Internet of Things-Based Water Quality Control System
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 3511
many fish eggs are damaged (Faris et al., 2023). Suboptimal water quality can interfere
with the growth process. The development of fish life is very influential in supportive
water quality will be very influential for aquatic animals living in it. Temperature, pH and
DO are parameters that play an important role for fish. Temperature plays a very
important role in regulating the activity of organisms, as it can regulate the speed of
chemical reactions in the body and metabolism (Faris et al., 2023). Fish can live well on
a cultivation medium that suits their needs. Under optimal conditions, fish can grow
optimally. In less than optimal conditions, fish adapt more so that their growth is not
optimal. To adapt to the environment, fish have tolerance and resistance to environmental
changes in a certain range. Water quality management is an effort that can be taken to
increase the productivity of fish farming activities. Water quality is said to be good if the
physical, chemical and biological parameters of the water are by what is needed by the
organism being maintained. The physical parameters of water quality include
temperature, depth, brightness, TDS, TSS, etc. The chemical parameters of water quality
include salinity, dissolved oxygen, BOD, COD, etc. Biological parameters of water
quality include fertility, plankton abundance, etc (Scabra & Setyowati, 2019).
Internet of Things (United Kingdom: Internet of Things, also known as IoT for
short) is a concept that aims to expand the benefits of continuously connected internet
connectivity. The capabilities are such as data sharing, remote control, and so on,
including on objects in the real world. The Internet of Things is a concept that aims to
expand the benefits of continuously connected internet connectivity (Prasetyo et al.,
The function of IoT is to collect data or information and then process the data so
that it produces understandable meaning. IoT can transform information management to
get intelligent systems and solutions that can be applied in homes, offices, hospitals,
transportation, companies, schools and factories. IoT can create a complete internet
environment and make it easier for people to access various smart technologies that have
been integrated with automation that can be used anytime, anywhere (Megawati, 2021).
Research on water quality monitoring has been carried out a lot, including Araneta,
et al. in designing a water quality monitoring system by utilizing pH sensors, turbidity
sensors, TDS sensors, and temperature sensors which are then displayed on LCDs
(Araneta, 2022). Primantara, et al. designed a monitoring system for water quality using
pH, turbidity sensors, TDS sensors, and temperature sensors which then the data obtained
is sent into a database and can be accessed through the web and mobile application
(Primantara & Bhuana, 2021). Islam, et al. in designing a water quality monitoring system
that will be used for fish farming. Setiowati, et al. in designing a water quality monitoring
system by utilizing pH and oxygen sensors (Setiowati et al., 2022).
Based on this, the author made a prototype system for Fish Incubation Water
Quality Control Based on the Internet of Things by utilizing Arduino Mega
microcontrollers, NodeMCUs, and Firebase real-time databases.
Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller development board based on Arduino
using the ATmega2560 chip (Santosa & Wijayanto, 2022); (Tama et al., 2019). The