pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5014
Analysis of Improving the Quality of Outpatinent Service At
Hospital X Through Triz Method (Theory of Inventive
Problem Solving)
Silvia Dewi1*, Antono Surjoputro2, Suhartono3
Universitas Diponegoro Semarang, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
Keywords: improving the
quality of outpatient
services, this method
(inventive problem-
solving theory).
The research in this introduction aims to analyze and
improve the quality of outpatient services at Hospital X
using the TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)
method. This research seeks to find innovative solutions to
improve the quality of hospital services using creative
principles from TRIZ, which is expected to increase patient
satisfaction and strengthen the hospital's credibility in the
eyes of the public. This research also seeks to utilize the
SERVQUAL model to identify gaps between customer
expectations and perceptions of service quality, so that it can
produce systematic and sustainable improvements in health
services. The methods of collecting data are primary data
and secondary data. The gaps identified from the expectation
and perception questionnaire in the hospital outpatient
service include doctors not arriving as scheduled and waiting
times in the outpatient pharmacy exceeding 60 minutes.
Utilizing TRIZ inventive principles, such as 35 (Parameter
Changes), 30 (Flexibility), 34 (Discarding and Recovering),
and 2 (Taking Out), can enhance the timeliness of hospital
outpatient services. By applying TRIZ inventive principles
10 (Preliminary Action), 19 (Periodic Action), 23
(Feedback), and 28 (Mechanics Substitution), the hospital
can expedite outpatient pharmacy services. Implementing
preliminary preparation, periodic action, feedback
mechanisms, and technology will help reduce patient
waiting times, improve efficiency, and ensure better service.
These recommendations will be adjusted according to the
actual conditions in the hospital. Future research can further
investigate Lean management in outpatient pharmacy to
identify and eliminate waste.
Analysis of Improving the Quality of Outpatinent Service At Hospital X Through Triz Method
(Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5015
Service quality and customer satisfaction are essential aspects of the service
industry due to their interconnectedness. (Indrasari, 2019). Customer satisfaction is
achieved when the quality of service meets or exceeds customer expectations. Hospitals,
as agencies operating in the health services sector, are crucial in enhancing the health
status of the Indonesian population. (Dekrita & Samosir, 2022). Therefore, hospitals must
provide professional health services by maintaining high-quality standards. Patients, as
the primary customers of hospitals, experience satisfaction when the service quality is
consistently upheld (Kurniati & Mustikawati, 2023; Mayasari et al., 2021).
Good service quality has an impact on improving hospital quality. (Permana, 2016).
Efforts to improve the quality of health services are the most important step in providing
better services to patients. (Adam, 2018; Alfarizi, 2019). The research results show that
quality hospital services can increase patient satisfaction and encourage patients to want
to come back to the hospital, thereby increasing the hospital's credibility in the
community. (Patattan, 2021). Other research studies also reveal that this is very important
for hospitals to do as hospital business competition is also increasingly competitive.
Outpatient services serve as the gateway to a hospital, shaping its image in the eyes
of the public. These services represent the largest unit within a hospital, involving various
types of healthcare professionals and facilities, and are capable of serving a large number
of community members. The success of this unit in fulfilling community needs can be a
barometer for the quality of healthcare services provided. Research indicates that high-
quality operational management and services positively impact the overall quality of
hospital services.
To enhance service quality, an effective approach is the TRIZ method. TRIZ, an
acronym for the Russian "Teoriya Resheniya Izobretatelskikh Zadach" or "Theory of
Inventive Problem Solving" (TIPS), was developed by Soviet inventor Geinrich Alshuller
(Lin & Su, 2007). Research demonstrates that utilizing TRIZ allows for a more open,
organizational conceptual view to address hospital problems and respond more swiftly to
patient needs (LariSemnani et al., 2015).
A study indicated that TRIZ helps identify contradictions in outpatient services and
find innovative solutions. (Lee, Zhao, & Lee, 2019). This approach aims to promote
creative and systematic thinking in problem-solving by using inventive principles. TRIZ
seeks to generate new ideas by resolving contradictions, leading to creative solutions
(Sheu, Chiu, & Cayard, 2020).
A literature review study across various hospitals utilizing TRIZ applications
revealed systematic innovation solutions. This study recommends TRIZ improvements
for various types of healthcare services (Guner & Kose, 2020). Other research suggests
that TRIZ serves as a problem-solving guideline applicable to any institution or context,
including hospitals and healthcare services (Ranabhat et al., 2016). TRIZ offers various
systematic innovation solutions to hospital problems, with several studies integrating
TRIZ with other methods. The positive impact of TRIZ in hospitals confirms it is a
flexible and innovative method for finding solutions to hospital facility issues (Chang,
Liu, & Chen, 2017).
Silvia Dewi, Antono Surjoputro, Suhartono
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5016
Research on the SERVQUAL model demonstrates its ability to analyze and
measure customer expectations and perceptions, identifying gaps between the two across
five main dimensions of service quality: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance,
and empathy by minimizing these gaps, service quality that can be achieved, leading to
customer satisfaction. (Shao et al., 2022). The TRIZ application in healthcare services,
with the SERVQUAL dimensions serving as problem identification tools, further
supports this (Kose & Guner, 2020). Based on this analysis, a study was conducted
entitled “Analysis of Improving the Quality of Outpatinent Service at Hospital X through
TRIZ Method (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)."
In this study, the researchers examine the Analysis of Improving the Quality of
Outpatient Services at Hospital X through the TRIZ Method (Theory of Inventive
Problem Solving). This type of research is qualitative which is supported quantitatively.
The methods of collecting data are primary data and secondary data.
The data collection method in this research used questionnaires to obtain gap
values, observation, and document review as supporting data. Secondary data was
obtained from a document review of data from the Hospital. The minimum sample
obtained from the Slovin formula calculation required 277,16 respondents, which was
rounded up to 278 respondents. Procedure election sample selected several
representatives from every polyclinic in Hospital X street from a total of 19 services using
a proportional random sampling technique. This technique also considers the availability
and willingness of individuals to respond to research. Data analysis techniques were from
Gap Analysis, Initial solution problem analysis, Problem modeling, and contradiction
analysis, Elimination of contradictions based on TRIZ Inventive Principles.
Results and Discussion
This study utilized GAP analysis in conjunction with the ServQual (Service
Quality) calculation method. This approach is fundamentally based on the perceived
values and expectations of respondents, specifically users of outpatient services at
Hospital X. The concept of customer satisfaction in this study involves measuring the gap
by calculating the difference between the average values of each variable for the service
received by costumers and the service expected by them. The presence of gaps is indicated
by results less than 0 or negative values (-).
Design of Quality Improvement Proposal through TRIZ
Step 1: Initial Problem Analysis
The initial problem was obtained from the calculation of the Servqual gap value
with the result <0 or negative value (-). The problems were then collected in order of
priority and an initial problem solution was made by the researcher.
Table 1
Sequence priority problem
Analysis of Improving the Quality of Outpatinent Service At Hospital X Through Triz Method
(Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5017
Variable Information ServQual Gap Value
V9 I got my doctor’s
appointment on time
V17 Fast pharmacy service <
60 minutes
Priority 1: Getting doctor’s appointment on time
Timely adherence to the doctor's inspection schedule is the top priority due to its
significant negative ServQual gap value. Customers are dissatisfied because, based on
observations at Hospital X, several doctors do not adhere to the scheduled arrival times
for their polyclinic sessions. This discrepancy is often due to various factors, such as
surgical schedules, traffic congestion from out-of-town commutes, and other unforeseen
circumstances, leading to doctors frequently arriving late. Consequently, patients
experience extended waiting times, disrupting the overall flow of hospital services. This
mismatch can diminish patient satisfaction, cause overcrowding in waiting areas, reduce
the quality of care as doctors may rush through examinations, and increase stress and
working hours for medical staff, such as nurses, who must update patients on the situation.
Therefore, effective communication is essential to synchronize schedules between
doctors and the hospital, ensuring timely and accurate service delivery.
Priority 2: Fast Pharmacy Service <60 minutes
Pharmaceutical services that are fast <60 minutes are priority number two with a
negative ServQual gap value (-). Customers are dissatisfied with outpatient pharmacy
services at Hospital X because the delivery of drugs reaches an average of >60 minutes.
Delivery of non-prescription drugs is handed over to patients as early as >60 minutes with
an average of no 70 minutes, while compounded drugs take longer than non-prescription
drugs. This is due to several factors, including the provision of the number of drugs to
patients in large quantities and types of drugs, DPJP drug input in ERM is incomplete, so
the Pharmacy department completes the filling so that the etiquette can be printed, the
most important factor is the number of Outpatient Pharmacy personnel is not balanced
with the number of patients. So there is a need for additional pharmaceutical personnel in
outpatient Hospital X.
Table 2
Criteria for Initial Repair Solutions Hospital X Outpatient Services
Criteria Service Improvement Solution Quality
Doctor's examination
schedule that is not on
Synchronize the doctor’s schedule with
hospital management
Pharmacy Services >60
Addition of outpatient pharmacy officers
in one shift.
Step 2: Modeling Problems and Contradiction Analysis
1. Modeling Problem
Problem modeling was done using a function diagram, which aims to analyze the
causes and effects of the initial solution.
Silvia Dewi, Antono Surjoputro, Suhartono
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5018
The priority of service improvement is the accuracy of the Doctor's service
schedule, the problem modeling diagram illustrates an increase in the function value of
the accuracy of the Doctor's service schedule if there is a synchronization of the doctor's
schedule. This synchronization is not limited to communication with the hospital when
the doctor is late due to obstacles, but can also mean adjusting the new schedule. The
absence of synchronization of doctors' schedules will reduce the value of the function,
namely reducing the flexibility of doctors, so that it can still make doctors rush to provide
services to patients.
The second priority for service improvement is a fast pharmacy waiting time of <60
minutes. The problem modeling illustrates an increase in the value of the service speed
function. However, there will be additional costs due to additional pharmacy staff.
2. Contradiction Analysis
The existing solutions and effects were then translated into technical parameters.
This technical parameter is divided into two parts, namely improving features and
worsening features using 39 existing patented TRIZ Parameters. These can be explained
in Table 3 and Table 4 below.
Table 3
Improving Features
Service Criteria Technical Parameters
Enhancement accuracy
Stability of the subsystem
# 13
Enhancement speed
Speed #9
Table 4
Worsening Feature
Step 3. Elimination contradiction based on TRIZ Inventive Principles
Inventive principles became the feedback for better service quality for the out patients
in Hospital X.
Table 5
Inventive Principles for Each Contradiction
Improving Features VS
Worsening Feature
Inventive Principles
Stability of the subsystem
#13 vs Adaptability #35
35, 30, 34, 2
Speed #9 vs amount of
substance #26
10, 19, 29, 38
The first service improvement priority is the accuracy of the doctor's service
schedule. Inventive principles obtained are:
a) 35 Parameter Change
Criteria Service Technical Parameters
Flexibility decreases Adaptability #35
Additional cost Amount of substance #26
Analysis of Improving the Quality of Outpatinent Service At Hospital X Through Triz Method
(Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5019
Change the characteristics of services, such as service flexibility, service
operations, and so on. That is, the time for consultation and examination of patients can
be adjusted by needs. For example, old patients, if there are no other complaints, can be
given a short time, while patients with high complexity or first-time patients can be given
a longer time. Additional buffer time can also be added to overcome delays.
b) 30 Flexibility
Used to improve service quality and increase reliability. Having an online
technology/portal to view the doctor's schedule in outpatient care in real-time, thereby
reducing patient waiting and piling up, sending messages/notifications of the Hospital X
application to patients for estimated time to come to the Hospital again.
c) 34 Discarding and Recovering
Eliminate things that are considered inefficient and increase flexibility. Outpatient
services at Hospital X can change the doctor's service schedule, especially for some
doctors who often cannot come on schedule, which can use technology in real-time. This
means that the old schedule can be discarded or remain the same but can be divided, for
example, half the poly then perform surgery, and continued to the polyclinic but the
availability of doctors can be seen in real-time. There is a notification to patients through
the portal or application regarding visiting hours to the Hospital so that patients do not
wait and do not accumulate in the waiting room.
d) 2 Taking Out (Removing)
This principle identifies barriers that arise and provides alternative solutions. Not a
few causes of doctor delays are due to traffic jams, especially for DPJPs whose domiciles
are outside the city with daily commutes. The alternative solution is that Hospital X can
provide special transport organized and managed by Hospital X to ensure doctors arrive
on time.
Using TRIZ inventive principles 35 (Parameter Changes), 30 (Flexibility), 34
(Discarding and Recovering), and 2 (Taking Out) can help improve the Hospital's
outpatient timeliness. By making changes to time parameters, increasing schedule
flexibility, eliminating inefficiencies, and overcoming major bottlenecks, Hospital X can
improve efficiency and overall patient satisfaction. These recommendations will then be
adapted to the real conditions that occur in Hospital X. By implementing TRIZ inventive
principles 10 (Preliminary Action), 19 (Periodic Action), 23 (Feedback), and 28
(Mechanics Substitution), the hospital can improve the speed of outpatient pharmacy
services. Preliminary preparation, periodic action, feedback, and use of technology will
help reduce patient waiting time, improve efficiency, and ensure better service. These
recommendations can be adapted to the real conditions that occur in Hospital X in the
The gaps identified from the expectation and perception questionnaire in the
hospital outpatient service include doctors not arriving as scheduled and waiting times in
Silvia Dewi, Antono Surjoputro, Suhartono
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5020
the outpatient pharmacy exceeding 60 minutes. Utilizing TRIZ inventive principles, such
as 35 (Parameter Changes), 30 (Flexibility), 34 (Discarding and Recovering), and 2
(Taking Out), can enhance the timeliness of hospital outpatient services. By applying
TRIZ inventive principles 10 (Preliminary Action), 19 (Periodic Action), 23 (Feedback),
and 28 (Mechanics Substitution), the hospital can expedite outpatient pharmacy services.
Implementing preliminary preparation, periodic action, feedback mechanisms, and
technology will help reduce patient waiting times, improve efficiency, and ensure better
service. These recommendations will be adjusted according to the actual conditions in the
hospital. Future research can further investigate Lean management in outpatient
pharmacy to identify and eliminate waste.
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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5022
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