of Poor
Households", the research proved that there was a positive and significant relationship
between coping strategies and resilience. Another study conducted by (Sani, 2019), which
was researched with the title "Coping Strategies Reviewed from Spirituality and
Resilience in Early Adult Women" showed that there was a positive and significant
relationship between resilience and coping strategies that focused on PFE problems (r =
0.557, p<0.01). Another similar research is the research of (Shaputra, 2021) Which
examines "The Relationship Between Coping Strategy and Resilience in Regional
Students at Sultan Agung Islamic University", the study shows that there is a very
significant positive relationship between coping strategy variables and resilience
variables in regional students studying at Sultan Agung Islamic University Semarang
class of 2017-2019.
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the scale of coping and
resilience strategies has a strong significant relationship with positive patterns. So, the
greater a person's coping strategy, the higher the resilience. Likewise, when a person has
a low coping strategy, the lower the resilience when facing various pressures.
In completing this study, the researcher also realized that there are many weaknesses in
this study, the weaknesses are as follows:
1. The respondent criteria determined by the researcher are not specific so the target
respondent in this study is not met.
2. Researchers are less able to survey respondents because all scales from the trial to the
study are made with Google Forms and disseminated to social media through
WhatsApp, Instagram, and X (Twitter) and the scales used by the researcher are
personal so that the subjects are not completely honest in filling out the research scale
and want to show a good impression.
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3. The lack of research relations in the Special Region of Yogyakarta in spreading the
scale so that it takes a long time and is only reached by a few agencies or universities.
Based on the discussion above, it can be concluded that, in the resilience variable,
most of the respondents have very high resilience, namely 92 respondents or 46%, 22
respondents (11%) have high resilience, 40 respondents (20%) have moderate resilience,
and 46 respondents (23%) have very low resilience. It can be concluded that the majority
of students tend to be people pleasers in the Special Region of Yogyakarta have very high
resilience and function well when facing various pressures in their lives. In the coping
strategy variable, there were 44 respondents (22%) who had a moderate coping strategy,
68 respondents (34%) who had a high coping strategy, and 88 respondents (44%) who
had a very high coping strategy. It can be concluded that the majority of students who
tend to be people pleasers in the Special Region of Yogyakarta have very high resilience
and function well when facing various pressures in their lives. The relationship between
resilience and coping strategy obtained a significant statistical value of 0.000 < 0.05 with
a correlation coefficient of 0.773** so it can be interpreted that the coping strategy has a
strong correlation coefficient with resilience. The direction of the relationship between
coping strategies and resilience is positive. So it can be assumed that the higher the coping
strategy, the higher the resilience in students with a tendency to be people pleasers in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta. The statistical value of the R Square test result was 0.598
or 59.8%, so the contribution of the independent variable, namely the coping strategy in
influencing the resilience-bound variable, was 59.8%. There was a strong relationship
between coping strategies and resilience in students with a tendency to be people pleasers
in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, which was 0.773.
Desi Permata Sari, Komarudin
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