pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 7 July 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3423
The Role of the City Government and the Private Sector in
Shaping the Face of South Tangerang City in the Future: An
Analysis of Scenario Planning
Damar Wijanarko
, Reza Fathurrahman
Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Keywords: scenario
planning, urban
collaboration, government
and private.
The city of South Tangerang, located in the south of DKI
Jakarta, plays a role as a buffer city with a very strategic
location. The city attracts many individuals and corporations
to live, do business, and invest thanks to its potential and
attractiveness. Tangerang has grown rapidly in less than two
decades, much of which has also been supported by large
private investors and developers such as Jaya, Sinar Mas,
Lippo, and Ciputra. Therefore, synergy between the City
Government and the private sector is very important in the
development and development of the city. Amid change and
uncertainty, scenario planning analysis methods are applied
to formulate various public policies that support urban
development goals by considering internal and external
risks. This policy paper discusses the possibility of the future
of Tangerang City based on efforts and harmony between the
City Government and the private sector.
South Tangerang City, which is located in Banten Province with an area of 147.19
km2, has become an autonomous region since the end of 2008 with the issuance of Law
Number 51 of 2008 (Kusumawanto & Astuti, 2018). This area is divided into 7 sub-
districts and 54 sub-districts. The 2020 census data shows that the population is 1,365,688
people, consisting of 683,474 men and 682,214 women, with a density of 8,284 people
per km2 (BPS, 2020). The city is known as a strategic area for new settlements and
businesses, given its proximity to DKI Jakarta to the north and east, making it an
important buffer zone. The existence of modern infrastructure and complete facilities
developed by private business people adds to the attractiveness of South Tangerang as a
place to live and do business. This makes Tangerang City have the highest population
growth rate when compared to other cities around Jakarta (Saifullah, Barus, & Rustiadi,
The geographical location of South Tangerang City, which borders DKI Jakarta
Province to the north and east, provides an opportunity for South Tangerang City to
become one of the buffer areas of DKI Jakarta. This is not without reason, having the
Damar Wijanarko, Reza Fathurrahman
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3424
advantage of being located close to the capital city, the presence of large private
developers in South Tangerang has presented modern infrastructure, complete facilities,
and easy access to Jakarta which makes this area increasingly in demand (Wihadanto,
Cahyadi, Prima, Permana, & Pamungkas, 2024).
From data taken from the Distribution of South Tangerang City GDP ADHB
According to Business Fields in 2021-2023, economic development in South Tangerang
has shown a prominent trend with the dominance of the tertiary sector which reaches
75.82% of its economic structure, followed by the secondary and primary sectors with
proportions of 23.96% and 0.22%. In terms of contribution to Gross Regional Domestic
Product (GDP) by the business sector in 2023, the real estate and trade sectors led the
way with contributions of 17.42% and 16.70%, respectively. Meanwhile, the
construction, information and communication, educational services, and processing
industries also make a significant contribution to the economy, with a total contribution
of 44.23% (BPS Tangsel City, 2024).
In terms of regional revenue in 2020, South Tangerang City recorded revenue of
Rp 3.0 trillion. Regional Original Revenue (PAD) is the main support with a contribution
of Rp 1.53 trillion or 51.21%, followed by a balanced fund from the central government
which reaches Rp 907 billion (30.19%) and legitimate other revenues of Rp 558 billion
(18.59%). In the PAD component, regional taxes accounted for the largest portion with
Rp 1.34 trillion, or 87.42%. For the balance fund, the General Allocation Fund (DAU) is
dominant with a contribution of IDR 558.08 billion or 61.52%. All of these data confirm
the vital role of the tertiary sector and various sources of income for the economy of South
Tangerang (Rambe, 2024).
The presence of large investors and developers such as Jaya, Sinar Mas, Lippo, and
Ciputra is an undeniable fact that South Tangerang has become big because of the
intervention of the private sector. In fact, as a large amount of land in the South Tangerang
City area, currently, 70 per cent is under the management of the private sector (Radar
Banten, 2022). The development of a fairly massive residential area also has an impact
on the transfer of land use in the Tangerang City area (Danniswari, Honjo, & Furuya,
In the process of city development, the Tangerang City Government should be able
to provide optimal and adequate development for its citizens, because 70% of Tangerang
City has been built and managed by private developers, which means that the rest is built
by the Regional Government.
Media Survey Indonesia (MSI) conducted survey activities on November 10-15,
2022 in the form of face-to-face interviews and questionnaires. The survey, entitled
"Year-End Evaluation of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of South Tangerang (South
Tangerang)" involved as many as 500 respondents from seven sub-districts in South
Tangerang who were interviewed using a multistage random sampling method. The
survey results show that several Tangsel City Government programs are still below 50%
satisfaction. These include problems in overcoming congestion (34.6%), providing jobs
(39.4%), problems in overcoming floods (45.6%), and waste problems (44.6%).
The Role of the City Government and the Private Sector in Shaping the Face of South
Tangerang City in the Future: An Analysis of Scenario Planning
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3425
Residents of South Tangerang hope that the City Government can more intensively
overcome the main problems such as congestion, flooding, waste management, and job
creation. There are many criticisms from the public who consider the performance of the
Tangerang City Government to be only a formality in a government that still depends on
capital owners since it became an autonomous region in 2008 (Kompas, 2020). In this
regard, the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia Representative of Banten Province
has also highlighted the low quality of public services, with the highest number of
complaints in Indonesia during the pandemic, especially regarding the distribution of
social assistance (Ombudsman RI, 2020).
The current conditions should be a whip for the Tangerang City Government to
immediately improve. If we do not immediately improve and immediately follow the
development of the existing situation, the City of Tangerang may be faced with the worst
scenario conditions. So that the Tangerang City Government must be able to synergize
steps together with private developers to be able to develop strategies to achieve their
goals amid a situation that is overwhelmed by uncertainty and need to develop an
effective strategy so that they can continue to move to achieve their goals and at the same
time adapt to change.
In the face of uncertainty and risks that come from various sources, both external
and internal, a comprehensive approach is needed to plan for the future of the city of
South Tangerang. Scenario planning, as a method that allows the creation of various
alternatives to achieve goals, is the right candidate to face this challenge.
The main question that is the focus of this study is, "What is the condition of South
Tangerang City in the future?" The scenario planning approach will lead to several
possible scenarios (Wijayanto & Sunitiyoso, 2019). This approach will help in visualizing
various possible future conditions of South Tangerang City. Through this analysis, it will
be able to identify and explore various possibilities, ranging from optimal situations to
challenges that may arise, with the main goal of developing effective and adaptive
strategies to achieve the desired situation for the City of South Tangerang.
The research will play an important role in strategic planning, by guiding
stakeholders, including municipalities, the private sector, and communities, in making
informed decisions and preparing interventions that address risks and capitalize on future
The geographical location of South Tangerang City, which borders DKI Jakarta
Province to the north and east, provides an opportunity for South Tangerang City to
become one of the buffer areas of DKI Jakarta. This is by the Concentric Zone Theory
put forward by an American sociologist, Ernest W. Burgess, in 1920. The growth of the
population and the rapid development of the city of Jakarta has an impact that is
increasingly expanding to the suburbs so it has a direct effect on the development of the
city of Tangerang (Al Karim, M., et. al., 2019). Infrastructure development and increasing
residential development in Tangerang are needed in line with the increasing population
of Tangerang City. The development of residential areas and business centres has led to
an increase in the area of built land in urban areas (Lamidi, et. al., 2018).
Damar Wijanarko, Reza Fathurrahman
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3426
To ensure the sustainable development of South Tangerang City, careful planning
must consider the need for housing while reducing negative impacts on the environment
(Fitri, Fauzi, Sanders, & Danniswari, 2023). Not only that, integrated infrastructure
development is also necessary. Economic growth followed by urban sprawl requires
adequate infrastructure to improve the quality of life of the community and support
sustainable economic growth (AREA, 2019). Last but not least, community
empowerment and public involvement are key elements in successful city development.
By involving communities, the private sector, and local governments in the planning and
decision-making process, urban development can run more efficiently and sustainably,
while ensuring that the interests of the community are fairly considered. By integrating
these concepts, sustainable urban development can be realized, taking into account
ecological, economic, and social aspects.
Research Methods
In this study, the scenario planning method was adopted as the main approach to
improve innovation strategies related to sustainability and development of the South
Tangerang City (Tangerang) area. The application of the scenario planning method itself
is very appropriate to face high uncertainty in the future. Therefore, a scenario planning
method is needed to prevent unwanted conditions (Wijayanto & Sunitiyoso, 2019).
Scenario planning can also be used to improve innovation strategies related to
sustainability (Larsson & Holmberg, 2018). In this context, it is the development and
development of the South Tangerang City area.
According to Edgar (2013), there are five main challenges in the use of scenario
planning for regional development. First, there is a profound need to understand the
driving forces of social, economic, and political conditions that influence decision-
making. Second, the importance of understanding the various roles and motivations of
stakeholders that sometimes contradict each other, requires planners to have a
comprehensive understanding. Third, effective coordination between stakeholders is
essential, given their often contradictory influence on scenario outcomes. Fourth,
planners must be able to understand and resolve conflicts of interest between different
parties to develop a clear strategy for dealing with conflicting interests. Fifth, the final
challenge is the ability to produce effective and adequate policy recommendations to
achieve the desired results in situations of uncertainty.
In addition to these challenges, scenario planning also requires complex data and
information support, requiring sophisticated data management. In this context, the term
'internetisation management', introduced by Abouzeedan and Busler (2007), has become
important as a way to utilize the internet in managing and presenting data in scenario
Prediction and development of alternative development strategies for the South
Tangerang City area with this scenario planning method is carried out with systematic
and structured steps as shown in Figure 1:
The Role of the City Government and the Private Sector in Shaping the Face of South
Tangerang City in the Future: An Analysis of Scenario Planning
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3427
Figure 1. Steps for Scenario Planning in South Tangerang City
Source: Compiled by researchers
Figure 1. is a scenario planning process for the City of South Tangerang, the initial
stage involves formulating a focal question to determine the strategic direction and scope,
as well as identifying relevant opportunities, challenges, and risks to create synergy
between the City Government and the private sector. Then, the main driving forces were
identified through literature studies and related data to influence this key question.
Furthermore, critical uncertainties are determined by grouping driving forces that have a
significant impact and a high level of uncertainty on the focal question. Based on this
uncertainty, a scenario matrix was formed that resulted in four potential scenarios. Each
of these scenarios is then developed into a scenario narrative that describes possible future
conditions, taking into account the elements of driving forces. Finally, the implications
that may arise from each existing scenario are identified, so that it can provide a
comprehensive overview of strategic steps for the development of South Tangerang City.
Results and Discussion
Scenario Framework for the Condition of South Tangerang City in the Future
The scenario framework that maps four pictures of conditions that may occur in
South Tangerang City in the future is shown as follows:
Damar Wijanarko, Reza Fathurrahman
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3428
Figure 2. Scenario Framework
Mapping Four Conditions That May Occur in South Tangerang City in the Future
Figure 2. is a mapping of four conditions that may occur in South Tangerang City
in the Future. There are two main uncertainties (critical uncertainties) that will be the axis
of the matrix. The first axis (x-axis) is "Performance of the South Tangerang City
Government", with effective and ineffective poles as shown in the figure above. The
performance of the South Tangerang City Government is measured based on: (1)
providing investment facilities; (2) the provision of fiscal incentives to attract investment;
(3) regional infrastructure development; and (4) building an investment climate.
The second axis (y-axis) is "Development of Private Investment Interest in the City
of Tangerang", with the poles increasing and decreasing as shown in Figure 2. The
development of private investment interest in Tangsel City is measured based on: (1)
investment growth figures; (2) Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP) produced; (3)
unemployment and poverty rates; (4) Regional Original Revenue (PAD) figures from the
private sector. The two main uncertainties will be used to analyze the condition of the city
of Tangerang in the future.
According to (Sugianto, Kurniawati, & Abbas, 2020) Investment from the private
sector aims to improve the economy of local communities and increase regional income.
In this case, it is related to the future of South Tangerang City (Sugianto et al., 2020)
because investment is a relevant modernization theory concept when used to see or
analyze the existence of regional bond policies or policies to bring in foreign investors or
domestic investors (Pratiwi & Wahyono, 2023).
The Role of the City Government and the Private Sector in Shaping the Face of South
Tangerang City in the Future: An Analysis of Scenario Planning
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In table 1. Below is an explanation of the two main uncertain factors that shape the
face of South Tangerang in the future, namely in terms of the performance of the South
Tangerang City Government and the development of private investment interest in
Tangerang City.
Table 1
Performance of the South Tangerang City Government
Performance of the South Tangerang City Government
a. The South Tangerang
City Government
makes it easier for new
investments to enter.
b. The South Tangerang
City Government is
increasingly effective
in providing fiscal
incentives to attract
c. Effective regional
development to attract
and support new
d. The Tangerang City
Government can build
a conducive
investment climate so
that it will be able to
attract investment
a. The South Tangerang City Government finds
it difficult to accept new investments.
b. The South Tangerang City Government is less
effective in providing fiscal incentives so new
investors are less interested in coming.
c. Regional infrastructure development is less
effective, thus hindering the interest of new
d. The South Tangerang City Government is
unable to build a conducive investment
climate so it is less able to attract investment
Development of Private Investment Interest in Tangerang City
a. The growth rate of
private investment is
b. The resulting Gross
Regional Domestic
Product (GDP) is
a. The growth rate of private investment is
b. The resulting Gross Regional Domestic
Product (GDP) is declining.
c. The increase in unemployment and poverty
rates in the city of Tangerang.
Damar Wijanarko, Reza Fathurrahman
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3430
c. The decline in
unemployment and
poverty in the city of
d. The increase in the
Regional Original
Revenue (PAD) figure
of Tangerang City was
contributed by the
private sector.
d. The declining Regional Original Revenue
(PAD) of Tangerang City is contributed by
the private sector.
Scenario 1
The first scenario is the Ineffective Performance of the Tangerang City Government
and Increased Interest in Private Investment. A brief overview of the City of Tangerang
in scenario 1 is as follows:
a) The Tangerang City Government shows excellent and cooperative government
performance, attracting investors.
b) Infrastructure is improving in line with increasing population growth, economy, and
investment. The face of the Tangsel area does not show inequality between areas
managed by the private sector and those managed by the Tangsel City Government.
c) The increase in regional original income (PAD) is due to economic growth and an
attractive investment climate, coupled with better regional financial transparency and
At the heart of this scenario is the creation of a city that is prospective for life and
business, demonstrating the efficient performance of the city government and the active
participation of private investors.
Scenario 2
Effective Performance Scenario of the Tangerang City Government but Declining
Interest in Private Investment. A brief overview of the City of Tangerang in scenario 2 is
as follows:
a) The Tangerang City Government has experienced a significant increase in
performance, with improved public services and sustainable infrastructure
b) Despite substantial improvements in various sectors by local governments, interest
from private investors in investment remains low, likely due to sluggish national
economic conditions or competition with other regions that are more attractive to
c) South Tangerang, as a residential area, offers comfort and tranquillity, but the lack of
private investment makes economic growth relatively slow and the dynamics of
business life not developing.
In this scenario, the absence of economic stimulation from the private sector causes
South Tangerang to continue to be in a "long sleep", waiting for a catalyst that can awaken
its economic potential.
The Role of the City Government and the Private Sector in Shaping the Face of South
Tangerang City in the Future: An Analysis of Scenario Planning
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3431
Scenario 3
In the Performance Scenario, the Tangerang City Government is not effective even
though private investment interest is increasing. A brief overview of the City of
Tangerang in scenario 3 is as follows:
a) The performance of the Tangerang City Government is unsatisfactory: Although
investment interest from the private sector has increased, the performance of the
Tangerang City Government looks sluggish and ineffective, causing various problems
to not be solved properly.
b) Geographical Location is an Advantage: The strategic geographical position makes
South Tangerang attractive to investors, even though the city government does not
contribute significantly to the increase.
c) Progress in Private Hands: Some areas of South Tangerang, especially those managed
by the private sector, show good infrastructure development compared to areas directly
under government management.
d) Social and Economic Inequality: Development focused on the middle to upper
economic class by the private sector can widen social disparities in South Tangerang.
e) Government 'Comfort Zone': The Tangerang City Government is considered to be in
a 'comfort zone,' with little innovation or effort to improve performance, so much of
its work depends on the private sector.
f) Low Public Satisfaction: The existence of the public perception of the Tangerang City
Government as an ineffective and innovative institution results in a low level of trust
and public satisfaction.
g) Gaps in the Education Sector: Quality disparities between private and public education
create gaps in access to quality education, which is part of a broader problem of social
This scenario highlights the problems that arise when a city grows on autopilot
based on private intervention without strong leadership from its city government, causing
significant disparities and divisions within society.
Scenario 4
The worst scenario that may occur in the future is when the performance of the
Tangerang City Government is less effective and private investment interest is also
declining. A brief overview of the City of Tangerang in scenario 4 is as follows:
a) Poor Performance of the Tangerang City Government: The Tangerang City
Government is faced with low performance, which includes sluggish services, unclear
regulations, and convoluted bureaucracy. This situation is the main obstacle in
attracting new investors to the city.
b) Loss of Investors: With conditions that are not conducive to investing, more and more
investors are leaving Tangerang City and switching to other areas. The reluctance of
new investors to come adds to the dilemma for the city.
c) Socio-Economic Impact: As a result of declining investment, the city faces
increasingly deep socio-economic problems, especially the increasing unemployment
rate and poverty in the community.
Damar Wijanarko, Reza Fathurrahman
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3432
d) Decline in Regional Original Revenue: The lack of significant economic activity has
a direct impact on the reduction of regional original revenue, which comes from taxes
and levies.
e) Low Level of Public Trust: The deteriorating condition leads to a decrease in the level
of public trust and satisfaction with the city government.
f) Declining Public Services: The quality of public services in critical sectors such as
education, health, and public facilities is deteriorating, making it increasingly difficult
for citizens to access quality basic services.
This scenario explains the critical condition faced by the City of Tangerang, where
problems overlap with each other creating a vicious circle that further worsens the
condition of the community and the city as a whole. Without significant and effective
intervention from the government and other stakeholders, the city is at risk of being
further left behind, marginalized, and regressed.
Identifying Opportunities, Challenges, and Risks to Be Able to Realize the Progress
of South Tangerang City Development
Amid a situation full of uncertainty, the government needs to take strategic steps
and implement policies based on the conditions in each scenario. Each scenario can have
different implications, so it is necessary to have the right and resilient action strategy in
each scenario. The South Tangerang City Government needs to identify all opportunities
and challenges to be able to formulate the right policies to take advantage of the
opportunities that arise in each scenario. Meanwhile, with the ability to identify
challenges, the South Tangerang City Government can identify elements of challenges or
problems from the beginning, so that they can mitigate them before they become major
With the SWOT analysis, it can be known various opportunities and challenges that
the South Tangerang City Government may face for each scenario, as follows:
Scenario 1: Potential for Economic Growth and Investment
1. Large market potential and market accessibility are important to attract investment.
2. Economic growth is driven by population growth.
3. Stable and investment-friendly political and legal conditions.
1. Prediction of future market needs is dynamic and depends on trends
2. Investment growth must accelerate economic growth and population growth.
1. Increasing competitiveness against other regions to attract private investment.
2. Simplification of the licensing and bureaucratic process to attract private investors.
3. Infrastructure development to attract private investment.
1. Political instability or inconsistent policies.
2. Saturation in the market.
3. High population growth can create new social problems.
The Role of the City Government and the Private Sector in Shaping the Face of South
Tangerang City in the Future: An Analysis of Scenario Planning
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3433
4. Disruption of national political stability that affects the regions and overlaps policies.
Scenario 2: Inter-Regional Competition and Government Coordination
1. Increasing competitiveness against other regions to attract private investment.
2. Simplification of the licensing and bureaucratic process to attract private investors.
3. Infrastructure development to attract private investment.
1. Competition with other regions is getting tighter.
2. Coordination between agencies or government levels in the licensing and bureaucratic
3. Limited financial resources for regional infrastructure development.
1. The development of the private sector encourages the performance of the Tangerang
City Government to continue to improve for the better.
2. Privately managed areas will continue to develop.
1. other regions are strong competitors.
2. Weak coordination between institutions or government levels in the licensing and
bureaucratic process.
3. Regional infrastructure is not developed at all due to the absence of financing.
Scenario 3: Development Inequality and Private Engagement
1. The development of the private sector encourages the performance of the Tangerang
City Government to continue to improve for the better.
2. Privately managed areas will continue to develop.
1. Inequality in development can cause new social problems.
1. Improving the performance of the South Tangerang City Government by increasing
the capacity of human resources and evaluating the apparatus of regional employees.
2. The South Tangerang City Government must address this inequality so that
development can run in harmony and comprehensively.
1. Local government officials are in the comfort zone due to the many private
interventions in the South Tangerang area.
2. Inequality in development can cause new social problems.
Scenario 4: Efforts to Improve Performance and Development Financing
1. Infrastructure development to attract private investment.
2. Improving the performance of the South Tangerang City Government to make it even
3. Exploring alternative sources of financing to finance development.
Damar Wijanarko, Reza Fathurrahman
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3434
1. Limited financial resources for regional infrastructure development.
2. Improving the performance of the South Tangerang City Government by increasing
the capacity of human resources and evaluating the apparatus of regional employees.
3. Limitations on the ability of local governments to be able to borrow or take loans from
external parties.
1. The development of the private sector encourages the performance of the Tangerang
City Government to continue to improve for the better.
2. Privately managed areas will continue to develop.
1. The performance of local government apparatus is difficult to improve.
2. Regional infrastructure is not developed at all due to the absence of financing.
3. Dependence on funding from the central government or external grants.
The SWOT analysis above shows that there is great potential for economic growth
and investment in the city of Tangerang. However, several challenges and threats need to
be overcome. To maximize potential and minimize risk, a comprehensive strategy that
engages all stakeholders is needed. Some of the key points to consider in the strategy
1. Increase regional competitiveness to attract private investment.
2. Improving the performance of the South Tangerang City Government through
increasing the capacity of human resources and evaluating regional employee
3. Building strong coordination between institutions and levels of government.
4. Develop infrastructure sustainably by optimizing available financial resources.
5. Exploring alternative sources of financing for development.
6. Addressing development inequality to create justice and equity.
7. Ensure responsible and sustainable private involvement.
The research analyzes the relationship and role between the performance of the
South Tangerang City Government (Tangerang City Government) and private investment
interest in urban development. Analyzing four performance parameters of the South
Tangerang City Government: ease of investment, fiscal incentives, infrastructure
development, and investment climate development. This study also considers four
elements of the development of private investment interest: investment growth, GDP,
unemployment and poverty rates, and Regional Original Revenue (PAD) from the private
This study underscores the importance of strategic planning methods in the form of
scenario planning to regulate potential cooperation between the government and the
private sector. This methodology is expected to overcome obstacles such as conflicts of
interest and enable stakeholders to develop a resilient and resilient strategy in the face of
The Role of the City Government and the Private Sector in Shaping the Face of South
Tangerang City in the Future: An Analysis of Scenario Planning
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3435
uncertainty and risk, to create sustainable development that is in line with the aspirations
of the citizens of South Tangerang. This research also identifies various opportunities,
challenges, and risks related to the four scenarios faced by the Tangerang City
The first scenario offers opportunities with large market potential and stable
political conditions but also faces challenges such as dynamic market predictions and
investment growth that must be in line with economic growth. The second scenario
highlights efforts to increase regional competitiveness in attracting private investment but
also faces the risk of regional infrastructure inadequacy due to financing limitations.
Meanwhile, the third scenario emphasizes the need to improve the performance of the
Tangerang City Government through increasing human resource capacity, but risks
related to the tendency of local government comfort zones are also a concern. Finally, the
fourth scenario underlines the importance of infrastructure development and the search
for alternative sources of financing but also pays attention to the risk of dependence on
funds from the central government.
By understanding these dynamics, this study aims to provide in-depth insights for
decision-makers in facing challenges and optimizing development opportunities in the
city of Tangerang.
Damar Wijanarko, Reza Fathurrahman
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