pISSN: 2723 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5609
Overview of the Influence of Land Use Change and Sediment
Control Structures on Sedimentation in Lake Sentani
Laorens Miehell Ngutra
, Mujiati
, Harmonis Rante
, Bernathius Julison
, Duha
, Dewi Ana Rusim
Universitas Cenderawasih, Indonesia
Keywords: Sentani lake,
erosion, and
sedimentation, sediment
control building.
Under Presidential Decree No. 60 of 2021, on National
Priority Lakes Rescue, Lake Sentani is one of 15 priority
lakes to be rescued. In the annex to the President's regulation,
it is mentioned to date about 90 tons or ± 5 m/year of
sediment entering Lake Sentani with a total count of
62,0679.78 tonnes/year entering lake Sentani, with a storage
capacity of 1,782 billion/m3. The water supply of Lake
Sentani is obtained from the supply of 14 large and small
rivers. A slope inclination between 0% - 40% of the amount
of sediment transported during the rainy season causes a
decline in water quality and the high erosion that occurs.
This study aims to find out the impact of land-use change
and the effect of sediment control buildings on the number
of sediments that enter Lake Sentani. From the results of the
analysis, the impact of land use change before the
construction of the sediment control building based on the
analysis carried out by the Papua River Regional Hall, the
known potential sedimentation rate is 0.6 mm/th whereas the
potential sedimentation rate analyzed after the existence of
the building of the Sediment Controller is of 0.012 mm /year.
This indicates a change in the rate of potential Sedimentation
entering the lake of Sentani affected by the building
sediment operator. When it rains with repeated flooding
Q20, Q25, Q50, and Q100 years with conditions of one 1
(one) sediment control building it can be judged to be a very
heavy erosion class with land loss of more than 280
tons/ha/years with a potential sedimentation rate thickness
between 2.55 mm/years to 2.85mm/years.
Papua is a province in Indonesia, located in the province of Papua on the western
island of New Guinea or West New Guinea. Papua Province is a province that
administratively borders directly with the State of Papua New Guinea (Asdak & Supian,
Laorens Miehell Ngutra, Mujiati, Harmonis Rante, Bernathius Julison, Duha Awaluddin, Dewi
Ana Rusim
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5610
2018). This makes the Government of Indonesia continue to encourage the development
of the province of Papua which is the "home terrace" of the Indonesian State. The
Regional Government in Papua Province that is directly adjacent to and is the entrance to
Indonesia is the Jayapura City Government and the Jayapura Regency Government so the
development of Jayapura City and Regency Development continues to be spurred by the
Papua Provincial Government (Hidayat et al., 2018).
Papua is the Eastern part of Indonesia and has a huge potential for natural resources.
A vast land with dense tropical forests, abundant biodiversity, and biota. The potential of
water resources in Papua is also very large, with the number of ± rivers ± 173 or 2% of
the number of rivers in Indonesia (8,736). Papua has a coastline of ± 1,882.93 km or ±
1.98% of the coastline in Indonesia. (Rusdiyah, Dahliana, & Maulina, 2016). The
potential of swamp land ± 4.89 million hectares or ± 45% 10.9 million hectares) of
swamp land area in Indonesia. Papua Province has an area of 319,036.05 km2 or 16.7%
of the area of Indonesia, (Dawood, 2017).
The development of Jayapura City and Jayapura Regency continues to experience
development progress in all sectors. With the increasing development of Jayapura City
and Jayapura Regency, the need for housing and transportation facilities has also
increased, which has an impact on land use changes and the opening of new land as
residential locations. (Nurrochman, Joy, & Asdak, 2018). The land use change that
occurred had a dominant influence on the increase in surface flow discharge. Land use
change and forest encroachment around the Mount Cyloop buffer forest have resulted in
flash floods in Sentani City in 2019. The sediment material caused by flash floods has
had an impact on the accumulation of sediment in the estuaries of the river and until now
if there is rain with high intensity, the water flowing on the surface will bring sediment
into Lake Sentani (RADITYA, 2023). Lake Sentani is one of the largest lakes in
Indonesia, which is located just below the slopes of the Cyclops Mountains and stretches
between Jayapura City and Jayapura Regency. Lake Sentani also naturally functions as a
water reservoir because it receives water from 14 (fourteen) large and small rivers. Since
ancient times, Lake Sentani has been directly used by the community as a source of clean
water, aquaculture, capture fisheries, crossing transportation, and tourism. (Karim et al.,
The topography around Lake Sentani is mostly plains to undulating hills. Relatively
sloping plains are generally located at an altitude of between 50-100 meters above sea
level while undulating hills range from 100-500 meters above sea level. The morphology
of Lake Sentani includes a slightly rough relief with a slope between 0%-40%. This will
cause the problem of high erosion values and discharge fluctuations, so it is very
necessary to monitor the estimation of erosion and sedimentation values periodically.
According to BPDAS (Hidayat et al., 2017), the main factor causing flooding in the
Sentani watershed is the loss of most of the vegetation/land cover forest, as a result of
farming moving in the upstream part of the watershed so that the water absorption into
the soil becomes smaller. If land function experts continue to be left untreated and not
handled properly and appropriately, it will affect the amount of sediment transportation
Overview of the Influence of Land Use Change and Sediment Control Structures on
Sedimentation in Lake Sentani
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5611
that enters Lake Sentani and will eventually cause siltation and the area of Lake Sentani
will decrease.
The accumulation of sediment carried by the water flow makes the lake shallower
which results in a reduced capacity for water volume. The siltation that occurs causes the
water area of Lake Sentani to expand in the rainy season and in the dry season to become
shallower. (Huda, Sudarsono, Sasmito, & Kahar, 2014). This exacerbates the widespread
flooding around the lake which has an impact on community activities. In addition to
siltation, changes in land use in the buffer areas of Lake Sentani will greatly affect the
occurrence of pollution.
The objectives to be proven in this study are:
1. Identify the influence of land use change on sediment control buildings.
2. Determine the influence of land use change and the influence of sediment control
buildings on the amount of sediment entering Lake Sentani.
3. Determine the strategy that must be carried out to prevent sedimentation that occurs in
Lake Sentani.
Research Location
This study is located in Lake Sentani which is located in Jayapura Regency, Papua
Province at coordinates 140 23' 140 50' LS and 2 31' 2 41' E with a water area of
9,630 ha and the Flavouw sub-watershed which is one of the sub-watersheds located in
the Sentani-Tami Watershed with a catchment area (DTA) of 28.99 km2 and a river flow
length of 12.42 km.
Data Collection Methods
The method that will be carried out in this study uses two methods, namely: field
survey and data analysis.
1. The survey method is a method used for research by direct observation of the location
to be researched,
2. The data analysis method uses the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) formula
assisted by the Geographic Information System.
In the collection of data, primary data is needed regarding the weight of the soil
content resulting from erosion in the Flavouw Sub-Basin, as a reference in converting the
value of Ton units into m3. Secondary data as inputs in the form of topographic maps,
maps of soil types, echo-sounding data, and hydrological data in the form of 10-year daily
rainfall data. The data is available from several related agencies, including:
1. Papua River Regional Center,
2. Jayapura Regency Forestry and Environment Service
Research Flow Chart
The flow chart of the stages of this research can be seen in Figure 1.
Laorens Miehell Ngutra, Mujiati, Harmonis Rante, Bernathius Julison, Duha Awaluddin, Dewi
Ana Rusim
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5612
Figure 1 Research Flow Chart
Results and Discussion
Changes in Land Use of the Flavouw Watershed
Land use is an effort to plan land use in an area which includes the division of areas
to specialize in certain functions, for example, residential, trade, and industrial functions.
Land use change is the increase of land use from one side of use to another accompanied
by a decrease in other types of land use from one time to the next. At the Flavouw
watershed research location, based on the results of analysis through satellite imagery and
ArcGIS applications from 2020 to 2024, it can be found that there have been changes in
land use as follows:
Table 1
Land Cover Area in 2020-2024
Land Cover Area (Km
Overview of the Influence of Land Use Change and Sediment Control Structures on
Sedimentation in Lake Sentani
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5613
Bush /
Tegalan /
Lake Water
/ Situ
Analysis of Sediment Diameter Test Results
To determine the influence of sediment control buildings in the Flavouw River,
sediment characteristics of the Flavouw River were tested at the UPTD Testing Center
and Laboratory of the Public Works, Spatial Planning, Housing, and Settlement Areas
Office of the Papua Provincial Government using filter analysis testing by taking samples
from 3 (three) different points on the flavor river which are considered to represent the
river and sediment control buildings. The data obtained in this study is primary data. From
the results of testing in the laboratory (can be seen in the attachment) it is known that:
1. The results of the test of the flavor river sand material at point-01 which is located
upstream of the river, the material is known to be included in the aggregate gradation
zone 2.3 and 4 with grain sizes ranging from 0.075 mm to 0.600 mm, which means
that the material at point-01 is included in the type of coarse-grained sand, medium-
grained sand, fine-grained sand to Silt (mud) material.
2. The results of the test of the Flavouw River sand material at point-02 which is after
the sediment control building, the material is included in the aggregate gradation zone
2.3 and 4 with grain sizes ranging from 0.075 mm to 0.600 mm which means that the
material at point-02 is included in the type of coarse-grained sand, medium-grained
sand, fine-grained sand to silt (mud) material.
3. The results of the Flavouw River sand material test at point-03, the material is included
in the aggregate gradation zone 1 and 2 which means that the material at point-03 is
included in the type of medium-grained sand, fine-grained sand, and silt (mud)
Erosion Hazard Level (TBE)
Laorens Miehell Ngutra, Mujiati, Harmonis Rante, Bernathius Julison, Duha Awaluddin, Dewi
Ana Rusim
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5614
Erosion calculation using the USLE method is an equation that predicts the average
erosion rate of a certain land on a slope with a certain rainfall pattern for each type of soil
and the determination of land management/land conservation actions. (Hariati, Taqwa,
Alimuddin, Salman, & Sulaeman, 2022). To determine the level of erosion hazard, the
classification of erosion levels that have been made by the Ministry of Forestry in 2008
is used.
Table 2
Classification of Erosion Hazard Levels
Based on the results of the analysis conducted by the Papua River Regional Office,
it is known that the level of erosion danger in the Flavouw Water Catchment Area is as
Table 3
Flavouw DTA Erosion Hazard Level
TBE (Erosion Hazard
Area (Ha)
Very Light
Source: Analysis, 2019
Sediment Yield
Sedimentation is the result of an erosion process, either in the form of surface
erosion, trench erosion, or other types of soil erosion. Sediment generally settles at the
bottom of hills, in flooded areas, waterways, rivers, and reservoirs. The sediment yield
depends on the amount of total erosion in the watershed/sub-watershed and depends on
the transport of the eroded soil particles out of the watershed/sub-watershed catchment
area. (Andriyani, Wahyuningsih, & Suryaningtias, 2019). The forecast formula for the
amount of sediment yield per watershed unit per unit time (in tons/ha/year) can be
formulated as follows:
Y = E x SDR
Y: Sediment Transportation
SDR: Sediment Delivery Ratio
Fennel: Watershed area or catchment area (DTA)
Overview of the Influence of Land Use Change and Sediment Control Structures on
Sedimentation in Lake Sentani
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5615
The results of the sediment yield analysis on the Flavouw River DTA with river
discharge at the time of the study are as follows:
Based on the classification table of sedimentation rate with flow discharge
measured at the time of the study, it can be concluded that the sedimentation rate is still
classified as a good class because the potential sedimentation rate is < 2 mm/year.
SWOT Analysis
In determining the right and appropriate policy-making, calculations are carried out
using tools. The tools or tools used to determine decisions and policies are SWOT. The
following is the SWOT (Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat) of the effect of land use
change on erosion and sedimentation rate that enters Lake Sentani.
Table 4
Factors Influencing Decision-making
The existence
of the
RTRW which
in cyclops-
protected areas
There are still
stakeholders who are
not involved in
handling land use
Attention through
the Ministry of
Public Works and
Regulation No.
concerning the
Determination of
Lake Boundary
Lines in the
Land conversion
occurs a lot for
agricultural land
and residential
Laorens Miehell Ngutra, Mujiati, Harmonis Rante, Bernathius Julison, Duha Awaluddin, Dewi
Ana Rusim
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5616
Tami Apauvar
River Area
Existence of
Documents for
of Lake
The Flavouw River
provides enough
sediment at the time
of flash floods,
making it possible
for a recurrence.
control with
sediment control
buildings in the
inlet rivers of
Lake Sentani
Global climate
change that results
in high-intensity
rainfall can occur at
any time.
There is a
community of
nature lovers
who care
about the
destruction of
The government's
program in terms of
reforestation of
protected forests
does not involve the
BWS Papua's
attention to the
maintenance of
the Sediment
Control Building
policymakers, the
bees of rule
There are many
scientific studies
on land use
change, erosion,
and sedimentation
in Lake Sentani.
Land clearing by
The higher the
rainfall, the greater
the rate of erosion
that occurs in the
Flavouw River
Overview of the Influence of Land Use Change and Sediment Control Structures on
Sedimentation in Lake Sentani
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5617
After conducting a SWOT analysis, then a recalculation is carried out, namely the
score and weight of each SWOT. So after that, there will be which handling and direction
of recommendations need to be prioritized first.
From the results of the research and analysis carried out, the following conclusions
can be drawn:
1. The effect of land use change conditions that occur on sediment control buildings is
that there will be an increase in the rate of sedimentation that is carried by surface
flows and is trapped in the sediment control building so that the sediment control
building reservoir becomes full so that if maintenance is not carried out, it will cause
sediment carried by the flow of sediment-water to enter Lake Sentani.
2. The effect of land use change before the construction of the sediment control building
based on the analysis conducted by the Papua River Regional Center is known that the
potential sedimentation rate is 0.6 mm/year while the potential sedimentation rate
analyzed after the sediment control building is 0.012 mm/year. This shows that there
is a change in the potential sedimentation rate that enters Lake Sentani which is
influenced by the sediment control building.
Laorens Miehell Ngutra, Mujiati, Harmonis Rante, Bernathius Julison, Duha Awaluddin, Dewi
Ana Rusim
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 5618
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