pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3334
Analysis of the Combination of Vendor and Consultant
Executors Through Risk Management Moderation on
Decision Making for the Development of the E-Procurement
System at PT XYZ
Muhammad Sahlan
, Paidi W.S
Universitas Tanri Abeng, Indonesia
Keywords: executor
combination, manova test,
The selection of potential executor combinations is the initial
stage in planning the development of an e-procurement
system. The aim is to conduct studies and analyze each
combination of executor vendors and consultants based on
their impact and scale of importance on cost, time, quality,
and flexibility. This study will lead to selecting a
recommended combination with the least risk value and the
most important based on the current conditions of PT XYZ.
The method used in this research is a quantitative method
with the MANOVA test to assess differences in the influence
of each executor combination on costs, time, quality, and
flexibility. Next, a risk analysis is carried out using the
FMEA method to assess the Risk Priority Index and
determine risk mitigation. After that, the best combination of
executors is selected based on the risk value and the interest
scale. The research results show that there are differences in
the influence on cost and quality of all combinations of
executors, but different combinations of executors do not
have a different influence on time and specificity. The results
of the risk analysis show that there are influences of risk
management in the relationship between each type of
executor on costs, time, quality, and flexibility, which can be
seen from the decrease in the Risk Priority Index value for
each risk event that has been identified due to risk mitigation.
Finally, the results of selecting potential executor
combinations using AHP show that combination 8 is the first
potential with a value of 0.136, followed by combination 5
in second place with a value of 0.112, and third place is
achieved by combination 7 with a value of 0.111. The fourth,
fifth, and sixth places are each occupied by Combination 3
with a value of 0.101; combination 2 with a value of 0.098;
and combination 1 with a value of 0.097.
Analysis of the Combination of Vendor and Consultant Executors Through Risk Management
Moderation on Decision Making for the Development of the E-Procurement System at PT XYZ
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3335
In the era of digital development like today, technology has had a great impact,
where technology has entered and changed various aspects of life including the world of
business and procurement (Stević et al., 2019). One of the developments in the supply
chain system is the implementation of e-procurement or electronic procurement. E-
procurement is a system that facilitates the process of procurement of goods and services
electronically through the Internet and involves an online selection and purchase process,
as well as efficient procurement administration (Hruška, Průša, & Babić, 2014).
E-procurement has a significant positive impact on organizations. With the
implementation of e-procurement, the procurement process becomes more efficient, and
transparent, and can reduce the cost and time required to complete each stage of
procurement (Faisal, Paruntu, & Warka, 2017). In addition, e-procurement also facilitates
wider access to providers of goods and services, can increase competition between
suppliers, and improves quality in procurement (Az-Zahra, Fadhillah, Yuningsih, &
Purwoko, 2024).
In the development of the e-procurement system, an in-depth study is needed on the
stages of preparation for system development to prevent unwanted impacts in its
implementation (Habibi & Untari, 2018). Because PT XYZ is a State-Owned Enterprise
(BUMN) engaged in the health sector, it is very necessary to apply the principles of Risk
Management to risks that may arise by SOE Regulation No. PER-2/MBU/3/2023
concerning guidelines for governance and significant corporate activities of state-owned
enterprises. In addition, with the application of the Risk Management concept, it is hoped
that the e-procurement system that will be built can be more efficient in terms of cost and
development time, and flexible in future development plans, without reducing the quality
of system development results (Mohamed, 2018).
The development of the e-procurement system is expected to reduce the level of
corruption in the implementing organization. This is possible because, with the e-
procurement system, all information can be monitored, controlled, and evaluated using
the application (Jalal Faraj, 2016). This has the effect of transparency in working because
the entire process has been integrated and can be monitored by many parties who can
access it, including vendors, users, and procurement implementers (Rizki, 2018)
(Kalıannan, O., Awang, D. D., & Raman, D. 2009). Errors that occur due to human error
can be minimized by the existence of an e-procurement system.
PT XYZ is a Health SOE company that has implemented and used the e-
procurement system for its procurement process since 2020. e-Procurement at PT XYZ
is currently implemented at the Head Office of PT XYZ and is carried out for the entire
procurement process that is authoritatively carried out by PT XYZ Head Office, such as
the procurement of goods and services for units >300 million, auction procurement, and
other procurement processes that occur internally of PT XYZ by applicable regulations.
Currently, the e-procurement system at PT XYZ consists of 4 modules, namely the
vendor management module, e-catalogue module, e-purchasing module, and contract
management module. However, these modules have not been implemented 100%. The
Muhammad Sahlan, Paidi W.S
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3336
estimated implementation for each module is currently vendor management at 90%, e-
catalogue at 20%, e-purchasing at 55%, and contract management at 0%. The potential
addition of new modules such as planning modules, monitoring and evaluation modules
is also a consideration to be added to PT XYZ's e-procurement system. The overall
improvement that will be carried out will be assessed and studied for its optimality and
feasibility of application to PT XYZ.
Biaya sangat menjadi fokus pada pengembangan kali ini dikarenakan kondisi
Perusahaan PT XYZ yang sedang buruk. Selain itu, waktu penyelesaian pekerjaan juga
menjadi fokus utama karena proses procurement di PT XYZ juga terus berjalan.
Harapannya, projek dapat diselesaikan dalam waktu yang tidak terlalu lama agar sistem
dengan segera dapat diimplementasikan dan dirasakan manfaatnya. Hal yang tentunya
fundamental dalam hal pembuatan aplikasi sistem e-procurement adalah kualitas, dimana
kualitas menjadi hal mutlak yang harus dipenuhi. Serta, belajar dari pengalaman
sebelumnya maka peneliti menilai bahwa Fleksibilitas pengembangan juga menjadi
faktor kunci setelah program dipublikasikan untuk dapat dilakukan refreshment dan
improvisasi pada program aplikasi melalui tenaga IT Internal agar tidak bergantung This
research focuses on developing e-procurement that has been implemented at PT XYZ to
be better than before. The intended development of e-procurement is grouped into two
parts, namely development by making improvements to the previous e-procurement
application and development that starts from scratch such as making new e-procurement.
According to the study, for the sake of time and process efficiency and uninterrupted
implementation of the procurement process in the current procurement function,
management is more focused on the development of existing systems. However, it turns
out that there are limitations that make this impossible to implement. Some of the
conditions that cause this to be impossible are because internally the programming
language used is not familiar in the internal IT environment of PT XYZ, the mapping
algorithm owned is not fully provided by the previous developer, data access is still
controlled by the previous developer. This is a stumbling block for PT XYZ to develop
an existing e-procurement application program. For this reason, an effective way for the
procurement process in PT XYZ procurement to get its essence, it is necessary to develop
an e-procurement system from scratch.
In terms of specifications, modules, and needs, PT XYZ has gotten an overview of
the weaknesses of the previous application program and from several benchmarks to
companies that have implemented e-procurement and are more agile and robust in their
programs. Thus, PT XYZ has been able to prepare specifications for the creation of a new
e-procurement system. To develop e-procurement from scratch, the thing that needs to be
considered is the selection of executors. This is the main factor because PT XYZ does not
want to get the same experience as the previous developer where the algorithm and basic
materials of making e-procurement applications are not published to internal users to
improvise after launching, the programming language used is not common at PT XYZ so
it is necessary to find new employees who understand programming languages, The e-
procurement system developed is not usable, user-friendly, informative, agile, and robust.
Analysis of the Combination of Vendor and Consultant Executors Through Risk Management
Moderation on Decision Making for the Development of the E-Procurement System at PT XYZ
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3337
Departing from this, it is considered necessary to develop a system with much better
quality than before and high flexibility to be developed internally when needed. But of
course, no less important is the focus on development costs and system development time.
To the executive developers. Departing from the above, the researcher considers it
necessary to conduct an analysis study to select the right executor combination based on
risk management to reduce risks that will occur in the future and assess which executor
combination is the most optimal.
The selection of the executor combination was inspired by several studies, one of
which was a study (Fitriana & Santosa, 2020) that researched related to how to select
developers/vendors/providers with certain criteria. In addition, several studies also assess
that cost, time, and quality factors are also important factors to assess project completion.
Departing from this, the researcher will research the selection of the Executor which is
not only external but a combination of external and internal. This is considered necessary,
because the success of external executors is inseparable from the role and contribution of
internal actors in data preparation, including system support such as business processes
and other data. The external parties that will be examined in this study are the difference
between the involvement of vendors in the combination and the involvement of the
implementing consultant in the combination. This inspires researchers because there will
be potential differences in terms of costs to be incurred, system development time, quality
of the system to be produced, and flexibility in system development later. For this reason,
the researcher considers it necessary to analyze the selection of external executors based
on their combination with internal users in PT XYZ.
One of the novelties of this study is the addition of variables regarding flexibility
that arise as a result of bad experiences from previous system development. It is hoped
that this flexibility variable can be a benchmark and additional parameter for PT XYZ's
internal to develop a better system when needed, handle bugs quickly and quickly, make
repairs and maintenance easily, and other things that are positive for system sustainability.
In addition, when reviewed from research (Utami, Sitania, & Profita, 2022) in choosing
the best option only based on the scale of interest and the results of risk analysis, another
novelty that distinguishes it from other studies is the existence of an additional analysis
regarding the assessment of differences from each external executor of vendors and
consultants on their combination with internal costs, time, quality, and flexibility. This
causes the existence of more than one independent variable and more than one dependent
variable so the test must use a multivariate analysis.
All studies and analyses related to potential risks that will occur will be assessed
using the implementation of risk management. This aims to lower the value of risks that
may arise by trying to reduce, modify, and divide risks. However, in this study, the risk
assessment taken is not the entire risk management cycle because it is limited to risk
identification, risk assessment, and implementation of risk mitigation plans. This is the
focus of the researcher because of the limited research time which does not allow for the
assessment of the effectiveness of the results of the proposed selection of executor
combinations for the development of the e-procurement system so that assessing its
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effectiveness and reducing the risk value cannot be done for the time being. This is a
potential for research development in the future.
This study is quantitative because the researcher will analyze the differences
between each combination of vendor executors and consultants with internal users on the
dependent variables of cost, time, quality, and flexibility and calculate the risk level of
the influence of each Executor Combination on cost, time, and quality as well as measure
and determine the best Executor Combination to be selected in the development of PT
XYZ's e-procurement system. The types of data used are divided into two, namely
primary data and secondary data.
The data sources used in this study are divided into two, namely special and general
data sources. The special data intended here is data obtained specifically from interviews
with BoD-2 in the procurement and technical support team of the IT department. The data
obtained can be used as material to start making specifications, and risk criteria and
determining the criteria and user needs for the Executor Combination in the development
of the e-procurement system at PT XYZ.
In addition, other sources of data are obtained in general. The data obtained in
general is intended for data obtained from the procurement and IT division as prospective
users of the e-procurement system and technical support as a whole starting from the
implementer to BoD-3 at PT XYZ. Data will be collected through the distribution of
questionnaires. The questionnaire will be created and adjusted to the needs of the
researcher to be able to support the research results.
The sample population that will be taken by the researcher is from the procurement
implementation population in the procurement division and also technical support from
the IT division. This is intended to further explore and describe the needs of potential
users, risks that may arise, and other considerations that are more specific to potential
users. The sample population that will be formed is limited for the procurement team at
the head office of PT XYZ because the system to be developed will be made a pilot project
before being implemented in other users besides the head office. The procurement team
at the Head Office will also be the target subject for the interview as a representative of
all prospective users, especially for the Manager. As for the production team with the
status of the implementer to manager, it will be the subject of a questionnaire that has
been planned to support the research data.
The analytical tools or instruments used by the researcher in analyzing the results
of this study are Microsoft Excel and the SPSS program. In detail, the test steps that will
be carried out are:
1. The survey was conducted with a questionnaire that used the Likert method by scoring
each answer choice
2. After the data has been received, the data is processed using Excel so that it can be
adjusted to the raw data processed in the system
3. After that, a descriptive test or analysis of the data is carried out
Analysis of the Combination of Vendor and Consultant Executors Through Risk Management
Moderation on Decision Making for the Development of the E-Procurement System at PT XYZ
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3339
4. Furthermore, because the data has more than one dependent variable, the analysis
continues by conducting a MANOVA test
Results and Discussion
MANOVA Data Normality Test
This test was carried out to see whether the data used in the distributed research
sample was normal or not. For this reason, the following data were obtained from the
results of the study:
Table 2
MANOVA Data Normality Test
Based on the results of the normality test, the significance value showed a value of
<0.05. This can be seen from both tests, both the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and the
Shapiro-Wilk test. This shows that the data tested by the researcher has an abnormal
distribution of data.
MANOVA Data Homogeneity Test
The homogeneity test on the MANOVA data can be seen in the table "Levene's Test
of Equity of Error Variance".
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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3340
Table 3
Homogeneity Analysis Table
In the table above, we can conclude that the significance value is >0.05 which
means that the data analyzed is homogeneous. For this reason, in looking at the results of
the interpretation of the table "multiple comparison" can refer to the Bonferroni type.
Uji MANOVA (Multivariate Analysis of Variance)
Table 4
Tabel Analisa Multivariate Test
According to (Adeleke, B., F. 2015), if the results of the normality test do not show
a normal distribution, then the test using Pillai's trace, wilks lambda, hotteling's trace, and
Roy's largest roots approach can be considered to see the influence of independent
variables on the dependent variables. In the table above, we can conclude that the
significance value of the four models of the effect between independent variables and
Analysis of the Combination of Vendor and Consultant Executors Through Risk Management
Moderation on Decision Making for the Development of the E-Procurement System at PT XYZ
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3341
dependent variables is <0.05 which means that the analyzed data illustrates a significant
influence of independent variables on dependent variables as a whole.
Table 5
Resume of risk value mapping results
tion Type
Variable Dependencies
ion 1
ion 2
ion 3
ion 5
ion 7
ion 8
ation 1
ation 8
ation 3
ion 3
ation 8
ation 1
ation 5
ion 5
From the table above, it can be concluded that the results of the risk assessment of
the existing executor combination are obtained:
1. The highest risk to Cost is obtained from Combination 1 of (13.8), while the lowest
risk is obtained from Combination 8 of (4.2)
2. The highest risk to Project Completion Time was obtained from Combination 8 of
(8.9), while the lowest risk was obtained from Combination 1 of (8.1)
3. The highest risk to the Quality of Project Results was obtained from Combination 3
(10.67), while the lowest risk was obtained from Combination 1 & 5 (9.33)
4. The highest risk to the Potential Flexibility of Program Development was obtained
from Combination 3 of (20), while the lowest risk was obtained from Combination 5
of (9.67).
5. The highest risk of Total Program Development was obtained from Combination 3 of
(47.27), while the lowest risk was obtained from Combination 5 of (35.5).
Muhammad Sahlan, Paidi W.S
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3342
After calculating the risk value of the dependent variable, the researcher also tried
to dig up information and present information about how and what risk mitigation can be
done to be able to decrease, divert, or divide the risk. The following is a table showing
the projected results of the risk reduction if mitigation actions are implemented.
Priority determination using AHP is carried out to narrow down the best choice
between all combinations available when viewed from the perspective of cost, quality,
time, and flexibility. The calculation is generated from the assessment of the importance
of all dependent variables.
Table 6
Comparative Analysis Table
Comparative Analysis
The data in the table above was obtained from structured interview data with
experts, in this case, BoD-2. The results of the interviews were then plotted into a
comparison table. To be further processed, the data then needs to be normalized to obtain
the Priority Vector and Eigen Value. Normalization is carried out by dividing the
individual comparison value by the total/total comparison value per each dependent
variable. Priority Vector is the average result of the total number of normalized values of
each variable. Meanwhile, the value is the value of the product between the Priority
Vector and the sum of each dependent variable before normalization.
Uji Changed
The data test using MANOVA was chosen because the data used was data that had
more than one independent variable and more than one dependent variable. This is by
what was expressed (Iqbal et al., 2021), that for such conditions, the MANOVA test can
be used to see the influence of dependent variables on independent variables. From the
results of the conclusion of this study on the time and flexibility component, whoever the
combination of executors is chosen will not have a significant difference in terms of time
and flexibility.
Meanwhile, in the cost and quality components, several combinations have
differences. In the cost component, the difference is shown in combination 1; 2; 3 to 5; 7;
8, where the combination is 1; 2; 3 have no significant differences from each other. In
addition, the combination of 5 & and 7 was also stated to have a significant difference
from the combination of 1; 2; 3; and 8, where the combination of 5 & and 7 has no
difference from each other. For the combination of 8, it is stated that there is a difference
in all combinations of executors. Based on the above, regarding the difference between
each combination of executors on their influence on the cost-dependent variable, there is
a significant difference. When referring to the survey results, it can be concluded that a
Analysis of the Combination of Vendor and Consultant Executors Through Risk Management
Moderation on Decision Making for the Development of the E-Procurement System at PT XYZ
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3343
combination of 1; 2; and 3 has a high expense cost, while a combination of 5; and 7 has
a reasonable expense cost, and a combination of 8 has a crunchy cost. It is for this reason
that the grouping of each difference can occur. It should be noted that the cost of vendors
in the execution of e-procurement production reaches 2-3 M-an per project with the
specifications attached in Appendix 6. As for the consultant fee, it is around 200-300
million. This information is obtained through recognition from experts who have made
RFIs (Request for Information) to consulting vendors. Because combinations 5; and 7
have more than one consultant, then the costs that will be incurred for the combination
are considered reasonable. Meanwhile, group 8 is classified as cheaper because it only
consists of one implementing consultant, where the estimated price per implementing
consultant is lower.
In the quality component, there are also differences per combination of executors
on their influence on the quality-dependent variable. In the results of the study, the
difference between the combination of 3; and 8 against a combination of 1; 2; 3; and 5.
Meanwhile, combinations 3 and 8 do not have significant differences and neither do the
combination groups 1; 2; 3; and 5 that have no significant differences. This means that in
terms of quality, a combination of 1; 2; 3 and 5 have no difference. The difference only
occurs between 1; 2; 3; and 5 to 3; and 8. When referring to the description of variables.
It can be seen that in combination 3 and 8 there is not only 1 external party. There are no
supervisory consultants or planners in the combination. So in terms of planning and
supervision, there is no backup from the outside. Meanwhile, from the variable
description data and survey results, internal users and IT generally do not have enough
experience in the e-procurement system development process. So careful planning and
strict supervision are needed to maintain the quality of the results of the e-procurement
system development project.
Risso's study using FMEA
In the risk assessment using FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis), 144 Risk
Even or potential risk events were obtained for 4 dependent variables, namely cost, time,
quality, and flexibility. Each of these dependent variables has a risk register of 30 risk
events for cost, 36 risk events for quality, 18 risk events for flexibility, and 60 risk events
for time. In addition, from the data, if grouped into independent variables (executor
combinations), each combination was recorded to have 24 risk events. Each risk event
has its risk cause and severity. The following is also the scoring regarding likelihood and
consequence as components that form the RPI (Risk Priority Index). In summary, the
results of the FMEA can be seen in "Table 5 Resume of risk value mapping results". From
the table, we can see a comparison of the risk value of each combination per total, and
per dependent variable component, looking at the lowest and highest risk values per each
dependent component and in total.
In "Table 4.14 resume of the results of the risk value mapping", it can be seen that
the highest risk value to cost is obtained by combination 1 and the lowest value is obtained
by combination 8. This shows that the combination of 8 will incur less cost expenditure
and the combination of 1 will incur a huge cost expenditure. The unique result is shown
Muhammad Sahlan, Paidi W.S
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by the combination of 3 and 5, where both combinations have the same value. So it can
be concluded that the risk of the number of costs incurred by the user in choosing
combination 5 and the costs that will be incurred by the user if choosing combination 3
is the same even though the combination of 3 consists of (vendor; IT user; user
procurement) while the combination of 5 consists of (implementing consultant; planning
consultant; supervisory consultant, IT user, and user procurement.). In other words, the
risk of high costs for expenses to vendors is equal to the high costs that will be incurred
for a total of 3 consultants at once.
To answer the hypothesis about whether or not risk management affects the
relationship between the combination of executors and dependent variables, it is
necessary to mitigate the risk to the risks that may arise. From the study, a mitigation plan
has also been made that can be done for the risk event that may arise as attached to
attachment 5. From the results of the calculation of the Risk Priority Index before
mitigation, a total of 35 Extreme High, 21 High, 26 Medium, 55 Low, and 7 Very Low-
risk statuses. After the mitigation plan is made, the projected Risk Priority Index value is
0 for Extreme High, 1 for High, 9 for Medium, 72 for Low, and 62 for Very Low. When
viewed from the decrease in the RPI value, 138 risk events have experienced a decrease
in the RPI value and 6 risk events have fixed or unchanged values. Departing from this,
it can be concluded that risk management on the influence of the combination of executors
on dependent variables (cost, time, quality, and flexibility) can reduce the value of risk.
For this reason, the H5 hypothesis; H6; H7; and H8 are acceptable.
Importance level analysis using AHP
This study aims to choose the best executor combination between a combination of
vendors and consultants together with users in terms of cost, implementation time, quality
of work results, and flexibility of system development in the future. For this reason, the
researcher conducted a study using the AHP test to obtain the results based on the scale
of importance (Fitriana & Santosa, 2020). Based on this, the following is the AHP test
scheme carried out in this study:
Figure 1. AHP test framework diagram
Analysis of the Combination of Vendor and Consultant Executors Through Risk Management
Moderation on Decision Making for the Development of the E-Procurement System at PT XYZ
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3345
From the research data, a ratio consistency value of 0.04 was obtained, which means
that the data is consistent and can be used in determining the priority scale. The priority
vector value in "Table 4.17 Eigen Value Acquisition Table", is the focal point of this test.
The priority vector value indicates the highest to lowest priority level. The highest score
means that it has a higher priority or level of importance than others. From the results of
the study, it was obtained that quality had a higher importance value of 0.592, followed
by costs with an importance value of 0.272, followed by a time of 0.084 and Flexibility
of 0.051. The results will then be used for the ranking analysis process where the priority
vector value will be multiplied by the value of the risk analysis results.
After the transformation, the best results were obtained from the combination of 8
followed by the combination of 5 and after that in the third position, there was a
combination of 7. From these results, it can be seen that the distance of the cost gap
between combination 5 and combination 8 makes combination 8 the first choice of the
AHP analysis results. This can be seen from the results of the risk analysis which states
that the lowest total risk value is obtained from a combination of 5, in terms of quality,
the combination of 5 is also the combination with the smallest risk value. This is also
supported by the composition of the value of the level of importance where quality is the
most important component. However, based on the ranking, it changes when it has been
multiplied as a whole. The change was caused by a significant difference of 50% of the
cost value between combination 1 and combination 8 which caused combination 8 to rank
1st in AHP.
If users from PT XYZ are still concerned about quality, then the choice of
combination 5 can also still be chosen as long as the risk can be properly mitigated.
Mitigation recommendations may be considered for action. However, if the biggest
concern is in costs because the company's financial condition is currently not good, then
the right choice can be obtained from combination 1 according to the results of the AHP
Based on the results of the research on the Analysis of the Combination of Vendor
and Consultant Executors Through Risk Management Moderation on Decision Making
for the Development of the e-Procurement System at PT XYZ, the following results were
1. There was a difference in the influence of the Executor Combination on the cost and
quality dependent variables, but no difference was found in the time and flexibility
2. There is an effect of Risk Management on the relationship between each combination
of executors on the dependent variables of e-procurement system development (cost,
time, and flexibility). This is shown from the results of the FMEA analysis with the
RPI (Risk Priority Index) parameter between before risk mitigation and after risk
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mitigation. From these results, it was shown that there was a decrease in the RPI value
for 144 risk events, namely 138 risk events whose values decreased, and 6 risk events
whose RPI values remained constant. This proves that the H5 hypothesis; H6; H7; H8;
H13; H14; H15; H16 accepted.
3. The best executor combination advice ranking was obtained based on the level of
importance and risk level arising using AHP analysis. The ranking from the first to the
last is a combination of 8 with a total value of 0.136, followed by a combination of 5
with a value of 0.112 in second place, followed by a combination of 7 with a value of
0.111 in third place, a combination of 3 with a value of 0.101 in fourth place, a
combination of 2 with a value of 0.098 in the fifth place, and finally a combination of
1 with a value of 0.097 in the sixth position.
Analysis of the Combination of Vendor and Consultant Executors Through Risk Management
Moderation on Decision Making for the Development of the E-Procurement System at PT XYZ
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3347
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