pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 7 July 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3157
Notary Liability on Contract Renegotiation in Business
Ni Nengah Dwi Dharmayanthi
, Benny Djaja
, Maman Sudirman
Universitas Tarumanagara, Indonesia
Keywords: business
contract deed, notary
responsibilities, contract
A notary is a public official who is given the mandate to
make authentic deeds, one of which is through business
contracts. In practice, business contracts often experience
various updates for one reason or another. As part of a
notary's duties to make business contract deeds, the notary
also has the responsibility to ensure that all procedures and
contract clauses do not conflict with the law. This research
will discuss considerations about the role of notaries in
preparing business contract documents, potential sources of
disputes related to the implementation of business contracts
and provisions for resolving disputes related to business
contract deeds. To discuss this problem, an empirical
juridical approach will be used through analytical
descriptive research. The research concludes that the
presence of a notary takes into account the interests of the
parties when drafting business contract deeds so that they
can anticipate possible conflicts that may arise. The
authenticity of a notarial deed becomes absolute with the
commitment of the parties concerned to continue to rely on
consultation and agreement in resolving disputes that may
Covenants are essentially a form of the source of the engagement. The difference
between an agreement that originates from an agreement and an agreement that originates
from the law is the legal consequence of the binding legal relationship (Ngaini, 2024).
The legal consequences of the agreement that originate from the agreement are the goals
of the parties because the agreement is formed with the agreement of each party, but the
agreement arising from the existence of a law can be possible that the parties do not want
legal consequences to occur (Puspadewi, 2023). The agreement is binding on both parties
and is valid to the extent that it is intended by the parties or otherwise determined by
national law (Sari, 2017).
Notaries providing services to the community, are subject to the Office Regulations
and the Notary Professional Code of Ethics considering that notaries hold a noble
profession (nobile officium). This noble professional predicate exists because notaries are
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3158
closely related to humanity, considering that the deeds formed by notaries are used as a
legal basis for the status of property and obligations and rights of a person (Lestari &
Santoso, 2018).
The notary profession requires responsibility in regulating both the written and the
authenticity of the legal relationship of each party who will enter into a consensus
agreement (Haryana, 2016). The notary is placed in a position as a legal aid provider to
provide input on the legal certainty of each party from the agreed agreement. Not without
reason, this is based on the provisions of Article 16 paragraph (1) letter (e) of Law No. 2
of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law No. 30 of 2004 concerning the Notary Position.
In this article, it is explained that when a notary exercises his or her office, he is obliged
to provide services by the provisions of this law, unless there is a reason for refusal
(Haryana, 2016).
Notaries can also provide free services to the underprivileged. This is what is
mandated by Article 37 of the Notary Position Law, where notaries are obliged to provide
free services (legal services) to the underprivileged, and all violations can be subject to
certain sanctions. This obligation is also based on Article 3 paragraph (6) of the Notary
Code of Ethics published in 2015, where this notary is obliged to prioritize service for the
interests of the state and society (Rachma, 2023). Considering the two foundations
mentioned above, it is the reason why notaries get the nobile officium predicate and are
required not to take sides or be neutral.
In carrying out their obligations, notaries are appointed and dismissed by the
government, in this case, the minister in charge of notary affairs as regulated by Article 2
of the Notary Position Law. Although administratively notaries are appointed and
dismissed by the government, notaries are subordinate to the institution that appoints
them, in this case, the government.
The obligation of a notary has a philosophical basis, namely as a maker of authentic
deeds and other deeds to provide legal certainty for legal acts carried out by legal subjects,
as conveyed by Salim HS.
Based on Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning the Position of Notary as amended
by Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 30 of 2004
concerning the Position of Notary (hereinafter referred to as the 2014 UUJN), Notaries
as public officials are authorized to make authentic deeds. An authentic deed, according
to the law under the provisions of Article 1868 of the Civil Code, is "... a deed made in
the form prescribed by law by or before the public official authorized for it in the place
where the deed is made." Article 1868 of the Civil Code (KUHPerdata) means that for a
deed to have the power of authentic evidence, there must be an authority from a Public
Official, in this case, a Notary, to make an authentic deed sourced from the law.
A notary as a public official is obliged to understand and comply with all applicable
laws and regulations. In carrying out his office, a Notary is not only required to have legal
expertise but must also be based on responsibility and appreciation of the nobility of his
dignity and the nobility of his office. The position of Notary is a position of trust, and as
a confidant, it is appropriate for a Notary to uphold the confidentiality of the Notary
Notary Liability on Contract Renegotiation in Business Contracts
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position, namely to keep secret everything that is notified to him related to the making of
a deed. This is in line with oath (promise) 2 which must be said by a Notary.
According to the applicable law, for violations of the confidentiality of the position
of a Notary, a Notary can be subject to sanctions in the form of warnings up to
disrespectful dismissal from his position as a Notary based on the provisions of the 2014
Constitution,3 and can also be subject to criminal sanctions as regulated and threatened
with punishment in the provisions of Article 322 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code
(KHUP), stating that: "Whoever deliberately discloses secrets that he must keep because
of his position or livelihood, both current and past, is threatened with imprisonment for a
maximum of nine months or a fine of up to nine thousand rupiah."
Departing from this reality, and to provide legal protection for Notaries on the
disclosure of the confidentiality of the Notary position related to the deeds made by the
Notary, the Notary Honorary Council was formed based on the mandate sourced from the
provisions of Article 66A of the 2014 UUJN, which is further regulated based on the
Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 7 of 2016 concerning the
Notary Honorary Assembly (hereinafter referred to as Permenkumham Number 7 of
Based on this, it raises the question that with the disclosure of the confidentiality of
the Notary position, the Notary should be obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the
position (Article 16 paragraph (1) letter f of the 2014 Constitution), that I will keep
confidential the contents of the deed and information obtained in the exercise of my
office, and that I will be able to be appointed to this position, either directly or indirectly,
under any name or pretext, never and will never give or promise anything to anyone." 3
Indonesia (b), Law on Amendments to Law No. 30 of 2004 concerning Notary Positions,
Law No. 2 of 2014, ps. 16 paragraph (11), basically states that Notaries who violate the
confidentiality provisions of the Notary office can be subject to sanctions in the form of
(a) written warnings; (b) temporary suspension; (c) honourable dismissal; and (d)
dishonourable dismissal.
Research Methods
In this study, a research methodology will be used that is sourced from legal norms
in laws and regulations that are used as the normative basis for research, or it can be
referred to as normative legal research. Furthermore, the research by applying normative
legal research methodology is based on the written norms of the published laws and
The researcher will also review the application of normative law research
methodologies with the existence of a normative system that is closed, independent, and
not bound to the real life of society.8 On this basis, normative law research can also be
called doctrinal research which examines the implementation of norms and rules in
positive law.
As the material for the study and source of this study, secondary data is also used
which includes primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. First, the primary legal
Ni Nengah Dwi Dharmayanthi, Benny Djaja, Maman Sudirman
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3160
material will refer to the Civil Code and Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning Amendments
to Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning Notary Positions.
Results and Discussion
Notaries in exercising their authority are appointed by the state to make and ratify
a deed or agreement. Even notaries are not allowed to make deeds when there is no
request. The notary deed is mandatory to be written and readable and must meet the
provisions of the applicable laws. Referring to article 1868 of the Civil Code, a deed is
made and inaugurated which is based on the law, its creation is carried out in the presence
of public officials.
Furthermore, Article 1868 of the Civil Code regulates the existence of elements of
the act, namely:
1. A deed that has been legally formed according to its form according to the law.
2. The deed in question is made by or in front of a public official.
3. The deed in question is formed in the same place and faces the authorities.
A notary is a public official with the authority to make authentic deeds as long as
the authentic deeds are not given the authority to make them by other public officials. The
creation of authentic deeds is required by laws and regulations to accommodate justice,
order, certainty and legal protection for the party who makes it. This legal protection is
realized by ensuring the rights and obligations of each party present before the notary to
ensure that the rights and obligations of the parties are by and do not violate the law.
As a public official, notaries are legally obliged to submit and follow the rules
contained in the Notary Position Law. Notaries should act neutrally, fairly, honestly, and
protect the interests of the parties and be independent as mandated by Article 16 of the
Notary Position Law. Therefore, notaries are required to be thorough and act carefully
and carefully to carry out the procedure for making authentic deeds. In detail, Article 16
of the Notary Position Law states as follows.
1. Act in trust, honesty, thoroughness, independence, and impartiality, and safeguard the
interests of parties related to legal acts.
2. Make a deed in the form of a deed minus and keep it as part of the notary protocol.
3. Attach letters and documents as well as the fingerprints of the person facing the deed
4. Issue a grosse deed, a copy of the deed, or an extract of the deed based on the minutes
of the deed.
5. Providing services by the provisions of this law, unless there are grounds for refusing
6. Keeping everything confidential about the deeds made, as well as all information
obtained in the preparation of the deeds by the promise or oath of office, unless
otherwise specified in this law.
7. Binding deeds that have been made in 1 month into a book that does not contain more
than 50 deeds, and if the number of deeds cannot be contained in one book, the deed
can be bound into more than one book, and record the number of deeds, month and
year of making deeds in the cover of each book.
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8. Make a list of protest deeds against non-payment or receipt of securities.
9. Make a list of deeds related to wills according to the order of the time of making the
deed each month.
10. Sending a list of deeds and nil lists related to wills to the will centre list of departments
whose duties and responsibilities are in the field of notary within 5 days in the first
week of each subsequent month.
11. Record in the repertory the date of submission of the will list at the end of each month.
12. Have a stamp/stamp that contains the state emblem of the Republic of Indonesia and
in the space that surrounds it is written the name, position and place of the position
13. Reading the deed in front of the witness with the attendance of at least 2 witnesses or
4 special witnesses for the making of a will deed under hand, and signed at the same
time by the witness, the assessor and the notary.
14. Accepting internships for notary candidates.
Seeing the enactment of Article 1 of Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning
Amendments to Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning the Notary Position, notaries are
given a mandate as an executor of government authority, as public officials regulated by
law to make authentic deeds or ratify deeds made before a notary, and in place, the deed
is made. Thus, the notary is responsible for the notary's duties in the form of making
deeds, legalizing deeds under hand and making gross deeds and the right of the notary to
issue deed derivatives and copies of deeds to the authorities. Nevertheless, the
responsibility of notaries in practice is broader than what is regulated by law. The notary
is also responsible as a legal advisor and (informally) can be asked for his statement as a
consultant in carrying out procedural obligations.
Thus, the authenticity of the deed is something that needs to be considered by
notaries in providing their services to the community. One of the links of the deed is the
renegotiation of business contracts. Renegotiation is a process of renegotiation. Which is
bound by the provisions of the Pacta Sur Servanda principle (Haryanto, 2023). This
principle means that all agreements that are legally agreed upon, then apply as law for the
party who makes them. Meanwhile, a contract is defined by Article 1313 of the Civil
Code as an agreement is an act in which one or more persons bind themselves to one or
more other persons. Subekti in his book Law of Covenants adds that a contract is an event
in which there is a person who promises someone else or the two people promise each
other to do something, from that event, then a relationship arises between the two called
an engagement.
In a business contract, there is a possibility of default or breach of promise. Default
is the non-fulfilment of achievements and/or negligence in carrying out obligations as
stipulated through an agreement made between the debtor and the creditor, so that default
includes doing something that is prohibited by the agreement, not complying with the
agreement, or being relinquished in doing the agreed thing (Al Kautsar & Apriani, 2022).
The Criminal Code mandates in Article 1243 that the party who commits a default is
required to reimburse compensation, costs and interest due to the non-fulfilment of an
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agreement due to a breach of promise not to implement the contents of the agreement.
Furthermore, default is associated with circumstances that due to negligence, the debtor
cannot fulfil the achievements that have been agreed upon in the agreement outside of the
existence of force majeure.
Default is different from a force majeure situation. Force majeure is a situation
where the debtor is unable to fulfil his achievements or obligations to the creditor after
the conclusion of the agreement, so that the debtor can not be blamed and is not obliged
to bear the risk and the debtor does not predict at the time of the agreement the
consequences of circumstances beyond the debtor's control, such as earthquakes,
tsunamis, and so on. The elements of a compelling state can be summarized as follows:
1. An unexpected opportunity.
2. Accountability is not mandatory for debtors.
3. The absence of bad faith from the debtor.
4. There are unintended circumstances for the debtor.
5. A situation that makes the debtor unable to carry out his achievements.
6. If the achievement is carried out, then it will be banned.
One example of a default provision that requires a renegotiation of the contract is
related to the contract of work and mineral and coal mining. The renegotiation of the work
contract is due to criticism related to the work contract where financial losses for the state
are caused by the existence of the work contract, especially related to the amount of taxes
and royalties (contributions) that apply to investors. The viewpoint brought by investors
is that the renegotiation of a work contract as a purely civil contract has a voluntary nature
so it is based on the voluntariness of each party to agree to change the content of the work
contract through the process of renegotiation of the work contract. The government, on
the other hand, is of the view that the renegotiation of work contracts as a civil public
contract has a mandatory nature. This difference in practice can hinder notaries from
participating in contract renegotiation.
Notaries as public officials, based on Article 1 number 1 of Law Number 2 of 2014
concerning Amendments to Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning the Notary Position have
the authority to make authentic deeds related to all acts, agreements, and determinations
required for laws and regulations and (which are desired) by interested parties to be stated
in authentic deeds to ensure the certainty of the date of making the deed, The storage of
the deed, the giving of the grose, the copy and the quotation of the deed, as a whole, as
long as the deed is not also assigned or omitted to other officials or other persons
prescribed by law (Nurlaela, 2020).
The notary to carry out his responsibilities, referring to the law, in this case, are the
conditions for the validity of the agreement regulated by Article 1320 of the Civil Code,
as (1) made in the form prescribed by law, (2) made in the presence of an authorized
official, (3) a deed formed by or in the presence of a public official authorized for it and
in the place where the deed is made (Purnayasa, 2018). Moral responsibility for notaries
including honesty, thoroughness and neutrality of notaries in making contract deeds is
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necessary, considering that notaries are bound by the oath of office and the notary's code
of ethics in providing their services, as a public official.
A notary deed is an authentic deed that is used as the strongest and most important
proof tool in each legal relationship of each party in a business contract. The presence of
an authentic deed brings legal certainty to the parties which can hopefully help avoid
disputes in the future. If a dispute occurs, an authentic deed can be used as the strongest
and most complete written proof tool in the process of resolving a dispute.
The notary's contribution to contract renegotiation is in the form of providing
facilities for each party, in this case, the neutrality of the notary who receives input from
each dispute faced by each party so that the notary plays the role of an advisor and legal
input for the disputing parties. The advice includes recommendations for alternative
dispute resolution, mediation to find common threads of problems, formulating
procedures and listening to the intentions of each party based on applicable legal
provisions. The notary does not escape his responsibility in renegotiating the contract to
ensure that what has been contained in an authentic deed has been truly understood, by
the intentions of the parties and does not violate the applicable law (Kosasih & Haykal,
The responsibility of the notary in ensuring all facts in the renegotiation of the
contract is bound by Article 16 of the Notary Position Law which requires the notary to
act honestly, independently, thoroughly, and impartially and to maintain the interests of
each related party in legal acts. The notary also must record every matter agreed upon in
the contract renegotiation process from the parties. In this case, the recording includes a
clause before the renegotiation is formed until the time the consensus occurs after the
contract renegotiation is carried out. As a public official, a notary has the responsibility
to provide legal briefings and input so that each party can avoid disputes in the future.
This is also mandated by Article 15 paragraph (2) letter e of the Notary Position Law,
which reads that notaries are authorized to provide legal counselling about the making of
The position held by the Notary is a position of trust, where the client is willing to
entrust something to the notary, and the Notary as the party to whom the trust is given
has an obligation because of his position to keep all the facts given to him secret by not
informing other parties. In his responsibility as a public official, a notary is obliged to
direct each party involved in the contract renegotiation process so that each party does
not fall into unlawful acts and/or default because the notary is also given authority in
terms of legal advice and legal counselling for each party to the dispute.
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