Erna Ferrinadewi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3090
control their emotions of fear of the disease outbreak at that time (Sharma, Dwivedi,
Mariani, & Islam, 2022).
Post-purchase consumer behavior is also largely determined by the emotional state
of consumers, in this case, what they feel in their satisfaction. In purchase intent,
complaints and the desire to buy or replace another brand are also influenced by the
emotions felt after the purchase. The emotions felt by consumers in the context of service
products are determined by the condition of the physical environment and the state of the
social environment (Naami & Hezarkhani, 2018). In the case of impulsive purchases, it
is often associated with being a factor in both external and internal situations (Haq &
Abbasi, 2016).
In marketing, consumer emotions are an important factor because many efforts in
building brands are aimed at creating a close emotional relationship between consumers
and brands. This strong emotional connection with the brand will lead the purchase
decision process to be more profitable for marketers and prevent a deep sense of
disappointment when the product fails to deliver on what it promises.
Emotional Marketing is widely used by marketers to get a response from potential
buyers by utilizing emotions in all marketing and advertising efforts so that the product
is known, remembered, purchased and even recommended to others. Generally, the
emotions used are emotions such as happiness, sadness, sadness, or fear to provoke a
response from potential buyers (Sharma et al., 2022). Even some experts consider that
emotions are also able to sharpen buyers' rational considerations. In its development, the
brand's next effort is to build an emotional connection with potential buyers to drive the
purchase decision process. Emotions are mental states that arise as a result of the human
cognitive process. This cognition process is also followed by a psychological process,
even the presence of these emotions can also affect the results of the cognition process
that runs in the purchase decision (Achar, So, Agrawal, & Duhachek, 2016).
On the other hand, impulse buying is a tendency to make purchases that are made
spontaneously by consumers and even seem sudden without prior deep thought and
decided immediately in front of the product to be purchased. In impulse purchases,
consumers do not evaluate information on various product alternatives and do not
consider the consequences after their purchase (Kabamba & Smith, 2022), it can be
concluded that impulse purchases do not involve a cognition process that tends to be
Impulsive purchases have been found in previous studies departing from sensory
experiences experienced by consumers such as store atmosphere, room layout, store
aroma, and creating integral emotions, so some experts argue that impulsive purchases
will occur a lot in the store environment and rarely occur in online purchase situations.
This is because, in the situation of online purchases, the sensors that can be applied to
online purchases are limited to the eyes and ears so that consumers are less likely to make
purchases spontaneously (Moreira, Fortes, & Santiago, 2017).
On the other hand, for online purchases, a close emotional relationship is also
needed between buyers in order to reduce the risk of purchase, brands are used by