Fatmawati Rumra, Yuniar Sakinah Waliulu
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3153
Communication is a process that aims to spread or convey several meaningful
messages, between individuals, groups and organizations. Remember that basically,
every individual has the desire to speak, to convey his ideas and opinions and to obtain
all information (Adityara & Rakhman, 2019). This makah al then gave rise to a
communication process. Some time ago in conveying several messages, they usually used
simple tools such as kentongan, the sound of a whistle, which became a symbol of
communication (Alfaruqy, 2022).
According to (Nanjappa et al., 2014), a person who communicates means expecting
that other people in this case who are being communicated with will be able to participate
or take the same action by the goals, expectations or content of the message conveyed.
With the emphasis that communication means an effort to establish commonality with
others by conveying information, in the form of an idea or attitude. With communication,
we have the goal of changing attitudes and understanding of the message to be conveyed
(Arum, Zahrani, & Duha, 2023).
In conveying several messages, then development communication arises.
Development communication in a broad sense includes the role and function of
communication (as an activity of exchanging messages reciprocally) among all parties
involved in development efforts; especially between the community and the government,
starting from the planning process, then implementation, and assessment of development
(Nasution, 2012).
With the rapid development of technology and information today, various media
and innovations have emerged in disseminating information, delivering messages and
obtaining information (Aresti, Lukmantoro, & Ulfa, 2023). This is also what makes
anyone able to become a communication actor by utilizing existing media. In the practice
of development communication, the use of media, both oral, written, audio and
audiovisual, is needed (Laksana & Fadhilah, 2021).
The government in this case as a communicator needs to adapt to various media as
a conveyor of messages and information so that it can create understanding and
participatory communication, namely the community (Engelbertha, 2022).
In addition to the government as communicators, several community groups can
also become communicators, they are an extension of the government. So, a
communication interaction occurs. The development process will face failure in creating
community participation, due to the lack of communication aspects in the implementation
process (Kurnia, Johan, & Rullyana, 2018).
The term communication is derived from the Latin word Communis which means
to make together or build togetherness between two or more people (Kaloeti, Kurnia S,
& Tahamata, 2021). Communication is also the root word in the Latin word Communico
which means to divide. According to Dr Everett Kleinjan from the East-West Center of
Hawaii, communication is an eternal part of human life just like breathing oxygen because
as long as humans live, they need to communicate (Dharmawansyah, Cangara, & Sultan,