pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 8 August 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3152
State Government Communication Strategy in Disseminating
Development Information in Kaitetu, Central Maluku
Fatmawati Rumra
, Yuniar Sakinah Waliulu
Universitas Pattimura, Indonesia
Keywords: development
communication strategy,
media, literacy.
Communication is a process that aims to spread or convey
several meaningful messages, between individuals, groups
and organisations. Remember that every individual has the
desire to speak, to convey his ideas and opinions and to
obtain all information. So, then it gives rise to a
communication process. Some time ago in conveying
several messages, they usually used simple tools such as
kentongan, the sound of a whistle, which became a symbol
of communication. This research aims to get an overview of
government development communication and media literacy
in conveying several messages to cause understanding and
change in people's behaviour. The end of the purpose of this
research is to give birth to a development communication
role model that makes more use of all communication media
that are increasingly developing and can be used as a
reference. The following are important points of the purpose
of this research is to find an effective development
communication process. This study uses a descriptive
qualitative method. The type of data in this study uses the
type of qualitative data, the main source of data in qualitative
research The type of data in this study uses the type of
qualitative data, the main source of data in qualitative
research includes ideas, expressions and views of the
informants on development communication in the delivery
of several messages. The selection of informants in this
study is by using the purposive sampling method. The
informant in this study is the staff of the Central Maluku
Kaitetu State Government. This study found that the Kaitetu
State Government in disseminating development
information determines a number of communication
strategies, namely planning, setting goals and objectives,
forming messages, selecting media or media choices and
Fatmawati Rumra, Yuniar Sakinah Waliulu
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3153
Communication is a process that aims to spread or convey several meaningful
messages, between individuals, groups and organizations. Remember that basically,
every individual has the desire to speak, to convey his ideas and opinions and to obtain
all information (Adityara & Rakhman, 2019). This makah al then gave rise to a
communication process. Some time ago in conveying several messages, they usually used
simple tools such as kentongan, the sound of a whistle, which became a symbol of
communication (Alfaruqy, 2022).
According to (Nanjappa et al., 2014), a person who communicates means expecting
that other people in this case who are being communicated with will be able to participate
or take the same action by the goals, expectations or content of the message conveyed.
With the emphasis that communication means an effort to establish commonality with
others by conveying information, in the form of an idea or attitude. With communication,
we have the goal of changing attitudes and understanding of the message to be conveyed
(Arum, Zahrani, & Duha, 2023).
In conveying several messages, then development communication arises.
Development communication in a broad sense includes the role and function of
communication (as an activity of exchanging messages reciprocally) among all parties
involved in development efforts; especially between the community and the government,
starting from the planning process, then implementation, and assessment of development
(Nasution, 2012).
With the rapid development of technology and information today, various media
and innovations have emerged in disseminating information, delivering messages and
obtaining information (Aresti, Lukmantoro, & Ulfa, 2023). This is also what makes
anyone able to become a communication actor by utilizing existing media. In the practice
of development communication, the use of media, both oral, written, audio and
audiovisual, is needed (Laksana & Fadhilah, 2021).
The government in this case as a communicator needs to adapt to various media as
a conveyor of messages and information so that it can create understanding and
participatory communication, namely the community (Engelbertha, 2022).
In addition to the government as communicators, several community groups can
also become communicators, they are an extension of the government. So, a
communication interaction occurs. The development process will face failure in creating
community participation, due to the lack of communication aspects in the implementation
process (Kurnia, Johan, & Rullyana, 2018).
The term communication is derived from the Latin word Communis which means
to make together or build togetherness between two or more people (Kaloeti, Kurnia S,
& Tahamata, 2021). Communication is also the root word in the Latin word Communico
which means to divide. According to Dr Everett Kleinjan from the East-West Center of
Hawaii, communication is an eternal part of human life just like breathing oxygen because
as long as humans live, they need to communicate (Dharmawansyah, Cangara, & Sultan,
State Government Communication Strategy in Disseminating Development Information in
Kaitetu, Central Maluku
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3154
Mufid in (Pongpalilu et al., 2023) stated that communication is information that is
conveyed from one place to another by transferring information, ideas, emotions, skills,
and others by using symbols such as words, figures, and graphics as well as giving,
convincing speech and writing (Huda, Fitriyani, & Hidayati, 2022).
In its scope, communication describes how a person conveys something through
certain language or symbols to others (Hisan, 2022). How do politicians campaign in front
of the masses so that they can attract supporters? How a movie star, author, or scientist
wins fans because of his ability to use communication media such as newspapers, radio,
television, and movies. Or how an entrepreneur uses communication channels such as
posters, billboards, leaflets, and advertisements to attract buyers' attention. All of the
above examples are communication events between people. Where humans are the main
actors, both face-to-face and through the media. Because it is called human
communication or more popularly communication between people.
Research Methods
This study uses a qualitative approach research method. Qualitative research is a
research process to understand human or social phenomena by creating a comprehensive
and complex picture that can be presented in words, reporting detailed views obtained
from informant sources, and conducted in a natural setting.
Research Methods
Qualitative methods are research that aims to understand phenomena or events
from a more in-depth and detailed perspective (Muhammad, Triansyah, Fahri, &
Gunawan, 2023).
Types and Data Sources
a. Data Type
The type of data in this study uses qualitative data, the main data sources in
qualitative research include ideas, expressions and views of informants on development
communication and media literacy in delivering several messages. This type of qualitative
data is expressed in the form of sentences and descriptions, and can even show differences
in the form of levels or levels, although the boundaries are not clear.
b. Data Source
Data Primer
This data source is descriptive data obtained directly at the research site through
observation and interviews with related informants.
Data Seconds
Secondary data sources are additional or complementary data that are intended to
complement existing data. The available data consists mostly of documented materials.
Data Collection Techniques
The data collection techniques used in this study are as follows:
1. Observation
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3155
The researcher conducts participant observation, where the researcher will be
involved with the activities of the subjects that are being observed or used as a source of
research data.
2. Interview
The interview referred to in this study is in the form of in-person interviews with
several informants that have been determined according to the data and information
3. Documentation
Documentation is used to find out the relevant documents to the problem to be
studied. Data was obtained through references used, both books and journals related to
the research topic.
Research Informant
The selection of informants in this study is by using the purposive sampling method.
The informants in this study are state government staff in the country of Kaitetu, and the
Data Analysis Techniques
According to Miles and Huberman (in Basrowi and Suwandi, 2008: p.209) there
are three activities carried out in conducting data analysis, including:
a. Data Reduction. The essence of data reduction is the process of combining and
standardizing all forms of data into a written form to be analyzed.
b. Data Presentation After the data is collected, the researcher groups similar things into
categories or groups so that it is easier for the researcher to conclude.
c. Drawing Conclusions At this stage, the researcher compares the data obtained with the
data from interviews with subjects and informants to conclude.
Results and Discussion
Communication Strategy
1. Planning
In disseminating development information for the people of Kaitetu Country, state
government staff carry out several planning. When asked by the K1 head as the Village
Head whether in the delivery of information, the message or information was planned or
when there were activities to be carried out, the information was immediately conveyed
(Hidayat & Hidayat, 2020).
Based on the results of the interview, the researcher obtained information that
before disseminating information on development in the country of Kaitetu, the village
government carried out several planning, namely in the form of collecting population data
first, involving several community leaders such as RT administrators, hamlet heads to
involve young people who are in several communities that stand in the country of Kaitetu.
Message Formation
Content Message formation is one of the important sequences to achieve the
desired goal. By setting goals and objectives, it will be easier and more effective in
forming messages, this aims to make information more effective.
State Government Communication Strategy in Disseminating Development Information in
Kaitetu, Central Maluku
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3156
Based on the results of the researcher's interview with an informant with the initials
KD, information was obtained that:
"In the country of Kaitetu, every 5th there is a service for weighing toddlers and caring
for the elderly, this can be conveyed through cadre mothers so that they can disseminate
this information to the community. Because in this village, I think if it is conveyed
through gentlemen, the information will be less disseminated in contrast to the
information conveyed to mothers because toddlers are more inclined to mothers and
residents who are newly married."
Source: Research Data Processing Results, 2023
As a result of interviews with informants, it was concluded that the formation of
messages carried out to disseminate development information by the village government
adjusted to the target of the information. In the formation of the message, the village
government collaborates with various parties so that the message, in this case several
development information, can be conveyed properly and clearly to the community.
Media Choices
Choosing the type of media to be used to convey several messages that have been
prepared in advance is very important in the dissemination of Development information.
The right type of media can help reach all audiences who are the target of the development
information message.
From the results of interviews and observations conducted by researchers with
informants, it can be said that informants carry out several stages of strategy and the use
of several media in disseminating development information. In this study, the researcher
analyzed communication strategies and the use of media for the dissemination of
Development information to the community.
Communication Strategy
1. Planning
Planning is the initial stage of developing a communication strategy to maximize
the communication process that will be carried out. To carry out effective communication
requires careful planning so that the information to be conveyed is right on target. For the
dissemination of information, several plans were carried out, namely adjusting the
program to the target audience, collecting community data, and involving all parties such
as RTs, Hamlet Heads, religious leaders, cadres and stakeholders. The involvement of
several parties also helps to disseminate development information effectively and on
target. The community, in this case, young people who are members of several
communities, namely the environmental, arts and literacy communities, are also involved
in the process of disseminating development information in the country of Kaitetu.
In this study, the researcher conducted interviews with several informants and the
informant explained that before doing something such as disseminating information to
the public, several plans were first carried out to maximize the communication process
from the state government to the public. By doing good planning, the information to be
conveyed will be more directed and achieve goals.
2. Goals and Objectives
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The next stage after planning is to set goals and objectives. In this stage, it is
necessary to set communicative goals. For the process of disseminating information, the
state government sets several communion goals and adjusts them to the objectives. If the
information is about stunting programs and improving nutrition for children, then the
target is RTs, hamlet heads, cadres and mothers. If the information is about education, the
environment and the arts, the target and purpose of disseminating information is school-
age children. By setting goals and objectives, it will help the process of disseminating
information more on target.
In interviews with several informants, it was also found that the intended targets
were diverse, including young people in the country of Kaitetu who used more gadgets
so that in setting goals and objectives, the state government adjusted the information and
media that would be used, this was so that the information that would be provided was
right on target. In addition, if the information is about assistance to the community of the
country, then the goals and objectives are adjusted, if it is related to development
information related to the environment, society and education, then the government also
involves the community as its communion.
3. Message Formation
The next stage is message formation. After planning, and setting goals and
objectives, the formation of a message will be carried out. This stage is important in the
process of disseminating information. By forming the right message, the communicator
will better understand what the meaning of the information is intended to be conveyed.
In this study, it was found that several information were formed as well as possible, such
as setting a time for a development program to run such as weighing services for toddlers
and elderly care which is a fixed program, so that the message was made by conveying it
to cadres and mothers in the country of Kaitetu.
In this study, it is also known that several development messages or information
are also conveyed from outside parties, not always from the village government. From
the informants, it is known that information from outside parties will usually involve
domestic-related parties such as the community. If the information is about education,
literacy, arts and the environment, then the community in the country of Kaitetu will be
involved. In addition, the community carried out several activities that helped the
development of the community such as making English and regional language classes.
4. Media Choices
The next stage is media choices. The selection of media as a means of conveying
information is very important. Choosing the right media is an important step so that the
message or information to be conveyed to the public can be conveyed properly. After
conducting interviews and observations, the researcher found that in the country of
Kaitetu in disseminating development information to the community, various media, both
traditional media and social media. In practice, the selection and use of media adjusts to
the message to be conveyed and also the target of the communicator to be targeted.
In this study, it was found that traditional media used were in the form of
billboards, loudspeakers and still spreading information from word of mouth. In addition
State Government Communication Strategy in Disseminating Development Information in
Kaitetu, Central Maluku
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3158
to traditional media, social media is also found as a means of conveying information, such
as websites and Facebook. If the information presented is in the form of transparency of
the village budget and work program, the state government will use billboards as a
medium for disseminating information. Several information is also often disseminated in
Facebook groups, it's just that urgent information will be conveyed through loudspeakers
and announcements at mosques. From interviews with informants, information was also
obtained that the country of Kaitetu also uses village websites as a medium for
disseminating information, but there are no operators to manage the website, this is also
one of the obstacles for the village government. It is also known that the country of
Kaitetu also uses Marinyo as a means of conveying information, but it is constrained
because the position of Marinyo is still vacant, no people are willing to become Marinyo
5. Evaluation
The last stage of the communication strategy carried out is the evaluation stage.
This stage is important because it is to assess the strategies that have been carried out,
whether they are effective or not and as a determinant in determining future
communication strategies. By conducting an evaluation, it will be seen and assessed to
the extent that planning, goal and goal determination, message formation and media
selection are going well.
In this study, it was found that the Kaitetu state government will evaluate if when
disseminating information through social media such as Facebook groups and problems
or miscommunication are found, then the state government will conduct deliberations to
solve problems that arise in the community or explain in more detail related to the
information. Evaluation is also carried out if there are programs related to village
development. In addition, the evaluation was carried out to determine the next steps for
the dissemination of information and the involvement of other parties such as local
governments, non-governmental organizations and so on.
In disseminating development information, the Kaitetu state government uses a
communication strategy, namely with the stages of planning, goals and objectives,
message formation, media choices or media selection and evaluation. At the planning
stage, the Kaitetu state government adjusts the program to its target audience, collects
community data, and involves all parties such as RTs, Hamlet Heads, religious leaders,
cadres and stakeholders. The involvement of several parties also helps to disseminate
development information effectively and on target. After planning or planning, continue
to set goals and objectives. For the process of disseminating information, the state
government sets several communion goals and adjusts them to the objectives. By setting
goals and objectives, it will help the process of disseminating information more on target.
The next stage is media choices. in the country of Kaitetu in disseminating
development information to the public using various media, both traditional media and
social media. In practice, the selection and use of media adjusts to the message to be
Fatmawati Rumra, Yuniar Sakinah Waliulu
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3159
conveyed and also the target of the communicator to be targeted. Traditional media used
are billboards, loudspeakers and still spreading information from word of mouth. In
addition to traditional media, social media is also found as a means of conveying
information, such as websites and Facebook. If the information presented is in the form
of transparency of the village budget and work program, the state government will use
billboards as a medium for disseminating information. Several information is also often
disseminated in Facebook groups, it's just that urgent information will be conveyed
through loudspeakers and announcements at mosques. In the country of Kaitetu, the
village website is also used as a medium for disseminating information, but it is
constrained by the absence of human resources as operators to manage the website, this
is also one of the obstacles for the village government. The Kaitetu state government will
evaluate when disseminating information through social media such as Facebook groups
and if problems or miscommunication are found, the state government will conduct
deliberations to solve problems that arise in the community or explain in more detail
related to the information. Evaluation is also carried out if there are programs related to
village development. In addition, the evaluation was carried out to determine the next
steps for the dissemination of information and the involvement of other parties such as
local governments, non-governmental organizations and so on.
State Government Communication Strategy in Disseminating Development Information in
Kaitetu, Central Maluku
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