p–ISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5023Efficiency of KPU and Bawaslu Regulations on Ad HocAgency Selection in the 2024 Election ProcessMuhammad Ali Husain1*, Suparji2, Yusup Hidayat3Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia, IndonesiaEmail: [email protected]*CorrespondenceABSTRACTKeywords: ad hocorganizers, integrity,professional, andselection.Ad hoc organizers such as PPK, PPS, PPLN, KPPS,KPPSLN, Panwascam, PKD, Overseas Panwaslu, and TPSSupervisors are pioneers in the process of organizingelections in Indonesia. Therefore, the selection processcarried out must be honest, fair, and independent to make adhoc organizers professional and integrity. To create aprofessional election administration with integrity,regulations or guidelines are needed so that the ad hoc bodyhas guidance in working so that the election administrationcarried out produces independent elections. The method inthis writing is a qualitative descriptive method. The maindata collection that the author uses in this article is a journalon Election Management. Article analysis uses analysiscontent. The result of this research informs us that in the adhoc election body selection process, there are still severalregulations issued by the KPU and BAWASLU that are stillless efficient in the election ad hoc body selection processwhich results in the selected election organizers being lessqualified. This article hoped to provide input on the processof holding elections in the following year.IntroductionA General Election is an election activity to exercise the right to vote for people'srepresentatives directly by the people, this is a means of democracy to get a sovereignstate government system. The KPU, Bawaslu, and DKPP have a single function aselection organizers. (ADRI, 2022).In the process of implementing elections in Indonesia, the KPU formed an ad hocbody, namely PPK, PPS, PPLN, KPPS, KPPSLN, while Bawaslu formed an ad hoc body,namely Panwascam, PKD, Panwaslu LN, and TPS Supervisor which aims to carry outcertain programs every five years and as an extension of the KPU or Bawaslu itself.(Minan & Amal, 2020).Indonesia, as a developing country, must continue to strengthen the principles ofprofessionalism and integrity in the selection process for holding elections, so that itbecomes an independent organization. To produce an independent election, the Muhammad Ali Husain, Suparji, dan Yusup Hidayat
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5024
regulations and decisions taken must be precise and efficient (Nasution, Azaria, Fauzan,
Abidin, & Alfarissa, 2023).
This ad hoc body will be the pioneer in organizing elections. Ad hoc bodies are in
direct contact with election participants, operate at the lower levels, and are also at the
forefront, so they may have the authority to commit election fraud. (Syafarani, 2024).
These ad hoc bodies are often described as the backbone of democracy, but given their
important role in voting and vote counting, they are also at the root of the problem of
electoral professionalism and integrity. (Yuri, Zetra, & Putera, 2023).
Ad hoc bodies must have the principle to hold democratic elections to produce
independent elections. To form this independent ad hoc body, the KPU, and Bawaslu in
issuing regulations related to selection must be efficient so that there is a healthy and open
competition, and avoid pragmatic political practices in the selection process.
The method in this article uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive analysis
method. This analysis helps to obtain clear and fact-based information about the
efficiency of regulations in the selection process of ad hoc bodies as the main actors in
the implementation of the elections. The author uses this type of qualitative approach
because he only wants to convey and reveal the regulations related to the selection of this
body. The source of this article is a journal on Election Administration to get information
about whether the regulations related to the selection of ad hoc bodies are efficient or not
so that there are refreshments and improvements in the selection process in the next
election. The author processes literature research data whose main source is written
documents such as books, journals, and other laws and regulations. In addition, the author
will also present violations of the code of ethics that occurred in the selection process and
the running of the election that are directly related to the ad hoc body sourced from the
Honorary Council of Election Organizers (DKPP) so that conclusions are obtained based
on the facts that occurred.
Results and Discussion
The KPU formed in the process of holding the election has the authority to supervise
the running of the KPU, Provincial KPU, Regency/City KPU, PPK, PPS, KPPS, PPLN,
and KPPSLN. (Purba, 2021). The authority is to make a work process and make its
regulations that must have the principle of efficiency so that in the implementation
process at each stage of the election is born an organizer who is professional and has
integrity, as well as KPU regulations that are by the process of organizing elections that
are professional and have integrity as well. (Ramdani, 2023).
In Indonesia, elections have been held periodically since the reform. In the
implementation of the election, the KPU has an ad hoc body as a pioneer from the sub-
district level to the polling station. At each level, ad hoc bodies have their criteria. Many
Efficiency of KPU and Bawaslu Regulations on Ad Hoc Agency Selection in the 2024 Election
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5025
problems occurred in 2019 that claimed the lives of 894 officers and 5,175 officers were
Based on the above facts, improvements are needed in human resource management
in the ad hoc body. Therefore, the selection process of this ad hoc body must be a priority,
it must choose appropriate and qualified officers in their fields so that the problems
mentioned above do not occur. (Pangestu, 2022).
In 2019, the KPU also saw weaknesses in the implementation of elections at all
stages of the election, starting from the registration stage to the determination of the
selected candidates. This is related to the procurement and distribution of election
logistics which is decentralized under the pretext of efficiency, but in practice, it causes
distribution problems that occur at polling stations, and it can be seen that the level of
professionalism of the organizers is very lacking. (Khan, Muradi, & Akbar, 2021).
For example, the PSU in Makassar City was due to the presence of participants who
voted on the day of voting, not by the regulations made by the KPU. Where participants
vote not according to their domicile. This is a lack of understanding by KPPS who failed
to understand the regulations and did not coordinate with the upper level in seeking
information on the implementation of voting. (Taufik, 2023).
The ad hoc body of the KPU in the 2024 election is selected based on KPU Decree
Number 476 of 2022. In this KPU decision, one of the requirements for becoming an ad
hoc body is "not as a member of a political party at least 5 (five)". The above requirements
are often violated deliberately or unintentionally by election organizers, where some
deliberately forge their statements or accidentally have their names taken advantage of by
political parties but do not ask the party to remove their names from the list of party
In the selection process of members of this ad hoc body, one of the requirements to
be a prospective member is at least at the high school level or equivalent. These conditions
need to be written specifically. For example, students must actively participate as
members. In addition, it is necessary to evaluate so that its performance and effectiveness
can be more supported than the participation of certain community organizations.
(Silalahi, 2022).
At the time of the written selection, prospective members of the PPK and PPS only
included materials on national knowledge, basic competencies, and election knowledge.
At the time of the selection of interviews for prospective PPK and PPS members, there
was only election knowledge material, commitments including integrity, independence,
and professionalism, as well as clarification regarding the track record of prospective PPK
and PPS members, contributions, and community reactions.
From the two selection processes above, according to the author, there must still be
improvements to the material that is the test material in the selection process. The material
needs to be added specifically to the issue of the election code of ethics. The code of
ethics is one of the basic moral, ethical, and philosophical standards that election
organizers need to have so that the statements and actions they make are more
professional and have integrity.
Muhammad Ali Husain, Suparji, dan Yusup Hidayat
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5026
There are still many election organizers who do not have professional values and
integrity related to their understanding of the code of ethics. There are also many ethical
violations in the main process of the election, such as during voting and vote counting.
In the material above, there are no specific rules regarding the assessment criteria
in the interview process. Often the evaluation of prospective members of the ad hoc body
is based on the subjective assessment of the interviewer, only based on likes and dislikes.
This can certainly cause nepotism behavior in the selection process.
In each process of the election stages, it is necessary to continue to submit a thesis
to be evaluated on existing regulations, so that human resources who carry out election
tasks are always human resources who have the best quality. That way, negative practices
in elections are always avoided, and elections that are held every period become quality
elections based on the principle of LUBERJURDIL.
Bawaslu: Panwascam, PKD, Panwaslu LN and TPS Supervisors
In the Constitutional Court (MK) Decision No.11/PUU-VIII/2010, Bawaslu is
designated as an independent institution in the enforcement of election law.
Institutionally, Bawaslu has been separated from the KPU and has the same position as
the KPU. Although Bawaslu is already independent and has an important role, its
authority is still limited to holding elections.
Bawaslu has become very important in its role when seen in Law No. 7/2017
concerning Elections. Bawaslu's performance is regulated in Article 95 which explains
its authority in supervising the implementation of elections. In Law No. 7/2017, it is also
explained that Bawaslu can create Provincial and Regency/City Bawaslu and its own ad
hoc body.
The ad hoc Bawaslu body in the 2024 election will be selected based on Perbawaslu
Number 8/2019 and 19/2017 concerning the Formation, Dismissal, and Interim
Replacement of Provincial Bawaslu, Regency/City Bawaslu, Panwascam, PKD,
Panwaslu LN, and TPS Supervisors.
In the Bawaslu regulation above, one of the requirements to be a candidate for a
member of Panwascam, PKD, and TPS Supervisor is at least 25 (twenty-five) years old.
This age limit is one of the obstacles, where many people aged 25 years and above already
have jobs and tend not to want to register as TPS Supervisor Candidates.
In the Panwascam selection process, there is one thing that is quite significant
related to the results of the written selection that are not shown in value, until the selection
announcement stage is not informed of the overall results of the selection participants.
This is what causes public suspicion of the selection process.
One of the problems that often arises is that many of these ad hoc supervisors have
submitted to resign while the task process is ongoing. There are also ad hoc supervisors
who apply to resign because they are elected as Legislative Members. It feels like an
evaluation of the regulations that are a requirement in the candidacy of ad hoc bodies in
Efficiency of KPU and Bawaslu Regulations on Ad Hoc Agency Selection in the 2024 Election
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5027
Based on the author's analysis, the ad hoc body organizing the election is very
important in its role in every stage of the election. The implementation of the election will
be successful if the election organizers have the principles of professionalism and
integrity. The KPU and Bawaslu must form regulations as efficiently as possible so that
the selected human resources are of the best quality. In the selection process for the
organizers of this ad hoc body, it is also necessary to carry out the stages honestly by the
organizers at the Regency/City level. Not a few are found in the field, selectors judge
subjectively based on likes and dislikes as well as based on recommendations from a
certain person or institution, this will certainly be detrimental if there are candidates for
ad hoc members who are indeed above average in quality. An understanding of the code
of ethics also needs to be conveyed to the candidates for members of the ad hoc body, so
that in the implementation of the stages of the election organizers already have good
moral values. According to the author, this understanding of the code of ethics also needs
to be used as one of the mandatory materials in each stage of selection. This selection
information also needs to be submitted openly to the public, to avoid public suspicion by
the principle of openness in the code of conduct for election organizers.
Muhammad Ali Husain, Suparji, dan Yusup Hidayat
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