pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 8 August 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3721
Information Technology Governance Analysis to Reduce
Information Security Risks Using Cobit 2019: A Case Study
of Manufacturing Companies
Aditia Nugroho
, Hari Ginardi
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Indonesia
Keywords: IT
COBIT 2019;
information security.
PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk is a company engaged in
the manufacturing industry that utilizes digital
transformation to improve efficiency, optimize facilities and
assist organizations in making business decisions quickly.
However, there are new challenges in implementing digital
transformation, namely increasing dependence on
information technology (IT) and triggering high potential
threats to information security. Therefore, good information
technology governance is needed in managing information
security. The research method is based on the Control
Objectives for Information Technologies (COBIT)
framework version 2019 as the best guide in managing
information technology governance. The research was
conducted in several stages, including data collection
through observation of policy documents and interviews
with employees of the BEICT (Business Enables &
Information Communication Technology) Department who
are responsible for managing services and maintaining the
company's digital assets. Evaluation of the maturity level
was carried out on 8 priority objectives consisting of
EDM03, EDM05, APO12, APO13, APO14, BAI09, DSS05,
and MEA04 based on design factor assessment. The results
of the analysis of selected domain activities, the IT
governance maturity level was at 2.56 (managed level).
Indicates that the organization has managed and
implemented information security activities, but some
activities do not yet have written policies or procedures.
With recommendations in the form of proposed
improvements to the aspects of people, processes and
technology, it is hoped that it can increase the level of
maturity of IT governance in reducing information security
risks and supporting digital transformation programs.
Aditia Nugroho, Hari Ginardi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3722
In the era of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA) which
describes the business environment is affected by rapid changes, external uncertainty, the
complexity of problems and often unpredictable unclarity (Nugroho, 2024). Digital
transformation (DT) is one of the strategies for answering various challenges and business
sustainability. Digital transformation is the fundamental process of how organizations
utilize information technology (IT) to improve performance, efficiency and innovation.
The level of adaptation of a company in the era of disruption is greatly influenced by the
level of digital transformation and innovation (Škare & Soriano, 2021).
In the implementation of digital transformation, PT Krakatau Steel Tbk as one of
the State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) companies engaged as the largest and integrated
steel producer in Indonesia continues to strive for the development of information
technology consistently and sustainably to realize the vision of becoming a competitive,
profitable and reliable corporation and realize the company's mission in realizing
productive and efficient operational performance in producing products and services
quality (Tan, Ambouw, & Kustiwi, 2024). The digitalization that has been carried out
brings a lot of business operational benefits, especially added value to customers, but it
also raises several new challenges to the technological dimension, namely the increasing
dependence on information technology in the operational aspect of services, making
organizations vulnerable to cyberattacks and the risk of information security breaches
such as viruses and data leaks that cause financial impacts (Shiau, Wang, & Zheng, 2023)
The results of a survey conducted on chief audit executives from shared countries and
industries in Europe (Aqil & Khalid, 2024) showed that as many as 82% of respondents
said that data security risks and cyber vulnerabilities are still the number one threat and
will still occur in the next three years. Inequality in the application of information
technology and increasing vulnerability to information security threats in the government
sector and the business world are some of the world's main risks in the next two to five
years, along with many other cyber threats such as ransomware. Information security and
IT governance are two important aspects of information management in an organization.
The two are closely related and influence each other. Effective governance plays an
important role in ensuring information protection and security in an organization or
country, information security failures can affect the organization's finances and image
(Petroye, Liulov, Lytvynchuk, Paida, & Pakhomov, 2020).
IT governance is the process of managing information effectively to achieve
organizational goals (Noorhasanah, Winarno, & Adhipta, 2015). This involves setting
policies, procedures, and practices related to information management (Alayida, Aisyah,
Deliana, & Diva, 2023). Good IT governance will include policies and procedures related
to aspects of information security. On the other hand, effective information security
requires good governance to manage risk and ensure compliance with established policies
and procedures (Oktarina, 2022). Based on the new regulation of the Ministry of SOEs
number PER-2/MBU/03/2023 CHAPTER VII article 208 of the implementation of
information technology, it is stated that SOEs are obliged to maintain cyber security by
Information Technology Governance Analysis to Reduce Information Security Risks Using
Cobit 2019: A Case Study of Manufacturing Companies
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3723
the principles of information security which include confidentiality, integrity and
availability as well as identifying threats and vulnerabilities in their information
technology assets by preparing a cyber incident countermeasure and recovery plan by
referring to best practices (Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, 2023).
Control Objective for Information Technologies (COBIT) is an IT governance
framework that provides a series of common processes for information technology
management, including aspects of information security (Zuraidah, 2020). The advantage
of COBIT lies in the integration of information security governance into broader IT
governance, allowing for a comprehensive measurement of governance capabilities to
achieve the expected goals (Suwandi & Setiawan, 2021).
Krakatau Steel Tbk's IT services are managed by the Business Enabler Information
Communication Technology (BEICT) Department as part of supporting the achievement
of the strategic objectives of the organization (Maskur, Adolong, & Mokodongan, 2018).
The BEICT department has in-depth knowledge of the technology used in the company,
ensures technology needs, evaluates solutions and implements appropriate technologies
to achieve the organization's business goals, and protects and ensures the company's
compliance with applicable regulations on the security of the company's systems and data
so that the service can operate properly. Within one year, there were recorded firewall
security events that showed several types of inbound and outbound traffic attacks. From
the list of traffic anomalies of firewall perimeter devices, it is illustrated that the threat of
cyber-attacks faced is quite many and varies in type, ranging from scanning activities,
malware and also web application attacks. In addition, there are still reports of incident
tickets related to phishing emails, and web defacing masquerading as partners, business
partners or official institutions to some employees who try to obtain personal information.
Based on these problems, this study aims to analyze the objectives of the IT governance
domain based on the COBIT 2019 framework which is in line with the company's goals,
measure the level of capability and maturity of governance and management domain
activities so that it can improve information technology governance in the scope of
information security.
Research Methods
This study adopts the COBIT 2019 (continual improvement life cycle) roadmap
implementation approach method which focuses on the design stages and improvement
recommendations in the area of information security, the stages carried out are as follows:
Tahap 1 (What are the drivers)
The first step taken in this study is to identify the problems that are the challenges
of the organization. Identification is carried out through business process studies and
literature reviews. The literature review aims to be a reference in strengthening theories
that are relevant to the research. Meanwhile, business studies are the study of company
documents. In addition, at this stage, the COBIT domain will be determined using the
COBIT 2019 design toolkit based on interviews with BEICT Department Managers on
Aditia Nugroho, Hari Ginardi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3724
eleven design factors which include company strategy, company goals, IT risk profile, IT
key issues, IT development methods that are currently being carried out.
Tahap 2 (Where are we now)
The second stage is to prepare an assessment sheet based on the selected objectives
from the results of the factor design assessment, identify Respondents using RACI
(Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) Charts that are tailored to the
organizational structure, collect primary and secondary data using a qualitative approach
through interviews and observation of several company documents such as policy
documents, standard operating procedures, work instructions. Interviews were conducted
with individuals and focus group discussions orally by asking questions about the process
and activities of COBIT 2019 to parties who have responsibility for services in the BEICT
Department of PT Krakatau Steel related to the conditions of governance implementation
in the organization. After the data is collected, the data is processed to facilitate the
process of analyzing the current IT governance implementation conditions using a
process capability scheme based on the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI).
In CMMI, maturity levels are defined in 6 levels as presented in Table 1.
Table 1
CMMI COBIT 2019 Maturity Level
0 – Incomplete
The process is not implemented, the outcome is unpredictable
and there is no clear structure.
1 – Initial
The process is not formally planned, or undocumented, the
success of the process depends on the individual, not the
2- Managed
The process is implemented and carried out based on planning,
even though the procedure is not complete or perfect, the
results of the process are documented even though it is still not
3- Defined
The process is well documented, standardized throughout the
organization, and consistent in the implementation of the
process. There are clear guidelines and methods.
Process performance data is quantitatively measured and
controlled, to ensure the process runs efficiently.
The organization focuses on continuous improvement, there
are systematic activities in improving processes based on
feedback and analysis.
In assessing process performance, assessment scales are used, including N, P, L,
and F. N (not achieved) on a scale of 0 14%, in this category the process has not existed
or has not been implemented correctly, there is no evidence that the process objectives
have been achieved. The P scale (partially achieved) is 15 50%, but the implementation
of the process is still inconsistent and only in some parts. The L scale (largely achieved)
is 50 84%, in the category The process is carried out consistently throughout the
organization even though there are several shortcomings. F scale (fully achieved) 85
100%, in this category the process is fully implemented and all results are expected to
have been achieved.
Information Technology Governance Analysis to Reduce Information Security Risks Using
Cobit 2019: A Case Study of Manufacturing Companies
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3725
Tahap 3 (Where do we want to be)
At this stage, a comparison of data obtained from research in the field, especially in
the area of information security, with the level of capability expected by the company
based on the COBIT 2019 framework, is carried out. Gap analysis is used to find the
difference between the level of capability obtained to the target level to be achieved so
that the extent of the current IT governance implementation process can be analyzed.
Tahap 4 (What needs to be done)
The results of the gap analysis in the previous stage are used as a basis for the
improvement plan. The improvement plan contains recommendations that can be carried
out by the organization, especially in the BEICT Krakatau Steel Department to improve
IT governance related to information security risks by the expected targets. IT governance
recommendations are grouped based on aspects of people, processes and technology that
have implications for management.
Results and Discussion
The COBIT 2019 Design Factor is several elements that help in determining the
priority domain objectives of IT governance that are in line with the specific needs, goals
and conditions of an organization. After assessing the design factor (DF1-10), the values
for the 40 core models were obtained, and the following results were obtained:
Objective model into > 75 (Important)
1. EDM05 Ensuring Risk Optimization (100)
2. APO12 Risk Management (100)
3. APO14 Data Management (100)
4. BAI09 Asset Management (100)
5. 2. Objective core model with a value of < 75)
6. EDM03 Ensuring Risk Optimization (50)
7. APO13 Security Management (50)
8. DSS05 Security Service Management (50)
9. MEA04 Audit/Asssurance Management (50)
After being communicated with the stakeholders of the BEICT Department, namely
the BEICT Department Manager, the objective with a value of 50 will be included in the
IT governance review because it is related to the information security aspect. From the
objectives that have been agreed upon, then mapping is carried out based on the COBIT
Focus Area: Information Security guideline. Table 2 shows a list of 46 processes with a
total of 176 COBIT 2019 activities that are on the evaluation list.
Table 2
Number of Objective Domain Activities
EDM03 — Ensured Risk Optimization
EDM03.01 Evaluate risk management
EDM03.02 Direct risk management
EDM03.03 Monitor risk management.
Aditia Nugroho, Hari Ginardi
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EDM05 — Ensured Stakeholder Engagement
EDM05.01 Evaluate stakeholder engagement and reporting requirements
EDM05.02 Direct stakeholder engagement, communication and
EDM05.03 Monitor stakeholder engagement
APO12 — Managed Risk (Pengelolaan Risiko)
APO12.01 Collect data
APO12.02 Analyze risk
APO12.03 Maintain a risk profile
APO12.04 Articulate risk
APO12.05 Define a risk management action portfolio
APO12.06 Respond to risk
APO13 — Managed Security
APO13.01 Establish and maintain an information security management
system (ISMS).
APO13.02 Define and manage an information security and privacy risk
treatment plan
APO13.03 Monitor and review the information security management
system (ISMS)
APO14 — Managed Data
APO14.01 Define and communicate the organization’s data management
strategy and roles and responsibilities.
APO14.02 Define and maintain a consistent business glossary
APO14.03 Establish the processes and infrastructure for metadata
APO14.04 Define a data quality strategy
APO14.05 Establish data profiling methodologies, processes and tools
APO14.06 Ensure a data quality assessment approach
APO14.07 Define the data cleansing approach.
APO14.08 Manage the life cycle of data assets
APO14.09 Support data archiving and retention.
APO14.10 Manage data backup and restore arrangements
BAI09 — Managed Assets
BAI09.01 Identify and record current assets
BAI09.02 Manage critical assets
BAI09.03 Manage the asset life cycle
BAI09.04 Optimize asset value
BAI09.05 Manage licenses
DSS05—Managed Security Services
DSS05.01 Protect against malicious software
DSS05.02 Manage network and connectivity security
DSS05.03 Manage endpoint security
DSS05.04 Manage user identity and logical access.
DSS05.05 Manage physical access to I&T assets.
DSS05.06 Manage sensitive documents and output devices.
DSS05.07 Manage vulnerabilities and monitor the infrastructure for
security-related events
MEA04 — Managed Assurance
MEA04.01 Ensure that assurance providers are independent and
MEA04.02 Develop risk-based planning of assurance initiatives
Information Technology Governance Analysis to Reduce Information Security Risks Using
Cobit 2019: A Case Study of Manufacturing Companies
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3727
MEA04.03 Determine the objectives of the assurance initiative.
MEA04.04 Define the scope of the assurance initiative
MEA04.05 Define the work program for the assurance initiative
MEA04.06 Execute the assurance initiative, focusing on design
MEA04.07 Execute the assurance initiative, focusing on operating
MEA04.08 Report and follow up on the assurance initiative
MEA04.09 Follow up on recommendations and actions
Total Aktivitas
This research was conducted in the BEICT Department of PT Krakatau Steel
involving managers and personnel who directly manage IT governance policies, IT asset
management and support IT services. Respondents were then grouped based on roles and
responsibilities using a RACI chart that was adjusted to the selected objectives of the
factor design.
Table 3
RACI Chart Tableau 3 RACI Chart
Objective Domain
n &
d User
EDM03 Ensured
Risk Optimization
EDM05 Ensured
APO12 Managed
APO13 Managed
APO14 Managed
BAI09 Managed
Security Services
Aditia Nugroho, Hari Ginardi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3728
MEA04 Managed
After calculating the capacity of each IT governance process, the average value for
each domain is obtained. Furthermore, it will be compared with the expected maturity
target value. Table 4 describes the results of the gap analysis between the expected
maturity level and the current applied to the selected domains.
Table 4
Maturity Level Gap
Objective Domain
EDM03 Ensured Risk
EDM05 Ensured Stakeholder
APO12 Managed Risk
APO13 Managed Security
APO14 Managed Data
BAI09 Managed Assets
DSS05Managed Security Services
MEA04 Managed Assurance
Cumulative Maturity Level
In the capability assessment process, several findings were identified in each
domain that were not by the practicality of the COBIT 2019 framework. Table 5 presents
an explanation of the findings from each domain.
Table 5
Results of the Evaluation of the Objective Domain Process
IT Process / Sub
EDM03 Ensured
Risk Optimization
1. There are no competency criteria and special abilities for
personnel responsible for managing IT risks.
2. There is no guidance in the form of work instructions for
monitoring the effectiveness of the governance process and
continuous improvement in risk management.
EDM05 Ensured
1. Organizations have not developed clear guidelines in the
form of information security reporting policies (explaining
the procedures that reporters must follow in reporting
incidents, who reports should be filed with, how to report
and reporting time limits).
2. There are no guidelines for the preparation of information
security status reports, data and information to be collected,
analyzed and evaluated for the compiler of the report, the
parties who receive the report, the frequency of submission
of the report, the format and structure of the report, how the
information will be presented, the type of graphs and tables
Information Technology Governance Analysis to Reduce Information Security Risks Using
Cobit 2019: A Case Study of Manufacturing Companies
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3729
3. There are no specific guidelines related to filling in
performance standard indicators, evaluation and assessment
of information security.
Managed Risk
1. Organizations have not created policies that define
information security gap monitoring.
a. Organizations need to develop policies in the form of third-
party assessment evaluation guidelines (establishing
procedures for evaluation of the results of information
security assessments according to the needs and standards of
information security), and compile clear guidelines in the
form of information security reporting policies (explaining
the procedures that must be followed by reporters in
reporting incidents, who reports must be submitted to, how
to report and reporting time limits).
Managed Security
a. It is necessary to prepare and establish special guidelines that
regulate cybersecurity reporting practices, recommendations
for improvement of SMKI, and SMKI audit reporting
Managed Data
1. The implementation of encryption practices has not been
fully implemented in the organization.
2. There are no guidelines or standards to protect metadata.
3. There are no standards for reporting data evaluation,
monitoring and data maintenance. (Data evaluation report,
evaluation process) also guidelines related to server and
network configuration management.
4. There has been no standardization or procedure related to
data retention policies, data storage plans, or backup data
restoration testing for business operations.
BAI09 Managed
1. It is necessary to add guidelines for the identification of
critical server assets, network devices, identification policies
and asset criticality assessments that govern how routine
schedules, execution methods, and tools are used, to
establish and maintain a detailed inventory of all licensed
software installed on the company's assets.
2. There is no policy in place for market and technology
monitoring (encouraging information security teams to
continuously identify new solutions that may be more cost-
effective and effective).
3. There are no specific standards related to asset turnover
(duration of device use, capacity analysis and asset
4. There is no standard for asset changes, asset monitoring and
reporting, and a policy of periodic asset review (asset review
is carried out on a scheduled and thorough basis).
Security Services
1. Companies need to make specific policies related to auditing
and monitoring (establishing procedures for conducting
periodic audits and monitoring), information security, and
the use of digital certificates.
2. There are no security testing and auditing policies, patch and
vulnerability management policies, system activity
monitoring policies, or filter procedures policies restricting
communication on the server (access-list implementation).
Aditia Nugroho, Hari Ginardi
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3. There is no training SOP related to physical information
security awareness, or information security audit process for
physical information security.
1. There is no certification policy and a special training
program for internal audit teams related to information
security that covers the required qualification framework,
skills, knowledge and certifications.
2. no policy specifically discusses monitoring security trends
(procedures for monitoring trends and latest developments
in the domain of information security such as new attacks,
new security technologies, new data privacy policies),
security threat analysis policies (regulating how to conduct
a routine analysis process against information security
threats from outside).
3. There is no specific policy that regulates information
security audits (objectives, scope, and procedures for
implementing organizational information security audits)
and follow-up procedures for audit findings (how long is the
duration of completing audit findings).
4. Guidelines for audit reporting formats and audit
recommendations, especially information security, have not
been prepared and there are no guidelines for making and
reporting the results of corrective actions on information
The identification of findings is followed by recommendations for improvement
and improvement of IT governance processes that have implications for information
security. Table 6 is a list of solution recommendations based on the COBIT 2019
framework which is grouped into three aspects of people, process and technology that can
be considered by the BEICT department in improving the IT governance process.
Table 6
Recommendations for Improving Objective Domain
a. Companies need to improve the competencies and special abilities of
personnel responsible for managing IT risks.
b. Companies need to conduct regular physical information security
awareness training.
Organizations may consider the preparation of the following
a. Specific policies that regulate information security audits (objectives,
scope, and procedures for implementing information security audits
in companies).
b. Specific policies that address monitoring security trends (procedures
for monitoring the latest trends and developments in the information
security domain such as new attacks, new security technologies, and
new data privacy policies), security threat analysis policies
(regulating the routine analysis process of information security
threats from outside)
c. Addition of work instruction related to filter policy restriction of
communication on the server.
Information Technology Governance Analysis to Reduce Information Security Risks Using
Cobit 2019: A Case Study of Manufacturing Companies
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3731
d. System testing standards in the form of pentests, vulnerability
assessments, methods, scenarios, and implementation mechanisms
that include the use of methodologies such as OWASP, PTES, and
other industry standards to conduct in-depth and systematic
penetration testing.
e. Unlicensed software check procedures.
f. Capacity planning and asset utilization analysis procedures
g. Asset identification & and criticality assessment policy procedures
h. Data consistency/integrity reporting and evaluation policies, data
testing, and special policies related to data security concerning
personal data protection laws.
i. Employee surveys and employee awareness related to personal & and
company data protection.
j. Guidelines for evaluating third-party assessments in the context of
information security.
k. Information security guidelines in making project proposals related
to information security.
l. The guidance is in the form of work instruction on the monitoring
process of the effectiveness of risk identification, and examination of
the implementation of actions, so that continuous improvement in
risk management.
m. Guidelines for incident reporting and information security
status (describe the procedures that reporters must follow in reporting
incidents, relevant parties that must be informed in the report, and
reporting time limits).
a. Implement data encryption of end-user devices that contain
sensitive data. Examples of implementations can include Windows
BitLocker®, Apple FileVault®, and Linux® dm-crypt.
b. Implement automated tools, such as host-based Data Loss
Prevention (DLP) tools to identify all sensitive data stored,
processed, or transmitted through corporate assets.
c. Implement a notification system that can remind (expire) the
validity period of hardware and software licenses.
The results of the COBIT 2019 design factor assessment are based on the vision,
mission, strategy and risks faced by the selected organizations in 8 priority objective
domains, namely EDM03, EDM05, APO12, APO13, APO14, BAI09, DSS05 and
MEA04. 29 processes have a gap in the current level of capability with the target expected
by the organization. The level of maturity of IT governance of the BEICT Department is
currently at the level of 2.54 (Managed) and has not reached level 3 (Defined), but in
general, the process of IT governance activities at PT Krakatau Steel has been carried out,
the functioning and responsibilities of the existing organizational structure, and there is
support from management, but there is still a need to make some improvements in its
implementation, especially in terms of policy preparation, procedures related to the
implementation of IT governance activities.
Aditia Nugroho, Hari Ginardi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3732
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