Vies Sata Zullah, Raden Mohamad Atok
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3416
can also make purchases directly, there are cuts in distribution channels, and there are
cost savings (Alwiyah & Gata, 2019).
The increasing interest in local shoes has become a concern for local shoe sellers to
pay more attention to the inventory or stock of each model (or what can be called articles).
Some inventory problems that often occur are excess stock (overstock) or running
out/short of stock (stockout) (Rachmawati & Lentari, 2022). Overstock or stockout can
cause several losses. When there is too much stock, it causes reduced profitability due to
the accumulation of goods. This equates to tying up cash that can be used to buy stock
that comes out more frequently. Apart from that, excess stock can also pressure sellers to
sell their products at prices below the margin to get rid of excess stock.
Meanwhile, stock shortages can lead to lost sales opportunities because customers
cannot buy the products they need and result in loss of income for sellers. When
customers cannot buy the products they need, it can cause dissatisfaction and potentially
damage a business's reputation (Rachmawati & Lentari, 2022). Overstock and stockouts
often occur in shoe products that have quite a lot of articles. There are many shoe brands
in Indonesia, one of which is Ventela which is a locally made shoe and is currently quite
famous in Indonesia.
Ventela is a local shoe brand with a casual type, which was introduced in 2017 by
William Ventela, a vulcanized shoe factory owner, in 1989 in Bandung, West Java. With
abundant resources, Ventela Shoes can produce canvas shoes in large quantities and of
the best quality so that all groups can have high-quality shoes at affordable prices. Ventela
does not have an official store that sells shoes retail to end-consumers but instead
distributes them to resellers. So, resellers play an important role in retail sales. There are
quite a lot of articles published by Ventela; there are more than 100 shoe articles. Each
article has different selling power, so we need to know which articles should have more
stock and which are not in demand by the market. These articles need to be grouped or
formed into clusters using k-means clustering and forecasting demand so as not to
disappoint customers and also allow shoe turnover to dash.
Clustering is one of the main methods for organizing a set of data into clusters so
that the elements in each cluster have similarities and differences with other clusters
(Pérez-Ortega et al., 2019). This clustering is used to create a report regarding the general
characteristics of the groups formed, including shoe models ranging from those that sell
poorly, normally and best-selling. One of the most widely used clustering algorithms
currently is K-means because of its ease of interpreting the results and implementation
(Pérez-Ortega et al., 2019).
Previous research related to clustering using the K-Means method was carried out
by (Pratiwi & Marizal, 2022) with the title Application of "K-means Algorithm for
Grouping and Least Square Method for Predicting Goods Sales (Case Study: Buana Mart
Kendari)". This research obtained results that the grouping of initial and sold stock, as
well as predictions of goods sold at the Buana Mart Kendari Store, were successfully
developed by applying the K-Means algorithm and the Least Square method. Apart from