pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 7 July 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2023 3174
Analysis of Environmental Management Policy Strategies Due
to Increased Land Built in Pekanbaru City
Bobby Masnur
, Edi Rusdiyanto
, Abdillah Munawir
Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
Keywords: land change,
built-up land
management strategies.
The increase in built-up land in Pekanbaru City is a complex
phenomenon that has a broad impact on the urban
environment. This study aims to analyze the formulation of
appropriate environmental management strategies in
response to this trend. Using the Analytical Hierarchy
Process (AHP) method, the study identified land changes
between 2010 and 2022. Data from the Ministry of
ATR/BPN shows a significant decrease in forest area or
thickets, while built-up areas have increased, especially in
Tampan and Tenayan Raya Districts. The results of the
analysis show that effective policy strategies in managing
the environment related to developed land must pay attention
to environmental stewardship, economic collaboration,
ecological citizenship movements, and community
participation. Policy strategy recommendations should focus
on effective policy implementation, strengthening economic
collaboration, biodiversity conservation, and community
empowerment in environmental decision-making. It is
hoped that these strategies can improve the quality of the
built land environment and overall improve the welfare of
the people of Pekanbaru City.
(Heryanti, 2022) defines land degradation as the loss or diminishment of the use or
potential use of land to support life. (Anisyaturrobiah, 2021) stated that the higher the
growth or life, the higher the demand for shelter. The loss or change in appearance causes
its function cannot be replaced by others (Abdillah Munawir, Kusmana, & Setiawan,
Pekanbaru City is the capital of Riau Province since its establishment on January
20, 1959 according to Decree Dec52/1/44-25, initially Pekanbaru was only a city with an
area of 62.96 Km² equivalent to 6,296 hectares, with 2 sub-districts namely Senapelan
and Limapuluh sub-districts. Furthermore, in 1965 it increased to 6 sub-districts and in
1987 to 8 sub-districts with an area of 446,50 km2 equivalent to 44.650 hectares which
was later determined to be 632,26 km² or equivalent to 63.226 hectares in the
Analysis of Environmental Management Policy Strategies Due to Increased Land Built in
Pekanbaru City
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2023 3175
measurement data of the National Slow Board of Riau Province (Latief, Barkey, &
Suhaeb, 2021).
With the increasing dynamics of very rapid regional development in a short period
of time, Pekanbaru now has 15 sub-districts with 83 sub-districts in accordance with
Pekanbaru City Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2020 concerning District
Determination (Eryani, 2020). With the development of the region that occurred, it is
certain that Pekanbaru City has also experienced development in various aspects of rapid
development. (Saputra, Nugraha, Agus, & Hidayah, 2022) said that the results of the
Cellular Automata modeling analysis showed that built-up land in the city of Pekanbaru
in 2040 had increased. The area of built-up land in 2040 is predicted to reach 20.388.867
Ha. In his journal Anjulian (2015) stated that the direction of land change in Pekanbaru
City leads to trade and hospitality development, meaning that the development and
urbanization that occur in Pekanbaru can cause changes in land use patterns from patterns
oriented to natural resource preservation to patterns that are more oriented towards
increasing economic income. This can come at the expense of the sustainability of natural
resources and the environment in the region (Abdillah Munawir et al., 2021).
Changes in land use patterns that lead to an unplanned and inappropriate increase
in built-up land can cause serious impacts on the environment and public health
(Munawir, Rusdiyanto, Fathar, & Mierzwa, 2023). The added in the statement of
(Angraini, Selpiyanti, & Walid, 2020) that environmental degradation can harm humans
if it occurs in the long term. (Wirosoedarmo, Haji, & Zulfikar, 2018), also stated that
changes in land use have an impact on environmental quality and human health,
especially related to water and air pollution. This research is in line with the opinion of
(Abdillah Munawir et al., 2021) who explain the impact of water pollution greatly affects
the sustainability of natural resources and the environment. Therefore, this study also
shows that water and air pollution in the study area exceeds the quality standards set by
the government.
The increase in built-up land that occurs in Pekanbaru City also has an impact on
the environment, so a policy strategy will be needed for the affected land due to the
increase in built-up land in Pekanbaru City. The purpose of this writing is to analyze
appropriate environmental management policy strategies due to the increase in built-up
land in Pekanbaru City. Taking the brief description above, the author thinks he wants to
take a study on "Analysis of Appropriate Environmental Management Policy Strategies
Due to the Increase in Developed Land in Pekanbaru City".
Research Methods
This study uses a qualitative and qualitative descriptive approach to analyze
appropriate environmental management strategies on increasing built-up land in
Pekanbaru City. Data collection and relevant sources of information related to the
improvement of developed land are carried out to formulate policy strategies that are
analyzed with AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) so as to obtain alternative strategies
related to environmental management to support sustainable development.
Bobby Masnur, Edi Rusdiyanto dan Abdillah Munawir
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2023 3176
Data sources in this study consist of primary data and secondary data. Primary data
were obtained through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Meanwhile,
secondary data includes a map of the land use balance 2010-2022 as well as policies
related to environmental management in Pekanbaru City.
Results and Discussion
Pekanbaru City, as a research object, has an area of around 63.730,71 hectares, in
accordance with the area in primary land use data obtained from the Ministry of
ATR/BPN, Riau Province. Data on the Land Use Balance Map of the Ministry of
ATR/BPN of Riau Province provides a broad picture of land use classification in
Pekanbaru City, thus enabling researchers to conduct in-depth research regarding the
increase in built-up land that is occurring in Pekanbaru City.
Data has illustrated changes in land use in recent years, namely in 2010-2022. The
area of built-up area has increased from 16.019,68 hectares in 2010 to 24.075,58 hectares
in 2022. There was a significant increase in the development and development of built-
up areas during this period. The total area of Non-Built Land into Built-up Land in the
period 2010-2022 is 8.055,90 hectares. The following is an overview of the increase in
built-up land in Pekanbaru City:
Table 1
Land Use Change 2010 and 2022
Year 2010
Year 2022
Land Use
Land Use
Forest or Shrub
Forest or Shrub
Built-up Area
Built-up Area
Plantation or Agriculture
Plantation or Agriculture
Grand Total
Grand Total
The data in table 1, above has illustrated a graph of land use change in Pekanbaru
City from 2010 to 2022 showing a significant trend in land allocation on the increase in
built-up land. In (Almegi & Eizlan, 2023) strengthening the development of Pekanbaru
City built-up land in 1990-2020 shows an increasing trend of built-up land, especially in
the south and southwest directions from the city center to the periphery.
AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) Analysis Results
Build a Hierarchy Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP) Model with a structure used
to organize the elements summarized in the decision-making process into a structured
hierarchy. Here are the results of AHP Hierarchy Modeling from several levels, ranging
from the main objectives to criteria and strategy alternatives.
Analysis of Environmental Management Policy Strategies Due to Increased Land Built in
Pekanbaru City
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2023 3177
Figure 1. Hierarchical Model
Hierarchy Process Analysis (AHP) is a multi-criteria decision-making method
developed by Thomas Saaty. In AHP, pairwise comparison is an important stage for
assessing the relative preferences between two different elements in the decision
Responses or opinions from 3 (three) experts in this study answer questions or
statements submitted to these experts from the ultimate goal of environmental
management strategies to increase built land in Pekanbaru City with various criteria
including Ecological, Social, Green Economy, Engineering / Physical. The various Sub-
Criteria consist of 12 important items and the achievement of Alternative Strategies.
Weight and consistency of the ratio of the results of the calculation of expert answers
In the criteria analysis, four criteria are evaluated, namely Technical/Physical,
Green Economy, Ecological, and Social. In the weighted assessment, the
Technical/Physical criteria ranked highest with a weight of 0.287, followed by Green
Economy (0.270), Ecology (0.236), and Social (0.207). Ratio consistency analysis shows
that the CR (Consistency Ratio) value is 0.071, which indicates consistency in the relative
assessment of criteria.
Then in the analysis of sub-criteria that are evaluated to provide deeper insights for
the purpose of environmental management strategies to increase built land in Pekanbaru
City. The Technical/Physical Sub-criteria consist of Management Policy for Built-up
Land Improvement, RTH Maintenance and Distribution, and Development of
Infrastructure Supporting the Built-up Land Environment. The analysis shows that RTH
Maintenance and Distribution has the highest weight among the sub-criteria, with a
weight of 0.477. With a CR (Consistency Ratio) of 0.083.
Bobby Masnur, Edi Rusdiyanto dan Abdillah Munawir
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2023 3178
The Green Economy sub-criteria consist of Economic Activity Collaboration,
Environmental Management Costs, Built-up Land Priorities, and Environmental Sector
Investment. Economic Activity Collaboration ranked highest with a weighting of 0.407.
With a CR (Consistency Ratio) of 0.043.
The Ecology sub-criteria consist of the Ecological Citizenship Movement, the
Biodiversity Conservation Program, and Environmental Restoration. The Ecological
Citizenship Movement got the highest weight with 0.392. With a CR (Consistency Ratio)
of 0.056. Social sub-criteria consist of Community Participation in Decision Making,
Social Justice Land Conflict Resolution, and Community Welfare. Community
Participation in Decision Making gets the highest weighting with 0.436. With a CR
(Consistency Ratio) of 0.067.
In strategy selection, different alternatives are considered for each sub-criterion.
The analysis shows that the Effectiveness of Land Management Policy Implementation
ranks highest with an average CR (Consistency Ratio) of < 0.1 in most sub-criteria.
Demonstrate the importance of effective policy implementation in environmental
management on built-up land in Pekanbaru City.
Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that in the development of
environmental policies related to built-up land, aspects such as environmental
maintenance, economic collaboration, ecological citizenship movements, and community
participation have a very important role. Therefore, policy strategy recommendations
should emphasize effective policy implementation, strong economic collaboration,
biodiversity conservation efforts, and community empowerment in environmental
decision-making. The implementation of these strategies is expected to improve the
quality of the built-up land environment and improve the overall welfare of the
Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that in the development of
environmental policies related to built-up land, aspects such as environmental
maintenance, economic collaboration, ecological citizenship movements, and community
participation have a very important role. Therefore, policy strategy recommendations
should emphasize effective policy implementation, strong economic collaboration,
biodiversity conservation efforts, and community empowerment in environmental
decision-making. The implementation of these strategies is expected to improve the
quality of the built-up land environment and improve the overall welfare of the
In the Hierarchy Process Analysis (AHP) for environmental management related to
the improvement of built-up land in Pekanbaru City, four main criteria are evaluated:
Technical/Physical, Green Economy, Ecological, and Social. In the weight assessment,
Technical/Physical criteria ranked highest, followed by Green, Ecological, and Social
Economy. The sub-criteria in each key criterion are also evaluated to provide deeper
insights. The results showed that the maintenance and distribution of green open space
Analysis of Environmental Management Policy Strategies Due to Increased Land Built in
Pekanbaru City
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2023 3179
and the effectiveness of land management policy implementation ranked highest in their
respective sub-criteria.
In strategy selection, the analysis shows that the effectiveness of land management
policy implementation is a priority in most sub-criteria, indicating the importance of
effective policy implementation in environmental management on built-up land in
Pekanbaru City. Policy strategy recommendations emphasize environmental stewardship,
strong economic collaboration, biodiversity conservation, and community empowerment
in environmental decision-making. The implementation of this strategy is expected to
improve the quality of the built land environment and improve the welfare of the
community as a whole, in accordance with sustainable development goals.
Overall, the AHP analysis provides comprehensive insight into priorities and
strategies that can be taken in environmental management related to the improvement of
built-up land in Pekanbaru City. By emphasizing effective policy implementation,
environmental conservation, economic collaboration, and community participation, it is
hoped that this effort can bring positive changes in maintaining a balance between urban
growth and environmental preservation and improving the welfare of society as a whole.
Bobby Masnur, Edi Rusdiyanto dan Abdillah Munawir
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2023 3180
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