The Effectiveness of Zakat Services in Increasing Economic Independence
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3081
the development of education and science, the development of infrastructure, and as a
provider of services that support the benefits and benefits. Security, among others. Who
are less fortunate, such as the poor, as well as other assistance (Aziz, 2014).
Zakat is a type of worship (Muslims) that has a dual dimension, namely
transcendental (related to the relationship between humans and their God) and horizontal
(related to social relations in society) (Amsari, 2019). Therefore, zakat is seen as one of
the worships that has a very important, strategic, and very decisive position both in terms
of sharia (religion) and from a social aspect, especially in efforts for socio-economic
independence in society (Iswanaji, Nafi’Hasbi, Salekhah, & Amin, 2021).
Zakat also generally has an important role in alleviating poverty and its existence
cannot be denied. Most people also know that the purpose of zakat is to alleviate poverty.
The role of zakat is not only limited to poverty alleviation but also aims to overcome other
community problems, such as increasing community economic productivity, overcoming
natural disasters, improving the quality of community education, and so on (Jepri, 2019).
Based on Law no. Article 23 of 2011 concerning Zakat Management states that
Zakat must be managed institutionally according to Islamic law to increase its
effectiveness and efficiency. In addition, Article 1 states that the National Amil Zakat
Agency, hereinafter referred to as BAZNAS, is an institution that manages zakat
nationally (Maulana, 2019). The Amil Zakat Agency, hereinafter abbreviated as LAZ, is
a unit formed by the community to assist in the collection, distribution, and use of zakat.
As carried out by the National Amil Zakat Agency, Jayawijaya Regency has several
programs including the Economic Independence Program. This program is very
beneficial for the people of Jayawijaya, especially in areas that are the service areas of
the National Amil Zakat Agency to grow the economy. Independence affects the welfare
of the people. The National Amil Zakat Agency as the state zakat organizing body carries
out various services and efforts through various programs for the community to realize
welfare and solutions to all socio-economic problems.
Regarding the orientation of services to increase financial independence in
Jayawijaya Regency, in general, most of them have not received comprehensive support
from the Jayawijaya Regency National Amil Zakat Agency program and some are still
far from independence both socially and economically. Together, the lack of an
independent attitude or the absence of an attitude that manifests itself in acting according
to its desires, as well as a lack of confidence and the ability to take care of oneself. This
can be seen from some people who continue to ask for financial assistance from people
who can afford it so the financial independence of some people in Jayawijaya Regency is
still relatively low. According to Kasrun, autonomy, responsibility, initiative, and self-
control include attitudes that show independence.
With the phenomenon that occurs in the community in Jayawijaya Regency,
especially the underprivileged local community in the economic aspect, the National
Amil Zakat Agency of Jayawijaya Regency takes part in handling the economic sector
through its independent economic programs such as the provision of business fund
assistance and other programs.