Edwin Rukmansyah
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3466
customer is. Customers tend to trust the company more because of the mutually beneficial
relationship. Customers feel confident in the reliability, consistency of capabilities, and
integrity that the company has. Another study by Roushdy & Ali (2017) shows that all
dimensions of customer engagement have a significant and positive influence on
consumer equity in making purchases. Long-term assets with consumers are based on
relationships that are both established from the beginning and lasting (Ho & Chung,
2. The influence of customer experience on sensory, affective, behavioural, and
intellectual values.
Customer experience is the result of physical or psychological interactions between
consumers and products or services that have been purchased, companies, or other parts
of the organization, which cause reactions in the form of feelings, knowledge, or the
desire to act (Hasniati, Indriasar, & Sirajuddin, 2021). This variable is explained by 12
indicators, where in this study, the Imunicare brand gives a strong visual impression as
the indicator that best reflects customer experience. The results showed that customer
experience had a positive influence and a direct relationship with sensory, affective,
behavioural, and intellectual, so the fourth to seventh hypothesis was acceptable. The
higher the customer's sensory value towards the Imunicare brand, the more positive the
customer's impression of the brand increases.
These findings are in line with research by (Ahn & Back, 2018), which states that
customers are more engaged when they experience fun, exhilarating, and exciting
encounters with the company, thus strengthening the customer's emotional bond with the
brand. A good and memorable experience through the five senses will make customers
feel satisfied, so they will be interested in using or buying the product again. Another
study by Syahid et al. (2014) shows that if customers get a positive experience, then there
will be a desire to buy, which at the same time will affect the customer's behavioural
3. The influence of customer loyalty on satisfaction value, price perception, and return
Customer loyalty is a strong commitment to purchasing and supporting a chosen
product or service in the future, although situational effects and marketing efforts can
encourage customers to switch (Oplatka & Hemsley-Brown, 2021). This variable is
explained by 7 indicators, where in this study, the Imunicare brand that always provides
solutions to customer problems is the indicator that best reflects customer loyalty. The
results show that customer loyalty has a positive influence and a direct relationship with
satisfaction, price perception, and return policy, so the eighth to tenth hypothesis is
acceptable. The higher customer satisfaction with the Imunicare brand in providing
solutions, the more positive customer impressions of the brand will increase.
The results of this finding are in line with the research of (Masitoh, Wibowo, &
Ikhsan, 2019), which stated that customer loyalty is influenced by customer trust and
satisfaction with the brand. The greater the customer's trust, the higher the customer's
loyalty. Thus, the higher the quality of service, the more satisfied the customer is, which