pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 7 July 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3305
The Implications of the PekanbaruDumai Toll Road
Construction Policy on the Socio-Economic Conditions of the
Communities of the Bukit Kapur District, Dumai City
Susilo Raharjo
, Rendi Prayuda
, Meita Istianda
Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
Keywords: development,
toll roads, socio,
The purpose of this research is to identify the influence of
policy implementation on the construction of the Pekanbaru-
Dumai toll road on the socio-economic conditions of the
people of Bukit Kapur District, Dumai City. This research
was carried out using a qualitative descriptive research
method approach because this research explored the impact
of toll road construction on the communities around the toll
road, namely in Bukit Kapur District, where the construction
of the Pekanbaru Dumai Toll Road passes. Types and
Sources of Data in this research are primary data and
secondary data which include observation, non-participants,
interviews and documentation. The results of the research
show that the negative impact of the construction of toll
roads is the use of very extensive land which will directly
impact the land layout of agriculture as a whole, opening
new residential and industrial areas which will directly
reduce the area of agricultural land, road construction can
also kill small businesses such as restaurants, grocery stores,
cell phone counters and others along the Dumai - Pekanbaru
highway which is now no longer the main route so they are
no longer visited and the construction of toll roads hastened
the demise of Pinang Kampai Dumai airport because land
travel via toll roads is more efficient so now there are no
more flights, while the positive impact of the construction of
this toll road. The existence of toll roads will provide various
conveniences, starting from cutting travel time between
cities and facilitating the delivery of goods and logistics. The
presence of economic opportunities for communities around
the route and toll road gates so that the regional economy
will grow higher so that welfare will also increase.
Susilo Raharjo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3306
Physical development carried out by the Government includes infrastructure
development. One of the infrastructure developments that are being implemented by the
Government is the construction of national roads in various regions in Indonesia.
Infrastructure plays an important role in realizing social interaction and the continuity of
social and economic systems (Nugroho, 2023). If the condition of infrastructure is getting
better, then the influence on social interaction and economic conditions of a region is also
getting better and can even spur the development and progress of the region. This is
because infrastructure has a directing function, shaping the platform by spurring regional
growth. The availability of public infrastructure facilities related to social services for the
community by the government (Haqqi, 2022).
In essence, the implementation of physical development by the government and the
community aims to prosper and prosper (Dominicus Priyarsono, n.d.). Currently, regional
development is inseparable from the participation of the community and the government
plays the role of a facilitator to provide a way for the realization of people's wishes. The
government plays a strategic role as a planner and implementer of development to support
improving the welfare of the community and the country's economic growth. Based on
the explanation above, the conclusion is that the success of infrastructure development
can be assessed by how much positive impact it can have on improving community
welfare (Pangestu, Rahmadianti, Hardiyanti, & Yusida, 2021).
One of the main elements of improving national and state life is the road which is
an infrastructure for fostering the unity of the nation, the functions of society, and the
territory of the state to achieve national goals (Yusrie, Aminah, Wasliman, & Sauri,
2021). Roads are the main national transportation system in supporting mobility and
connectivity in the social, economic, and cultural sectors which are the responsibility of
the government and are developed with a regional development approach so that equitable
and balanced development between regions can be achieved, strengthen and form national
unity in the context of strengthening national security and defence, and create a spatial
structure to form national development targets (Sutmasa, 2021).
The national policy for road construction has been regulated in Law Number 38 of
2004 which has been amended by Law Number 2 of 2022 concerning roads, Presidential
Regulation Number 2 of 2015 concerning the National Medium-Term Development Plan
2015 to 2019 (RPJMN) which was then continued through Presidential Regulation
Number 18 of 2020 concerning the National Medium-Term Development Plan 2020 to
2024. In the 2015 to 2019 RPJMN, the Government targeted 6,000 kilometres of new
road sections with the realization of 4,334 kilometres of new road sections by the end of
2019, while the target by the end of 2024 is 5,500 kilometres of new road sections planned
to be built (Kusuma, 2022).
The massive construction of roads is because road infrastructure is the main thing
in supporting the equitable distribution of basic rights of the community, such as clothing,
food, and boards (Sebayang, 2018). The existence of road construction can give birth to
a multiplier effect on human life. Road construction has a long-term goal, which is to
form solid guidelines for the growth and development of personal strength, towards a just,
The Implications of The PekanbaruDumai Toll Road Construction Policy on The Socio-
Economic Conditions of the Communities of the Bukit Kapur District, Dumai City
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3307
prosperous, and advanced Indonesian society by the mandate of Pancasila (Simanjuntak,
Mukhlis, & Pratama, 2021). So that there is an urgency for road construction to reduce
the gap and fulfil the results of development between regions, between cities, and between
villages to improve transportation services efficiently, safely, quality, credible, and
affordable and to give birth to a national transportation system that is integrated between
multimedia through regional development in a single system that allows connectivity and
binds the entire territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
The purpose of this study is to find out and describe the implications of the
Pekanbaru-Dumai toll road development policy and the factors that affect changes in
social conditions in the affected areas. The following is a description of the objectives:
1. Analyze the implications/impacts of the implementation of the Pekanbaru-Dumai toll
road development policy on the socio-economic conditions of the people of Bukit
Kapur District, Dumai City;
2. Analyze the factors that hinder the effectiveness of toll road development policies on
the socio-economic conditions of the people of Bukit Kapur District, Dumai City.
Research Methods
The research method applied is qualitative descriptive research, which aims to
provide a systematic overview of the object being studied. This qualitative research is a
scientific effort to understand human problems in a social context. This approach creates
a comprehensive and complex picture, by reporting detailed views from various sources
of information. The research was conducted in a natural environment without the
intervention of researchers. Revealed that qualitative research was carried out because
researchers were interested in exploring phenomena that could not be quantitatively
measured. These phenomena are descriptive, such as the process of work steps, the
prescription of a formula, the understanding of various concepts, the characteristics of
goods and services, images, styles, and cultural procedures in physical form.
Types and Data Sources
There are two data in this study, namely primary data and secondary data.
Primary data is data acquired through self-retrieval without intermediaries. Primary
data are obtained from the results:
1. Observation
Observation is an activity that aims to feel and understand certain phenomena or
processes using previously owned knowledge and ideas. This is done to obtain the
information needed for further research development.
2. Non-participants
Non-participant is a form of observation in which the observer is not actively
involved in the life of the subject being observed and still acts as an observer separate
from the life of the subject being observed.
3. Interview
Susilo Raharjo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3308
An interview is a meeting between two individuals to exchange information and
ideas through a series of questions and answers, thus allowing the formation of a deeper
understanding of the topic being discussed.
4. Documentation.
Documentation refers to a series of steps to collect, process, select, and store
information in a field of knowledge. The purpose is to provide or collect evidence related
to information, such as quotes, images, newspaper clippings, and other references.
Data Collection Techniques
The data collection method carried out by the researcher uses the following data
collection techniques:
1. Observation
Sugiyono (2015) explained that Observation is an activity carried out by researchers
to observe a research object. There are two types of observation, namely participant
observation and non-participant observation, depending on the extent to which the
researcher is involved in the observed activity. In the context of this study, the researcher
made direct observations of objects or areas related to the construction of the Pekanbaru-
Dumai toll road to gain a direct understanding of the condition of the surrounding
communities that were affected or involved in the development.
2. Interview,
An interview is a deliberate dialogue between two individuals, in which one party
asks a question (interviewer) and the other party provides an answer (interviewed) in
response to the questions asked. The main feature of the interview is a direct face-to-face
interaction between the researcher and the resource person which aims to obtain the
necessary information.
Data Analysis Techniques
Patton explained that data analysis involves arranging the order of data, organizing
it into specific patterns and categories, and forming a basic framework that allows for the
identification of themes and the formulation of hypotheses based on available data. The
Miles and Herberman interactive analysis model describes four stages, namely data
collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawn:
1. Data collection
Information obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation is
recorded in field notes consisting of two components, namely description and reflection.
Descriptive notes record raw data that reflects what the researcher observes, hears, feels,
and experiences without subjective judgment or interpretation.
2. Reduksi data (data reduction)
Data reduction is the stage in which data is processed through selection,
simplification, and abstraction. This method includes selection, summarization,
classification, and adjustment of data to clarify, simplify, and focus on relevant aspects.
The data obtained from interviews with research subjects and documentation will be
selected by the researcher.
3. Data display
The Implications of The PekanbaruDumai Toll Road Construction Policy on The Socio-
Economic Conditions of the Communities of the Bukit Kapur District, Dumai City
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3309
Data presentation refers to the process of organizing information into structures that
allow for analysis and decision-making. To ensure clarity to the core of the problem, data
presentations can take the form of matrices, graphs, network diagrams, or diagrams as
visual aids to understand events.
4. Concluding.
Concluding is an effort to explore or understand the meaning, orderly patterns,
cause-and-effect sequences, or proportions of existing data. The resulting conclusions are
then double-checked by looking at field notes to ensure accurate understanding.
Results and Discussion
Negative Social Impact of Pekanbaru-Dumai Toll Road Construction
1. Government-owned public infrastructure affected by the Toll Trase has not been
The construction of the Dumai-Pekanbaru toll road still has many problems. These
problems include the recruitment process of toll officers prioritizing local children, by the
Dumai Regional Government Regulation No. 10 and the Labor Law, asking for
compensation and impact issues based on Law No. 2 of 2012 concerning land acquisition
for development for the public interest. To relocate the Bukit Kapur health centre building
to a strategic place as before, because the health centre building has generally damaged
facilities, due to being affected by the road construction process in the toll entrance area,
must be relocated (Pangestu et al., 2021). The government responsible for the toll road
construction project has not yet rebuilt the Puskesmas building. This is according to the
observation and interviews of researchers with several residents, it is known that there are
public facilities affected by the toll road project that have not been followed up on
Picture 1 Bukit Kapur Health Center
Researcher Documentation, 2023
2. Influx of Immigrants Who Will Affect the Value System and Social Structure that Has
Been Formed
The influx of immigrants affects the social structure and value system that has been
formed as a result of the Pekanbaru-Dumai toll road construction project in Bukit Kapur
District due to the easy access of immigrants that will result in a change in the social
Susilo Raharjo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3310
structure that has formed by the Indigenous people of the area for a long time (Sutedi,
2020). Based on the results of the researcher's observation in the Bukit Kapur District
area, the flow of globalization is inevitable, this is marked by the increasingly blurred
barriers between high and low social groups, resulting in the existence of the cultural
identity of the village community. Some of the events that occurred in the village
community in Bukit Kapur District are the impact of the development of the internet,
where the flow of information becomes accessible to all citizens of the world without
control, introducing ideas and values that are often contrary to the traditional culture of
the village. In the field of art, teenagers in Bukit Kapur tend to be more interested in
Western culture, causing the original Malay art of Riau that should be their own to be
The harmony of life that is increasingly stretched
Life harmony is formed closer and it is easy to meet each other, currently, it is
difficult and the distance between families is getting farther. This is also due to the long
distance travelled which hinders the interaction of life harmony which was initially closer
and can easily meet face to face because the toll road is divided so that the interaction
must detour through a pedestrian bridge that is far away so that if there is new information,
people do not know each other. The construction of the toll road divides the administrative
area in Bukit Kapur District into splits. Based on the results of observations, the
development of the times along with the advancement of science and technology and the
modernization of society, has led to an increase in the demands of an increasingly
complex life, thus distancing individuals from each other in kinship relationships.
Positive Economic Impact of the Construction of the Pekanbaru Dumai Toll Road
1. The increase in the mobilization of goods and services both in and out of Dumai City.
The construction of the Pekanbaru-Dumai toll road as an alternative distributes raw
materials and industrial products so that it makes it easier for the community to access
the economy because it does not take so long to travel and feels more effective and
efficient. Considering that the Pekanbaru-Dumai toll road area is dominated by people
who have a background in trading business. After the construction of the toll road, the
increase in the movement of people can increase the need for AKDP, AJAP, AKAP and
tourism bus transportation.
2. Ease of implementation Transportation access
The development of the construction of the Pekanbaru-Dumai toll road will provide
convenience to transportation access providers because it does not take a long time to
travel and passenger exchanges can also be done several times a day, and transportation
access uses the freeway so that it can quickly arrive at the destination and will increase
land transportation access users. The results of the study show a significant upward trend
in the growth of industrial activities in Bukit Kapur District. Advances in fast and
integrated transportation access have driven economic interactions between regions to
become more efficient, which in turn ensures a smooth supply chain of resources across
the region. Furthermore, this has led to substantial economic growth in Bukit Kapur
District, Dumai City. The development of new industries around toll gates is not only
The Implications of The PekanbaruDumai Toll Road Construction Policy on The Socio-
Economic Conditions of the Communities of the Bukit Kapur District, Dumai City
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3311
reflected in the existence of stalls or kiosks that provide services but also in the emergence
of subsidized housing developed by developers.
3. Increasingly Efficient Transportation Costs Impact the Added Value of Various
Efficient transportation costs also facilitate several commodities, one of which is
the distribution of goods, both agricultural and plantation products, which has an impact
on the price of goods, facilitating mobility, opening jobs and increasing people's
economic activities. Minimizing travel time for inter-regional mobility through toll roads
has the potential to revive the regional economy.
The increase in property value makes it difficult for underprivileged people to own
Along with the operation of the toll road since 2020 until now, the development of
the Bukit Kapur District area, especially for the toll gates in the East Bagan Besar sub-
district, Bukit Nanas sub-district, and Kampung Baru sub-district which used to be a
plantation area and housing development is still very few, now it is starting to be crowded
and not only built by local developers but also started to be built by developers from
outside the city of Dubai. So that the value of property begins to rise the price starts to be
high as well also for other properties it also rises and the underprivileged people cannot
afford it.
Decrease in farmers' income due to reduced agricultural land.
Farmers and communities living adjacent to the toll road feel the decline in the
productivity of palm fruit because the land has decreased, so there are several oil palm
farmers whose land is only a little in the profession by using the compensation money to
do business in other fields, namely making shops, but there are starting to compete with
other entrepreneurs who enter Bukit Kapur District.
Regarding the transfer of business/population from outside the district to the sub-
district. Bukit Kapur thus adds to the competition with the locals who previously existed
in Bukit Kapur District.
The distance to an economic centre becomes far.
Originally easy access conditions to sell produce, get an education, meet daily
needs, get health care, or even do things like childbirth, now it has become much more
difficult because you have to take a detour through a rare pedestrian bridge.
Loss of private farmland
When a farmer loses his farmland, which is the backbone of the family economy,
he is likely to look for alternatives such as cultivating someone else's land or starting a
new business from scratch, relying on his expertise. The source of funds for this step
could come from the sale of land compensated by the government for the construction of
toll roads. The phenomenon of urbanization often affects the way of thinking of villagers
who receive compensation. Some may be tempted to spend money sumptuously or even
choose to move to the city. However, land ownership along toll roads also has the
potential to increase poverty levels among farmers or cultivators who are unable to switch
Susilo Raharjo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3312
Factors Hindering the Construction of Toll Roads
Factors that hinder the construction of the Pekanbaru-Dumai toll road already
existed before the toll road planning in Riau Province, such as the status of the Riau forest
area determined by the Ministry of Forestry and Environment of the Republic of
Indonesia and the operational area of PT. Chevron for Petroleum management for
Petroleum management. Several landowners are affected by the toll road but there is still
inadequate land so they ask to be replaced, all of this causes the team to go down again.
Community resource and environmental factors include:
1. The difficulty of acquiring community land for the implementation of compensation
depends on the parties, but in practice the proposed community land sometimes there
are still land problems that have not been resolved.
2. The status of the Riau Forest Area: where according to Spatial Planning the land is
included in the protected area, but in the field that the land is controlled and occupied
by the community so that the implementation of compensation cannot be given and for
the settlement of the compensation money the committee deposits the compensation
money in the Court.
3. The status of the Concession Area of PT. Chevron, 100 M right and left of the
Pekanbaru-Dumai crossroad where there are pipelines and oil numbers that are passed
by the toll road.
4. There are no materials that are quite certain/feasible to adjust to the needs so most of
the materials are imported from outside Dumai City, only drug land comes from the
city of Dumai.
5. There is no adequate equipment/work tools, there is work that needs to be repaired due
to implementation errors.
The government building infrastructure is often constrained by the interests of the
community, especially land owners whose land is used to build infrastructure. On the
other hand, the construction of the Pekanbaru-Dumai toll road in fact in the field also
divides a village area, resulting in the division of people's lives socially and economically.
The Pekanbaru-Dumai toll road is a toll road section to be as mandated by Law
No.38/2004 in a Dassain manner so that the smooth flow of regional traffic develops;
increasing power and yield for services and goods distribution services to support
economic growth; reducing the burden of government funds with the participation of road
users to an increase in the equitable distribution of justice and development results, but in
a Dassollen (reality in the field) based on the results of research, the construction of toll
roads has implications for changes in lifestyles and increasing the cost of living of the
community; increasing property values so that it is difficult for underprivileged people to
own property; Farmers' income decreases because agricultural land is reduced, and the
distance to an economic centre becomes far because the toll road divides the area into two
parts. However, the construction of the Pekanbaru-Dumai toll road has also succeeded in
bringing positive impacts including: cutting travel time between cities, and making it
The Implications of The PekanbaruDumai Toll Road Construction Policy on The Socio-
Economic Conditions of the Communities of the Bukit Kapur District, Dumai City
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3313
easier to send logistics and goods; There are economic opportunities for the community
around the toll gate and toll road so that the regional economy experiences higher growth
to improve the welfare of the people of Bukit Kapur District.
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