p–ISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 7 July 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3059
Challenges in Fostering Functional Positions After the
Issuance of the Regulation of the Minister of State Apparatus
Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform Number 1 of 2023
Rizki Indra Kurniawan
, Fibria Indriati Dwi Liestiawati
Universitas Indonesia Depok, Indonesia
Keywords: Human
Resource Management;
Bureaucratic Reform;
Equalization of Positions;
Functional Positions;
Supervisory Agency.
Human resource development (HR) is one of the
development priorities in Indonesia, including human
resources in the public sector. Bureaucratic simplification is
one of the efforts to reform the bureaucracy to improve the
quality of performance, which has an impact on the
equalization of echelon 3, echelon 4, and echelon 5 positions
into functional positions. Strengthening functional positions
in government agencies is also one of the steps to improve
the professionalism of Civil Servants (PNS). This research
is a descriptive qualitative research, which collects data
through literature studies, observations, and interviews. The
result of this study is that there are several challenges faced
after the issuance of PANRB Ministerial Regulation Number
1 of 2023. The first is that by determining credit scores and
drafting performance contracts only involving functional
officials with their direct superiors, it is necessary to pay
attention to how these two parties can ensure that functional
officials have performance targets by their scope. Second,
from the side of the functional position coaching agency, it
has the task of monitoring and evaluating the agency that
uses its functional position. The challenge is that there is no
clear mechanism for following up on the results of the
monitoring and evaluation. Then the third is how training
can be used by coaching agencies to overcome the
competency or knowledge gap that occurs.
Human resources (HR) is one of the components of organizations, both in the
private and public sectors. In the public sector, human resources are one of the areas that
are considered in development. In his inauguration as President of the Republic of
Indonesia for the 2019-2024 period, Joko Widodo said that human resource development
is one of the development priorities that will be carried out in his leadership period
(Presiden Republik Indonesia, 2019). The inclusion of human resource development in
this development priority shows that attention to the quality of human resources in the
public sector has become greater. Then, the development of human resources is also in
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3060
line with the Grand Design of Bureaucratic Reform for 2010 – 2025 which has 8 (eight)
areas of change, one of which is Apparatus Human Resources.
The development of human resources in the public sector is also still related to
another development priority of President Joko Widodo, namely the simplification of the
bureaucracy. This simplification is considered necessary because the bureaucracy is
considered inefficient. One of the indicators is the Indonesian Bureaucratic Efficiency
Index with a score of 56.3 (with the best score being 10 and the worst being 100) from
the Global Governance Index assessment (Prasojo, 2023). The index indicates that
bureaucracy in Indonesia is still inefficient, so bureaucratic reform is needed. In addition,
public organizations today in practice have many problems and dysfunction, so they
cannot produce efficient public services (Sedarmayanti, 2019).
This bureaucratic simplification includes at least two activities, namely simplifying
the bureaucracy into two-echelon levels and transferring structural positions to functional
positions (Pratama, Wibowo, & Purnomo, 2023). The two activities are interrelated,
where the number of echelons that are only two makes the other levels be eliminated,
namely echelon 3, echelon 4, and echelon 5. The loss of the position makes the officials
who are currently occupying the position have to be placed in new positions. To answer
this, the official was placed in a functional position, which is known as equalization of
positions into functional positions. This equalization of positions is not only due to the
factor of bureaucratic simplification but also because of several other problems behind it.
The problem is, first, a multi-tiered and very long decision-making process; second, the
orientation of Civil Servants (PNS) to pursue structural positions has weakened the
professionalism of duties and functions; third, building the responsibility of a position
holder not to delegate to a lower position.
In the implementation of this equalization of positions, the government through the
Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpanrb)
issued a regulation, namely the Regulation of the Minister of State Apparatus
Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform Number 28 of 2019 concerning the Equalization
of Administrative Positions into Functional Positions, which was then updated through
PANRB Ministerial Regulation Number 17 of 2021 concerning the Equalization of
Administrative Positions into Functional Positions. The regulation is the legal basis and
guidelines regarding the implementation of equality of positions. After several years of
the idea of equalizing this position, statistically, the majority of civil servants in Indonesia
occupy functional positions. The statistical data is presented more clearly in the following
figure 1.
Challenges in Fostering Functional Positions After the Issuance of the Regulation of the
Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform Number 1 of 2023
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3061
Figure 1 Graph of the Number of Civil Servants by Type of Position
Source: State Civil Service Agency (BKN) (2023)
Based on the statistics of civil servants published by the State Civil Service Agency
(BKN), it is known that the number of civil servants occupying functional positions is the
highest, namely 2,114,411 people or around 56% of the total number of civil servants in
Indonesia. The dominance of the number of civil servants who occupy functional
positions is a form of strengthening functional positions in the government. As a different
type of position coupled with the largest number of officials occupying it, the
management of this functional position must be clear. The goal is to avoid this functional
position remaining in its characteristics that prioritize certain expertise and skills and are
differentiated from executive positions and administrative (structural) positions.
To provide clearer regulations and guidelines related to functional positions, the
government issued regulations through the Ministry of PANRB, namely PANRB
Ministerial Regulation Number 13 of 2019 concerning the Proposal, Determination, and
Development of Functional Positions for Civil Servants. This rule is a guideline in the
management of functional positions, starting from appointment in office, career
development, to dismissal from position. While this regulation was still relatively not in
implementation, there was a change in the regulation. In 2023, PANRB Ministerial
Regulation Number 1 of 2023 was issued concerning functional positions which is a new
reference in the management of functional positions. The change in regulations certainly
brings several changes in the management of functional positions. In terms of the scope
of staffing, PANRB Ministerial Regulation Number 1 of 2023 already covers functional
positions occupied by Government Employees with Employment Agreements (PPPK).
In the previous regulation, it was only regulated about functional officials from civil
servants. Then in terms of coaching, which is quite interesting, the difference is that if in
the previous regulation, the calculation of credit scores for functional positions was based
on the Proposed List of Credit Numbers (DUPAK), then in the new regulation it is no
Jabatan Pimpinan
Tinggi (JPT);
22.011; 1%
97.425; 3%
1.343.873; …
209.140; 5%
Eselon 5; 8.442;
Jumlah PNS Berdasarkan Jenis Jabatan
Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi
Eselon 5
Rizki Indra Kurniawan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3062
longer based on DUPAK. The credit score for functional officials is based on the
conversion of performance predicates obtained by a functional official.
Talking about the management of functional positions is an interesting topic
because it has become one of the focuses in the management of civil servants in Indonesia
in recent years. This change in regulations is also a challenge that needs to be studied, in
addition to paying attention to problems that have occurred before. A year after the
implementation of the equalization of positions into functional positions, the study said
that there has been no direct impact on career development at the Ministry of PANRB
(Marthalina, 2021). This condition can be understood when viewed in terms of time,
application and impact is natural if it cannot be felt. This can be due to the need to adjust
to the new work environment, which means that it also requires adjustments to work
mechanisms. Other studies say that this equalization has an impact on the previous work
system, so it requires adjustments to the organization and work patterns (Permatasari &
Ariani, 2021). In line with this, Eko Prasojo also said that agencies still have difficulty
adapting to the new organizational structure, because there has been no adjustment to the
work mechanism with a functional-based organizational profile.
The change in the work mechanism is a challenge for functional positions after the
equalization, while for those who have held functional positions before, the change in
regulations in 2023 is a challenge that needs to be faced. A study was conducted on
functional officials of Goods/Services Procurement Management at the Construction
Services Selection Center (BP2JK) of the Gorontalo Region at the Ministry of Public
Works and Public Housing (Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing). This study
focuses on how this change in regulations affects the promotion of functional positions.
The results of the study said that out of a total of 8 functional officials, 5 functional
officials have the potential to experience promotions that are longer than regular time
(Nugroho, 2023). From the study, it is known that this change in regulations needs to be
considered because it can have an impact on the human resource management process of
the functional officials concerned.
Several studies that have been carried out related to these functional positions show
that this functional position still needs re-attention and becomes interesting to discuss.
Starting from the equalization of positions into functional positions that require
adjustments to work mechanisms, as well as career development after equalization that
also needs to be considered. Then it is interesting to discuss further related to the changes
in the regulations of functional positions that occur. This research aims to explore the
challenges faced after the issuance of PANRB Ministerial Regulation Number 1 of 2023.
It is hoped that with the identification of these challenges, functional officials can be
better prepared to face them and can be evaluated in the development of civil servant
management regulations, especially related to functional positions in the future.
Research Methods
This research is descriptive qualitative research, where qualitative research tries to
understand the meaning of individual or group behaviour through exploration, which then
Challenges in Fostering Functional Positions After the Issuance of the Regulation of the
Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform Number 1 of 2023
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3063
describes social or humanitarian problems (Salam, 2023). Then according to John W.
Creswell and J. David Creswell (2018) this qualitative research is a "The process of
research involves emerging questions and procedures, data typically collected in the
participant's setting, data analysis inductively building from particulars to general themes,
and the researcher making interpretations of the meaning of the data". In other words, this
qualitative research tries to understand the events in the object of research, and then
interpret the data and findings obtained. In collecting data, this study uses literature study
techniques, observations, and interviews. The data that has been collected is then analyzed
through data coding, and analysis by data triangulation so that the analysis formed can
describe the events that occur in the field.
Results and Discussion
The discussion about functional positions has become interesting since human
resource development has become a priority of the President of the Republic of Indonesia
for the 2019-2024 period. The equalization of positions into functional positions is carried
out in the context of simplifying the bureaucracy. The existence of this equalization policy
has had the impact of changing the organizational structure in government agencies,
which then also demands the adjustment of the work mechanism. This working
mechanism is needed because, after equalization, government agencies are expected to
work on a function-based basis.
In addition to the issue of equalization of positions, changes in regulations are also
one of the issues that make the topic of functional positions interesting to discuss. PANRB
Ministerial Regulation Number 1 of 2023 was issued only about 4 years after the previous
regulation. This change in regulations is a challenge for functional officials and
government agencies, including functional position coaching agencies. Functional
position coaching agencies can be said to be government agencies that have additional
duties to manage functional positions. As managers, the coaching agency needs to
understand this new rule to then adjust to the conditions of the functional position that is
the responsibility of coaching.
One of the agencies that fosters functional positions is the Secretariat General of
the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI). There are 5 (five)
functional positions whose responsibility for coaching is in the Secretariat General of the
House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, namely State Budget Analyst,
Legislative Assistant, Assistant Legislative Assistant, Analyst for Monitoring the
Implementation of Laws and Regulations, and Legislative Analyst. Among the five
functional positions, the Legislative Secretary is the functional position with the largest
number of office holders and is spread more widely than other positions, as Table 1
Rizki Indra Kurniawan
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Table 1
Number and Distribution of Functional Officials of the Legislative Assembly
to the
Secretariat of the
From Table 1, it is known that out of a total of 412 functional officials of the
Legislative Secretariat, as many as 372 of them are in the Secretariat of the DPRD both
at the Provincial and Regency/City levels. In terms of proportion, of course, this is a very
large number, compared to those located in the Secretariat General of the House of
Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia itself. This considerable number is partly
due to the equalization of positions. This is known from the results of an interview with
Dewi Pusporini the Head of the Functional Position Development Section at the
Secretariat General of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia. The
functional officials of the Legislative Council in the DPRD Secretariat are mostly due to
the results of equalization into functional positions, which is the implementation of
bureaucratic simplification (Saefuloh, 2024). This condition requires good
communication and dissemination of information so that functional officials in regional
agencies also have access to qualified information.
The change in the regulation of functional positions through PANRB Ministerial
Regulation Number 1 of 2023 also makes the Secretariat General of the House of
Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia as a supervisory agency need to make
adjustments. The follow-up is to issue Regulation of the Secretary General of the House
of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Number 13 of 2023 which is a derivative
regulation in the form of Guidelines for the Implementation of Functional Positions.
Socialization and dissemination of information to all functional officials are also carried
out, both about the Regulation of the Minister of PANRB and the Regulation of the
Secretary General of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia related
to functional positions. From observations, it is known that the Secretariat General of the
House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia has carried out socialization
activities several times, for example on March 15, 2023, August 30, 2023, October 12,
2023, and November 7, 2023. According to Asep Ahmad Saefuloh, the Head of the
Human Resources Bureau of the Secretariat General of the House of Representatives of
the Republic of Indonesia for the 2022-June 2024 period, said that in addition to
conducting socialization in the form of hybrid meetings, other methods are also used,
namely through working visits to agencies that have functional officials of the Legislative
Secretariat, as well as opening doors for regional agencies that consult the Secretariat
General of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (Saefuloh, 2024).
The goal is of course that every functional official and the agency where they are located
have enough information to carry out their daily duties and functions.
Challenges in Fostering Functional Positions After the Issuance of the Regulation of the
Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform Number 1 of 2023
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3065
The socialization carried out in various ways is a response as well as an effort to
counter the feedback received by the Secretariat General of the House of Representatives
of the Republic of Indonesia. It is a response as well as a countermeasure because the
findings during interaction with functional officials and user agencies are that there is a
knowledge gap. In user agencies, the findings that are often found are not understanding
the meaning of minutes, which has been understood as minutes, turn out to be more about
brief reports or meeting notes (Pusporini, 2024). This difference in knowledge is
homework for the supervisory agency, to maintain and improve the performance
standards of functional officials of the Legislative Peri. It is hoped that by continuing to
socialize or interact in other forms, it can make functional officials aware that there are
still differences in knowledge, and know the path to explore the information needed.
There is still a lack of knowledge about the functional positions that are being
occupied, which is one of the points that needs to be improved. This condition was then
added to the existence of new regulations for functional positions. One of the updates
contained in this new regulation is that the determination of credit scores is no longer
based on DUPAK but through the conversion of performance predicate values. This rule
has the potential to pose challenges that are not simple, both for the functional officials
concerned, user agencies, and functional position coaching agencies.
Discuss the challenges of this credit score determination system, will discuss first
the old credit determination system, namely by using DUPAK. In this era of using
DUPAK, the performance contract carried out by functional officials to the organization
is based on the items of functional position activities. Each functional officer makes a
performance contract by choosing what activity items he will carry out in that year, and
where these activity items have their credit scores. With the availability of a choice of
activities that can be contracted, the work of this functional official will be by the duties
and functions of the functional position he occupies. This is because the item of activity
is set specifically for a functional position, which means that it has been adjusted to the
duties and functions of the functional position. As a result, it is hoped that the quality of
the work of this functional position can be maintained because the possibility of doing
work outside of their duties will be small.
Different conditions were then faced with the issuance of PANRB Ministerial
Regulation Number 1 of 2023, which made the determination of credit scores no longer
based on DUPAK. In this new regulation, the determination of credit scores will be based
on the predicate of the results of the performance assessment of a functional official. This
condition is said to be a challenge in the management of functional positions.
On the other hand, the performance standards that are targeted are a challenge to
this system. The reason is that the preparation of targets in this performance contract only
involves functional officials concerned with their direct superiors. It needs to be ensured
that these two parties have knowledge of the scope of work that should be the work of the
functional position. If knowledge about this is inadequate, there is a potential that
functional officials will have performance targets that are not the responsibility of their
duties and functions. In the concept of human resource management, in principle, this
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3066
performance assessment is a way to measure the contribution of individuals to their
organization (Sulistiyani & Rosidah, 2018). However, it is still necessary to pay attention
to the portion of each individual, because there are positions that have been carried out so
that the workload or duties and functions must be adjusted. This is also corroborated by
the opinion that the results of work achieved in the context of fulfilling organizational
goals must be by the authority and responsibility of each individual (Sedarmayanti, 2019).
Such conditions prepare performance contracts need to pay attention to the scope of the
employee's position in question, in this case, it also includes functional positions.
About the performance management of these functional officials, the new
regulation puts the coaching agency in a less strategic position in the context of
monitoring the work results of its functional officials. This is due to the condition that has
been conveyed previously, namely the performance of this functional official is prepared
until the assessment is carried out between the functional official concerned and his direct
superior. When the targeted performance is an activity outside the scope of their
functional position, but on the other hand, their direct supervisor does not know if it is
not appropriate, and is still satisfied with the performance of their functional officials,
then the performance assessment will be fine. In this situation, the supervisory agency is
positioned only as a regulator and monitors the performance of functional officials.
First, the position of the supervisory agency as a regulator of functional officials is
reflected in the duties of the supervisory agency in PANRB Ministerial Regulation
Number 1 of 2023. In the regulation, it is stated that one of the tasks of the supervisory
agency is to prepare quality standards for work results and guidelines for assessing the
quality of work results of functional officials. This means that this coaching agency has
the responsibility to determine the standard of work results that are expected to be
produced by the functional officials who are responsible for coaching. This is a good start
because with this work result standard, there are clear provisions regarding how the
expected work results are. This standard can be used by functional officials and their
direct supervisors in compiling performance targets, of course by adjusting to
organizational performance goals. Similar conditions are also related to the guidelines for
the assessment of work results, which can be useful for the direct supervisor of functional
officials to provide an assessment of the work done by functional officials.
The existence of work performance standards and assessment guidelines for the
work results of functional officials is certainly a good point because it can maintain the
quality of work of the relevant functional officials and the organization where they serve.
On the other hand, a mechanism is needed to ensure that the standards for work results
and guidelines for assessing work results have been implemented properly. For the
supervisory agencies, there are tasks related to it, namely monitoring and evaluating the
implementation of functional positions in all government agencies that use these
functional positions. This monitoring and evaluation task looks promising as a controlling
mechanism, especially to control the quality of the work of functional officials. In
practice, the strength of this monitoring and evaluation is still a question mark, whether
it can affect functional position user agencies to comply with the results of the monitoring
Challenges in Fostering Functional Positions After the Issuance of the Regulation of the
Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform Number 1 of 2023
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3067
and evaluation carried out. The imposition of sanctions if there is a discrepancy in the
results of monitoring and evaluation is also still unclear, so this monitoring and evaluation
is carried out only for mapping. For example, the Secretariat General of the House of
Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, which is the agency that fosters the
functional position of the Legislative Executive, is tasked with monitoring and evaluating
government agencies that use these positions. When something is found that is not
suitable for monitoring, then it is not clear how to ensure that there will be improvements
in the future.
"Perhaps the problem is that we (the Secretariat General of the House of
Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia) cannot intervene in the (Secretariat) of the
DPRD (as an agency that uses functional positions) because the DPR is not the parent of
the DPRD".
This condition is a challenge in itself and from the perspective of state
organizations, it seems that this needs to be a concern for the central government. With
the task of monitoring and evaluation for this supervisory agency, of course, it needs to
be determined regarding the follow-up of the monitoring and evaluation that has been
carried out. A clear mechanism is needed to ensure that improvements are made to the
results of the monitoring and evaluation.
Before there is clarity regarding the follow-up of the monitoring and evaluation
results, at least there are steps that can be taken by the coaching agency related to the
issue of knowledge gaps or work quality, namely by organizing functional training. The
implementation of this functional training is also one of the duties of the functional
position coaching agency regulated in PANRB Ministerial Regulation Number 1 of 2023.
Training can be said to be a systematic process of changing worker behaviour in a
direction that will achieve organizational goals (WIbowo, 2022). Edwin B. Flippo also
stated that training is a process to help employees gain effectiveness in their current and
future work through the development of habits, thoughts, actions, skills, knowledge, and
attitudes (Sedarmayanti, 2019). From this opinion, it is known that this training is carried
out to develop the ability of employees or individuals to be able to carry out their duties
and functions effectively.
In carrying out this training, the functional position coaching agency is the
organizer of the training, starting from planning to evaluation. With this training, it is
hoped that functional officials have competencies that are by what has become the
standard. The existence of this training is certainly expected to reduce the competency
gap that still occurs, even to eliminate the gap. With the preparation of the curriculum
that is also in the coaching agency, the coaching agency can make a comprehensive
training plan regarding the substance that will be given to the participants of this training.
Of course, the preparation of this training curriculum needs to be carried out carefully, so
that the material provided is to the needs or problems that are being faced by functional
officials or user agencies. In the end, this can make this functional training one of the
means of maintaining and improving the competence of functional officials.
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From the discussions that have been carried out, the result is that in the development
of this functional position, there are challenges faced, especially related to the existence
of new regulations that regulate functional positions nationally. The first is related to the
determination of credit scores that no longer use DUPAK, but the conversion of
performance assessment predicates. The challenge is that these performance appraisals
only involve functional officials related to their direct supervisors. On the one hand, this
becomes a simpler process, but what needs to be ensured is that these two parties involved
have sufficient knowledge about the scope of work of functional positions. If not
equipped with sufficient knowledge, the potential for functional officials to do work
outside their scope becomes open and can reduce the quality of the work of individual
functional officials. The second is the challenge in the form of monitoring and evaluation
which is the task of the coaching agency. This monitoring and evaluation is carried out to
other government agencies that use functional positions. In its implementation, this
monitoring and evaluation is useful for mapping problems that occur in user agencies. On
the other hand, there is no clear mechanism for how the supervisory agency can play a
role in improving the findings or problems that occur in the user agency because the
position of government agencies has their basis. This condition makes the coaching
agency also not have a clear position and requires further regulation in handling this. Then
the last one is about functional training which is the task of the coaching agency.
Functional training can be one of the steps taken by the coaching agency in following up
on the monitoring and evaluation that has been carried out. This is because training can
be a means of improving the competence of functional officials. With note, this training
is accompanied by a curriculum that is by the needs of functional officials, so that the
training can be a concrete solution in overcoming the problem of competency gaps.
Challenges in Fostering Functional Positions After the Issuance of the Regulation of the
Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform Number 1 of 2023
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3069
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