pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 8 August 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3678
The Impact of Electronic Medical Records on BPJS Claims
and Physician Performance
Sharah Aulia Winarsih
*, Bagoes Widjanarko
, Farid Agushybana
Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Keywords: BPJS claims;
electronic medical records
(EMR); physician
performance; mitigation
With the digital transformation, Electronic Medical Records
(EMR) have become crucial for operational efficiency and
better healthcare. By the end of 2023, all Indonesian
healthcare facilities are expected to implement EMR
(Regulation No. 24, 2022). However, challenges with BPJS
claims often arise post-EMR implementation. This study
analyzes EMR's impact at RS A on BPJS claims and
physician performance, aiming to identify mitigation
strategies for these issues. Using mixed methods, this study
combines primary data from 5 respondent interviews and
secondary data on BPJS claims pre- and post-EMR
implementation at RS A (Jan-Aug 2023). Secondary data
analysis employs tables, graphs, and descriptive statistics
(mean, median, and standard deviation) to detail BPJS
claims patterns. The Chi-Square test is used to analyze the
relationship between physician performance and BPJS claim
document completeness. EMR implementation increased
cases by 11.27% and nominal BPJS claims by 15.04%.
Physician performance analysis showed no significant
relationship between variables and BPJS claim document
completeness (p > 0.05). Challenges post-EMR included
data errors, lack of staff training, technical constraints, and
incomplete integration of operational processes with EMR.
Mitigation strategies include staff training, periodic
monitoring, internal audits, process improvements, and
management evaluation.
Conclusion: EMR implementation at RS A increased cases
and BPJS claims. However, challenges persist post-
implementation. Effective mitigation strategies can enhance
efficiency and BPJS claim quality.
Health services refer to a place or facility used to carry out promotive, curative,
preventive, and rehabilitative activities in the health sector. These activities are carried
out by government agencies, local governments, or communities. The main goal of health
services is to achieve outcomes that benefit patients, service providers, and the general
The Impact of Electronic Medical Record on BPJS Claims and Physician Performance
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3679
public (Sari, Lubis, & Tambunan, 2024). Healthcare facilities need to continuously
improve the quality of their services to compete using technological advances. One of the
technological developments used in this case is Electronic Medical Records (RME). RME
is an information technology that is used to collect, process, store, and access patient
medical data stored in hospitals through a database system (Aryanto & Sulthon, 2023).
With the advancement of digital transformation, EMR has become an important
step towards operational efficiency and better care. Through Permenkes No.24 of 2022,
all health facilities in Indonesia are expected to have implemented an EMR system by the
end of 2023. However, challenges related to BPJS claims often arise after EMR
implementation. An Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is a form of medical record that
previously existed in paper format but is now converted into electronic form. This process
involves transferring records or forms that were previously recorded manually on paper
into electronic form (Darianti, Dewi, & Herfiyanti, 2021).
The Social Security Organizing Agency (BPJS) is the institution responsible for
managing social security programs in Indonesia. Established to provide financial
protection to all Indonesians, BPJS provides various insurance programs, including BPJS
Kesehatan. The BPJS Kesehatan program provides access to affordable health services
for participants, with costs partially or fully covered by the government. BPJS Kesehatan
participants pay a monthly fee according to the chosen class of service, and in exchange,
they get access to a range of health facilities and medical services that cover prevention,
treatment, and rehabilitation. BPJS Kesehatan plays an important role in improving the
welfare of the community by providing financial protection against health risks, thus
ensuring that quality health services can be enjoyed by all levels of society in Indonesia.
In its implementation, BPJS claims using EMR sometimes encounter obstacles that
cause delays in submitting claims. There are several evaluation results related to the
implementation of BPJS claims conducted by academics.
The results of the Evaluation of the Implementation of Electronic Medical Record
(EMR) in Outpatient Queen Latifa Yogyakarta Hospital conducted by (Salim, Hani, &
Wulandari, 2022) showed that service user satisfaction was 97.5% good, usability was
95.1% good, user comfort was 95.1% good, information quality was 87.7% good,
performance expectations were 87.7% good, and officer attitudes were 95.1% good. The
conclusion is that the implementation of electronic medical records in the outpatient
department of Queen Latifa Hospital Yogyakarta is in a good category.
Another study by (Zulfikar, Nyorong, & Nuraini, 2023) on evaluating the
implementation of outpatient SIMRS on the BPJS claim reporting system at Aek Kanopan
Hospital, North Labuhan Batu Regency concluded that the variables of Reporting,
Coding, Verification and Submission affected the BPJS claim reporting system, Coding
had the most effect on the BPJS claim reporting system at Aek Kanopan Hospital, North
Labuhan Batu Regency. Hospital Management Information System is an integrated
information system prepared to handle the entire hospital management process, starting
from system services and actions for patients, medical records, pharmacies,
Sharah Aulia Winarsih, Bagoes Widjanarko, Farid Agushybana
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3680
pharmaceutical warehouses, billing, personnel databases, employee payroll, and
accounting processes to be controlled by management.
Another problem is the return of claim files or incompleteness of BPJS Health claim
files at RSUD Dr R.M Djoelham Binjai, namely, inappropriate or incomplete filling of
items in filling outpatient medical records, such as mismatches between diagnoses and
medical resumes, then the therapy provided is not by the existing diagnosis made by the
patient's responsible doctor (DPJP). There are also obstacles in its implementation, there
are still files that are late in returning which slows down the process of submitting BPJS
claims because they have to wait and also causes inaccuracy of officers so that errors
occur in the process of coding and data entry because of the accumulated files. In addition,
differences in understanding of the completeness of claim files between the hospital and
the BPJS Health verifier also affect pending claims (Santiasih et al., 2022).
(Puspaningsih, Suryawati, & Arso, 2022) found that the causes of pending BPJS
Health claims in hospitals were the determination of diagnosis codes and incomplete
medical resumes. Some of the factors that cause pending BPJS Health claims in hospitals
can be in the form of lack of coder knowledge, writing diagnoses that are difficult to
understand/incomplete, and incomplete recapitulation of services provided by the hospital
due to the large number of BPJS patients that must be handled. Efforts to reduce the
occurrence of pending BPJS Health claims should be carried out with good cooperation
between health workers and coders, for nurses and doctors to be more careful in writing
patient data on service recapitulation files, and health workers to be more careful when
filling out medical resumes.
In addition, (Bagus & Nyoman, 2020) informed that the implementation of BPJS
Health's integrated Clinical SIM and ERM fulfils aspects of feasibility based on
acceptance, need, integration, and practicality. However, the obstacles in this study are
related to the implementation aspect due to the lack of human resources, infrastructure,
implementation methods, budget, and the lack of implementation of Clinical SIM and
Based on the background explanation and some of the findings described above,
researchers want to further analyze the case of BPJS claims after conversion to ERM at
ABC Hospital and try to identify improvement strategies that can help overcome these
problems with the research title "The Increase Of BPJS Claims At Hospital After
Changing To E-Medical Records: Case Analysis And Mitigation Strategy.
Research Methods
This study utilized a mixed-methods approach combining primary and secondary
data to investigate the impact of Electronic Medical Data System (EMRS)
implementation on BPJS Health claim patterns. Primary data was obtained through
interviews with 5 respondents involved in the health system. These interviews provided
a first-hand view of the actors on the ground, capturing an in-depth understanding of their
experiences regarding changes in BPJS claims following the implementation of ESDM.
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In addition, secondary data was used to obtain a more comprehensive picture of the
changes in BPJS claims over a specific period, i.e. before and after ESDM
implementation from January to August 2023. This secondary data includes information
on the number of claims, types of services, and claims processing by BPJS Kesehatan.
Analysis of the secondary data will involve the use of tables, graphs, and descriptive
statistics, such as mean, median, and standard deviation. Through these methods, the
study will detail and explain changes in BPJS claim patterns before and after the
implementation of the EMR. The use of tables and graphs will help visualize the trends
of change, while descriptive statistics will provide a numerical overview of the
distribution characteristics of the claims data.
Qualitative data obtained from interviews will be analyzed in depth to understand
respondents' views, perceptions, and experiences related to the impact of EMR
implementation. This qualitative analysis can provide more contextual insights and
illustrate subjective aspects that may not be visible through secondary data analysis.
Results and Discussion
Descriptive Statistical Analysis Results
Before calculating statistically, the following is the data obtained from the hospital
which has been reprocessed into a more concise form.
Table 1
Number of BPJS Claims in January-August 2023
Jumlah Klaim
Jumlah Pasien
Jumlah Kasus
Based on the table data above, it can be seen that there is an increase in the number
of claims, patients, and cases every month except in April. To be able to describe in more
detail the increase in BPJS claims at the Hospital, statistical calculations will be made
consisting of mean (average value), median (middle value), and standard deviation. The
following presents the results of these statistical calculations.
Table 2
Descriptive Statistical Analysis Test Results
Number of
Number of
Sharah Aulia Winarsih, Bagoes Widjanarko, Farid Agushybana
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3682
Number of
Based on the table above, shows that the average number of claims is about
21,332,059,035, with a distribution that tends to have a deviation of about 2,019,624,158
from the mean. The median which is almost equal to the mean indicates a relatively
symmetrical distribution. Meanwhile, the mean number of patients is about 6,952, with a
fairly dispersed distribution with a standard deviation of about 2,930. The median being
lower than the mean may indicate a left skewness. Meanwhile, the average number of
cases is about 12,034, with a distribution that tends to be more concentrated around the
mean, characterized by a relatively low standard deviation (1,608). The median, which is
almost equal to the mean, indicates a relatively symmetrical distribution.
Table 3
relationship between doctor performance and completeness of BPJS claim documents
Completeness Variable
OR (95%CI)
Work Motivation
0,44 (0,10 1,92)
0,38 (0,07 1,92)
Work environment
1,38 (0,29 6,60)
Reward dan
0,25 (0,06 1,14)
1,31 (0,31 5,48)
Keterangan :
Continuity Correction;
Fisher’s Exact
From the results of the relationship test on the completeness of BPJS claim
documents using the Chi-Square test, the p value> 0.05 was obtained so it can be
concluded that there are no variables that have a significant relationship to the
completeness of BPJS claim documents.
The increase in the number of bag claims is a good sign that there is public
awareness in terms of health, but new problems arise in its implementation. These factors
include data errors, lack of staff training, technical constraints, and changes in operational
processes that have not been fully integrated with the EMR system:
1. Data Error
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Data is important information in making BPJS claims. If there are errors, the claim
submission process can be hampered. Data errors that often occur include participant
identification errors (name, NIK, or BPJS number registered in the system), Medical
Service Data Discrepancies, Data Input Errors by the Hospital, Participant Negligence in
Providing Information, and Technical Errors in the BPJS system or errors in data
processing can affect the integrity of claim data.
2. Lack of Human Resources
Lack of human resource (HR) competence in the context of BPJS claims can cause
several problems in the administration and claims handling process. Some of the problems
that may arise due to a lack of HR competence are Errors in inputting claim data into the
system, such as incorrectly writing identity numbers, participant names, or medical
information. Inability to handle BPJS policy changes, if HR is not up-to-date with BPJS
policy changes, they may face difficulties in managing claims according to the latest
provisions. Medical judgment errors may misinterpret medical records or fail to identify
actual medical service needs. Inability to handle participant complaints, incompetent
DMs may struggle to handle participant complaints related to claims, both in providing
explanations and resolving issues. Lack of Understanding of the Claims Process, If HR
do not have a good understanding of the entire BPJS claims process, they may take
inappropriate actions or overlook important stages in the claims process.
3. Technical Constraints
Technical constraints in the BPJS claims process can include several issues related
to the information systems, hardware, software, and technology infrastructure used. Some
of the issues that may arise due to technical constraints are System disruptions or
downtime that may hinder access and processing of claims data. Software errors, which
may experience bugs or errors, resulting in errors in data processing. Technology
Infrastructure Limitations, such as weak servers or unstable internet connections, can
hinder the performance of the claims system. Data Security Issues, Potential data security
breaches can result in unauthorized access or alteration of claims data. Data
Inconsistencies Between Systems, Data mismatches between BPJS systems and
healthcare providers' systems can cause difficulties in validating and handling claims.
Difficulties in integrating BPJS systems with third-party systems, such as hospitals or
pharmacies, may hinder the smooth flow of information.
4. Changes in operational processes that have not been fully integrated with the EMR
Operational process changes that are not fully integrated with the EMR (Electronic
Medical Record) system may cause several problems in the BPJS claims process. Here
are some of the issues that may arise: Inconsistencies in data entered into the EMR system
and the BPJS claims system may not always be consistent or appropriate, especially if
there are disagreements or errors in the operational change process. Delays in Information
Submission, if new operational processes are not well integrated, information required
Sharah Aulia Winarsih, Bagoes Widjanarko, Farid Agushybana
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for claims may experience delays in being submitted between the healthcare provider and
BPJS. Lack of Automation of Claims Process, if the claims process still relies on manual
work and is not fully integrated with the EMR system, the claims process can be slow and
prone to human error. Difficulty in Performance Monitoring and Evaluation, if there is
no good integration between operational processes and the EMR system, it is difficult to
effectively monitor and evaluate performance. Difficulty in Training Human Resources,
Operational changes that are not integrated with the EMR system can make it difficult to
train human resources to master new procedures.
Several studies show the problems that occur in health facilities, one of which is
by (Yasifa, Syahidin, & Herfiyanti, 2022) found several problems during the observation
of incomplete medical records, the process of analyzing the completeness of medical
records was carried out manually, the illegibility of diagnoses written by doctors on
medical resumes, the absence of doctors' signatures, and the absence of photocopies of
patient identity cards, such as photocopies of ID cards and photocopies of BPJS cards
resulting in delays in the claim process. Therefore, an information system is needed to
support the completeness of medical records so that the BPJS claim process runs correctly
and smoothly. The information system that researchers build helps PMIK in carrying out
BPJS claim activities.
Research (Kusumawati, 2020) conducted at Koja Hospital from June to July 2019
by taking data on pending claims during 2018, limited to pending inpatient claims and
those related to medical problems and medical resumes. In addition, in-depth interviews
were conducted with one verifier, one coder, and one grouper. 40.6% of the files were
coding and input errors, 21.9% were misplaced diagnoses, and 37.4% were incomplete
medical resumes. Thus, it is necessary to update the knowledge of the latest coding rules
and rules for coders and the implementation of electronic medical records to make it
easier for DPJP to complete the required medical resumes.
Another problem is the incidence of pending claims at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
Hospital due to several things including administration, medical, coding, inappropriate
and others (Nabila, Santi, Tabrani, & Deharja, 2020). In addition, the results of research
(Leonard, 2016) show that there are still problems in the input, process and environment
in the implementation of JKN patient service claims at Dr M Djamil Padang Hospital.
The input factor is known that in the implementation of diagnosis claims filled by PPDS
who have a lack of understanding and knowledge about filling in ICD 10 and ICD 9 CM
according to the rules, there is still a lack of coding grouping HR skills due to lack of
training and there are still HR placements that are not by competence. Not yet
bridging/connecting between INA CBGs, SIM RS and BPJS applications with IT that has
not been supported. Based on the process of the management function, most of the
problems occur at the implementation stage. Environmental factors are the absence of
internal policies in the form of sanctions and strict regulations in completing medical
record files, and the existence of independent IT policies that have not been supported.
Based on the results of research and discussion regarding the problems that occur
in the BPJS claim process after EMR implementation, all of them are almost similar,
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starting from the application of the system that is not perfect, data mismatches, data entry
errors, incompetent human resources, and so on.
To deal with the problems that occur, a mitigation strategy is carried out by the
Hospital, the following is the discussion.
The existing down-referral program makes it easier for primary healthcare
facilities to refer patients to hospitals. Hospitals have an important role in the HAFIZ
program, which often appears in services. The existence of a Data and Information Center
(Pusdatin) unit in the hospital aims to ensure re-visits or re-control of patients so that the
impact of the existence of Pusdatin can be better felt by patients. Management efforts in
improving service performance involve the hospital as a referral centre for small hospitals
to achieve complete services according to type B. Finally, Google reviews are the focus
of the hospital management's attention, demonstrating the importance of the hospital's
image and reputation in the eyes of the community, as well as its significant impact on
social media.
Internal referral refers to a process where one referral can cover several
polyclinics associated with that referral. In other words, one referral can be used to serve
different types of polyclinics without the need to request a new referral for each polyclinic
separately. The advantages of this system are especially evident in cases of complex
illnesses, where patients may require visits to different polyclinics for appropriate
treatment. This minimizes administrative hassle and makes it easier for patients to access
the various health services required to manage their illness.
Measures that need to be taken in the service after the patient has received health
care include re-screening according to their respective fields, evaluation of the rates that
have been billed by the finance unit, and the presence of administrative personnel for
outpatient and inpatient services. The coding arrangement should be aligned within the
service, known as one-day claims service. This process also involves pre- and post-claim
coding audits, along with pre-and post-claim evaluations by finance, medical services,
and medical record quality managers regarding the completion of medical records
reinforced by the optimization of the ERM system.
1. The verification process in health services is carried out in layers, especially in
inpatient cases involving the person in charge, pharmacist, coder, and person in charge.
In addition, in outpatient cases, verification takes place through a series of steps,
starting from the cashier, involving the coder, to the claim submission. At this stage,
the person in charge has a special role in handling claim submissions for cases that
have a potential risk of pending, ensuring that the process runs accurately and
2. Regular meetings between the PIC (Person in Charge), claimants, medical personnel,
healthcare managers and other relevant parties are conducted to discuss and resolve
issues related to pending claims and to design effective procedures for handling the
service that is the source of the problem. In these meetings, they identify the
bottlenecks that lead to pending issues and develop better governance to address these
Sharah Aulia Winarsih, Bagoes Widjanarko, Farid Agushybana
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3. Regular training for coders is necessary to continuously improve their competency in
medical coding. This training can include updates on the latest regulations and
guidelines, application of the latest technology, and improvement of technical skills in
the coding process. With regular training, coders can maintain a high level of expertise,
ensuring accurate coding quality and compliance with applicable standards.
4. Coding audits are conducted to monitor and evaluate the accuracy of the submitted
coding. This process involves careful examination of the medical documents produced,
comparing them with the coding that has been done, and ensuring compliance with
applicable guidelines and regulations. Coding audits are an important tool in ensuring
the quality and accuracy of medical coding and help in preventing potential pending
claims issues.
After it was declared that COVID-19 is no longer a pandemic and does not require
independent isolation for a long period, this situation creates a more comfortable
atmosphere for patients. Patients are no longer afraid or reluctant to visit the hospital.
This phenomenon is reflected in the increase in the utility rate of using BPJS cards to get
health services.
This change was recognized by the central Social Security Administration (BPJS),
which noted that more people sought health care after a period of uncertainty during the
pandemic. With the reduced fear of COVID-19 transmission and the overall recovery of
the public health situation, patients feel more confident to access the healthcare services
they need. The increase in the utilization rate of BPJS cards as a means of payment shows
the improvement of people's confidence in the healthcare system and their readiness to
return to get the necessary care.
Several regions have implemented Universal Health Coverage (UHC), where the
program can be run effectively if more than 90 per cent of the population has become
participants in the Health Social Security Organizing Agency (BPJS). Within the UHC
framework, BPJS Kesehatan is activated immediately when there is an emergency at the
hospital. This means that citizens who have registered as BPJS participants can quickly
and easily gain access to necessary health services without excessive financial constraints.
Through the implementation of this UHC program, the region can achieve broad health
insurance coverage and improve the availability of medical services when needed,
creating an important foundation for overall community health improvement.
Problems in delays in claim settlement can occur in any part, including at the time
of registration, doctor, coder, or case-mix. The participant registration process (SEP)
experiences misalignment between the Vclaim system and SIMRS. At the doctor stage,
delays can be caused by the lack of completeness of medical resumes and diagnoses that
are not by the Electronic Standards (SE) of the Insurance Organizing Agency (BA) which
are still in pending status and the Medical Service List (DPM). The coder needs to
maintain accuracy in coding to ensure that each code matches the information contained
in the BA pending claims. Meanwhile, in case-mix, accuracy is needed in checking the
completeness of the file and verifying that the bill matches the actions performed. This
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entire process requires good coordination between the various relevant sections to ensure
that each stage is processed accurately and by applicable regulations, thereby reducing
the risk of delayed claims.
This table shows the relationship between doctor performance and completeness of
BPJS claim documents based on certain variables. However, from the results of statistical
tests conducted, no significant relationship was found between these variables and the
completeness of BPJS claim documents.
1. Work Motivation: There is no significant relationship between work motivation
(favourable or unfavourable) and completeness of BPJS claim documents. This
suggests that work motivation does not directly impact the completeness of claim
documents in this context.
2. Training: Similar to work motivation, training (good or poor) also showed no
significant relationship with the completeness of BPJS claim documents. This
indicates that the level of training received by staff does not significantly affect the
completeness of claim documents.
3. Work Environment: This study did not find a significant relationship between the
quality of the work environment (good or less) and the completeness of BPJS claim
documents. This implies that the work environment, as perceived by respondents, does
not affect the completeness of claim documents.
4. Reward and Punishment: The analysis showed no data for the variable ‘Reward and
Punishment’, which indicates that the impact of reward and punishment on the
completeness of BPJS claim documents was not assessed in this study.
5. Workload: There was no significant relationship between workload (favourable or
unfavourable) and completeness of BPJS claim documents. This indicates that the
workload experienced by officers does not significantly affect the completeness of
claim documents.
6. Compensation: Similar to workload, there is no significant relationship between
compensation (good or less) and completeness of BPJS claim documents. This
suggests that the level of compensation received by staff does not significantly affect
the completeness of claim documents.
Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that the implementation of
Electronic Medical Records (EMR) at Hospitals contributes to a significant improvement
in terms of the number of patients, cases, and the number of claims with the national
health insurance program (BPJS). This improvement reflects a positive change in health
data management through the E-Medical Record (EMR) system. However, it should be
acknowledged that the increase in the nominal amount of BPJS claims is also
accompanied by some challenges and issues post-implementation of the Electronic
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Medical Data System (EMDS). In the results of the study, none of the variables analysed
(work motivation, training, work environment, workload, compensation) showed a
significant relationship with the completeness of BPJS claim documents. This implies
that other factors not included in the analysis may play a more significant role in
determining the completeness of claim documents.
These challenges may involve aspects such as system integration difficulties, data
security, and the need for enhanced human resource skills in operating the EMR system.
While this improvement provides a positive outlook on the benefits of technology
adoption, it is crucial to continuously identify and address obstacles that may arise during
the use of the EMDS system. Therefore, while the increase in BPJS claims indicates
success in adopting electronic medical records at A Hospital, further improvement and
development steps need to be taken to overcome the identified obstacles. These efforts
will support the sustainability of EMR implementation, enhance efficiency, and ensure
that the benefits of these changes can be optimally enjoyed by the entire healthcare
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