pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 7 July 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3562
Design of Horizontal Type Mangosteen Peel Flour Machine
for Mangosteen Peel Processing
Rosyid Ridho
Universitas Mataram, Indonesia
Keywords: flour machine,
mangosteen, fruit skin.
The Mangosteen fruit (garcinia mangostana L.) nicknamed
the queen of fruit is one of Indonesia's superior fruits.
Mangosteen fruit consists of components in the form of
seeds, fruit, pulp, and fruit skin. This research aims to design
a horizontal-type mangosteen peel-blowing machine. This
mangosteen rind flouring machine is designed in a horizontal
shape which aims to flour the dried mangosteen rind. The
design process uses the Solid Work application and then the
manufacturing process. Machines that have been
manufactured are subjected to testing. The flouring process
uses a separating cylinder and a crushing knife. Dried
mangosteen skin that is put into the hopper will enter the
cylinder and be crushed by a rotating blade and produce
flour. The flour will come out through the output door. This
machine floured the skin of the mangosteen fruit according
to the initial design objectives. This research succeeded in
removing the dried mangosteen peel.
Mangosteen fruit is the fruit that has become the prima donna of Indonesian exports.
West Nusa Tenggara is one of the provinces that produces mangosteen with a total
production in 2023 of 18,081 tons (BPS, 2024). The pattern of direct consumption of
mangosteen fruit in Indonesia and the export of mangosteen fruit only in the form of fresh
fruit poses problems. Mangosteen fruit that is used as a table dish by the community
produces more waste, one of which is in the form of fruit peels that are not consumed
thoroughly (Ibrahim & Ridha, 2024). Mangosteen peel must be reprocessed into a
valuable product. Thus, mangosteen fruit is no longer consumed in the form of fresh fruit
that produces waste and is exported in the form of raw materials but can be processed into
processed products with high economic value. (Ridho, Hermawan, & Ahmad, 2018).
Although the handling of mangosteen cultivation and post-harvest is still modest.
It turns out that mangosteen fruits originating from Indonesia can penetrate the world
export market in large quantities, and can even compete with mangosteen from other
countries. The quality of mangosteen fruit originating from Indonesia is very preferred
by consumers from China (Hariastuti, 2017). Although Indonesia produces mangosteen,
mangosteen has not been widely processed, both flesh and skin. Recently, there have been
Design Of Horizontal Type Manggis Flouring Machine
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3563
several mangosteen fruit processing companies (Junaidin, Abdullah, & Ridho, 2021). The
number of mangosteen that is not suitable for export reaches 90% of total production. So,
the processing needs to be encouraged to increase the added value of mangosteen.
Currently, mangosteen processed in Indonesia is generally in the form of syrup, juice, and
puree derived from the pulp, while the peel is processed into syrup or canton powder
(Yatman, 2012).
The peel of mangosteen fruit is known to be composed of quite a lot of polyphenol
compounds, including anthocyanins, xanthones, tannins, saponins, and phenolic acid
compounds. Xanthone, which is abundant in the peel of mangosteen fruit, functions as an
antioxidant. (Handayani, Suryanto, Siregar, & Efendi, 2015). The largest component of
all mangosteen fruits is the skin, which is 70-75%, while the pulp is only 10-15% and the
seeds are 15-20%. The highest xanthone content is found in the peel of mangosteen,
which is 107.76 mg per 100 grams of fruit peel. (Aminudin, Sa’diyah, Prihastuti, &
Kurniasari, 2019).
In addition to xantone compounds, mangosteen peel also contains anthocyanins.
Anthocyanins are an important type of flavonoid and have several positive responses for
the body. (Priska, Peni, Carvallo, & Ngapa, 2018). Anthocyanins and several flavonoids
are useful in the health world as anticarcinogens, anti-inflammatory, antihepatotoxic,
antibacterial, antiviral, antiallergic, antithrombotic, and as protection due to damage
caused by UV radiation and antioxidants.
One of the things that has not yet been developed is the mangosteen fruit processing
machine, especially the peeling of mangosteen fruit. Efforts to increase yields to be
efficient and can increase the capacity of the flour machine, a plan to make a mangosteen
peel flour machine is needed to help the utilization of mangosteen peel waste. (Mangesa,
Riwu, & Julfikar, 2020). So an idea was created for the design and manufacture of
machines, especially the design and construction of horizontal-type mangosteen fruit
flour machines and electric motor driving power. There is already a Vertical Type
Mangosteen Fruit Peel Flour Machine that is made and researched. However, this is still
not significant. (Ningsih, 2021). More research is needed related to the shelling of
mangosteen fruits. Therefore, this study designed a horizontal-type mangosteen peel flour
Research Methods
The design of a horizontal-type mangosteen peel-blowing machine was made using
Solidworks software and then realized by making a model of the mechanism and
prototype of the machine with several types of construction materials (stainless steel
plates, etc.). The material used in this study is dried mangosteen peel. The method used
in this study is experimental. The trial of the horizontal-type mangosteen peel flour
machine was carried out at the Workshop Laboratory, Faculty of Food Technology and
Agroindustry, University of Mataram.
1. Design Analysis
Rosyid Ridho
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3564
Design analysis is carried out based on the concept that best meets the expected
design criteria. Design analysis consists of functional design analysis and structural
design. Functional design is the breakdown of engine functions and the selection of
alternative components or mechanisms to perform primary and auxiliary functions. The
main function of the developed machine is to carry out the process of crushing the peel
of dried mangosteen. In addition to functional analysis, structural analysis is carried out
in the form of technical analysis. The goal is to consider the shape, size and material of
each component to ensure it meets the function and strength standards.
The research was carried out through the stages of problem identification,
development of the concept of the mangosteen peel harvesting mechanism, making a
mechanism model, testing and evaluating the mechanism model, making a machine
prototype and testing it. The stages of the research design that have been carried out are
presented in Figure 1.
Identification of Structural Machinery Studies Based on Physical
and Mechanical Characteristics of Mangosteen Peel
Development of the Concept of Mangosteen Peel Flour Processing Mechanism
Making a Model of the Mangosteen Peel Flour Processing Mechanism and
Its Evaluation
Design Analysis and Engineering Drawings
Is Performance Fit for
Data Capture and Analysis
Design Of Horizontal Type Manggis Flouring Machine
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Figure 1
Stages of design research
2. Technical Drawing Creation
The creation of engineering drawings is carried out using Solid Work software. The
process of making engineering drawings is carried out to facilitate visualization and the
process of making machines. Technical drawings are made based on design analysis. The
technical drawings produced include front view, inner view, top view, left side view, right
side view, and isogonal view. Here are some of the images that have been created using
Solid Work software.
Figure 1
The design of the mangosteen peel flour machine front view
Figure 2
The design of the mangosteen peel battering machine looks deep.
Rosyid Ridho
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Figure 3
The design of the mangosteen peel battering machine is seen on the left side.
Figure 4
The design of the mangosteen peel battering machine is seen on the right side.
Figure 5
The design of the mangosteen peel-blowing machine looks isogonal.
1. Preparation of Test Materials
The mangosteen peel used is small and medium in size. Mangosteen fruit is
obtained from the traditional market of Mataram City. The test material is mangosteen
Design Of Horizontal Type Manggis Flouring Machine
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peel which was previously separated between the pulp and the skin. Mangosteen peel is
immediately dried in the sun for 2 to 3 days. This varies depending on the weather
conditions in the field.
2. Batter engine test methods
The test is carried out by operating a mangosteen fruit flour machine and seeing and
analyzing the output results released from the frying process. Also, pay attention to
whether during the flocking process, the engine operates properly without any obstacles.
Results and Discussion
Manufacturing of horizontal-type mangosteen fruit flour machine
This horizontal-type mangosteen peel flour machine has a rotating blade
mechanism with a static separating cylinder. In the manufacturing process, stainless steel
material is used. The motor used as the driving force has a specification of 1.5 Hp with a
rotation of 1420 PPM and a voltage of 220 Volts to move the rotating shredding blades.
The rotating shredding knife will crush the peel of the mangosteen fruit that is fed from
the hopper to the separator Slider. The scavenging process occurs by crushing the
mangosteen peel in a separator cylinder using a crushing knife. The peel of the
mangosteen fruit that has turned into flour will come out of the separator cylinder heading
to the exit. The manufacturing results of the Horizontal type mangosteen flour machine
can be observed in Figure 6, Figure 7, Figure 8, and Figure 9.
Figure 6 Mangosteen peel flour machine front view
Rosyid Ridho
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Figure 7 Mangosteen peel flour machine top view
Figure 8
Mangosteen peel flour machine is seen on the right side.
Design Of Horizontal Type Manggis Flouring Machine
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Figure 9
The Mangosteen peel-blowing machine is seen on the left side.
Performance of Mangosteen Peel Peeling using Horizontal Type Mangosteen Flour
Mangosteen is a fruit product that has a high selling value in the domestic and
international markets. Mangosteen has a sweet taste and unique texture so it is liked by
many consumers. Mangosteen has many benefits because the vitamins and nutrients
contained in mangosteen are very beneficial for the body. (Purwanti, Rakhmawati, &
Yuliati, 2016). Mangosteen peel has many properties. In the medical world, it is usually
used for facial care from the inside, by making beauty products in the form of medicines
that can maintain the health and stability of the body.
The material used in the waxing process is the dried mangosteen peel. The peel of
the selected mangosteen fruit comes from fresh ripe mangosteen. The dried mangosteen
peel is then put into the machine hopper to be made into flour. The image of the dried
mangosteen peel and used as a material can be seen in Figure 10.
Figure 10. Dried mangosteen peel
Rosyid Ridho
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The mangosteen peel that is put into the battering machine is successfully fused
with a level of roughness that is not uniform. So that the process for selecting the
uniformity of flour size is carried out through a sieving process. The quality of the
mangosteen flour produced can be observed in Figure 11.
Figure 11. Mangosteen peel flour
Mangosteen peel flour can be used in the beverage industry, such as juices and
instant drinks as well as a wide variety of cosmetic and health products. The use of
mangosteen peel in the form of flour will be more advantageous compared to fresh fruit
peel. Mangosteen peel flour can be stored for a long time and is easy to distribute. In
addition, the continuity of supply and quality of materials will be more guaranteed.
The mechanism and working principle of this horizontal-type mangosteen peel
flour machine use an electric motor as its main power. The process of peeling mangosteen
fruit using a mangosteen fruit flour machine has been successfully carried out by
providing various results. For further research, a way can be found to reduce the noise in
the battering machine, to make the battering machine more friendly to the ears of the
machine operator.
Design Of Horizontal Type Manggis Flouring Machine
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