Maria Joy Waroi, Mujiati, Harmonis Rante, Bernathius Julison, Duha Awaluddin, Dewi
Ana Rusim
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5620
and water in existing communities and support the mission of strengthening rice self-
sufficiency is also directed to support the government's efforts to improve farmers'
welfare, create jobs, improve the quality of the environment, especially in rural areas and
alleviate poverty (Hamakonda, Taus, Lea, & Ludji, 2022).
As a result, the damage to irrigation infrastructure occurs little by little without
realizing it until the stage of heavy damage which causes the performance of the irrigation
system to decline. The government's problems in optimizing OP activities are caused by
the limited data on the condition of irrigation networks that are relevant to the current
conditions provided by irrigation managers, especially irrigation networks that have a
very large area. (Mulyandari, Handoyo, Mawandha, & Kesuma, 2022). Nabire Regency
is one of the rice field centers and the second largest after Merauke Regency in Papua
Province (Papua TPH Office, 2014; BPS Papua, 2015). From this district, West Nabire
District (Kampung Bumi Raya), Makimi District (Kampung Biha), and Wanggar District
(Kampung Bumi Mulia) were determined as the largest irrigated rice field centers and
those that carried out regular planting for at least the last two years. The development of
Irrigation Areas (DI) in Nabire Regency began with the entry of the transmigration
program in Girimulyo Village in 1972/1973, transmigration in Wonorejo in 1976/1978,
and transmigration in Kalibumi in 1980 with a rainfed rice field system. Meanwhile, the
development of new technical irrigation began with the construction of the Kalibumi Dam
which began in 1996, and the development of primary and secondary networks in
Kalibumi Kanan covering an area of 4,400 ha. Then in 2014, the Ministry of Public Works
and Public Housing through the Directorate General of Water Resources of the Papua
River Regional Center built the Kalibumi Kiri irrigation network which will serve 2,000
ha of agricultural land. (Setyawati, Zulkarnain, & Darmaputra, 2014).
However, the performance condition of the dam and irrigation network in Kalibumi
Kanan has not been able to serve all planned agricultural land. Therefore, the performance
assessment of the Dam and Irrigation Network must continue to be carried out to find out
the problems that cause the performance of the dam and irrigation network to decline so
that maintenance steps or actions can be taken to maintain the function of the dam and
irrigation network of the Kalibumi Irrigation Area. (Ramdhani, 2020).
Research related to the performance of dams and irrigation networks has been
carried out by previous researchers, namely:
Nurmala, Nurdiyanto, 2018. Analysis of bending performance of Soka Hilir,
Dukupuntang District, Cirebon Regency. The Soka Hilir Dam was built in 1925 and is
located in Sindangjawa Village, Dukupuntang District, Cirebon Regency. At the
beginning of the construction of this dam served an irrigation area of 461 Ha, but currently
only 258 Ha is irrigated by the dam. This is due to the mutation of the area that causes the
narrowing of the irrigation area. Factors that affect the irrigation system at the Soka Hilir
Dam include increased sedimentation in the river, as well as damage to facilities and
infrastructure that results in ineffective and efficient irrigation water management and a
lack of balance between available discharge and required discharge. (Puro, Mulyo, &
Balapadang, 2020).