Desi Permata Sari, Komarudin
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3362
Resilience is one of the most important soft skills for students, students who have
high resilience are students who have managed to get out of the problems they face and
succeed in their study period and consider these problems as part of the challenges of
their study period, and not something that should be used as an excuse to be down.
Students tend to be People pleasers who will experience complex problems in lectures
with their responsibility and a desire to continue to make others happy with them.
(Afrianstika & Yusuf, 2024). Stress, anxiety, and depression require resilience so that
students can overcome and survive the pressure and responsibilities in their lives as
students. Reivich describes some of the abilities that make a person have good resilience
are confidence in oneself to be able to overcome a problem, being able to identify
problems, and take lessons from a difficult event or situation.
(Reivich & Shatté, 2002) Conducted research with student subjects at Ahmad
Dahlan University, explaining that students need resilience to be able to adapt and still be
able to develop themselves well according to their competencies. The results of the
research conducted by (Triyana, Hardjajani, & Karyanta, 2015) Explained that as many
as 20 students (5%) had very low resilience, 20 students (50%) had low resilience, and
18 students (45%) had moderate resilience. The average empirical value of resilience was
86.08. Thus, it is concluded that in general, students of the Psychology Study Program,
Faculty of Medicine, Sebelas Maret University have low resilience.
From the description above, it can be concluded that students need resilience to
be able to adjust and develop themselves, however, there are still many resilience in
students in Indonesia that are relatively low. In line with that, resilience according to
Reivich & Shatte (2002) is an individual's ability to overcome and adapt to severe events
or problems faced healthily and productively. According to Smith, et al., (2008) resilience
is the ability to bounce back and recover from stress and be able to adapt to stress or
adversity. Resilience is seen as a measure of success in coping with stress. Therefore,
there is a need for a coping strategy to increase the resilience of students who tend to be
people pleasers to avoid stress, anxiety, and depression due to the pressure experienced.
Defines resilience as a coping process against stressors, difficulties, changes, and
challenges that are influenced by protective factors. Coping strategies are one of the
factors that can affect an individual's resilience because coping strategies have a
significant role in the process of developing resilience in a person. Coping strategies play
an important role in the process of developing student resilience, so it can be said that
coping affects a person's resilience.
A coping strategy is an action that occurs as an individual's response to a stressful
situation that can have a negative impact, both psychologically and physiologically. In
addition, coping strategies are also influenced by a person's experience in dealing with
problems, cultural background, self-image, environmental factors, social factors, and
others, which are some of the factors that greatly affect a person's ability to solve a
problem. Coping strategies are an individual's effort to reduce and control the threat of
stress and learn to overcome it. The coping strategy is divided into 3 dimensions, namely;
problem-focused coping, emotion-focused coping, and dysfunctional coping.