pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 7 July 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3501
Analysis of the Influence of MyTelkomsel App as a Digital
Touch Point on Digital Business Performance at PT. Telkom
, Tasya Millenia
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia
Keywords: digital
transformation; mobile
application; digital touch
point; mytelkomsel;
digital business
In the digital era, digital transformation is a must for
companies to compete. PT. Telkom Indonesia introduces the
MyTelkomsel app as a digital touch point. This study aims
to analyze the influence of the MyTelkomsel application on
Telkom's digital business performance. The research method
used is quantitative descriptive with a literature study
approach. The research data was collected from two main
sources, namely literature studies and analysis of the
company's financial statements. The results of the study
show that the MyTelkomsel application has a positive
influence on Telkom's digital business performance. This is
evidenced by the increase in the number of MyTelkomsel
App users, customer satisfaction, and company revenue.
In today's rapidly evolving digital era, digital transformation has become a must for
companies to stay competitive and survive in a competitive market (Chaffey & Ellis-
Chadwick, 2019). Digital transformation is no longer just an option, but an urgent need
for companies to keep up with the continuous changes in the business environment
(Korhonen, 2020).
PT. Telkom Indonesia, as one of the leading telecommunications companies in
Indonesia, is also not spared from this digital transformation trend. As a company that
has a strategic role in providing telecommunication services for the community, PT.
Telkom Indonesia is required to continue to innovate and adapt the latest technology to
improve its business performance (Turban, Pollard, & Wood, 2018).
One of the latest innovations introduced by PT. Telkom Indonesia is the
MyTelkomsel app (Kartajaya, Kotler, & Hooi, 2019). MyTelkomsel is an application
designed to provide various telecommunication services to customers digitally. This
application not only provides credit top-up services and data package purchases, but also
offers other features such as bill payments, ticket booking, and various attractive promos
for users (Zhang, Shao, Zhao, & Chen, 2024).
Junaedi, Tasya Millenia
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3502
In the context of digital business, MyTelkomsel App not only functions as a means
of transaction for customers but also as one of the digital touchpoints that can affect the
overall customer experience (Ojiaku, Ezenwafor, & Osarenkhoe, 2024). The digital touch
point itself is every point of interaction between the company and customers through
digital media, which can be in the form of websites, mobile applications, social media,
and so on (Devi, Hanafi, & Wardhana, 2023).
The importance of analyzing the influence of the MyTelkomsel application as a
digital touch point on the digital business performance of PT. Telkom Indonesia cannot
be ignored (Patmalasari & Indriyanti, 2021). By deeply understanding how this
application affects customer behaviour and satisfaction, PT. Telkom Indonesia can take
strategic steps to improve its services, optimize customer experience, and improve its
overall business performance (Setiawan et al., 2023).
Through this study, we aim to conduct an in-depth analysis of the influence of the
MyTelkomsel application as a digital touch point on the digital business performance of
PT. Telkom Indonesia (Hamijaya, Satyaninggrat, & Rahmah, 2024). This research will
involve data collection, statistical analysis, and the use of appropriate research methods
to gain a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between the MyTelkomsel
application and the digital business performance of PT. Telkom Indonesia (Curatman &
Suroso, 2020)
The structure of this journal will be divided into several main parts, namely
introduction, literature review, research methodology, research results, discussion, and
conclusion. In this introduction, we will explain the background of the problem, the
purpose of the research, as well as the relevance and contribution of this research in the
context of the development of digital business in PT. Telkom Indonesia.
With a deeper understanding of the influence of the MyTelkomsel application as a
digital touch point, it is hoped that this research can make a positive contribution to the
development of digital telecommunication services in Indonesia and become an important
reference for other companies that are also undergoing the digital transformation process.
Research Methods
This study uses a quantitative descriptive research method with a literature study
approach. The data of this study was collected from two main sources:
1. Literature studies
The literature used in this study includes scientific journals, scientific articles,
research reports, and other credible sources of information relevant to the research topic.
2. Analysis of the company's financial statements
The company's financial statements of PT. Telkom Indonesia to see the trend of
increasing the number of MyTelkomsel application users and the company's revenue in
the period 2019 - 2022.
The data collected from the literature study will be analyzed using content analysis
techniques to identify, categorize, and interpret information relevant to the research topic.
The data from the analysis of the company's financial statements will be analyzed using
Analysis of the Influence of MyTelkomsel App as a Digital Touch Point on Digital
Business Performance at PT. Telkom Indonesia
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3503
descriptive statistical analysis techniques to see the trends and patterns of increasing the
number of MyTelkomsel App users and the company's revenue.
This study has several limitations, namely the research data used in this study is
limited to the data available from literature studies and company financial statements. The
research method used in this study is a quantitative descriptive method with a literature
study approach. Therefore, the results of this study can only provide an overview of the
influence of the MyTelkomsel application as a digital touch point on digital business
performance in PT. Telkom Indonesia.
Results and Discussion
Increase in the number of myTelkomsel App users.
Based on data obtained from Telkom's annual report, the number of MyTelkomsel
app users has increased significantly from 2019 to 2022. In 2019, there were 18 million
MyTelkomsel users, in 2020 there were 27.2 million users, in 2021 there were 30 million
users, and in 2022 there were 32 million users. The increasing number of users shows that
the myTelkomsel application is increasingly accepted and demanded by Telkom
customers. One of the factors that have driven the increase in the number of MyTelkomsel
users is the Covid-19 pandemic which has encouraged people to use digital services more
intensely, including for communication and information needs.
Then, Telkom also launched new features on the MyTelkomsel app, such as bill
payments, credit and data package top-ups, purchases of other Telkom products, and
access to customer service that make this app even more attractive to customers. Telkom
is also intensively promoting and educating about the MyTelkomsel application to
customers, which makes customers more aware of the MyTelkomsel app and the benefits
Figure 1. Active MyTelkomsel users in 2019 2022
Increased customer satisfaction
Junaedi, Tasya Millenia
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3504
Based on research conducted by Dwi and Aries in 2021 regarding the user
satisfaction analysis of MyTelkomsel application services, a questionnaire with 13
variable indicators and a sample number of 90 was used, and the analysis techniques used
were descriptive analysis and t-paired tests.
Table 1
Indicators of each expected variable (Gratification sought)
Users experience many benefits by
using the MyTelkomsel App
Users find using the MyTelkomsel
app very helpful in
Buy credit packages, internet
packages, SMS packages,
entertainment packages, and roaming
Users feel that using the MyTelkomsel
app provides many conveniences
(Efficient), such as: upgrading SIM
card to 4G, redeeming points, etc.
Users feel that the MyTelkomsel app
facilitates their users to be more
creative in utilizing its service
Users can easily operate several
features of the MyTelkomsel app
Users feel that Mytelkomsel's service
gives a good impression through the
process of earning Telkomsel points
Users feel that using the MyTelkomsel
App is more efficient in terms of time
and energy.
Analysis of the Influence of MyTelkomsel App as a Digital Touch Point on Digital
Business Performance at PT. Telkom Indonesia
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3505
Users feel using
MyTelkomsel application, due to the
provisions of the agency where the
user works
Users feel that they are using the
MyTelkomsel app because business
relationships use the app a lot.
Users feel motivated to work more
effectively and efficiently because of
the impression of the app.
Users feel comfortable with the
features of the MyTelkomsel app that
support their users' behaviour and
Users find the MyTelkomsel App
feature convenient because customer
service helps 24 hours a day.
Users feel comfortable with the
MyTelkomsel app feature that
supports the needs of their users'
Table 2
Indicators of each perceived variable (gratification obtained)
Junaedi, Tasya Millenia
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3506
Analysis of the Influence of MyTelkomsel App as a Digital Touch Point on Digital
Business Performance at PT. Telkom Indonesia
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3507
Junaedi, Tasya Millenia
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3508
Based on the research on the level of satisfaction with the MyTelkomsel application
using the UTUAT model, it was found that the level of user satisfaction of the
MyTelkomsel application was only achieved in the Social Influence variable, while in the
variables of Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, and Facilitating Conditions,
user satisfaction was not achieved.
There was a significant gap between user expectations and satisfaction with
MyTelkomsel App in all variables tested, including Performance expectancy, Effort
expectancy, Social Influence, and Facilitating Conditions.
Increase in company revenue
Analysis of the Influence of MyTelkomsel App as a Digital Touch Point on Digital
Business Performance at PT. Telkom Indonesia
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3509
In Telkomsel's annual report, revenue every year tends to increase from 2019 to
2022. In 2019, digital products recorded company revenue of IDR 91 trillion, in 2020 it
recorded IDR 87.1 trillion, in 2021 it recorded IDR 87.5 trillion, and in 2022 it recorded
IDR 89 trillion. The highest revenue was achieved in 2019, where this year the start of
the Covid-19 pandemic caused users to prefer to make transactions digitally, one of which
is MyTelkomsel.
This data represents all digital products, one of which is MyTelkomsel. This shows
that the myTelkomsel application has made a positive contribution to Telkom's revenue.
Figure 2. Revenue from digital products, which includes MyTelkomsel's contribution
(Source: Telkom Indonesia Annual Report)
Based on the results of the research, the MyTelkomsel application has a positive
influence on Telkom's digital business performance. This can be seen from the increase
in the number of users, customer satisfaction, and company revenue. Telkom needs to
continue to improve the features and services of the MyTelkomsel application to increase
user satisfaction and optimize its contribution to the company's revenue.
Junaedi, Tasya Millenia
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 3510
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