pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3974
Strategies to Increase Visitors by Developing Aspects of
Attractions in Alam Santosa
Bintang Nugraha
, Ranti Rachmawanti
Universitas Telkom Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: tourism
village, traditional
Sundanese games,
interaction, tourist
Traditional games are an integral part of Indonesian culture
and have been passed down from generation to generation.
Traditional games have a positive impact on child
development. Still, they are currently facing considerable
challenges due to the rapid growth of technology that has
changed the interests of the millennial generation. To ensure
the preservation of traditional games, several conservation
efforts have been made, such as integrating traditional games
into the concept of desa wisata. The concept of desa wisata
is a significant trend in the tourism industry. In addition to
presenting an authentic experience, a desa wisata can
illustrate the unique life and traditions of rural communities,
for example, Alam Santosa in Cikadut Village. Alam
Santosa was established to introduce culture with several
buildings with Sundanese architecture and typical West
Javanese art. One of the tourism products featured at Alam
Santosa is cultural education in the form of playing
traditional games commonly referred to as Paulina Bar Dark.
However, currently, the availability of attractions and
amenities at Alam Santosa has not provided a positive
experience for visitors. This research was conducted to
answer the solution of improving the visitor experience at
Alam Santosa by utilizing the surrounding potential to
provide an authentic experience. The result of the design that
has been carried out is the development of bebedilan with
the concept of building games to provide a positive
Traditional games are one of the cultures that have a close relationship with people's
lives, especially children (Qadafi et al., 2023). Play is an activity that can support
children's growth and development. Through play, children can develop all their potential
optimally, both physical and mental potential (Cahyani et al., 2023). However, nowadays
traditional games are beginning to be marginalized by the rapid development of
technology. Traditional games are considered outdated by the children of the millennial
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generation, currently, they play more with gadgets or other advanced equipment
(Harmaningsih et al., 2024). With the various values contained in it, efforts to preserve
traditional games are becoming more and more diverse. Traditional games can be used as
a tourist attraction in an area to show the characteristics of the region in developing the
economy through the tourism sector (Fane & Sugito, 2019).
The integration of traditional games in the tourism concept can be an attraction for
local and international tourists. The diversity of traditional games in each region reflects
the rich culture and unique heritage, thus creating an authentic experience for visitors. A
good form of tourism is a tour that can provide an experience to be remembered
positively. (Ahsanah & Artanti, 2021). In addition, good tourism must fully consider the
economic, social, and environmental impacts now and in the future. (Suci et al., 2021).
This concept is a form of sustainable tourism efforts.
Currently, the development of trends in the tourism industry is increasingly diverse,
one of which is the concept of tourist villages. As many as 90% of Indonesia's tourism
products are natural and cultural tourism in rural areas (Alvara in the Tourism Industry
Trend Book, 2022). The concept of a tourist village is an area that has the potential and
uniqueness of a distinctive tourist attraction to experience the uniqueness of the life and
traditions of the people in the countryside with all their potential. Until now, the number
of tourist villages in Indonesia is 7275 and West Java occupies the second position after
East Java with a total of 761 tourist villages (Village Potential Statistics, 2018).
One of the regions in West Java that is intensively developing the concept of a
tourist village is Bandung Regency. Currently, the Bandung Regency Tourism and
Culture Office is forming 38 tourist villages with the advantage of natural and cultural
potential as one of the tourist attractions. The diverse natural potential and cultural wealth
spread across various regions in Bandung Regency has been recognized by the
government. A total of ten tourist villages have been determined through the Decree of
the Regent of Bandung Number: 556.42/Kep. 71- Dispopar/2011. Meanwhile, there are
still 27 other tourist villages that are submitting a Regent Decree (Tourism Office, 2020).
Of the several tourist villages in West Java, one of the villages with natural and cultural
tourism that has the potential to be developed is Cikadut Village.
Cikadut Village is located in Cimenyan District, Bandung Regency. Cikadut
Village has superior tourism potential, one of which is Alam Santosa (Cikadut, 2020).
Alam Santosa is a tourist area that carries the concept of ecotourism by prioritizing local
wisdom and culture. Alam Santosa was established to introduce culture with several
buildings with Sundanese architecture and typical West Javanese art. One of the
attractions that is featured in Alam Santosa is cultural education in the form of playing
traditional games commonly known as children's games. The game is an activity of
playing simple games by children in the Sundanese community. The form of childcare in
Alam Santosa has been adjusted to the educational values needed for children, including
bebedilan, Jordaan, kolecer awe, oray-orayan, and others.
Currently, the educational program held in Alam Santosa is only intended for
elementary school students who are gathering. According to the manager of Alam
Strategies to Increase Visitors by Developing Aspects of Attractions in Alam Santosa
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Santosa, Alam Santosa needs to improve services first so that the program can be carried
out regularly. Based on the Tourism Village Development Strategy Book (2019), there is
one factor needed to improve the quality of the experience of a tourist village, namely
attractions. Attractions or attractions are assets that can attract tourists to visit tourist
attractions (Cahyani et al., 2023). The main attraction at Alam Santosa is in the form of
activities playing traditional Sundanese games. Currently, these activities are only limited
to playing games. Visitors do not get to experience more than the attractions provided. In
addition, some facilities in Alam Santosa have not been able to accommodate the needs
of visitors and are not friendly enough for children to play. Based on the Tourism Village
Development Strategy Book (2019), attractions are important to create a positive tourism
experience. Based on these problems, this research was carried out to develop attractions
in Alam Santosa to improve the visitor experience.
This research applies a descriptive qualitative analysis method that will focus on an
in-depth understanding of a particular phenomenon or case using various data collection
methods, including observation, interviews, and document analysis, to provide holistic
knowledge about the event or case qualitatively. According to Ghony and Almanshur as
mentioned in the (Saputri & Wirasari, 2023), by using a descriptive-analytical approach,
qualitative research can analyze events or phenomena, attitudes, community activities,
perceptions, and views of a person or group. The case study of Alam Santosa was chosen
because the tourist attraction has the potential for attractions that are quite interesting and
authentic but still need to be developed to create a positive tourism experience. This study
is limited to attractions in Alam Santosa, namely the children's game.
Data Collection Methods
There are several methods used to collect field data and literature studies, namely:
a. Observation
Observation is a method of collecting data by systematically observing and
recording elements that appear in a symptom in the object of research. (Yusanti &
Nurtiani, 2023). Direct observation was carried out in the Alam Santosa environment
located in Cikadut Village, Cimenyan District, Bandung Regency, West Java.
b. Interview
The interview is an activity where the researcher asks several questions directly to
the relevant parties of the research subject, the questions from the interview have been
neatly arranged to get the right information. Some of the respondents in this study
consisted of the manager of Alam Santosa and visitors at Alam Santosa.
Results and Discussion
Alam Santosa is one of the tourist destinations with the concept of ecotourism and
culture located in Cikadut Village, Cimenyan District, Bandung Regency. Alam Santosa
was designated as a tourist village by the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the
Republic of Indonesia, Yasonna H. Laoly, on October 24, 2020. (Rasyid & Cahyanto,
Bintang Nugraha, Ranti Rachmawanti
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 3977
2023). In addition to presenting stunning natural scenery, Alam Santosa also provides
cultural education and environmental education programs to introduce cultural values and
environmental preservation to visitors. Visitors can experience the uniqueness of
Sundanese culture through buildings with traditional Sundanese architecture and enjoy
the typical performing arts of West Java. In addition, Alam Santosa supports sustainable
agricultural practices as well as a variety of typical Sundanese activities such as traditional
musical arts and games, making it an ideal place to enjoy the beauty of nature and culture
while learning about local heritage.
Alam Santosa was established with the vision of becoming a model in
environmental conservation for the community, especially Cikadut Village. Alam
Santosa was built based on concerns about natural disasters due to environmental damage
in the Cikadut Village area. With a mindset that is responsive to the conditions and
problems encountered empirically, Alam Santosa becomes a reflection, self-evaluation,
and obsession with the idea of managing nature with a Cultural approach as the ancestral
heritage of "Nyoreang Alam Katukang, Nyawang Alam Nuprey Come" (Alam Santosa,
2024). Today, the green, beautiful, and comfortable Santosa Nature area has become a
popular destination for people who want to enjoy the beauty of nature while learning the
concept of environmental preservation and Sundanese culture. Alam Santosa has a
mission to become a center for education, environment, culture, and nationality based on
the local wisdom of Sundanese culture. In addition, Alam Santosa will become an
educational center for the development of tourist villages in Indonesia and become a
model for the development of nature and culture schools.
Conditions of Attractions in Alam Santosa
Based on the results of observations interviews and data processing, it was found
that the children's game program carried out in Alam Santosa can be said to be running
smoothly. However, there are still some obstacles found from the observations made. The
problem was found in the availability of facilities, security, and comfort when carrying
out the children's game program. The limited facilities make some students have to wait
for their turn to play which leads to unconduciveness. In addition, there is a difference in
expression between children who play games with a medium and children who play
without media.
In terms of safety and comfort, the yard used to play the students is made of concrete
and rocks which causes concern from parents and teachers. This creates full conditions in
the play area because parents want to supervise their children. Boredom is also seen in
parents because there is no involvement or no activities done while waiting for their
children to do activities. Some parents feel that the rates charged are not comparable to
the services provided by Alam Santosa.
Strategies to Increase Visitors by Developing Aspects of Attractions in Alam Santosa
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Figure 1
of the playing page
Based on the analysis carried out with the theory of tourism village development,
the condition of the children's game program in Alam Santosa still needs to be improved
to be by the criteria of a tourist village. According to the Tourism Village Guidebook
(2021), the development of tourist villages, one of which is through the development of
tourism destinations, needs to pay attention to aspects of tourist attractions, public
facilities, tourism facilities, accessibility, and interrelated communities so that they can
complement the realization of advanced tourism. Three important aspects need to be
considered in the development of tourist villages, but the most basic aspect is attractions.
Attractions are attractions owned by tourist attractions that can attract tourists to
visit a tourist attraction. The attractions are divided into three categories, namely; (1)
nature, providing attraction with the natural beauty of the tourist attraction; (2) culture,
providing attraction with the richness or uniqueness of the culture owned by the tourist
attraction; (3) creativity, combining cultural and natural wealth as an attraction of tourist
Based on the field conditions on the aspect of attractions in Alam Santosa which is
associated with the theory of tourism village development, it can be concluded that the
aspect of attractions in Alam Santosa is in the form of creative attractions that combine
the natural beauty of Cikadut Village with the rich Sundanese culture that is thick with
the support of traditional Sundanese architecture. In addition, the existence of a children's
game program is one of the strong attraction values because it can provide a unique and
different experience. However, the facilities owned by Alam Santosa still need to be
improved, especially in the children's game program because with good facilities, the
attractions in Alam Santosa will run optimally.
Children's games in Alam Santosa
The children's game is the main attraction owned by Alam Santosa. The children's
game program at Alam Santosa is in the form of simple games that are usually played by
the children of the Sundanese community. In this program, children are educated to
understand and preserve the culture of the Sundanese people through play activities. The
games played have been adapted to the educational values needed in children, such as
cooperation, courage, and mutual respect.
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Figure 2 Juvenile Games
The implementation of the children's game program in Alam Santosa involved
participants from elementary school students in grades 1 to 6. During the activity,
participants were accompanied by homeroom teachers and parents of students. The
involvement of homeroom teachers and parents aims to provide additional supervision to
each child, even though there is already a person in charge of the organizer of the activity.
The activities carried out lasted quite a long time with various kinds of activities that
contained positive values. The following is a series of activities carried out by each
student during the children's game program.
Table 1
A rundown of children's game activities
08.00 - 08.30
Group division
08.30 - 09.10
Introduction of activities to be carried out
09.10 - 09.40
Introduction to the environment of the Santosa
Nature Area
09.40 - 10.00
Playing with rubber guns
10.00 - 10.20
Playing with a snap gun
10.20 - 10.40
Playing roroda
10.40 - 11.00
Playing monkey tail
11.00 - 11.20
Playing babangkongan
11.20 - 11.40
Playing angklung
11.40 - 12.00
Playing the jengkol perepet
12.00 - 13.00
13.00 - 14.30
Fishing activities
14.30 - 15.00
Preparing to go home
Participants leave Alam Santosa
Based on an interview conducted with one of the student's parents, an explanation
was obtained that currently every school that implements the independent curriculum is
required to carry out learning outside the classroom or out of class by the Pancasila
Student Profile Strengthening Project. According to Kusumastuti in (Nurjatisari et al.,
2023), in art and culture learning, elements of experience, creation, and reflection are
needed so that learning can run optimally which has an impact on oneself and others. The
cycle is depicted in the scheme below.
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Figure 3 Elements of arts and culture learning
The above elements are the basis of cultural learning in the independent curriculum
in schools. If it is associated with the children's game program in Alam Santosa, currently
the attractions provided have not run based on cultural learning. From the series of events
in Table 1, it can be seen that there is no element of creation so the learning process has
not been able to run optimally and does not have a direct impact on oneself or others.
a. Perspective murid
From data mining conducted by interviews with several students of SD Ibnu
Taimiyah, it can be seen that the students enjoy learning and playing outside the
classroom more than learning in the classroom. The students liked competitive games
such as begunan and roroda aan. The natural atmosphere and traditional Sundanese
architecture are very supportive of the activities carried out. In addition, the location is
far from the crowded city makes the students feel more connected to nature. After
carrying out the activity, the students felt a sense of pride because they had contributed
to the preservation of Sundanese culture.
b. Student's guardian perspective
From the data excavation carried out by interviews with the parents of students of
SD Ibnu Taimiyah, it can be seen that SD Ibnu Taymiyah implements an independent
curriculum in which there is a P5 program. Outing class is a derivative of the P5 program.
Outing classes are carried out so that students can take values that are by cultural learning
elements. Even though in each series of events there is a person in charge from Alam
Santosa, the parents of the students still feel worried about the safety of their students,
especially since the yard and media used to play are not safe enough for children to play.
c. Parental perspective
From the data excavation conducted with interviews with parents of Ibnu Taymiyah
Elementary School students, it can be seen that parents use the opportunity of the outing
class to refresh and gather with other students' parents. But while waiting for their children
to play, there is no activity that parents can do other than taking selfies. The place to wait
for the child is located far enough away from the yard used to play. Worry arises when
knowing the pages and media that children use to play. On the other hand, the parents
said that they would revisit Alam Santosa with their families in the hope that there would
be an increase in experience in the café area so that the activities carried out were not only
The development of tourist villages needs to take into account the natural and
cultural potential of each region supported by the 3A concept (attractions, amenities, and
accessibility) to improve the quality of the tourism experience. Efforts to improve the
tourism experience in Alam Santosa can be built with the most basic, namely on
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improving attractions in the children's game program which focuses on the development
of the game media used.
Consideration of positive experiences
In its development, it is necessary to pay attention to several considerations, for
example, the development of game media that is adjusted to the 4Es principle according
to Pine and Gilmore. According to Pine and Gilmore, experience lies at the heart of
consumption and refers to what consumers are looking for to create lasting pleasure and
memories (Bridges, 2024). According to Pine and Gilmore, there are four dimensions of
experience (4Es): education, entertainment, escapism, and esthetic, which leads to
increased experience to increase revisit intention.
1) Education, meaning that there are learning activities involving the active participation
of participants and the acquisition of skills and knowledge.
2) Entertainment, meaning the existence of an entertainment experience that involves the
3) Escapism, which means being able to escape from the real world to temporarily divert
from daily life.
4) Esthetic, meaning that there is a consideration of aesthetic value to create an attractive,
beautiful atmosphere or layout, and increase customer satisfaction through a positive
visual experience.
Product interaction considerations
In addition, in the development of a product intended for children, it is necessary to
pay attention to special considerations. In the context of meeting the needs of children, is
certainly different from meeting the needs of adults. According to (Zhang, 2018), when
designing a product for children, it is necessary to consider the character applied to the
product. (Zhang, 2018) Divides several aspects needed to meet children's needs in
interaction with a product, namely, green concept, simple appearance, and sustainability.
1. The green concept means that it reflects a simple shape by using raw materials that
reflect natural nature.
2. Simple appearance, meaning reflecting a simple shape by using raw materials that
reflect natural nature.
3. Sustainable, meaning that it can meet user needs while ensuring long-term benefits.
Safety considerations
The safety aspect is something that needs to be considered in designing a product for
children. Based on the APE Guidebook for Early Childhood (2022), the principles of
security and safety in educational media are very important to consider in designing a
product for indoor and outdoor use. Products that do not consider these two principles
can cause undesirable things to happen. The following are some general requirements in
designing an educational learning media according to books.
APE Guide for Early Childhood (2022).
1. Educational requirements, meaning that the design of an educational learning media
can be adjusted to the goals of the educational program, the standards for achieving
Strategies to Increase Visitors by Developing Aspects of Attractions in Alam Santosa
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student development, or the applicable curriculum. The media can also help users to
hone their creativity and development.
2. Technical requirements, meaning the design is precise and made of safe and strong
materials. In addition, to guarantee pleasure to users, it is necessary to pay attention to
the easy way of operation.
3. Aesthetic requirements, meaning that it has an attractive shape, is flexible, easy to
carry to a design that does not cause too much visual fatigue in children.
Development focus
Based on the interviews conducted, Alam Santosa has a plan to implement a
children's game program at Esa Café. Based on data from the manager of Alam Santosa,
the plan aims to introduce the activities in Alam Santosa to café visitors. From the results
of the observations made, the types of games used at Esa Café are bedlam and Jordaan.
According to the manager of Alam Santsoa, the game was chosen because it is easy to
play and is in great demand by children. In addition, this form of game can also be played
together with the family.
Alam Santosa also wants a gallery containing several games from the Babydak
game program as a form of more real cultural preservation. However, the game media
that will be displayed in the gallery is a game media that has been given a touch of design.
For reasons other than attracting visitors, an interesting form of game is also appropriate
if it functions as a souvenir.
Of the two types of existing games, the researcher will focus on the design of the
development of different games. The focus of development on the game of the game was
decided on several considerations. Based on the observations made, the beginning is in
great demand by children. It can be seen from the enthusiasm of the children when playing
the game. However, the median used has very simple properties in terms of function and
visuals. The use of nails on the shell can reflect the lack of safety considerations for the
user. Begunan is in great demand by children so it is often an object of grabbing that poses
a risk of damage faster than other games. In addition, the median is more suitable as a
collection or souvenir compared to Jordaan.
Product comparative analysis
The Hong community is a well-known center for the study of children's games in
Bandung. This community has been conducting research on Sundanese folk games since
1996 and until now is still determined to preserve folk games as one of the nation's
identities. According to an interview conducted with the manager of Alam Santosa, the
Hong Community is one of the communities that has the same vision related to cultural
pedestrian, especially children's games. By reconstructing Sundanese cultural folk toys,
the Hong Community continues to explore the potential and values of children's games
to be passed down to children through contemporary concepts.
Alam Santosa
Hong Community
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The interaction between the product
and the user is only limited to
playing the product to get
entertainment. There is no added
value such as honing skills or other
The interaction between the
product and the user is only
limited to playing the product to
get entertainment. There is no
added value such as honing skills
or other benefits.
The visual appearance is too simple
so it seems unattractive.
The visual appearance provided
adopts the shape of a gun in real
life so that it is easier for children
to recognize.
The use of nails as a medium to hold
together parts of the gun seems
unsafe for children.
The use of nails as a medium to
hold together parts of the gun
seems unsafe for children.
The use of bamboo tampa material
through the processing process
seems unsafe for children.
The use of wood materials gives a
sturdy impression and can be
shaped in such a way.
The use of bamboo without
processing gives the impression of
being less sturdy.
The use of wood as the main
material gives the impression of
sturdiness and a longer service
Development concept
One of the games that will be developed is Bedilan with the concept of brick-
building games. Bricks-building games are a type of game that gives players the freedom
to create various kinds of objects with blocks that can be arranged according to the user's
creativity. One of the most popular types of bricks-building games is Lego. According to
(Hayati & Komala, 2020), Lego-like games can improve cognitive abilities and logical
thinking in children. Through bricks-building games, children will play an active role in
the assembling process before they can play the game.
The role of children in carrying out the assembling process can provide positive
educational values and experiences. Based on the principle of Pine and Gilmore in the
theory of the four realms of experience, educational activities that involve the
participation of participants to acquire skills and knowledge are a form of increasing
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experience at a tourist attraction. The following are some of the considerations and
limitations used in this development concept.
Educational activities
during the assembling
process on bamboo
modules that will be used
to play the game.
The product is designed
with a simple visual
appearance so as not to
cause aesthetic fatigue in
Reconstruct and revitalize
the culture of children's
games with the target of
producing novelty
developed through
cultural transformation.
In addition to playing
games, visitors play an
active role in assembling
the games that will be
The product is designed
from the use of waste
from Angklung Village
with environmental
sustainability in mind.
Development can be
adjusted to the progress of
civilization and the taste of
the times, as long as it does
not deviate from the
essence of the culture.
In addition to the natural
beauty that Alam
Santosa has, the product
must have attractive
visuals so that children
like it.
The existence of
educational activities on
the designed product will
provide long-term
benefits for its users.
Preservation innovations
can be in the form of toy
products with modern
forms, as long as there is
no patent form of the
This game is designed with the concept of bricks-building games which will involve
the role of players to assemble parts made of bamboo to be arranged into a shell shape.
The concept of bricks in this game is made into simple modules according to the function
of each part of the shot. Each section is equipped with magnets to make it easier for
players when assembling the game to be played. The use of magnets is also a safety
consideration for players.
To improve the playing experience, researchers apply gamification elements in this
development, namely levels and rankings. Levels are measured based on the distance
between the shooter and the target point, which is divided into three categories: close,
medium, and far. Each shooter who successfully hits the target will receive a reward in
the form of attachments that can be used to improve their weapon's abilities so that they
can be used in the next level. Rankings are calculated based on players who can reach the
last level first.
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Figure 4 Concept of the game
In this game concept, players have to hit the target target with only three rubber
bullets given at each level. Progression is marked by each player who successfully hits
the target will receive a loot box containing attachments that can be used to evolve their
weapon to be more effective in the next level. The gaming experience is designed to be
competitive, vibrant, and fun, encouraging players to constantly improve their skills and
compete for the best results. The game emphasizes the importance of using strategy and
skill in utilizing each bullet to reach the goal until the last level.
The concept of improving the attraction aspect in Alam Santosa can be realized by
developing interaction in the media of children's games. The development of these
interactions can be done by providing educational experiences, entertainment, and
attractive visual presentations. In the process of interaction between children and a
product, it needs to be designed in a simple form so that it is easy to understand and enjoy.
The development of interaction also plays a role in introducing the values of
environmental sustainability to children. Through this interaction process, children not
only provide momentary pleasure but contain long-term benefits for children's
Strategies to Increase Visitors by Developing Aspects of Attractions in Alam Santosa
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