pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 8 August 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3652
AFT Pattimura CSR Pentahelix Collaboration in the
Implementation of Waste Management Center Social
Innovation Program: Nekat SA (Negeri Katong Tanpa
Tiara Chaerani
, Samuel F. Sayaranamual
, Ken Bima Prawira Atmaja
, Sara
Marlis Youwe
Yayasan Inspirasi Ide Berdaya, Indonesia
PT Pertamina Patra Niaga AFT Pattimura, Indonesia
Keywords: penta helix
waste management
social responsibility
(CSR) program.
The NEKAT SA (Negeri Katong Tanpa Sampah) program,
initiated by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Aviation Fuel
Terminal Pattimura, represents a social innovation aimed at
addressing waste management challenges in Negeri Laha.
Involves converting waste into valuable products. Aims to
establish a circular economy. NEKAT SA is dedicated to
achieving zero waste by managing organic, inorganic, and
residual waste, transforming it into valuable products that
boost the income of local communities. The study employs
a descriptive analytical approach to detail the roles of each
stakeholder, with data gathered from field implementation
and supporting literature. Results demonstrate that the
pentahelix collaboration in NEKAT SA successfully
mitigates waste problems, enhances community income,
and fosters a culture of cleanliness and health. The
program’s effectiveness highlights the need for continuous
commitment from all stakeholders to sustain its positive
environmental and economic impact in Negeri Laha.
The problem of plastic waste polluting the ocean is still a complicated problem
that has not been resolved, especially on the coast and small islands in eastern Indonesia
(Aqiela, Raharjo, & Resnawaty, 2018). The coastal area is a zone composed of dynamic
ecosystems, which bring together land and marine ecosystems (Harsono, 2020). This
dynamic ecosystem has a lot of biodiversity potential and also has disaster risks and
environmental management that require special handling (Halibas, Sibayan, & Maata,
2017). In 2019, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia
through the SIPSN website stated that Indonesia entered a waste emergency, with a
waste pile of 29.14 million tons which continues to experience a significant increase
AFT Pattimura CSR Pentahelix Collaboration in the Implementation of Waste Management
Center Social Innovation Program: NEKAT SA (Negeri Katong Tanpa Sampah)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3653
until 2024. This figure is not yet the total number of waste generation in the water area,
due to limited handling facilities (Putra & Raharjo, 2023).
Maluku is a province dubbed as the "Province of 1000 Islands" with Ambon as its
capital. The number of islands makes Maluku a province that has a diversity of natural
resources, languages, customs, and cultures. This should be able to make Maluku a rich
and developed region, including in terms of environmental management and waste from
public consumption. Despite having great potential for natural resources and human
resources, Maluku, especially Ambon City, still experiences many obstacles in terms of
waste management, especially plastic waste from seawater shipments. In 2023, the
Ambon City Environment Agency released data related to the total waste pile in Ambon
City which reached 246 tons per day (F Mayaut, 2024) This is one of the reasons for the
lack of precise waste management from upstream to downstream.
One of the coastal areas that has the highest risk of waste generation in Ambon
City is the Land of Laha with a risk of generating 200 kg of waste from community
consumption and 80 kg of consignment waste every day. Until 2022, the country of
Laha does not have an integrated waste management system (Agung, Juita, & Zuriyani,
2021). The emptiness of the waste management system has an impact on the habit of
people throwing garbage carelessly, which pollutes the environment. This is the main
background, why the Land of Laha must have a waste management system that can
process all waste from public consumption and waste sent from seawater medium
(Syahruddin & Putri, 2022).
Departing from the void of the waste management system in the Land of Laha, PT
Pertamina Patra Niaga Aviation Fuel Terminal (AFT) Pattimura is committed to
carrying out social innovations related to the integration of environmental improvement
using the concept of waste management. The Innovation Program is called NEKAT SA
(Country of Katong Without Waste) which means Our Country Without Waste.
NEKAT SA is an innovation program that houses the big idea of 4 AFT Pattimura
community development partners to create an integrated waste management system
from upstream, process, to downstream stages (Harimurti et al., 2020). The innovation
program of the Katong No Waste Country (NEKAT SA) can create a multi-stakeholder
value chain, manage waste management activities with the concept of zero waste and
apply circular economy principles. This waste management innovation can process
organic, inorganic, and residual waste into valuable products and increase the income of
the surrounding community (Kusumaningsari, 2019).
Based on the results of field findings in Laha Country, one of the challenges in
waste management lies in the stage of changing people's habits of waste management.
The community also complained that the waste sorting process from the household level
was impractical and time-consuming so people became lazy. Various efforts have been
made by the state government, the Bumi Lestari Maluku Waste Bank, and the CSR
program carried out by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga AFT Pattimura it is still finding a
steep road in overcoming the waste problem in the Land of Laha. The complexity of the
Tiara Chaerani, Samuel F. Sayaranamual, Ken Bima Prawira Atmaja, Sara Marlis Youwe
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3654
coastal waste problem in Ambon Bay, especially in the Land of Laha, requires multi-
sector cooperation, which is framed in the Penta helix cooperation mechanism.
Research on the penta-helix mechanism has been widely carried out because it is
seen as a collaboration method that divides the roles of each stakeholder (Soemaryani,
2016). Research on penta-helix collaboration in building social inclusion for disabilities
explains that the involvement of the government, community groups, the private sector,
the media, and academics in creating an inclusive social space in Solo is possible. The
penta-helix method presents a different division of roles for each stakeholder,
accompanied by different capacities, for the achievement of common goals (Nurhaeni,
Putri, Mulyadi, & Sudibyo, 2024).
This study aims to map the stakeholders involved in the implementation process
of social innovation as a form of sustainable collaboration without dwarfing the role of
one of the stakeholders. Based on the framework of pentahelix theory which emphasizes
a clear division of tasks between stakeholders, this study also maps the tasks, functions,
and roles of each stakeholder in a structured and clear manner.
Research Methods
This research was conducted to analyze the role of each stakeholder involved in
the CSR Social Innovation program of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga AFT Pattimura,
namely Waste Management Center: NEKAT SA using an analytical descriptive matrix
on the theoretical framework of penta-helix stakeholder mapping with a qualitative
approach. The research method was chosen because it was able to systematically
provide the involvement of all stakeholders in the program without dwarfing the role of
one of them (Creswell & Creswell, 2017).
This research focuses on the Waste Management Center: NEKAT SA program
which integrates 4 AFT Pattimura CSR programs, namely PAUD Aware of the
Environment, Laha State Disaster Resilient Village, and TEKAD Fish Farming Group
(POKDAKAN), which is located in Laha Country, Teluk Ambon District. This program
is generally fronted by the Bumi Lestari Maluku Waste Bank which has been running
for the fifth year and has a significant impact on the community in the company's ring 1
area. This program cannot run without contributions from other parties, such as the state
government, city governments, community groups, academics, the media, and other
private involvement. The data used in the study are primary data and secondary data.
Primary data is sourced from the process of program implementation in the field, while
secondary data comes from literature studies and documentation that support this
This research is a type of qualitative research that uses analytical descriptive
methods to provide a systematic description. This research is located in Laha State,
Teluk Ambon District which focuses on 4 AFT Pattimura CSR Fosters, the
Government, Academics from UNPATTI, and several local media involved in the
implementation of the program.
AFT Pattimura CSR Pentahelix Collaboration in the Implementation of Waste Management
Center Social Innovation Program: NEKAT SA (Negeri Katong Tanpa Sampah)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3655
This study uses a Qualitative Comparative analysis technique that combines
qualitative methods with set-theoretic logic to analyze cases in small comparative
studies. It is used to understand the combination of conditions that produce a particular
Results and Discussion
Waste Management Cente:NEKAT SA
Waste Management Center: NEKAT SA is an umbrella program initiated by AFT
Pattimura by integrating 4 community empowerment programs as an effort to manage
waste in the Land of Laha. NEKAT SA is divided into 3 stages, namely the upstream
stage which is mostly engaged in education and waste collection efforts, the process
stage which is engaged in processing waste into useful products, and the downstream
stage which focuses on the formation of a circular economy. These 3-stage integrative
efforts are considered effective in solving the waste problem in the Land of Laha
because each stage is carried out collaboratively and there is a clear division of tasks
between each fostered partner.
Waste Management Center: NEKAT SA is fronted in general and centralized by
the Maluku Bumi Lestari Waste Bank (BLM) but does not dwarf the role of other
fostered partners. PAUD Aware of the Environment plays a role as a replica of the
Waste Bank in the form of education in Wailawa Hamlet and plays a major role in
educating the community, especially children in the golden age through the
implementation of an environmentally conscious curriculum. The Laha Disaster
Resilient Village plays an active role as a partner of BLM in educating the community,
and an extension of disaster management, especially climate disasters in the Land of
Laha, such as carrying out tree planting activities, beach cleanup actions, and food
security using processed products from BLM. The Horticultural Agriculture Group and
POKDAKAN TEKAD have a role in implementing zero-waste production in their
business processes through the use of environmentally friendly products.
The clarity of the division of roles of each fostered partner is an effective step in
overcoming the risk of piles and piles of waste in the future because each organization
moves in harmony to achieve the same goal, namely to create a clean environment
through the implementation of an integrated waste management system. In more detail,
the Waste Management Center implementation process will be outlined as follows:
1. Upstream Stages
In the upstream process of the Waste Management Center: NEKAT SA, the waste
bank serves as a source of knowledge to implement a minimum plastic life and socialize
waste sorting at the household, agency, and individual levels.
2. Waste Responsibility Education
The Maluku Lestari Bumi Waste Bank and PAUD Aware of the Environment are
actively socializing the people of the country regarding waste management from the
individual and household levels. This socialization is routinely carried out to the
community orally, through visual campaigns, roadshows to community groups, and the
Tiara Chaerani, Samuel F. Sayaranamual, Ken Bima Prawira Atmaja, Sara Marlis Youwe
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3656
implementation of the environmental awareness curriculum at PAUD Aware of the
Environment. This educational process has an impact on the community so that they do
not throw waste carelessly and carry out waste-saving activities at the Waste Bank
which can bring material and economic benefits. At the beginning of the year of waste
education implementation, the Bumi Lestari Maluku Waste Bank managed to
accommodate 11 tons of waste and increased every year.
3. Implementation of environmentally conscious curriculum
One of the strategic steps taken by PAUD Aware of the Environment to realize a
generation that cares about the environment is to implement the Environmental
Awareness Curriculum in its educational process. This curriculum includes material on
environmental concerns, individual responsibility for waste consumption from an early
age, and the application of education fees from waste. PAUD Aware of the
Environment, which is located in the Ring 1 area of AFT Pattimura, seeks to answer the
community's needs for affordable education for early childhood education. To access
education at PAUD Sadar Lingkungan, parents of students only need to pay tuition fees
using waste that is deposited regularly every month. Through the implementation of an
environmentally conscious curriculum and paid tuition fees for waste, in 2023 it has
managed to have 60 students from the marginal economic category who have been
active in environmental conservation efforts since early childhood.
4. Beach and Environmental Cleanup Action
Bank Sampah Bumi Lestari Maluku, together with CSR partner AFT Pattimura,
consistently conducts periodic waste cleanup actions every month as an effort to reduce
waste generation from innate currents along the coast in the land of Laha. This activity
succeeded in collecting 20kg of plastic waste per action, with participants from
community groups, government agencies, and business entities in the Land of Laha.
5. Waste Management Learning Center in Ambon City
Waste Management Center: NEKAT SA is the only integrated waste management
system in Ambon City. The approach carried out through education to the community
has made the Bumi Lestari Maluku Waste Bank several times receive visits from
various educational institutions, one of which is Pattimura University, Maluku.
6. Implementation of Zero Waste Production in POKDAKAN TEKAD and Eco
Entrepreneurship Education of Environmental Conscious PAUD.
As fostered partners who have production stages, POKDAKAN TEKAD and the
Environmental Aware PAUD Entrepreneurial Group have committed to implementing a
zero-waste production system. All production waste is collected and then processed into
useful products, so as not to cause waste accumulation in the environment. Fostered
partners are also committed to using environmentally friendly packaging in every
product they produce.
7. Increasing waste processing capacity for group members and the community.
One of the commitments of the Waste Management Center is to help create a
society that is capable and responsible for its waste production, for this reason,
knowledge sharing is routinely carried out between the community and groups to
AFT Pattimura CSR Pentahelix Collaboration in the Implementation of Waste Management
Center Social Innovation Program: NEKAT SA (Negeri Katong Tanpa Sampah)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3657
increase each other's knowledge of waste processing, because, in principle, each
individual is responsible for their waste.
Process Stages
At the process stage, the Waste Bank is the main actor in managing waste that has
been sorted by the community in households. The waste collection process is carried out
simultaneously with the process of recycling waste into goods of economic value.
Waste Management Center: NEKAT SA has succeeded in processing inorganic waste
into innovative products of eco-bricks and sofas from bottles, in addition to being able
to produce eco enzymes and fertilizers from processed organic waste that can be used
by the people of Laha. The waste processing process also includes the process of
processing used cooking oil into liquid soap, solid soap, and candles used by the people
of Laha as souvenirs at events, such as weddings.
Investment in waste processing equipment to the community
AFT Pattimura found this innovation as something that has the potential to bring a
lot of change in the Land of Laha. After running an integrated program for 1 year, in
2022 investments will be made in waste processing support tools, including waste press
machines, Green Box Purifiers as a tool to refine used cooking oil, and shredded
bicycles to help the waste shredding process so that it can be processed into eco
products. The procurement of these tools has succeeded in increasing the productivity of
waste processing activities carried out in the Land of Laha.
Innovation and diversification of waste bank products: Eco-enzyme, Eco-soap, and
Waste has economic value and function if it is managed properly through
innovation training. BLM itself has processed organic waste such as used cooking oil,
kitchen waste such as vegetables and fruits, and leaves. Through training and
mentoring, vegetable and fruit waste can be used as eco-enzymes to realize the
optimization of waste management in Ambon. The potential for organic waste in the
Land of Laha reaches 37 thousand kilograms per month, with eco-enzyme innovations
that can reduce household organic waste by 3.01% or 1,128 kilograms per month. Eco-
enzyme itself has many benefits as a floor cleaner, toilet, maintenance, and health and
this product provides cost efficiency of Rp 600,000 per month. In addition, the
processing of used cooking oil into soap called eco-soap has the potential to reduce used
cooking oil by 5.6% per month or around 112 litres of used cooking oil. Then leaf waste
and dry grass into compost that can be used to increase the fertility of community
Processing plastic waste into Ecobricks and Botik.
The Maluku Bumi Lestari Waste Bank together with PAUD Aware of the
Environment also carried out processing activities on plastic waste into products of
economic value. BLM Waste Bank has a superior product Botik (Plastic Bottle Sofa).
Meanwhile, PAUD Sadar Lingkungan has superior products made from ecobricks,
namely Softbrick (Ecobrick Sofa), and Rack-Brick which has resulted in an economic
turnaround and can process plastic waste weighing 62 kg for 1 set of ecobrick sofas.
Tiara Chaerani, Samuel F. Sayaranamual, Ken Bima Prawira Atmaja, Sara Marlis Youwe
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3658
Downstream Stages
At the downstream stage, the Waste Management Center mechanism: NEKAT SA
collaborates with several waste processing industries for waste delivery so that it can be
exchanged for a competitive value. In addition, in the downstream process, there is a
business expansion of waste recycling products from BLM that can be marketed in the
Ambon City area.
Waste Business Expansion
Since 2021, AFT Pattimura has successfully assisted the group in carrying out
activities to transport and sell inorganic waste to waste recycling industrial factories in
the city of Surabaya because there is no waste recycling factory in Ambon. The goal is
that waste such as plastic bottles, cardboard, and paper is not only piled up in landfills
but can be recycled by factories and has a high selling value. There have been four
times of waste transportation with a total volume of 26,434 kilograms of reduced waste
from September 2021 to May 2023. The profit obtained by BLM reached 70 million
rupiahs and was able to increase the income of the management and customers.
Participating in Exhibitions Held by Government Agencies
This is a marketing strategy carried out by the BLM Waste Bank to introduce eco
products to the people of Ambon City by participating in several exhibitions and
bazaars carried out by the government. This activity succeeded in attracting several
buyers and potential buyers so there was a purchase of 20 litres of eco enzyme that
would be used for plant fertilizer in the yard of the consumer's office. In addition,
another marketing strategy carried out is to collaborate with the Maluku Typical
Souvenir Center to expand the market share of products. The use of compost and eco-
enzyme fertilizer products for agriculture in the Land of Laha.
Farmer groups in Laha since 2022 who have joined as customers of the Bumi
Lestari Maluku Waste Bank have used compost as one of the sources of agricultural
nutrition, and used eco-enzyme as a pest remedy that attacks their gardens.
Implementation of NEKAT SA Waste Management Center: Upstream, Process,
and Downstream stages go hand in hand and form a value chain as follows:
AFT Pattimura CSR Pentahelix Collaboration in the Implementation of Waste Management
Center Social Innovation Program: NEKAT SA (Negeri Katong Tanpa Sampah)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3659
Figure 2 Waste Management Center Value Rantai Nilai: SA
Penta-Helix Analysis in Waste Management Center Implementation: NEKAT SA
Based on the results of the research, it is known that the Waste Management
Center: NEKAT SA innovation program involves many stakeholders because the waste
problem is a complicated problem that involves many parties. In this section, the
researcher has mapped all actors involved in the social innovation program: Waste
Management Center: NEKAT SA which has been implemented since 2022 in Laha
State, Ambon City.
Table 1
Name of
Activity Implementation
PT Pertamina
Patra Niaga
Aviation Fuel
Assisting the
in the form
of CSR
assistance on
an ongoing
1. Initiator of social
innovation Waste
Management Center:
2. Assisting community
groups that are members of
the Waste Management
Center: NEKAT SA
3. Investing in
infrastructure, capacity, and
4. Conduct routine
monitoring and evaluation
related to the
implementation of the
Tiara Chaerani, Samuel F. Sayaranamual, Ken Bima Prawira Atmaja, Sara Marlis Youwe
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3660
PT Million
Purchase of
waste to the
Bumi Lestari
Waste Bank
Regular waste
purchases collected
from the Waste
Center program:
Laha State
evaluators in
the Waste
1. Household fee
policymakers in
garbage pick-up
activities in
people's homes
Monitoring and
evaluation of
Ambon City
and Waste
related to the waste
collection at TPS
Negeri Laha
Monitoring and
evaluation of
Resource persons
in waste processing
Bumi Lestari
Maluku Waste
CSR fostered
partners of
Patra Niaga
and field
of the Waste
1. Management
socialization waste
to the people of
2. Picking up sorted
waste and residues
in people's homes
3. Implementation of
the waste tube
system is a benefit
4. Processing used
cooking oil into
wax, soap and
other ecoproducts.
5. Eco-enzyme
production from
fruit peel waste
1. Implementation of
AFT Pattimura CSR Pentahelix Collaboration in the Implementation of Waste Management
Center Social Innovation Program: NEKAT SA (Negeri Katong Tanpa Sampah)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3661
Education is
ly Aware
the first
curriculum in
2. Implementation of
waste-paid tuition
3. Production of eco-
bricks and their
4. Environment-based
Village in
1. Resilience focused
on climate change
2. Food security
3. Actively clean the
4. Reforestation and
Rising Farmer
1. Implementasi
2. Treating self-
3. Agriculture does
not use chemical
on ideas and
sharing on
1. Capacity building
training resource
2. Research
3. A visit from a
group of students to
the Waste
Center: NEKAT
IAIN Ambon
1. Resource persons
in the
Tiara Chaerani, Samuel F. Sayaranamual, Ken Bima Prawira Atmaja, Sara Marlis Youwe
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3662
implementation of
and financial
2. Research
cooperation and
student and lecturer
cooperation and
student and lecturer
n of
about the
on of Waste
Center: SA is
desperate for
the general
Publication of
information on
Waste Management
Center activities:
account PT
Patra Niaga
Papua Maluku
Publication of
information on
waste management
centre activities
from the internal
party of PT
Pertamina Patra
Based on the table that has been described above, all actors have their functions
and roles according to their abilities. PT Pertamina Patra Niaga AFT Pattimura through
the CSR program to help community groups is the initiator of the Waste Management
Center innovation program: NEKAT SA. This program comes after conducting a
professional assessment together with consultants and academics through a social
mapping study in 2022 which shows the existence of environmental problems,
community habits of waste management, and the economy in the Land of Laha.
Referring to the social mapping document, one of the recommended programs is the
implementation of the Waste Bank which has been carried out since 2018. This
assistance has been carried out integratively with all fostered partners since 2023 under
the umbrella name of the Waste Management Center program: NEKAT SA.
The implementation of this program has experienced significant ups and downs,
initially, the community was not interested in changing to a more environmentally
friendly lifestyle, because it requires a lot of effort to new habits and economic pressure
that makes people not see environmental issues as an important problem. The habit of
people throwing garbage on the beach did not completely disappear until 2024, but it
has been greatly reduced due to the existence of a garbage tube mechanism and a
procession to pick up garbage from people's homes by the Bumi Lestari Maluku Waste
AFT Pattimura CSR Pentahelix Collaboration in the Implementation of Waste Management
Center Social Innovation Program: NEKAT SA (Negeri Katong Tanpa Sampah)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3663
Bank. Another problem arises because the community is charged a fee of Rp.2000 per
week for the waste collection process, so the Bumi Lestari Maluku Waste Bank only
relies on program operational money, which is finally circumvented by the State
Government through a State Regulation that binds the community to pay fees regularly
to protect the environment. Fees can be in the form of money, and waste savings at the
Bumi Lestari Maluku Waste Bank.
Another problem that arises is the pile of garbage in the temporary landfill of
Laha because the process of picking up garbage by the Environment Agency takes a
long time. After all, the distance between Laha and the city centre and the landfill of
Ambon Island is almost 25 km. This can be resolved with a joint agreement between the
Laha State Government and the Ambon City Environment and Waste Agency which
picks up every 2 days. At the community level, this pile has been minimized by sorting
waste, so that not all waste is put into the TPS, some are saved in the Waste Bank,
processed into compost, and eco-enzymes, and only residual waste is sent to the TPS.
This has proven to be effective in reducing waste accumulation by 40% and easing the
work of the Ambon City Government in waste management. The implementation of a
plastic-conscious culture also affects people's habits that have begun to reduce the
repetition of single-use plastic wrap.
Waste Management Center Program: NEKAT SA is a social innovation program
by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga AFT Pattimura as a form of responsibility and concern for
the community in the ring 1 area of the company's operations. This program, of course,
cannot be implemented without multi-stakeholder cooperation that runs in harmony and
dynamics. This collaboration is expected to be sustainable and continuously developed
to realize a Laha country free of waste piles, both on land and in sea areas.
Impact and Social Change of the Implementation of the PentaHelix Collaboration
Waste Management Center Program: NEKAT SA in the Land of Laha
Implementation of Waste Management Center: NEKAT SA has had a significant
impact on solving environmental problems in the Land of Laha. In 2023, the Bumi
Lestari Maluku Waste Bank managed to collect 11 tons of plastic waste which was then
processed into products of economic value, and sent to industries that were able to
provide decent income for the management and the surrounding community. More
absolutely, the impact measurement of the Waste Management Center Social
Investment is carried out through SROI calculations and descriptions based on the
Sustainability Compass. In terms of the environment, the program has succeeded in
managing 62 tons of waste in the country of Laha since its implementation. In the
welfare aspect, it has empowered 20 people in the country to get jobs and empowered
10 women in its implementation, with incomes above the Ambon City UMP. In the
social aspect, it has succeeded in empowering all people of Air Manis Hamlet, the land
of laha to care more about the environment through participation in programs and the
development of social capital and community cohesiveness in the implementation of
Tiara Chaerani, Samuel F. Sayaranamual, Ken Bima Prawira Atmaja, Sara Marlis Youwe
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3664
The investment value of the program is also measured using the Social Return on
Investment (SROI) instrument. The Waste Management Center Program: NEKAT SA,
has an SROI value of 3.89 which means that every investment of 1 rupiah in fish
cultivation and processing programs can provide benefits to beneficiaries of 3.89 rupiah.
This result is in line with the program's objectives, namely to increase community
income through the communal waste management industry by prioritizing the principles
of environmental improvement and conservation. In general, during the three years of
program intervention (2021-2023), AFT Pattimura has made a positive contribution to
the people of Laha, especially the residents of Air Manis Hamlet. The benefits of the
Bumi Lestari Maluku program can be felt by waste bank administrators and customers
as well as stakeholders involved, both in terms of increasing economic income (from the
sale of non-organic waste), processing waste recycling derivative products, as well as
increasing knowledge such as environmental management education, as well as a clean
and healthy living culture. This value has gone through an impact fixation procession
that considers the existence of a definition of impact value due to cooperation between
agencies, by the pentahelix collaboration analysis.
In conclusion, the NEKAT SA (Negeri Katong Tanpa Sampah) program,
spearheaded by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Aviation Fuel Terminal Pattimura, represents
a robust model of social innovation designed to address significant environmental issues
related to waste management in Negeri Laha. Utilizing the Penta-Helix collaboration
framework, the program effectively integrates the contributions of corporate actors, civil
society, government, media, and academic institutions. This multi-stakeholder approach
has proven effective in mitigating environmental degradation, enhancing community
welfare, and fostering socio-economic benefits. The program underscores the
importance of well-defined roles and responsibilities for each stakeholder, ensuring a
coordinated and sustained effort to address complex environmental challenges.
Furthermore, the study's examination of the Redesign of the Planning and Budgeting
System (RSPP) reveals persistent challenges in aligning program nomenclature,
activities, and output classifications with RSPP principles. The Central Statistics
Agency (BPS) illustrates these challenges due to its unique role as a national data
provider, which complicates the alignment of technical Key Result Outputs (KROs)
with its specialized functions. Despite these difficulties, BPS's ongoing efforts to refine
its planning and budgeting processes in accordance with updated guidelines are
commendable. The findings emphasize the necessity of periodic evaluations and
sustained stakeholder engagement for both the NEKAT SA program and the RSPP
initiative. Such evaluations are crucial for identifying and addressing emerging issues,
thereby enhancing the effectiveness and adaptability of public sector programs. This
comprehensive approach is essential for achieving improved environmental, economic,
and governance outcomes, thereby contributing to the overall effectiveness and
resilience of social innovation efforts.
AFT Pattimura CSR Pentahelix Collaboration in the Implementation of Waste Management
Center Social Innovation Program: NEKAT SA (Negeri Katong Tanpa Sampah)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3665
The implementation of the Redesign of the Planning and Budgeting System at the
Central Statistics Agency has not been fully by the principles of the RSPP. However,
BPS always strives to improve the structure of the RSPP in the process of preparing
planning and budgeting documents. In addition, the duties and functions of BPS as a
data provider are unique so it is difficult to determine the technical KRO by the
specifics of BPS. In the preparation of the RSPP, BPS strives to continue to improve by
the guidelines that have been set and updated every year to accommodate the types of
KRO that do not yet exist.
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