pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4665
Analysis of the Influence of Capital Intensity, Inventory
Turnover (ITO) and Return on Assets (ROA) on the Effective
Tax Rate (Etr) with Institutional Ownership as a Moderating
Nur Azizah Mariani
Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia
Keywords: effective tax
rate, capital intensity,
return on assets, inventory
turnover (ITO),
institutional ownership.
This research aims to determine the effect of capital
intensity, inventory turnover (ITO), and return on assets
(ROA) on the effective tax rate (ETR) with institutional
ownership as a moderating variable. This research uses
secondary data in the form of financial reports that have been
audited by auditors, where the data was obtained from the
official website of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) at
idx.co.id. The sampling technique used in this research is the
purposive sampling method. The population in this research
is property and real estate companies listed on the Indonesia
Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2019-2021, totaling 9 companies.
The sample used in this research was 41 companies with 123
observation data, taken based on certain criteria. This
research is quantitative research with secondary data sources
including the company's annual financial reports obtained
through the website www.idx.co.id and the official website
of each company. The method used to analyze the influence
of independent variables on the dependent variable in this
research is multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS
26. The results of the research show that Return on Assets
and Inventory Turnover (ITO) have a positive and
significant effect on the Effective Tax Rate, while Capital
Intensity has a negative effect. However, it is not significant
to the Effective Tax Rate for property and real estate sector
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in
2019-2023. Institutional ownership can moderate the
influence of Capital Intensity, Return on Assets, and
Inventory Turnover (ITO) on the Effective Tax Rate in
property and real estate sector companies listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).
Nur Azizah Mariani
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4666
One way to achieve the independence of a nation or state in terms of development
financing is to explore sources of funds from within the country, namely through taxes.
Taxes have an important role as one of the country's largest sources of revenue, so the
government pays special attention to this sector. In Indonesia, the government is making
intensification and extensification efforts to optimize the tax sector. Based on this, the
amount of tax revenue can affect the size of the State Budget. (Setiawan & Al-Ahsan,
Tax payment is a manifestation of state obligations and taxpayers' participation in
carrying out tax obligations to finance the state and national development. By the
philosophy of tax law, paying taxes is not only an obligation but also the right of every
citizen to participate in state financing and national development and provide direct
benefits for taxpayers. (Ardyansah & Zulaikha, 2014). Companies as taxpayers will try
to maximize profits through various expense efficiencies, including tax burdens. To
increase the efficiency of the tax burden, many companies carry out tax avoidance. To
encourage companies to be more active, the government provides incentives in the form
of reducing domestic corporate tax rates. (Angelina & Atiningsih, 2021).
In today's unpredictable economic conditions, property developers need to prepare
for more than just "money"; They must also have competitive "weapons" to win the
competition. Many property development companies have managed to excel in the
competition because they have a good master plan. (Chytia & Pradana, 2021). A master
plan is an overarching development framework that includes infrastructure in a region.
With a master plan, property developers can respond to customer needs faster and more
flexibly in the face of market changes and economic conditions. (Mustika et al., 2017).
For property business people, income tax is considered to have an impact on the
company's profit because the tax reduces the amount of profit earned, thus encouraging
property business people to carry out tax planning.
(Putri & Lautania, 2016) Stated that tax planning includes an effective tax rate
(ETR), which refers to the tax liability that must be paid, as well as the return on assets
(ROA). Based on the report of the Directorate General of Taxes, this phenomenon caused
the realization of state revenue in 2020 to decrease compared to 2019 but increased again
in 2021. The tax revenue target in 2019 of Rp 1,577.56 trillion was realized at Rp 1,332.06
trillion. In 2020, the tax revenue target is IDR 1,198.82 trillion with a realization of IDR
1,069.98 trillion. The decline in state revenue in 2020 was caused by a decline in national
economic activity due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so taxpayers were unable to make
payments as expected. (Ghozali, 2018).
Rules regarding health protocols have prevented Account Representatives from
conducting field visits directly, which has an impact on the quality of data obtained from
confirmation of taxpayer data. Taxpayers tend to prioritize efforts to maintain their
business over tax obligations. The problem is that many companies seek to reduce their
tax liabilities, which results in discrepancies in the calculation of the tax burden applied
by the rates set out in the law and reported in the company's financial statements. The
Analysis of the Influence of Capital Intensity, Inventory Turnover (ITO) and Return on Assets
(ROA) on the Effective Tax Rate (Etr) with Institutional Ownership as a Moderating Variable
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4667
Effective Tax Rate is a tax rate used by taxpayers to calculate the amount of tax that must
be paid by comparing the tax burden with commercial profit before tax (Rizal & Sari,
Capital intensity is the ratio of investment activities carried out by companies that
are linked to investments in the form of fixed assets. The ratio of capital intensity can be
used to show the level of efficiency of a company in using its assets to generate sales
(Chytia & Pradana, 2021).
1. How does capital intensity affect the effective tax rate (ETR) on companies in the
property and real estate sectors?
2. How does Inventory Turnover (ITO) affect the effective tax rate (ETR) on companies
in the property and real estate sectors?
3. How does return on assets (ROA) affect the effective tax rate (ETR) on companies in
the property and real estate sectors?
4. How does institutional ownership affect the effective tax rate (ETR) on companies in
the property and real estate sectors?
5. How does capital intensity affect institutional ownership as a moderation variable on
the effective tax rate (ETR) in companies in the property and real estate sectors
6. How does Inventory Turnover (ITO) affect institutional ownership as a moderation
variable on the effective tax rate (ETR) in property and real estate sector companies?
7. How does return on assets (ROA) affect institutional ownership as a moderation
variable on the effective tax rate (ETR) in property and real estate sector companies?
Several previous studies have tried to test the effect of capital intensity on the
effective tax rate (ETR). However, the results of the study are still inconsistent. The
research has been conducted. (Sanyora & Safitri, 2023) Where the results show that
capital intensity has a significant effect on the effective tax rate (ETR). Meanwhile, the
research conducted (Putri & Lautania, 2016) Where the results showed that capital
intensity did not affect the effective tax rate (ETR).
The Capital Intensity Ratio is often associated with the size of the company's fixed
assets and inventory. (Yunika et al., 2017) Mentioned that fixed assets allow companies
to deduct taxes due to depreciation every year so that companies with high fixed assets
have a lower tax burden compared to companies with low fixed assets. Liu and Cao
(2007) added that the asset depreciation method is driven by tax law, which allows
depreciation costs to be deducted from pre-tax profits, so that the larger the proportion of
fixed assets and depreciation costs, the lower the effective tax rate (ETR) of the company.
Furthermore, (Yunika et al., 2017) Explained that companies with high fixed assets tend
to do tax planning, so they have a low ETR. Based on this description, the hypothesis
formulated is that the Capital Intensity Ratio hurts the Effective Tax Rate (ETR).
Nur Azizah Mariani
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4668
Classical Assumption Test
The Classic Assumption Test is used to evaluate the regression test design and to
confirm the existence of significant relationships before data analysis is performed. The
results of data processing through a series of testing stages aim to ensure that the model
is suitable and can be incorporated into several research sources (Chandrarin, 2017).
Some of the classic assumption tests include the Normality Test, the Multicollinearity
Test, the Autocorrelation Test, and the Heteroscedasticity Test.
Regression Analysis
A statistical model used to test causal relationships (influence and impact) with
variables with more than one independent variable (Kuantitatif, 2016).
The equation:
Y = α + β
+ β
+ β
+ ε
Y = effective tax rate (ETR)
a = Constanta
β1- β3
= Regression Coefficient
X1 = Capital Intensity
= Inventory Turnover (ITO)
X3 = Return on Asset (ROA)
ε = Error
Moderating Regression Analysis (MRA)
The purpose of moderated regression analysis is to test the magnitude of the
influence of each independent variable on the moderating variable.
Y = α + β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + β4 (X1*Z) + + β5 (X2*Z) + β6 (X3*Z) + ε
Y = effective tax rate (ETR)
a = Constanta
β1- β3
= Regression Coefficient
X1 = Capital Intensity
= Inventory Turnover (ITO)
X3 = Return on Asset (ROA)
Z = Institutional Ownership
ε = Error
Results and Discussion
Normality Testing
This test is carried out to see if the residual variable shows a normal distribution
or not. This test can be seen from the following histogram image:
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Analysis of the Influence of Capital Intensity, Inventory Turnover (ITO) and Return on Assets
(ROA) on the Effective Tax Rate (Etr) with Institutional Ownership as a Moderating Variable
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4669
d Residual
Normal Parametersa,b
Most Extreme
Test Statistic
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)
From the table above, it can be seen that the significance level value of 0.200 is
greater than 0.05, so it can be concluded that the data has a normal distribution.
Multicollinearity Test Results
The results of the Multicollinearity test can be read in the table below:
If the Variance Inflation Floor (VIF) value is below 10, there is certainly no
multicollinearity. In the table above, it can be seen that the VIF values for CIR, ITO, and
ROA are 1.254 respectively; 1,1131; and 1,119; all of which are below 10 and there is
certainly no multicollinearity.
Heteroscedasticity Test Results
In the scatterplot image above, it can be seen that the distribution of the points is
almost even and no symptoms of heteroskedasticity occur. The research model is said to
experience symptoms of heteroscedasticity problems if there are variable variants in the
research model that are not the same.
Collinearity Statistics
a. Dependent Variable: ETR
Nur Azizah Mariani
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4670
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
Based on the data of this study, namely the number of n as much as 45 and k as
much as 3, the value of the d table was obtained, namely dL = 1.3832 and dU = 1.6662.
Based on the Durbin-Watson test, it is known that the DW value in this study is 1.405.
The value lies among the provisions on.
The dU value < DW < 4-dU is 1.3832 < 1.405 < 2.3338, so it can be concluded that
there are no autocorrelation symptoms.
Hypothesis Test Results
To find out the influence of partial independent variables on the Effective Tax Rate
can be seen in the following table:
Std. Error
From the table, it can be seen that the influence of each independent variable on the
Effective Tax Rate, with the following explanation:
Hypothesis H1: The t-test results show a calculated t-value of -0.03, which is less
than the table's t-value of 2.018, with a significance level of 0.994 which is greater than
0.05. Therefore, H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted. The conclusion from this is that
the CIR variable has a negative but not significant effect on the Effective Tax Rate.
Hypothesis H2: The results of the t-test show a calculated t-value of 2.153, which
is greater than the table's t-value of 2.018, with a significance level of 0.037 which is less
than 0.05. So, H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that the
ITO variable has a positive and significant effect on the Effective Tax Rate.
Hypothesis H3: The results of the t-test show a calculated t-value of 2.093, which
is also greater than the table's t-value of 2.018, with a significance level of 0.043 which
is less than 0.05. So, H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted. The conclusion from this is
that the ROA variable has a positive and significant effect on the Effective Tax Rate.
Statistical Test Results
The following table shows the influence of the variables CIR, ITO, and ROA on
ETR together, with the following details :
Analysis of the Influence of Capital Intensity, Inventory Turnover (ITO) and Return on Assets
(ROA) on the Effective Tax Rate (Etr) with Institutional Ownership as a Moderating Variable
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4671
Sum of
It can be concluded that Return on Asset, Capital Intensity, and Inventory Turnover
together have a significant effect on the Effective Tax Rate.
Coefficient of Determination (R2)
The results of the determination test can be read in the following table:
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of the
The value of the determination coefficient on the Adjusted R Square is 0.630. From
this value, it can be seen that the ability of independent variables to the dependent variable
of the Effective Tax Rate is 63%. The remaining 37% was explained by other variables
that were not studied other than return On Asset, Capital intensity, and Inventory
Moderating Regression Analysis (MRA)
Std. Error
The interpretation of the results is as follows: The regression coefficients for the
variables Capital Intensity, Inventory Turnover, and ROA have been explained earlier.
The regression coefficient for the Capital Intensity variable moderated by institutional
ownership is 2.636 with a t-value of 0.33 (p = 0.000). These results show that institutional
ownership strengthens the influence of Capital Intensity on the Effective Tax Rate. The
regression coefficient for the Inventory Turnover variable moderated by institutional
ownership is 0.001 with a t-value of 3.504 (p = 0.001). This indicates that institutional
ownership strengthens the influence of Inventory Turnover on the Effective Tax Rate.
Meanwhile, the regression coefficient for the Return on Asset variable moderated by
Nur Azizah Mariani
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4672
institutional ownership is 3.429 with a t-value of 0.429 (p = 0.021). These results confirm
that institutional ownership strengthens the influence of Return on Assets on Effective
Tax Rate.
The results of this study show that there is an opposite relationship between capital
intensity and effective tax rate, where if capital intensity increases, the effective tax rate
will decrease and if capital intensity decreases, the effective tax rate will increase.
Although capital intensity has a negative relationship, it is not significant. This happens
because the company does not rely on assets to make decisions on the tax rates it pays. In
addition, assets that are considered capital by the company only affect the level of sales
and expenditure if there is a depreciation of goods related to the company's production
activities. The results of this study did not find any effect of the number of fixed assets
on the Effective Tax Rate. Companies that have large fixed assets are not used for tax
deductions because of depreciation costs attached to fixed assets, but to support the
company's operational activities (Rakhmati, 2019).
The results of this study are the statement according to Irvan and Henryanto
Wijaya (2015), which states that a low effective tax rate (ETR) describes a high level of
tax aggressiveness and vice versa. Then the results of this study are in line with the results
of research conducted by Danis and Zulaikha (2014) and Liu and Cao (2007), which
stated that the capital intensity ratio does not affect Tax Aggressiveness. The results of
the research by Mulyanti & Sundawa (2022) show the same result, namely capital
intensity does not affect the effective tax rate. The results of hypothesis testing in this
study show that there is no strong influence between the capital intensity ratio variable
and tax aggressiveness, this can be caused by various things. The insignificant
relationship between the company's capital intensity ratio and the level of tax
aggressiveness proxied to the effective tax rate (ETR) can be caused by the relatively
same capital intensity ratio in manufacturing companies.
The results of this study show that there is a relationship between Return On Asset
and effective tax rate, where if Return On Asset increases, the effective tax rate will
increase and if Return On Asset decreases, the effective tax rate will decrease. The
research is in line with the research of Thomas (2011) which examined the relationship
between Return On Assets and effective tax rates of companies. This research was
conducted on manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. In a
study conducted by Janssen and William Buijink (2000) who researched companies in
the Netherlands, their findings stated that there was an effect of Return On Asset on
effective tax rates.
The results of the study show that capital intensity (CIR), return on assets (ROA)
and Inventory Turnover (ITO) can be moderated with Institutional Ownership because,
with institutional investors, shareholders can optimize the supervision of management
performance by monitoring every decision taken by the management as the company's
manager. Shleifer and Vishny (1986) (quoted from Khurana and Moser, 2009) state that
institutional investors play an important role in supervising, disciplining, and influencing
managers. Further, Shleifer and Vishny (1986) (quoted from Khurana and Moser, 2009)
Analysis of the Influence of Capital Intensity, Inventory Turnover (ITO) and Return on Assets
(ROA) on the Effective Tax Rate (Etr) with Institutional Ownership as a Moderating Variable
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4673
argue that institutional investors, with large shareholdings and voting rights, can force
managers to focus on the company's performance and avoid opportunities to prioritize
their interests, institutional investors also have an incentive to ensure that the company
takes decisions that will maximize shareholder wealth. This research is in line with the
research conducted by Khurana and Moser (2009) which found that companies with a
larger level of institutional ownership will be more tax-aggressive. The more tax-
aggressive the company, the lower the effective tax rate results show that Capital Intensity
(CIR), Return on Asset (ROA), and Inventory Turnover (ITO) can be moderated by
Institutional Ownership. With institutional investors, shareholders can optimize
the supervision of management performance by monitoring every decision taken by the
company's management. According to Shleifer and Vishny (1986) quoted from Khurana
and Moser (2009), institutional investors have an important role in supervising,
disciplining, and influencing managers.
They argue that with large shareholdings and voting rights, institutional investors
can force managers to focus on the company's performance and avoid personal conflicts
of interest. In addition, institutional investors have incentives to ensure that the decisions
taken by the company will optimize shareholder wealth. This research is in line with the
results of research by Khurana and Moser (2009), which found that companies with
higher levels of institutional ownership tend to be more aggressive in tax management.
Companies that are more aggressive in tax management tend to have a lower Effective
Tax Rate (ETR).
Based on the results of the analysis and discussion that have been described, it can
be concluded that there is a negative and insignificant influence of Capital Intensity (CIR)
on the Effective Tax Rate (ETR) partially in property and real estate sector companies
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2019-2023 period. In addition, there is a
positive and significant influence of Inventory Turnover (ITO) and Return on Asset
(ROA) on the Effective Tax Rate (ETR) partially in the same company and the same
period. The variables Capital Intensity (CIR), Return on Asset (ROA), and Inventory
Turnover (ITO) can also be moderated by institutional ownership of the Effective Tax
Rate (ETR) in property and real estate sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange for the 2019-2023 period. Therefore, it is possible to analyze the Effective Tax
Rate (ETR) using a comparison of other variables or ratios. This research was conducted
for five years, and it is hoped that further research can extend the research period and
involve companies from other sectors, such as manufacturing companies, to obtain more
accurate results regarding the effect of financial ratios on the Effective Tax Rate (ETR)
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