pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 7 July 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3533
The Effect of Service Quality and Facilities on Inpatient
Satisfaction at Malinau Regional General Hospital
Esra Pagewang
, Entang Adhy Muhtar
, Heri Wahyudi
Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
, Universitas Padjajaran, Indonesia
Keywords: service
quality, facilities, patient
This study aims to analyze how and to what extent the
quality of service and facilities influence the satisfaction of
inpatients at Malinau Hospital on the satisfaction of
inpatients at Malinau Hospital, partially and simultaneously.
The type of research used is a quantitative approach with a
cross-sectional study design to describe and analyze whether
there is a relationship between the independent variable and
the dependent variable. The population in this study, the
number of inpatient visits from June to October 2023 was
1,152, with a research sample of 92 respondents. Data
collection techniques used questionnaires, interviews and
documentation studies. The data analysis technique uses
SPSS version 25. The results of the research obtained a
multiple linear regression equation Y = 5.119 + 0.064
significant impact on the satisfaction of inpatients at Malinau
District Hospital. The simultaneous test (F test) shows that
the quality of services and facilities have a significant effect
on the satisfaction of inpatients at Malinau Hospital
simultaneously. The partial coefficient of determination
(R2) shows that the variables (X1), and (X2) can explain the
variable (Y) by 55.0%. Meanwhile, the remaining 45.0% is
explained by other variables not identified in this study.
The government's efforts to improve the quality of services include establishing and
enforcing Health Law Number 17 of 2023 concerning Health and regulating and
emphasizing efforts to Promote, Prevent, and Eradiate diseases, focusing on treatment
and rehabilitation efforts to improve the quality of health services, protect the community,
regulating the authority and responsibilities of health workers. (Widanti & Wirman,
One of the institutions that provide services to the public is hospitals. The existence
of hospitals to provide health services to the community has been regulated in Law No.
44 of 2009 concerning hospitals (Ghozali, 2016). Hospitals providing health services
have organized professional medical staff, supported by various facilities in the treatment
room, and provide basic medical, nursing and services 24 hours a day, and complete
Esra Pagewang, Entang Adhy Muhtar, Heri Wahyudi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3534
health services to the community, both preventive and curative services (Kosnan, 2020).
Hospitals can also organize education for health workers as well as a place to deepen
knowledge through scientific studies. High-quality health services are effective, safe and
useful services to people who need services with the support of professionals and
adequate human resources (WHO, 2014).
Hospitals are one of public health institutions, and as a place to get adequate health
services, the existing hospitals must also be able to provide the best quality services.
(Muninjaya, 2011). Hospitals must understand what consumers (patients) want so that
consumers are satisfied with the services they have. Transforming high-quality healthcare
and satisfying customers is the responsibility of all hospitals.
The Ministry of Health has established policies that are more favourable to the poor
to focus more on health services for the poor, underprivileged, disadvantaged and remote
areas. (Sulaiman, 2021). The basis of this thinking, in addition to fulfilling the
government's obligations, is also based on scientific studies and experience that there will
be an acceleration in improving health indicators if it focuses more on health services for
the poor and underprivileged from various aspects (Permenkes RI, 2010).
Hospital service users demand quality services and adequate facilities and are not
only related to the recovery of a disease physically improving their health status, but also
regarding satisfaction with attitudes, the availability of adequate infrastructure facilities
for the physical environment that can provide a sense of security, comfort, and peace.
Patients are one of the determinants or indicators of the quality of services provided and
patient satisfaction is a capital that has a very large influence on getting more patients and
getting loyal patients. (Iskandar, Budianto, & Kusniawati, 2024).
According to (Apriani, Nasution, & Suharyanto, 2022), Walyan and (Layli, 2022).
The quality of service is divided into five dimensions, namely reliability, responsiveness,
guarantee, empathy and physical evidence. Tangible assets (physical evidence) include
physical facilities, personnel equipment, and communication equipment. Reliability is the
ability to deliver the promised service quickly, accurately and satisfactorily.
Responsibility is the ability to help customers and the willingness to serve customers well.
The results of a study conducted by (Imran, Yulihasri, Almasdi, & Syavardie, 2021) The
variable Quality of service and facilities has a positive effect on the satisfaction of
inpatients at Teuku Peukan General Hospital, Southwest Aceh. (Fuady, 2014).
The results of the relevant research related to this study are the research conducted
by (Patattan, 2021) This shows that the quality of service, price and facilities partially
have a significant effect on the satisfaction of inpatients at Pasirian General Hospital,
Lumajang Regency.
Malinau Regional General Hospital is a hospital owned by the Regional
Government of Malinau Regency, located on Jln. Respen Tubu, North Malinau District,
Malinau Regency, North Kalimantan. Malinau Regional General Hospital is a referral
hospital located on the border of Malaysia with Indonesia in 2017 an Accreditation survey
by the Hospital Accreditation Commission (KARS) with a Plenary accredited assessment.
Based on the data obtained from the suggestion box recap in January 2024 related to
The Effect of Service Quality and Facilities on Inpatient Satisfaction at Malinau Regional
General Hospital
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3535
inpatient satisfaction, namely patients who are satisfied with the service 86% and patients
who are not satisfied with the service provided by the hospital 14%. The quality of service
felt by inpatients is the quick response of medical personnel if the patient needs it, while
the facilities that are considered unsatisfactory by patients are not functioning TVs and
sometimes the air conditioner is hot and even damaged.
Research Methods
The purpose of the study, is to describe and analyze the Influence of Service and
Facilities Quality on Inpatient Satisfaction at the Malinau Regional General Hospital and
determine which variables have the greatest influence on patient satisfaction, in this study,
the type of research that will be used is Quantitative research.
In quantitative research with a cross-sectional study design to describe and analyze
the existence or absence of independent variable relationships with dependent variables,
the measurement is between cause and effect observed at the same time. This study uses
the Likert scale which is a measurement used to measure the attitudes, opinions and
perceptions of a person or group about social phenomena. (Kuantitatif, 2016).
The population in this study is all inpatient visits from June to October 2023 with a
total of 1,152 visits. With. Sample determination using the Slovin formula. Thus the
number of samples used in this study is 92 respondents. The instruments used in this study
are for independent variables (service quality), (facilities), and dependent variables
(inpatient satisfaction). In this study, a questionnaire was used as an instrument given to
respondents to fill out.
The data analysis methods used in this study are; 1) Test the validity and reliability
of the data, 2) Test the classical assumption consisting of the normality test,
Multicollinearity test, and Heteroscedasticity test, 3) Multiple linear regression analysis
to determine the influence of independent variables, namely Service Quality, Facilities
on dependent variables of patient satisfaction (Y). This analysis was used to measure the
effect of service quality on inpatient satisfaction at the Dearah General Hospital, Malinau
Regency using a level of significance (α) of 5%.
Results and Discussion
Validity Test
1. Service Quality Validity Test (X1)
All items of X1, X2 and Y variables are declared valid because all correlation values
are above the value of r-table (0.2050), the statement items can be used for further testing.
A validity test shows the extent to which a measuring instrument is used to measure
something being measured. According to Sugiono, 2013, If the research uses
questionnaires in collecting research data, the questionnaire that is prepared must measure
what it wants to measure. Thus, the r-table is a measurement standard to determine the
validity of the questionnaire statement.
2. Reliability Test
Esra Pagewang, Entang Adhy Muhtar, Heri Wahyudi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3536
All research variables were declared reliable because the results of the reliability
test calculation showed that each variable showed that Cronbach's Alpha was greater than
0.966. This means that the entire variable can be used for further data processing.
Classical Assumption Test
1. Normality Test
The normality test of research data is part of the data analysis test before conducting
an in-depth analysis of the data must go through several stages to test the normality of its
distribution. A good regression model has a normal or near-normal distribution of data.
The data is said to be normal if it forms a curve that tends to be balanced with both the
slope on the left side and the slope on the right side and the shape of the curve is also
similar to a perfect bell.
2. Multicollinearity Test
All variables that have passed the multi-coloniality test can be described as follows:
a. Variable X1 does not occur multicoloniality because the VIF value is less than 10.00
which is 2.064 and the tolerance value is greater than 0.10 which is 0.484.
b. Variable X2 does not occur multicoloniality because the VIF value is less than 10.00
which is 2.064 and the tolerance value is greater than 0.10 which is 0.484.
3. Heteroskedasticity Test
The Heteroskedasticity test aims to test whether there is an unevenness in variance
from one observer residual to another in the regression model. If the variance from the
residual of one observer to another remains then it can be called homoscedasticity and if
it is different then it is called heteroscedasticity. A good regression model is a regression
model of homoscedasticity or no heteroscedasticity because this data collects data that
represents various sizes (Gozali, 2013: 139). The only way to detect the presence or
absence of heteroskedasticity is by the Glejser test. From the results of the Glejser test, it
can be concluded that it does not contain heteroskedasticity because of its significance
value with a confidence level of 5%.
Quantitative Analysis
1. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Y=a + b
+ b
Y = 5,119 + 0,064X
+ 0,411X
The interpretation of the regression equation model above is as follows:
a. The constant is 5.119 which states that if the quality of Services and Facilities is
ignored or equal to zero, then patient satisfaction is 5.119. This means that if the quality
of services and facilities affects patient satisfaction, then patient satisfaction will
increase by 5.119, on the contrary, if the quality of services and facilities does not
affect patient satisfaction, then patient satisfaction will decrease by 5.119.
b. The regression coefficient of service quality is 0.064. This means that for every
increase in the level of service quality by one point, patient satisfaction will increase
by 0.064. Likewise, if the quality of service decreases by one point, patient satisfaction
The Effect of Service Quality and Facilities on Inpatient Satisfaction at Malinau Regional
General Hospital
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3537
will decrease by 0.064. A positive value coefficient means that there is a positive
relationship between service quality and patient satisfaction, the better the service
quality, the more patient satisfaction increases.
c. The regression coefficient of the facility is 0.411. This means that every increase in
the level of facilities by one point of patient satisfaction will experience an increase of
0.411. Likewise, if the facility decreases by one point, patient satisfaction will decrease
by 0.411. The coefficient has a positive value which means that there is a positive
relationship between the facility and patient satisfaction, so the better the facility, the
more patient satisfaction will increase.
d. Coefficient of Determination Results
The value of the Coefficient of Determination is indicated by the Adjusted R Square
value of 0.540. This means that the influence of service quality and facilities on inpatient
satisfaction at the Malinau Regional General Hospital (RSUD) is 54.0% while the
remaining 45.0% is explained by other variables that are not included in this research
Uji Hipotesis
1. Test t (partial test)
The t-test aims to determine whether there is a significant influence of the
independent variables of Service Quality (X1) and facilities (X2) partially or singly on
related variables or Patient Satisfaction (Y).
Table 1
Test Results t
Std. Error
The Effect of Service Quality on Patient Satisfaction
The results of the t-test conducted on the service quality variable (X1) obtained a
Sig probability of 0.006 The sig value < 0.05 (0.006 < 0.05), then the decision is that H01
is rejected and Ha1 is accepted, meaning that the quality of service affects patient
satisfaction. In addition, the variable Service Quality X1 has a count = 2.810 with ttable
= 1.990, so the count> ttable can be concluded that the variable X1 has a contribution to
The magnitude of the influence of Service Quality on inpatient satisfaction at
Malinau Hospital is 0.287 or 28.7%, the value shows a Positive value which means that
the higher or higher the quality of a service owned by a health facility, it will have the
positive impact on patients and the more they intend to reuse health facilities for
The Effect of Facilities on Patient Satisfaction
Esra Pagewang, Entang Adhy Muhtar, Heri Wahyudi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3538
The results of the t-test conducted on the facility variable (X2) obtained a sig
probability of 0.000. The Sig value is <0.05 (0.000<0.05), then the conclusion is that H02
is rejected and Ha2 is accepted, which means that the facility affects patient satisfaction.
The magnitude of the influence of Facilities on Inpatient Satisfaction at Malinau
Hospital is 0.508 or 50.8%, this value shows a positive and significant thing which means
that if the Facilities are improved, Malinau Hospital Inpatient Satisfaction will increase
and have an impact on the increase in visitors.
2. Uji F (Uji Stimulus)
The F test aims to determine whether or not there is a simultaneous (together)
influence given by the independent variable (X1, X2) on the bound variable (Y). The
hypotheses tested are as follows:
Table 2
Hasil Uji F
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
With a probability value (sig) of 0.000, and a Sig value of <0.05 (0.000<0.05), the
decision is H02 rejected and Ha2 accepted. So the conclusion is significant which means
that the Quality of Service and Facilities together or simultaneously has a significant
effect on Inpatient Satisfaction at Malinau Hospital. The value of the Ftable is 3.0988697.
Furthermore, by comparing the Fcal value with the Ftabel value from the table above, it
is known that the Fcal value is 54.329. So it can be concluded that Fcal> Ftabel (54.329
>3.0988697) means that the Quality of Services and Facilities together or simultaneously
have a significant effect on Inpatient Satisfaction at Malinau Hospital.
3. Determination Test (R2)
Determination Test (R2) to find out how much influence the X variable (Service
Quality and Facility variable) simultaneously (together) has on the Y variable (patient
satisfaction variable).
Table 3
Test Results
R Square
R Square
Std. Error of the
a. Predictors: (Constant), FASILITAS
The determination coefficient (R2) value is 0.550 or 55.0%. The magnitude of the
coefficient value of determination shows that the variables of Service Quality (X1) and
The Effect of Service Quality and Facilities on Inpatient Satisfaction at Malinau Regional
General Hospital
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3539
Facility (X2) can influence the Patient Satisfaction (Y) variable by 55.0%. While the
remaining 45.0% was explained by other variables that were not identified in this study.
The determination coefficient (R2) value is 0.550 or 55.0%. The magnitude of the
coefficient value of determination shows that the variables of Service Quality (X1) and
Facility (X2) can influence the Patient Satisfaction (Y) variable by 55.0%. While the
remaining 45.0% was explained by other variables that were not identified in this study.
Esra Pagewang, Entang Adhy Muhtar, Heri Wahyudi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3540
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