Alex Sander, Duha Awaluddin Kurniatullah, Dewi Ana Rusim, Mujiati, Bahtiar
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5470
Singapore which has a fungus for the development of Singapore's tourism sector, which
is one of the country's main service sectors and economic pillars, and carries out the
marketing and promotion of Singapore as a tourist destination.
Singapore's tourism sector currently accounts for 4 percent of Singapore's gross
domestic product. Tourism plays a crucial role in strengthening Singapore's status as a
dynamic global city that is a magnet for capital, business, and talent. It also improves the
quality and diversity of leisure options for locals and helps create a living environment
that Singaporeans can be proud of.
STB strives to ensure that tourism remains an important economic pillar through
long-term strategic planning, and by forging partnerships, fostering innovation, and
ensuring excellence in the tourism sector. It continues to market Singapore's multi-faceted
appeal as a premier business and leisure destination and offers an empowering and
tailored experience. This is in line with the principle of DMO integration where the
management system is integrated by paying attention to various functions, ranging from
economic functions to coordination functions.
According to a literature study on the website,
sustainable tourism is currently being promoted to minimize environmental impacts and
maximize socio-economic benefits in a tourist destination (Hakim, 2019). The World
Tourism Organization develops the concept of sustainable tourism and defines tourism
activities by directing the management of all resources in a certain way so that economic,
social, and aesthetic needs can be met while maintaining the integrity of culture,
ecological processes, biological diversity, and life support systems (UNWTO, 2012)
The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy continues to develop the concept
of sustainable tourism which is believed to encourage the tourism industry to grow
strongly by carrying out 5 strategic issues, namely sustainability, competitiveness, added
value, digitalization, and productivity. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative
Economy has its targets, namely increasing economic growth, job creation, policies that
are right targets, time, and benefits (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, 2020).
The implementation of sustainable tourism in 10 countries based on the Travel &
Tourism Competitiveness Index 2022 has various strategies based on government
regulations in those countries. Starting from promoting indoor or outdoor activities, to
supporting the economic activities of the local community by including the local
community in a destination. In addition, to support sustainable tourism in a country to run
well, support is needed not only from the central government but from all circles of
society in the country. The state government continues to strive to create various fields of
economic potential in tourism by creating jobs in the tourism sector.
Furthermore, the formation of sustainable tourism can also run well if a country has
several strategies, namely; respecting local culture in tourist destinations, maintaining the