p–ISSN: 2723 – 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5357Analysis of Public Interest Factors in the Jakarta SelataRegion in the Use of Gopay as a Digital PaymentMartha Caesarilly1*, Hasnawati Zainal2Universitas Trisakti Jakarta, IndonesiaEmail: [email protected]1*, [email protected]2*CorrespondenceABSTRACTKeywords: technologyacceptance model (TAM),interests, perceptions,benefits, perception ofconvenience.This study, is aimed at analyzing the interest of thecommunity in the South Jakarta area in using GOPAY as adigital payment based on the Technology Acceptance Model(TAM). The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)theoretical approach is used because it is the most widelyused method in predicting information technologyacceptance and has been proven to be a theoretical modelthat will be useful in helping to understand and explain userbehavior and the implementation of the use of GOPAY as adigital payment. This is a consideration because people usedto still use cash-based payment instruments and now theyhave begun to recognize and use non-cash paymentinstruments in carrying out payment transaction activities.One of the non-cash payment instruments that is currentlydeveloping is electronic money, namely GOPAY. In thisstudy, data was obtained using a questionnaire in the form ofa Google form and disseminated through WhatsApp andother social media networks such as Instagram as many as150 Google forms have been filled. All answers are eligiblefor processing. The results of this study show that Perceptionof Benefits, Perception of Convenience, User Attitude, andPerception of Security partially have a positive effect oninterest in using GOPAY as payment.IntroductionIndonesia has become one of the countries that have become an influential countrywith technological developments and has a positive impact on the lives of people inIndonesia, especially in the economic sector. Information technology has become animportant part of the process of business activities carried out by various organizations.Information technology in the field of investment is growing rapidly, resulting in theexpansion of communication networks and technological developments, especially thedevelopment of the internet and bringing changes in lifestyle that can be seen from thepayment mechanism system for economic transactions in the community (Budiastuti &Muid, 2020). Martha Caesarilly, Hasnawati Zainal
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5358
The smooth payment system method is a sign that the country's economy will also
be smooth. In addition, the level of efficiency of the payment system can also be measured
by the ability to create costs to get something from economic activities. In general, people
in Indonesia still use currency as a means of payment to buy a good or service.
Payment using e-money will make it easier for people in Indonesia to follow online
transactions anytime and anywhere. The development of the use of online transactions
has a very good trend from year to year. It is also very significant that in the mobile
payment application, namely GOPAY, which is one of the information technologies in
the field of digital payment issued by the GOJEK Company (Asfirah, Erawati, &
Hidayati, 2024).
GOJEK is one of the results of the work of the nation's children who are engaged
in online transportation services with various features in the application. To support the
cashless society program created by the government, public awareness of the use of non-
cash transactions should be supported by the acceptance and ability of the community to
use non-cash payments. However, this will be a problem if people cannot accept and
utilize the payment system digitally with e-money. If people cannot accept the rapidly
developing development of information technology and utilize the digital payment
system, then this electronic payment will not last long.
The emergence of a person's interest in using new technology can be measured by
using a theory that can describe the level of acceptance and use of technology. In this
study, the theory of acceptance used is the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) theory
developed by Davis (1986). TAM is a model based on the desire to use to describe the
level of users in receiving an information technology. (Kadim et al., 2024), with the
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Theory which predominantly influences
technology integration. The first factor is Perceived Usefulness, which defines the extent
to which a person believes that using a technology will enhance her or his performance.
What can be known from this definition is a belief about the decision-making process. If
a person feels that the information system is useful then he will use it.
The difference between this study and the previous research is that the respondents
cover a wider range of people, namely the people in the South Jakarta area, towards the
interested in using e-money, especially GOPAY as a digital payment, besides this study
adds a new external variable, namely the variable of perceived security in using the
GOPAY feature as a digital payment. Consideration for the selection of research objects
on GOPAY is because this product has the most user segments for now.
This is in line with research conducted by (Senali et al., 2023) proving that the perception
of benefits has a positive and significant effect on interest in using e-money because the
higher the level of benefits offered, means that interest in using Gopay e-money will also
increase. The results of this study are consistent with previous studies, namely (Didied,
Yunitasari, & Puspita, 2022), (Latief, Mus, Amang, Hasan, & Mahmud, 2024), and
(Kraugusteeliana, Bakri, Mustain, Budiyanto, & Sutrisno, 2023). Based on this
phenomenon, the author wants to examine scientific research activities with the title
Analysis of Public Interest Factors in the Jakarta Selata Region in the Use of Gopay as a
Digital Payment
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Analysis of Public Interest Factors in the South Jakarta area in the Use of GOPAY as
Digital Payment.
This research is a type of descriptive research that is analyzed with a quantitative
approach. This quantitative approach is carried out by distributing online questionnaires
distributed through various social media and short messaging applications. The method
of determining the sample of this study uses a purposive sampling technique with the
criteria of consumers who have made purchases by paying using the Gopay feature. The
distribution process of distributing this questionnaire will be carried out starting in May
2024. The collection is carried out using Google form media which consists of general
consumer information such as name, age, education, and frequency of use of the Gopay
feature. Then the next part contains statements that are by the variables used in this study.
Each statement will be presented with a choice of answers using a Likert scale of 1-6
(1=strongly disagree, 2= disagree, 3= somewhat disagree, 4= somewhat agree, 5= agree,
and 6= strongly agree). The analysis tool used is IBM Statistics SPSS version 27. To test
the quality of the data, it is by conducting a validity test and reliability test first to check
that each question indicator is valid and reliable. The validity test with a significance
value of <0.05 and the reliability test with a Cronbach Alpha value of >0.70 was then
carried out a hypothesis test by conducting a multiple regression test and a Sobel test
(Ghozali, 2016). Below are the indicators used to measure each variable:
Table 1
Question Indicator
It Statement
Program Understanding
Paying using GO-PAY often gets discounts and vouchers on GO-RIDE
GO-CAR and GO-
Paying using GO-PAY gets discounts or promos compared to paying with
There are minimum and maximum limits on GO-PAY balance top-up.
If you pay using GO-PAY, you can get tokens that will later be
accumulated and can be exchanged for
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In addition to QR Scan/Barcode, payment transactions using GO-PAY
can be paid via number.
to maximize
GO-JEK service features.
GO-PAY balance top-up is very easy to do with several options that
can be adjusted to the needs and conditions of users, including through
Gojek drivers, Minimart, Internet banking, mobile banking, ATMs, and
other methods.
The minimum and maximum limit of GO-PAY balance Top Up can be
adjusted according to the financial situation of GO-service users.
With GO-PAY which often provides discounts, vouchers, cashback,
and delivery promos, it can increase the income of GO- partners.
Results and Discussion
Respondent Demographics
This section describes the demographics of respondents which describe the
characteristics of respondents consisting of gender, age, education level, income/pocket
money, domicile, and frequency of online / pay payments.
Table 2
Respondent Demographics
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Man 38 25.33 38.0 38.0
Valid Woman 112 74.67 112.0 100.0
Total 150 100.0 150.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
17 Years 1 0.67 1.0 1.0
18 Years 1 0.67 1.0 2.0
19 Years 15 10.0 15.0 17.0
20 Years 20 13.33 20.0 37.0
Valid for 21 Years 32 21.34 32.0 69.0
22 Years 23 15.34 23.0 92.0
23 Years 28 18.67 28.0 99.0
24 Years 30 20.00 30.0 100.0
Total 150 100.0 150.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Analysis of Public Interest Factors in the Jakarta Selata Region in the Use of Gopay as a
Digital Payment
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SMA 17 11.33 17.0 7.0
D3 25 16.67 25.0 27.0
Valid D4/S1 39 26.00 39.0 51.0
S2 69 46.00 69.0 100.0
Total 150 100.0 150.0
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
1-5 times 17 11.33 17.0 7.0
6-10 times 25 16.67 25.0 27.0
Valid 11-15 times 39 26.00 39.0 51.0
16-20 times 69 46.00 69.0 100.0
Total 150 100.0 150.0
Hypothesis Results
Coefficie nts
Error Beta
1 (Constant) 1.204 1.128
Perception .200 .077 .278
Perception .145 .072 .225
Attitude in .208 .078 .252
Perception .197 .083 .180
Equation Y = 0.278X1 + 0.225X2 + 0.252X3 + 0.180X4
Based on the regression equation above, the four coefficients of the free variable
have a positive value, which can be seen at the Beta value of 0.278; 0,225; 0.252, and
0.180 >0.05 which means that the four independent variables can be considered
influential and significant to the bound variables, which means that the company has a
perception of benefits; Ease; attitudes in using and perception of security are getting
Martha Caesarilly, Hasnawati Zainal
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better, while the other variable is fixed (constant), then interest in using Gopay as a digital
payment will increase.
It Indicators Alpha Value Standardized Value Ket.
1 Perception of benefits 0,882 0,600 Reliable
2 Perception of
0,898 0,600 Reliable
3 User attitude 0,920 0,600 Reliable
4 Security perception 0,737 0,600 Reliable
4 Interest in using Gopay as
a digital
payment 0,864 0,600 Reliable
Based on the table above, it can be seen that each variable has an alpha value that
exceeds the standardized value, which is 0.6. Thus, it can be concluded that the results of
the reliability test for all of these variables are reliable, so it is feasible to conduct further
Collinearity Statistics
Tolerance VIF
1 Perception of benefits 0.312 3.208
Perception of convenience 0.285 3.514
User attitude 0.405 2.467
Security perception 0.623 1.606
Based on the coefficient table above, the tolerance value for the variables of benefit
perception, convenience perception, user attitude, and security perception towards the
interest in using Gopay as a digital payment, is greater than the default value (Tolerance)
determined at 0.10. As for the VIF value, it is also less than 10. So it can be concluded
that all variables have met the requirements of the tolerance threshold and the VIF value.
This means that the three variables do not experience the effect of multicollinearity.
t Sig.
Analysis of Public Interest Factors in the Jakarta Selata Region in the Use of Gopay as a
Digital Payment
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1 (Constant) 2.742 .705 3.892 .000
Perception -.022 .048 -.083 -.464 .644
Perception -.009 .045 -.038 -.203 .840
Attitude in .058 .049 .185 1.186 .239
-.098 .052 -.237 -1.880 .063
Based on the results above, it can be seen that the significance of all independent
variables is> 0.05 so it can be said that the research model does not have
heteroscedasticity. In addition to the Glesser test, the heteroscedasticity test can be tested
using a scatterplot.
Perceived Usefulness (PU)
Perceived usefulness is the extent to which a person believes that using a system
will improve its performance. The definition of perceived usefulness is also in line with
the definition (Utami & Kusumawati, 2017), which is the extent to which a person
believes that using mobile payment services will improve their performance and
productivity in making payment transactions. In addition, there is a positive attitude
towards the use of e-money products through GOPAY, for example, consumers believe
that using this GOPAY service makes their duties effective and efficient. They feel
comfortable using this service without carrying cash to make payments. Based on the
results of the calculations that have been carried out, a significance of 0.011< 0.05 is
obtained. Indicating that H1 is accepted. This shows that there is a positive and significant
influence between the perception of benefits and interest in using Gopay as a digital
payment. These results can be interpreted that if the perception of benefits is further
improved, interest in using Gopay as a digital payment will also increase.
Perceived Ease Of Use
Perceived ease of use is a person's belief that when using a technology that is easy
to use and understand. Convenience will have an impact on behavior, namely the higher
a person's assumption about the ease of using a system, the higher the level of information
technology utilization. The characteristic of user ease that causes users to continue using
it is when the user of a technology believes that the system is more flexible, easy to
understand, and easy to operate (compatible). (Dwirandra & Astika, 2020) The perception
of ease of use in this study is interpreted as the view of users who believe that non-cash-
based payments in transactions are easy to understand. If GOPAY users are perceived to
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be easy to use by consumers, the service will be used frequently and continuously. The
results of the calculations that have been carried out obtained a significance result of
0.048< 0.05. indicates that H2 is accepted. With these results, it can be concluded that the
test shows a positive and significant influence on the perception of convenience and
interest in using Gopay as a digital payment. It means that if the perception of
convenience increases, then it will be able to increase interest in using Gopay as a digital
Attitude Toward Using
Attitude Toward Using (ATU) described in the TAM model is a level of assessment
of the impact experienced by a person when using a certain system in their work. The
form of assessment of the use of technology systems according to (Dwirandra & Astika,
2020) can be in the form of acceptance or rejection which will also have an impact on a
person's work when using technology. The attitude of technology users is a positive or
negative feeling that a person has when required to perform the behavior that will be
determined. Meanwhile, according to (Hervilia, Singasatia, & Sunandar, 2022), attitude
toward using is an evaluation of the user's interest in using the system ("the user's
evaluation of the desirability of his or her using the system"). The results of the
calculations that have been carried out obtained a significance result of 0.009< 0.05.
indicating that H3 was accepted. With these results, it can be concluded that the test shows
a positive and significant influence on user attitudes toward interest in using Gopay as a
digital payment. It means that if the user's attitude is increasing, then it will be able to
increase interest in using Gopay as a digital payment.
Perceived Of Security
Security perception is defined as a perception of uncertainty and unintended
consequences in carrying out activities (Marfuah & Ratnaningrum, 2024) identifying that
security can affect customer perception of general banking activities of commercial
banks, and also as an endogenous variable in e-money activities. Security and privacy
indicate the level of security and privacy when using e-money for transactions. The results
of the calculations that have been carried out obtained a significance result of 0.020<
0.05. indicates that H4 is accepted. With these results, it can be concluded that the test
shows a positive and significant influence between security perception and interest in
using Gopay as a digital payment. It means that if the perception of security is increasing,
then it will be able to increase interest in using Gopay as a digital payment.
The conclusion of this study is as follows, perceived usefulness has a positive and
significant effect on the behavioral intention to use GOPAY as a digital payment. These
results can be interpreted that if the perceived usefulness is further improved, the
behavioral intention to use Gopay as a digital payment will also increase. Perceived ease
Analysis of Public Interest Factors in the Jakarta Selata Region in the Use of Gopay as a
Digital Payment
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of use has a positive and significant effect on the behavioral intention to use GOPAY as
a digital payment. These results can be interpreted that if the perceived ease of use is
further improved, the behavioral intention to use Gopay as a digital payment will also
increase. User attitude (attitude toward using) has a positive and significant effect on the
behavioral intention to use GOPAY as a digital payment. These results can be interpreted
that if the attitude of Gopay users is further improved, the behavioral intention to use
Gopay as a digital payment will also increase. Perceived security has a positive and
significant effect on the behavioral intention to use GOPAY as a digital payment. These
results can be interpreted that if the perception of Gopay's security is further improved,
the behavioral intention to use Gopay as a digital payment will also increase. Some
suggestions are expected for future research, this model can be used as a reference to
research the interest in using Gopay as another digital payment as a comparison. In
addition, based on the value of the determination coefficient in this study, it shows that
interest in using Gopay as a digital payment is still influenced by other independent
variables. Future research should be able to use other independent variables to modify
this research such as new technology adaptation, brand image, and aware
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