pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3851
Virtual Computer Laboratory Learning System Integrated
with Social Media and Video Conference
Agus Hermanto
, Dimas Dwi Ivandri
Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: virtual
computer laboratory;
social media; video
The advancement of information and communication
technology has driven innovation in various aspects of
education, including computer laboratory learning.
Traditional computer laboratories often face challenges in
terms of time, cost, and accessibility. To address these
challenges, this study developed a virtual computer
laboratory learning system integrated with social media and
video conferencing. This system is designed to provide
flexible access, allowing students to learn and practice
anytime and anywhere. The integration of social media aims
to enhance interaction and collaboration between students
and instructors, while video conferencing enables real-time
learning sessions with direct interaction. The research
methods used include system design, software development,
and system testing. The results showed that the virtual
computer laboratory learning system integrated with social
media and video conferencing can facilitate learning and is
expected to be an innovative solution in information
technology education.
The development of information and communication technology has had a
significant impact on various aspects of life, including in the field of education. This
advancement has opened up opportunities to develop more effective, efficient, and
flexible learning methods (Setiawan, 2018). One of the important innovations in
education is the development of a virtual computer laboratory learning system that is
integrated with social media and video conferencing (Ridho, 2022).
Computer laboratories are a vital component in informatics engineering education.
This facility provides students with the opportunity to understand and practice
information and communication technology concepts directly. However, the use of
conventional computer labs is often limited by time, space, and cost factors. These
obstacles can hinder the learning process and reduce the effectiveness of education
(Warman et al., 2023).
Agus Hermanto, Dimas Dwi Ivandri
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3852
To overcome this problem, the development of virtual computer laboratories is a
promising solution. Virtual labs allow access to computer software and resources online,
so students can learn anytime and anywhere (Iskandar et al., 2023). Integration with social
media aims to increase interaction and collaboration between students and teachers, as
well as between students themselves. Social media provides a platform that allows
information sharing, discussion, and cooperation in learning projects (Findyartini et al.,
2020). In this study, video conferencing was used, namely Zoom.
Zoom Video Conference is a video-based communication platform used for
meetings, webinars, and online collaboration. Founded by Eric Yuan in 2011, Zoom
became very popular, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic (Yupita et al., 2021).
The platform offers a variety of features such as screen sharing, virtual backgrounds,
recording, and breakout rooms. Stable video and audio quality, as well as an easy-to-use
interface, are the main advantages of Zoom (Rahman et al., 2021). However, the platform
also faces challenges such as security and privacy issues, as well as the phenomenon of
"Zoom fatigue" or fatigue due to excessive use of Zoom (Gani et al., 2023). Meanwhile,
the use of video conferencing allows learning to be carried out in real time with direct
interaction, even though physical distance separates students and teachers (Sari & Abidin,
2024). In this study, social media was used, namely Gmail.
Gmail is a web-based email service developed by Google. Launched in 2004, Gmail
offers a variety of features that make email management easier and more efficient (Aisyah
& Sari, 2021). Some of Gmail's key features include large free storage, integration with
Google Drive for file storage, advanced search capabilities, and security features like
spam filters and two-step verification. Gmail also supports integration with various other
Google apps such as Google Calendar and Google Meet. This service is popular because
of its simple interface, reliability, and strong security (Zurnali & Sujanto, 2021). This
research aims to develop a virtual computer laboratory learning system that is integrated
with social media and video conferences. This system is expected to improve the quality
of learning in informatics engineering practicum by providing more flexible and
interactive access (Afriani & Fitria, 2021). In this journal, basic concepts, development
methods, implementation, and system testing will be discussed. This study is expected to
make a positive contribution to the development of technology-based education,
especially in the field of informatics engineering.
The research methods used include needs analysis, system design, system
implementation, and testing.
Needs Analysis
This needs analysis is the initial stage in creating a system to determine the
necessary hardware and software. These needs are aligned with the needs of their users.
Thus, the research intends to be able to form a learning information system that can be
done remotely using video conferences.
Hardware Requirements Analysis
Virtual Computer Laboratory Learning System Integrated with Social Media and Video
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3853
Table 1
Hardware needs analysis
Core i5 or higher laptop
Software Needs Analysis
Table 2
Software needs analysis
Perangkat Lunak (Software)
Visual Code Studio
Php Myadmin
System Design
System design modeling will be described through use case diagrams and system
a. Use case diagram
This system use case describes the features that exist in e-learning learning
applications which are a representation of the functional and non-functional needs of the
In this system, it is described as 3 access rights, namely admin, lab officer (teacher),
and also students.
Figure 1. Use case overall diagram
Agus Hermanto, Dimas Dwi Ivandri
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3854
Figure 2. Use case diagram from admin
b. System Architecture
The system design is made to make it easier to implement the system. To find out
the system architecture developed, an architectural design is designed. The system
architecture in the learning information system starts from the user who accesses the
system through a web browser (a network connection is required), then the web browser
requests the web server according to the user's wishes. The web server requests data from
the application server to be displayed to the user. Data is retrieved from the database
server. Once the data is obtained, then the user can view it through a web browser.
Virtual Computer Laboratory Learning System Integrated with Social Media and Video
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Figure 3 System architecture
System Trial
This system testing uses a black-box testing method that aims to find out if the
software is working properly without paying attention to the program code in detail.
Results and Discussion
User Interfaces Display
a. Use of Social Media "Gmail"
Figure 4 Login Page
Agus Hermanto, Dimas Dwi Ivandri
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Figure 5 Page of the New Student Add Form
Figure 6 Students receive usernames and passwords.
b. Use of Video Conference "Zoom"
Virtual Computer Laboratory Learning System Integrated with Social Media and Video
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Figure 7 Page Lab Officer (Teacher) starting/opening zoom
Figure 8 Lab Officer (teacher) successfully initiating/opening Zoom.
Agus Hermanto, Dimas Dwi Ivandri
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Figure 9 Student Pages to Join Zoom
Figure 10 Page Students Successfully Join Zoom
Figure 11 Page Students Fail to Join Zoom Because Teachers Have Not Started Zoom
System Testing
The following are the details of testing the learning system using the black-box
method, where the test is carried out at the end of the design so that the system can run
Table 3
Tabel Testing Black Box
Log in to
enter your
and password
fields are
then select
the login
The app
displays a
Virtual Computer Laboratory Learning System Integrated with Social Media and Video
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3859
If username
password are
not entered
then select
the login
Unable to
access the
system and
the system
displays an
The app
displays the
"Enter your
username" and
"Enter your
Select the
"Add New"
button icon.
Displays the
add items
page, fills in
all the
fields, enters
an active
email, then
displays a
message and
receive a
username and
password that
have been
generated by
the system.
Start Video
Lab Officer
click the
button icon
Display the
Zoom page
as a video
The app
displays a
Zoom page
click the
"join now"
button with
the condition
that the
teacher has
joined first.
Display the
Zoom page
conduct the
Displaying a
Zoom page
click the
"join now"
button with
the condition
that the
teacher has
not started
Displays a
page waiting
for the host
to start or
cannot log in
on the Zoom
"waiting for
the host to
start the
The results of the evaluation show that students can access the virtual laboratory
anytime and anywhere so learning flexibility increases. Social media integration allows
for more dynamic and collaborative interactions, while video conferencing features allow
Agus Hermanto, Dimas Dwi Ivandri
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for real-time learning with in-person interactions, even if done remotely. Overall, the
virtual computer laboratory learning system developed in this study provides a more
interactive and engaging learning experience for students. It is hoped that this system can
be an innovative solution in informatics engineering practicum, helping educational
institutions optimize resources and improving the quality of learning.
The research also opens up opportunities for further development, such as
integration with the latest technology, improved security features, and a more in-depth
evaluation of the long-term impact of the use of this system on student learning outcomes.
Thus, this system not only provides immediate benefits in the context of today's learning
but also has the potential to be a model for future educational innovations.
Virtual Computer Laboratory Learning System Integrated with Social Media and Video
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3861
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