pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 7 July 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3314
Implementation of Sustainability Mindset in MSMEs-A
Qualitative Study
Annisa Yumna Ulfah
, Ida Ariyani
, Arie Wibowo Khurniawan
Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
, STIE Tri Dharma Widya, Indonesia
Keywords: sustainability;
sustainability mindset;
UMKM; kinerja.
A mindset based on Sustainability principles can guide
MSME managers to move towards transformative changes
that can minimize risks such as landfilling, and realize the
linkage between business and business carried out with the
surrounding environment. The qualitative research was
conducted by interview and direct observation methods on
the owners of Güzel Dish MSMEs located in East
Kotawaringin, Central Kalimantan with guidance from the
Sustainability Mindset Indicator by Isabel Rimanoczy. The
research found that Güzel Dish's MSME managers have
partially implemented indicators of a sustainable mindset.
Food packaging today is designed only for one-time use and cannot be recycled
(Meshram, Lule, Vyawahare, & Rani, 2022). Worldwide, about 141 million tons of
plastic packaging are produced every year (Packaging Waste Facts and Statistics, n.d.).
The commonly used packaging is plastic packaging, which is still widely used by local
food entrepreneurs in the East Kotawaringin area, including Güzel Dish. This use is feared
to increase the quantity of waste which has reached a total of 276 cubic meters per day
(waste production reaches 276 cubic meters per day in Kotim, 2024).
The problem of waste from the food business is just one of the domino effects of
the lack of awareness of a sustainable business mindset. A mindset based on
Sustainability principles can guide individuals towards transformative change that can
minimize risks such as landfilling. A sustainable business not only pays attention to and
is aware of the impact of the trade transactions it makes, but also realizes the connection
between the business and the business carried out with the surrounding environment, both
the environment in general and the people around them, to the partners who are part of
their business (Fitriyah, Pebriyati, & Lestari, 2022). However, not many businesses at the
MSME level apply sustainable principles because managers prioritize performance in
economic aspects rather than environmental and social aspects to remain competitive
(Malesios et al., 2021).
The existence of MSMEs is an important factor for economic growth, employment,
achieving sustainable development goals, and protecting the environment (Derhab &
Elkhwesky, 2023). In developing countries, Spence stated that MSMEs are the most
Implementation of Sustainability Mindset in MSMEs-A Qualitative Study
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3315
common economic sector, representing 90% of the world's businesses, accounting for
50% of employment, and increasing 40% of GDP in these countries (Spence, 2007). For
the European sample, Mitchell stated that 99% of businesses come from the MSME
sector, thus, they produce more pollution and waste than large businesses (Mitchell,
O’Dowd, & Dimache, 2020).
The issue of sustainable business has been realized by the younger generation, as
millennial and Generation Z entrepreneurs have more obligations than previous
generations regarding the environment, as this generation will play an important role in
"restoring the earth as it was" (Earth Day 2021: Meet the Young Entrepreneurs 'Restoring
Our Earth' through Green and Social Businesses, 2022). With a Sustainability Mindset,
individuals are expected to be able to have a different and more up-to-date view of the
world, which can help them make meaningful decisions. For example, it's about why we
do certain things, and what difference can we make in this life (Khouroh, Ratnaningsih,
& Rahayudi, 2023).
The existence of businesses managed by the younger generation who are expected
to have more awareness of sustainable business will be researched on a sample of MSMEs
at the district level in East Kotawaringin, Central Kalimantan, in the form of local and
foreign culinary businesses, which have joined a business group that also coordinates with
the local Environmental Agency in managing green businesses in the region (Kassel,
Rimanoczy, & Mitchell, 2016). Güzel Dish MSMEs have a vision to increase mental
health awareness through a foreign-based culinary business, and a mission to implement
basic mental health knowledge through foreign desserts and food, as well as educate
foreign culinary customers by maintaining operational quality. However, even though it
is consistent with creativity and the business goes hand in hand with the vision and
mission, it is not yet known whether all performance has been based on sustainable
principles or just running a business with a mere profit orientation (Dari, Inapty, &
Mariani, 2022). There is a need for deepening understanding, evaluating, and exploring
the performance process of Güzel Dish MSMEs to ascertain whether the business has
been running with a sustainable business concept or not, and because the dimension of
sustainable business is not only related to the green practices of community businesses,
but also includes an understanding of their interconnectedness with various sectors that
support the business, the surrounding environment, and people involved in production to
support the principles of sustainable life and business. This is because, with a mindset
based on sustainability principles (Sustainability Mindset), individuals are expected to be
able to have a different and more up-to-date perspective on the world, which can help
them make meaningful decisions.
Research Methods
The method used in this study is a semi-structured interview method. Armed with
guiding questions, this method is believed to help researchers collect data accurately,
actually, and in-depth because the interviews were conducted with the owners of Güzel
Dish's MSMEs. The use of this method in observing how Güzel Dish's owners and
Annisa Yumna Ulfah, Ida Ariyani, Arie Wibowo Khurniawan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3316
employees conduct their businesses is expected to reveal the perspective of its business
activists as young entrepreneurs, amid society, carrying out activities and activities that
are highly susceptible to the production of excess waste in a very fast stream.
The research sampling was carried out by purposive sampling, by taking the MSME
manager concerned as the main object of the research, based on the assumption that the
manager has adequate knowledge and experience regarding the packaging and packing
flow of goods sold to consumers. The data obtained from the interview results were then
presented in the form of transcripts, then analyzed using NVivo software, with 12
Sustainability Mindset indicators used as a reference for coding the analysis. In this study,
the validity of the data collected was checked by the Engineering triangulation method,
which was carried out in three steps, namely conducting semi-structured interviews,
observing the products sold by Güzel Dish both at the production site, at partner stores,
and observing promotional documentation carried out by Güzel Dish on social media
which it owns as the only main way of marketing the product. The process of triangulation
of the technique is carried out as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Technique Triangulation Process
Results and Discussion
Application of the concept of Sustainability
In examining the application of the concept of sustainability in MSMEs, Güzel Dish
uses the Triple Bottom Line concept. In running a business, leaders must take certain
steps to ensure that sustainable assets within the business can meet the prerequisites for
the integration of the concept into organizational performance and business values
(Correia, 2019). This principle was initiated by Elkington in 1997, with three elements,
namely People, Planet, and Profit. The results of the search for the application of the
Triple Bottom Line concept to Güzel Dish MSMEs can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1
Results of Applying the Triple Bottom Line to Güzel Dish
Bottom Line
Commitment of business
organizations to have a
positive impact on society
Providing jobs to people
Profit is the main goal of a
business organization's
strategic planning initiative
(Miller, 2020)
Becoming the main goal of
Güzel Dish's business
Implementation of Sustainability Mindset in MSMEs-A Qualitative Study
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3317
Positively impacting the
Applying the 3Rs to business
Application of Sustainability Mindset Indicators
Observation of the application of Sustainability Mindset in Güzel Dish MSMEs
uses four general concepts that include ecological views (understanding of the
environment and one's role in existing problems), systems perspective (long-term
approach, understanding that everything is interconnected), emotional intelligence
(innovation, self-awareness, reflection), and spiritual intelligence (life purpose,
awareness, and oneness with nature). The results of interviews and observations on these
indicators in Güzel Dish MSMEs are described in Table 2.
Table 2
Results of the Implementation of Sustainability Mindset at Güzel Dish
My contribution
Involved in a business group
fostered by the local Environment
Agency, using packaging that is
more environmentally friendly
and can be used repeatedly.
Long term thinking
Flow in cycles
Practising through the use of
packaging materials that are more
environmentally friendly.
Awareness of one's existence in a
long and interconnected business
chain, by buying materials means
also helping businesses around.
Practising inclusion through
creating jobs.
Selling products that support
diversity from around the world.
Build good relationships with
Creative innovation
Creating creative and unique
menu innovations, first in the
Create a menu that matches your
identity (local).
Oneness with nature
Have an awareness of short-term
goals (building a dessert café that
has never been around) and long-
term goals to continue to do
business sustainably, and continue
to grow.
Annisa Yumna Ulfah, Ida Ariyani, Arie Wibowo Khurniawan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3318
The implementation of the concept of Sustainability in MSMEs into business
strategies depends on the commitment of the owner and the level of involvement of
workers. MSMEs often embed sustainable actions that can adjust to their financial
position and short-term investments. The involvement of MSMEs in the sustainable
process is considered quite difficult because of two things. First, the Sustainability
strategy requires limited resources and skills in the MSME sector. Second, from an
economic and competitive point of view, it is somewhat difficult to implement due to the
uncertain Return on Investment (Burmeister & Eriksson, 2019). For MSMEs to be
committed to the concept of sustainability, this concept must be embedded in
organizational processes and procedures (Jansson, Nilsson, Modig, & Hed Vall, 2017).
One aspect of sustainable development and business is the Triple Bottom Line concept.
The concept consists of the elements of Profit, People, and Planet. Of these three
concepts, Guzel has understood the concept quite well even though it is still difficult to
find the Planet element because more environmentally friendly materials still have a high
price. The application of the Profit element is considered to be steady because Güzel has
an orientation to perpetuate its brand name and profit. The application of the People
element relates to the people around the business, Güzel has done its part by making a
positive impact, one of the main ones being providing jobs.
Furthermore, regarding the results of the observation on the application of a
sustainable mindset in Güzel Dish, the application of the Ecological Worldview indicator
is shown by Güzel Dish's involvement in the Environment Agency's fostered business
group, and the use of packaging for products that are easily recyclable (paper) or can be
reused by customers after purchase (a sturdier/reusable form of plastic). Furthermore, the
application of the second indicator (System Perspective) is exemplified through
sustainable business relationships with partners (material/packaging providers), good
relationships with customers (giving bonuses to customers who often repeat orders, and
distributing unsold cakes at the end of the day to people around them).
About the third indicator related to Emotional Intelligence, which specifically
addresses creativity, reflection and self-awareness, Güzel Dish places a lot of emphasis
on the creativity of a very diverse menu which is reflected in their business vision based
on the tagline "Exploring the World with Taste", so that the menu they offer is desserts
from different parts of the world and innovative and trend-following pastries. Finally, the
fourth indicator, Spiritual Intelligence or spiritual intelligence, with elements such as goal
setting, unity with nature, and consciousness, is shown in general by Güzel Dish through
the awareness to hold principles, both long-term and short-term. Through the interview
process, the owner of Güzel Dish stated his short-term goals in the form of building a
special dessert shower café that has never existed in East Kotawaringin and its
surroundings, and a long-term goal to continue doing business sustainably.
Based on the results of the coding data processing, from the results of the interview,
it was found that the principle most widely applied by Güzel Dish is the My Contribution
Implementation of Sustainability Mindset in MSMEs-A Qualitative Study
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3319
principle, which is indicated by a dark blue bar with coverage of nearly 8% of the total
interview transcript results, the details of which are presented in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Transcript Coding Results of Interview with Güzel Dish
The most widely applied element by Güzel Dish is My contribution, which is a
meaningful aspect as awareness of the impact of the business being done, and taking
advantage of the opportunity to do something to handle the impact. The second element
that Güzel Dish also does a lot is Both-and, which is an indicator that describes a person's
ability to create creative solutions that are inclusive to all stakeholders, as evidenced by
Güzel Dish's ability to maintain good partnerships with partners (suppliers).
Indicators that are not widely applied to Güzel Dish are Oneness, Reflection,
mindfulness, and Flow in cycles, and especially: Reflection, which is the ability to
understand situations and implications before deciding and doing something. Reflection
on one's mindset is most likely the most important reason to focus on sustainability
transformation, and research says that the most important element for one's mindset is the
ability to take a step back and reflect on one's thoughts (Lindøe, 2021).
Sustainable business management is expected to start from the smallest sector at
the community level, one of which is MSMEs. Sustainability Mindset is a guideline and
benchmark to measure how far an individual's mindset is for elements related to the
concept of sustainability and determine how the business performs. Güzel Dish needs to
apply the concept of Sustainability consistently to convey a message to the younger
generation about the importance of maintaining a sustainable and coexistence life. This
has been demonstrated by Güzel Dish by having a good vision of sustainable business,
having an awareness of recycled materials, and understanding and applying the principles
of sustainable diversity with the products it offers. From the results of the research, it is
Annisa Yumna Ulfah, Ida Ariyani, Arie Wibowo Khurniawan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3320
hoped that Güzel Dish can continue to be consistent with his vision of a business that
continues to innovate and be creative. But beyond that, Güzel Dish is also expected to
increasingly use more environmentally friendly packaging materials, reduce plastic, and
separate household waste which is an important element to protect the surrounding
This research only explores one research object in one location, so it is limited to
one perspective on how a young MSME entrepreneur understands and practices
sustainable indicators. Further and broader research is needed, conducted on different
objects in different locations and types of businesses to gain a more diverse perspective
on business practices at the smallest level of society based on sustainable ideas, and
reflected through their inclusive performance, embraces diversity, is creative and has
long-term goals that pay attention to profit sustainability. Sustainability of the
surrounding environment, and the people around the business sector.
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