pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 7 July 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3598
Modification of Distillation Engines Using Used Oil into Diesel
and Premium Fuel Using Circular Condensation
Bambang Pratowo
, Kunarto
, Widi Hantoro
Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL), Indonesia
Keywords: distillation,
condensers, automotive.
In the era of the industrial revolution which is very
developed today, the automotive world is also increasing,
especially in vehicles that are fueled by premium diesel, due
to the increasing vehicle demand in the wider community as
more and more innovations are issued to create something
latest and new, from data (Central Statistics Agency 2020)
vehicles on Indonesian roads from passenger cars, goods,
motorcycles, buses reached 14. Behind the positive effects
due to the increasing development of the automotive world,
there are also negative effects, one of which is pollution and
waste generated from vehicle lubricants, oil, from periodic
replacements resulting from engine maintenance that must
be carried out. So the author is interested in designing a
distillation machine with a condenser to convert used oil into
base oil (base oil gar reduces the negative impact, the method
used is by literature review, field study, preparation and
testing, although the results of the test were obtained from 3
samples, namely A, B, and C with different cooking times
and temperatures, it was found that the physical results
obtained were too different from each other, However, not
with the content in the sample, which was tested using (GC-
MS) it was found that compounds with different amounts
were found, namely sample A with 48 compounds, Sample
B with 42 compounds and Sample C with 68 compounds, the
most compounds were found in the sample with the highest
cooking time and temperature with a time of 160 minutes
and a temperature of 254 °C. It was found that only sample
A had a premium characteristic, namely the compound
octane. So that this research can be used in the community.
The development of the automotive world, especially vehicles that use diesel and
premium fuel, is very rapid and advanced along with the increase in the population of the
community and the ease of buying vehicles, there are many easy ways to buy vehicles
such as cash or direct payments and credit or gradual payments that have various kinds
Modification of Distillation Engines Using Used Oil into Diesel and Premium Fuel Using
Circular Condensation
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3599
of time that can start in 1 year, some up to 4 years or more, This youth is one of the
drivers of many people who have more than one vehicle (Nupus, 2022). From data
(Central Statistics Agency 2020) vehicles on Indonesian roads from passenger cars,
goods, motorcycles, and buses reached 141. 992.573 (Pratama, 2019).
The development of vehicles is very promising in the economic system that is
developing in Indonesia, it is found that not a few workers participate in the automotive-
based industry, but behind the positive effects, there are also negative effects, one of
which is pollution and waste generated from vehicle lubricants, oil from periodic
replacements resulting from engine maintenance that must be carried out. (Ikhwanudin,
The author is interested in designing a distillation machine with a condenser to
convert used oil into base oil. (Marjuni, Minarto, & Wahyono, 2021).
Distillation is a way to distinguish chemical compounds that are based precisely on
the difference in the rate or ease of evaporation in the existing material. (Ikhwanudin,
Narendro, & Widadi, 2022). The incorporation of substances that have been heated to
boiling and evaporation occurs, after which it enters the boiling phase which is produced
by sitting until it gets a phase in a liquid state. (Irawan, 2010).
In this activity, a cooler is required as a cooling medium or as a heat transfer
temperature or what is called a condenser. The following is a brief explanation of the
cooler it can also be called a condenser. (Maroghi, 2017).
The base oil from this refining tool will be used as 2 types of fuel equivalent to
diesel and premium, after which the base oil will be tested as an alternative fuel, namely
by Gas Chromatography Analysis (GC-MS) testing, to find out what compounds are
contained in the refined oil so that it can be concluded as a vehicle fuel and can reduce
waste oil that is wasted in the soil. (Fonna, 2019).
Figure 1 Time of Design Making activity
Bambang Pratowo, Kunarto, Widi Hantoro
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3600
Research Methods
Place and Time
The work process was carried out at a house located in Bandung Baru village, Adi
Luwih District, Pringsewu Regency. With a work time of July 2, 2023, to July 25, 2023.
Oil Distillation Machine Manufacturing Procedure
In the process of making an Oil Distillation Machine, the steps to make the engine
are as follows:
1. Collecting information based on references related to the design of oil distillation
2. The next step is to determine the concept of oil distillation machine design
3. After the concept has been determined, it is then continued to determine the design of
the oil distillation machine. This step also creates a design drawing that will later
become the initial reference for the oil distillation machine manufacturing process.
4. Then the next step is to collect and select the ingredients which are then made into a
distillation machine.
5. After the selection of materials and the making of the design have been completed, the
next step is the manufacture of the oil distillation machine.
6. The steps to make an oil distillation machine start from making oil combustion tubes
7. If so, the next step is to make both steam condensation tubes and also a stove that will
be used to cook the oil.
8. After everything is done, then the components are assembled into one.
9. Check again if there are parts that are leaking or perforated due to imperfect welding
or human negligence.
10. If there are no leaks from the connecting pipes or the tubes, then the coating work is
done using paint.
11. The next step is to test the machine and take samples from the distillation.
Tools and Materials
1. Tool
The definition of a tool is something that is used continuously and never exhausted.
Some can be carpentry tools, cutting machines, and others.
The tools used in the manufacture of used oil distillation machines include safety
glasses, masks, hand protection, safety shoes, sitting grinders, measuring instruments,
potog grinders, electric welds, blowers, water pumps and thermometers.
2. Material
The definition of the material is something that can be used continuously and will
be exhausted, the materials that will be used in the design of oil distillation are as follows:
pipes, oil drums, and elbow irons.
Results and Discussion
Modification of Distillation Engines Using Used Oil into Diesel and Premium Fuel Using
Circular Condensation
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3601
In the research design, the design and construction of a waste oil distillation
machine into fuel uses a simple type of distillation that uses relatively cheap materials
and can be used as fuel. (Purnomo, 2016).
In Figure 4.1, you can see the initial design of distillation of waste oil into fuel that
can only dispense distillation results in one tube or can be called a type of diesel fuel.
Then the creation of this thesis is intended to modify the distillation machine which
produces one type of fuel into two different types of fuel.
Figure 1 Initial distillation machine design
Then it can be seen in figure 1 is the design of the distillation machine that has been
modified in such a way that it can produce two types of products in one cooking.
Figure 2 Distillation Machine Modifications
The specifications used in the design of the Used Oil Utilization Distillation
Machine can be seen in Table 1 while the components can be seen in Table 2.
Table 1
Specification of Modification of Used Oil Utilization Distillation Machine
Bambang Pratowo, Kunarto, Widi Hantoro
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3602
In Table 1 are the components used in the manufacture of used oil utilization
distillation machines, in this manufacture the materials used are used materials that are
partly purchased from the plant to utilize materials that are no longer used and also save
the budget.
Table 2
Components Used
Distillation Machine Testing
The test carried out on the Oil to Fuel Utilization Distillation Machine, aims to find
out the functionality of each part and the performance test aims to find out whether the
system has functioned with or not by the expected purpose. (Batara, 2022).
Below is a table of the temperature of the first chamber chamber from the beginning
of cooking to completion.
Table 3
Cooking temperature in the first tube
Time ( minutes)
(℃ )
Modification of Distillation Engines Using Used Oil into Diesel and Premium Fuel Using
Circular Condensation
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3603
In the table above, it can be seen that the test results show that when the temperature
reaches 73.8°C, the output hole of the second tube begins to emit smoke, and at a
temperature of 124.8°C, the third tube emits smoke but not as much smoke as the second
tube emits smoke.
At this temperature, the oil and water content begins to separate and undergo
evaporation, at a temperature of 148.5°C the second tube begins to drip deep black oil,
while the third tube at a temperature of 194.3°C is dark yellow at the beginning of the
discharge. The two oils that come out of the two tubes still have a characteristic oil and a
slight odour (synthetic), then the fire is raised at a temperature of 205°C at a cooking time
of 2 hours, and the two tubes release oil with a not-so-strong smell.
The fuel needed to cook oil for 2 hours is as much as 8 litres of used oil to burn
while used oil is needed as much as 5 litres until 2 hours of cooking using an oil stove.
The fuel produced by the Oil to Fuel Utilization Distillation Machine, the fuel produced
in the third cylinder gets a brownish oil that smells like oil as seen in Figure 3.
Bambang Pratowo, Kunarto, Widi Hantoro
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3604
Figure 3 Oil temperature 194 °C at 50 minutes of cooking
The result of the distillation of used oil into fuel produces three oils with different
cooking times, namely oil with 50 minutes of cooking at a temperature of 194 °C
producing a deep black colour with a very thick oil back, the second oil with a cooking
time of 1 hour and 30 minutes producing a clearer brownish colour, and the last oil with
a cooking time of 2 hours the oil is yellowish but the oil colour is still attached to the oil
and the pungent smell from the oil. You can see it in the picture below.
Figure 4 Sample A 50 min cooking
Figure 5 Sample B 90 min cooking
Modification of Distillation Engines Using Used Oil into Diesel and Premium Fuel Using
Circular Condensation
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3605
Figure 6 Sample C cooking time 120 minutes
It can be concluded that the different cooking times and temperatures do not have
much effect on the oil distilled using used oil, the colour and smell produced are not so
different between cooking times of 50 minutes, 90 minutes, and 120 minutes.
Comparison of Physical Fuel Properties
By comparing the properties of samples A, B, and C with different cooking times
with temperatures between 148°C and 205°C.
Table 4
Properties of the physical properties of the fuel
Sample B
Sample C
Fire color
Blue, red
Blue, red
smoke color
Smells of
used oil
Smells of
used oil
Yawning at
Test Results (GC-MS)
Bambang Pratowo, Kunarto, Widi Hantoro
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3606
Sample testing from the results of the distillation machine distillation of oil to fuel
using tools (GC-MS) with the condition of the device:
1. Reference: Identification Of Heavy Residual Oil By GC & GC-M
2. Column: DB- 5 MS
3. Soluent: Hexane
4. Initial temp: 40℃ hold 4 min.
300℃ at 5℃/min.
The value value means that a component that has a value above 90 is not easily lost
or melted by heat treatment, on the contrary, a value below 90 will easily melt with certain
heat treatment.
From 3 samples, namely A, B, and C with physically different cooking times and
temperatures, not too different from each other, but not with the content in the sample,
after testing with a tool (GC-MS) were obtained compounds with different amounts,
namely sample A with 48 compounds, Sample B with 42 compounds and Sample C with
68 compounds, The most compounds were found in the sample with the highest cooking
time and temperature of 160 minutes and a temperature of 254 °C, but those that indicated
a fuel were found in sample A, namely the earliest cooking with a time of 50 minutes in
the sample there was a compound octaneC_8 H_(18) contained.
In the results of the design of the distillation equipment, several important things
were found. First, the designed distillation device was successfully used and tested
successfully, producing oil. Secondly, the time and temperature during the distillation
process do not affect the smell and colour of the oil produced. Third, a physical
comparison of the fuels produced in different time spans shows that there are no
significant physical differences. Fourth, sample C is known to contain the highest number
of compounds, which is 68 compounds, while sample B has the least number of
compounds between the two samples. Finally, from testing using Gas Chromatography-
Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS), it was found that only sample A contained the compound
octane, which is a premium characteristic.
Modification of Distillation Engines Using Used Oil into Diesel and Premium Fuel Using
Circular Condensation
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3607
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