pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 7 July 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3511
The Influence of Work Experience, Competence, and Work
Discipline on Teacher Performance with Work Motivation as
an Intervening Variable at Nur Al Hiraa Character School
Natasha Eka Murti
, Titing Widyastuti
, Yoyo Indah Gunawan
Universitas Ipwija, Indonesia
Keywords: work
experience, competence,
work discipline, work
motivation and teacher
The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of
variables such as work experience, competence, and work
discipline on teacher performance with work motivation as
an intervening variable at Nur Al Hiraa Character School.
The type of research used in this study is explanatory type
causal research which examines the influence of
independent variables on dependent variables. The results of
this study show that work experience, competence, work
discipline, and work motivation have a significant influence
on teacher performance in the f test (simultaneous). It can be
concluded that the higher the level of work experience,
competence, work discipline, and motivation, the higher the
level of teacher performance felt by each teacher.
All organizations, institutions, and agencies are required to be able to compete to
provide maximum service (Candana, Putra, & Wijaya, 2020). A school is one of the
institutions or educational institutions that provide services, and facilities to carry out
teaching and learning activities, and the educational process (Anggraini, Karnadi, &
Fandiyanto, 2023). The success of education which is the goal in schools depends on
human resources such as principals, teachers, administrative employees, and other
education personnel (Pratiwi, Askolani, & Rahwana, 2023).
Every organization or institution is required to have good management that can
increase the effectiveness of the organization (Rossman & Cochran, 2018). Human
resources are one of the most important aspects of an institution, whether it is bad or bad,
whether it develops or not, depending on how an organization or institution maximizes
the human resources that it already has to achieve optimal performance (Marvin, 2023).
Every institution or organization always improves good work performance, because
it can affect an institution or organization (Imron, 2015). To achieve performance goals,
educators who have good work performance are needed. Various ways can be taken by
institutions to improve the work performance of educators using driving factors that
Natasha Eka Murti, Titing Widyastuti, Yoyo Indah Gunawan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3512
appear within or outside of themselves to achieve something desired (Tumanggor &
Girsang, 2021).
According to Triffin and Me. (Tambingon, Tewal, & Trang, 2019) in the book Didi
(2019) The variable factors that affect performance achievement are one of them:
1) Individual variables, including attitudes, characteristics, physical attributes, interests
and motivations, experience, age, gender, education, and other individual factors;
2) Situational Variables:
a) Physical and occupational factors, consisting of work methods, conditions and
design of work equipment, spatial arrangement and physical environment
(irradiation, temperature, and ventilation);
b) Social and organizational factors, including organizational regulations,
organizational nature, types of training and supervision, wage system, and social
The objectives of this study are:
1. To find out the influence of work experience on work motivation at Nur Al Hiraa
Character School;
2. To find out the influence of competence on work motivation at Nur Al Hiraa Character
3. To find out the influence of work discipline on work motivation at Nur Al Hiraa
Character School;
4. To find out the influence of work experience on teacher performance at Nur Al Hiraa
Character School;
5. To find out the influence of competence on teacher performance at Nur Al Hiraa
Character School;
6. To find out the influence of work discipline on teacher performance at Nur Al Hiraa
Character School;
7. To find out the influence of work motivation on teacher performance at Nur Al Hiraa
Character School.
Research Methods
Research Sample
According to (Sugiyono, 2021) is part of the number and characteristics possessed
by the population. The sample used in this study was 31 teachers.
Research Design
The type of research used in this study is explanatory type causal research which
examines the influence of independent variables on dependent variables.
Variable Operationalization
According to (Sugiyono, 2021), the definition of a research variable is an attribute
property or value of a person, object or activity that has a certain variation that is
determined by the researcher to be studied and then draw conclusions.
The Influence of Work Experience, Competence, and Work Discipline on Teacher Performance
with Work Motivation as an Intervening Variable at Nur Al Hiraa Character School
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3513
Analysis Methods
The analysis used in this study is descriptive and causal. Descriptive analysis is
carried out to describe or describe the data that has been collected as it is without intending
to make conclusions that apply to the general or generalization. Multiple linear regression
analysis is used to test the influence of several independent variables on a single
dependent variable. The test of the analysis requirements is the classical assumption. The
classical assumption test consists of normality, autocorrelation, multipotentiality, and
heteroscedasticity test (Fabanyo, 2019).
Results and Discussion
Normality Test Results
Figure 1
Results of the Normality Test P plot
Based on the image above, shows that the data is spread around the diagonal,
meaning that the data is distributed normally.
Heteroscedasticity Test Results
Figure 2
Results of the Heteroscedasticity Test of the Graph Method
Natasha Eka Murti, Titing Widyastuti, Yoyo Indah Gunawan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3514
Based on the Scatterplot image above, the dots spread out randomly, in other words,
do not form a specific pattern. This shows that there is no heteroscedasticity, so the data
is well used in the regression model.
Determination Coefficient Test Results (R2)
Table 1
Determination Coefficient (R2) Test Results Model 1
Based on Table 1, shows that the R Square value is 0.640 = 0.64 so it can be
interpreted that 64 per cent of the variation of teacher performance variables (Y) can be
explained by the variation of work experience variables (X1), competence (X2), work
discipline (X3) while the remaining 36 per cent is explained by other factors that are not
included in the research model.
Table 2
Results of the Coefficient of Determination (R2) Test Model II
Based on Table 2, shows that the R Square value is 0.639 = 63.9 so it can be
interpreted that 63.9 per cent of the variation of teacher performance variables (Y) can be
explained by the variation of work experience variables (X1), competence (X2), work
discipline (X3), and work motivation (Z) while the remaining 36.1 per cent is explained
by other factors that are not included in the research model.
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Table 3
Multiple Regression Analysis Results
The Influence of Work Experience, Competence, and Work Discipline on Teacher Performance
with Work Motivation as an Intervening Variable at Nur Al Hiraa Character School
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3515
The regression equation in Table 3 is as follows:
Z = b0 + b1 X1 + b2 X2 + b3 X3 + e
Z = 6.168 + 0.391 X1 + 0.442 X2 + 0.388 X3 + e
Z = Motivasi Kerja
b0 = Constant
b1 = Work Experience Variable Regression Coefficient
b2 = Regression Coefficient of Competency Variables
b3 = Regression Coefficient of Work Discipline Variable
X1 = Work Experience
X2 = Competencies
X3 = Work Discipline
e = Error
This means that if the value of Work Experience (X1), Competence (X2), and Work
Discipline (X3) is 0, then the resulting Work Motivation (Z) value is 6.168.
1. Work Experience Regression Coefficient = 0.391
Each increase in one work experience variable (X1) will increase the Work
Motivation variable (Z) in Nur Al Hiraa Character School teachers by 0.391 units if the
values (X2) and (X3) are considered constant.
2. Competency Regression Coefficient = 0.442
Each increase in one unit of competency (X2) will increase the Work Motivation
(Z) in Nur Al Hiraa Character School teachers by 0.442 units if the values (X1) and (X3)
are considered constant.
3. Work Discipline Regression Coefficient = 0.388
Each increase in one unit of work discipline (X3) will increase the Work Motivation
(Z) in Nur Al Hiraa Character School teachers by 0.388 units if the values (X1) and (X2)
are considered constant.
Table 4
Results of Work Experience Variable Regression Analysis
Natasha Eka Murti, Titing Widyastuti, Yoyo Indah Gunawan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3516
The regression equation in Table 4 is as follows:
Y = b0 + b1 X1 + b2 X2 + b3 X3 + b4 Z + e
Y = -1.043 + 0.107 X1 + 0.167 X2 + 0.335 X3 + 0.244 Z + e
Y = Teacher Performance
b0 = Constant
b1 = Work Experience Variable Regression Coefficient
b2 = Regression Coefficient of Competency Variables
b3 = Regression Coefficient of Work Discipline Variable
b4 = Regression Coefficient of Work Motivation Variable
X1 = Work Experience
X2 = Competencies
X3 = Work Discipline
Z = Motivasi Kerja
e = Error
This means that if the value of Work Experience (X1), Competence (X2), Work
Discipline (X3), and Work Motivation (Z) is 0, then the resulting Teacher Performance
(Y) value is -1.043.
1. Work Experience Regression Coefficient = 0.107
Each increase in one work experience variable (X1) will increase the Teacher
Performance variable (Y) in Nur Al Hiraa Character School teachers by 0.107 units, if
the values (X2), (X3), and (Z) are considered constant.
2. Competency Regression Coefficient = 0.167
Each increase in one unit of competency (X2) will increase the Teacher
Performance (Y) in Nur Al Hiraa Character School teachers by 0.167 units, if the values
(X1), (X3), and (Z) are considered constant.
3. Work Discipline Regression Coefficient = 0.335
Each increase in one unit of work discipline (X3) will increase the Teacher
Performance (Y) in Nur Al Hiraa Character School teachers by 0.335 units, if the values
(X1), (X2), and (Z) are considered constant.
4. Work Motivation Regression Coefficient = 0.244
The Influence of Work Experience, Competence, and Work Discipline on Teacher Performance
with Work Motivation as an Intervening Variable at Nur Al Hiraa Character School
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3517
Each increase in one unit of work motivation (Z) will increase the Teacher
Performance (Y) in Nur Al Hiraa Character School teachers by 0.244 units, if the values
(X1), (X2), and (X3) are considered constant.
Path Analysis
1. The Effect of Work Experience through Work Motivation on Teacher Performance
It is known that the direct influence of work experience on teacher performance is
0.087. Meanwhile, the indirect influence of work experience through work motivation on
teacher performance is 0.238 X 0.325 = 0.077.
Based on the calculation above, it is known that the direct influence is 0.087 and
the indirect influence is 0.077, which means that the indirect influence is smaller than the
direct influence. Therefore, it is concluded that indirect work experience through work
motivation does not have a significant effect on teacher performance (H4 Rejected).
2. The Effect of Competence through Work Motivation on Teacher Performance
It is known that the direct influence given by competence on teacher performance
is 0.213. Meanwhile, the indirect influence of competence through work motivation on
teacher performance is 0.421 X 0.325 = 0.137.
Based on the calculation above, it is known that the direct influence is 0.213 and
the indirect influence is 0.137, which means that the indirect influence is smaller than the
direct influence. Therefore, it is concluded that indirectly competence through work
motivation does not have a significant effect on teacher performance (H5 Rejected).
3. The Effect of Work Discipline through Work Motivation on Teacher Performance
It is known that the direct influence given by work discipline on teacher
performance is 0.289. Meanwhile, the indirect influence of competence through work
motivation on teacher performance is 0.251 X 0.325 = 0.081.
Based on the calculation above, it is known that the direct influence is 0.289 and
the indirect influence is 0.081, which means that the indirect influence is smaller
compared to the direct influence. Therefore, it is concluded that indirect work discipline
through work motivation does not have a significant effect on teacher performance (H5
The conclusion of the path analysis is that work motivation does not mediate work
experience, competence, and work discipline to teacher performance.
Test Result T (partial)
1. The work experience sig value is 0.153 and has a t calculation of 1.327. Because the
sig value > 0.05 and t calculate < t table (2.048), it can be concluded that Ho is accepted
and Ha is rejected means that Work Experience has no effect on Work Motivation at
Nur Al Hiraa Character School.
2. The Competency sig value is 0.015 and has a t calculation of 2.597. Because the sig
value < 0.05 and t calculated > t table (2.048), it can be concluded that Ho is rejected
and Ha is accepted, meaning that Competence affects Work Motivation at Nur Al
Hiraa Character School.
3. The value of the Work Discipline sig is 0.135 and has a t calculation of 1.541. Because
the sig value > 0.05 and t calculate < t table (2.048), it can be concluded that Ho is
Natasha Eka Murti, Titing Widyastuti, Yoyo Indah Gunawan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3518
accepted and Ha is rejected, meaning that Work Discipline has no effect on Work
Motivation at Nur Al Hiraa Character School.
4. The work experience sig value is 0.650 and has a t calculation of 0.460. Because the
sig value > 0.05 and t calculated < t table (2.048), it can be concluded that Ho is
accepted and Ha is rejected, meaning that Work Experience has no effect on Teacher
Performance at Nur Al Hiraa Character School.
5. The Competency sig value is 0.261 and has a t calculation of 1.149. Because the sig
value > 0.05 and t calculated < t table (2.048), it can be concluded that Ho is accepted
and Ha is rejected, meaning that Competence has no effect on Teacher Performance at
Nur Al Hiraa Character School.
6. The work discipline sig value is 0.108 and has a t calculation of 1.665. Because the sig
value > 0.05 and t calculated < t table (2.048), it can be concluded that Ho is accepted
and Ha is rejected means that Work Discipline has no effect on Teacher Performance
at Nur Al Hiraa Character School.
7. The work motivation sig value is 0.110 and has a t calculation of 1.656. Because the
sig value > 0.05 and t calculated < t table (2.048), it can be concluded that Ho is
accepted and Ha is rejected, meaning that Work Motivation does not affect Teacher
Performance at Al Hiraa Character School.
Test Result F (Simultaneous)
Table 5
ANOVA Model 1
The variables Work Experience (X1), Competency (X2), and Work Discipline (X3)
have Fcal > Ftabel which is 16.034 > 2.96 and a significant level of p-value (0.000) which
means < α (0.05), it can be concluded that the model includes the Fit criteria.
The value of Fcal > Ftabel (16.034 > 2.96).
Managerial Implications
1. Work experience is an indicator in this study is the length of time or working period,
where a person who has a longer working period can understand the tasks well.
Because the level of knowledge and skills possessed is also more, when compared to
someone who has a new working period. For the mastery of the work and the
equipment that supports his work, he understands better. A person can anticipate
difficulties so that they are better prepared to face them, usually, several plans will be
made to anticipate problems and make work calmer.
The Influence of Work Experience, Competence, and Work Discipline on Teacher Performance
with Work Motivation as an Intervening Variable at Nur Al Hiraa Character School
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3519
Work experience has no effect and is not significant to employee performance. The
results are inversely proportional to the research conducted by (Likdanawati, 2018),
saying that work experience has a significant effect on employee performance.
2. Competence has indicators, namely the spirit to excel and act more thoroughly when
doing work tasks, taking the initiative to seek and collect accurate information.
Providing services by listening to the suggestions given by parents. Persuading parents
to participate in educating their children at home. By directing parents to care more
about their children. We as teachers must also understand the child's condition so as
not to give the wrong direction to the parents. Children are also taught to control or
control their emotions to avoid negative behaviours, such as: speaking rudely and
throwing things.
According to the results of research from (Tumanggor & Girsang, 2021) stated that
competence has a significant effect on employee performance. Inversely proportional to
the results of research from (DIANTY, 2022), namely competence does not affect
employee performance.
3. Work discipline has an indicator, namely that the teachers arrive on time, if the teacher
arrives late, then the teacher must apologize to his students. The teacher's attitude of
apologizing has exemplified to students that if we make a mistake, we must apologize.
Dress neatly, because it makes the work atmosphere feel comfortable and confident,
especially since we as teachers are an example for the students. That way it can
produce satisfactory results, seeing students wearing neat clothes and being
responsible for what the students do.
According to the results of research conducted by Dori, Ronni and Bayu (2020) is
that work discipline does not affect employee performance. It is different from the results
of research conducted by (Sri, 2021) that work discipline has an impact and is significant
on employee performance.
4. Work Motivation has an indicator, namely hard work, where we as teachers carry out
activities with all our abilities. Future orientation must have a plan in these two
semesters for any activities. Efforts to advance and achieve the desired goals, such as
at Al Hiraa Character School have its project. The chosen co-worker must also be able
to work together to achieve the goal. Where we as teachers have the idea that the tasks
we give can be achieved, done diligently, and can make the best use of time so that
when doing the assignment we do not feel that this is a compulsion.
According to the results of research conducted by Pengaruh motivasi kerja,
lingkungan kerja, budaya kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan dinas sosial kabupaten Jember
(Adha, Qomariah, & Hafidzi, 2019), work motivation does not have a significant
influence on employee performance. The different research results shown by
(Mustaqimah, Karnadi, & Pramesthi, 2022) show that Work Motivation has a significant
effect on employee performance.
Natasha Eka Murti, Titing Widyastuti, Yoyo Indah Gunawan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3520
At Nur Al Hiraa Character School, work experience did not affect the work
motivation of the teachers. On the contrary, the competencies possessed by teachers have
a significant impact on their work motivation. However, work discipline did not show
any significant influence on work motivation in this school. In addition, work experience
also does not affect the performance of teachers at Nur Al Hiraa Character School.
Interestingly, the competence possessed by the teachers did not affect their performance.
Work discipline also does not influence the performance of teachers in the school. Finally,
the work motivation of teachers at Nur Al Hiraa Character School did not have an impact
on their performance.
The Influence of Work Experience, Competence, and Work Discipline on Teacher Performance
with Work Motivation as an Intervening Variable at Nur Al Hiraa Character School
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