pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 6 June 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 3025
The Role of the Indonesian Government in Increasing the
Quantity and Quality of Sharia Economic Human Resources
Imron Natsir
, Eny Triastuti
Universitas PTIQ Jakarta, Indonesia
, STIE Kalpataru Bogor, Indonesia
Keywords: Human
resources, Economic
shariah, Competence.
Sharia economics in Indonesia has great potential to
develop. However, one of the main challenges in developing
Sharia Economics is the limited number of competent
Human Resources (HR) in this field. This research aims to
determine the relationship between the role of the Indonesian
government in increasing the quantity and quality of human
resources in the Sharia economy. This research uses a mixed
method research method. Data was collected through
surveys using questionnaires and literature studies. The data
that has been collected is then analyzed using a regression
test using the SPSS program. The research results show that
there is a significant relationship between the role of the
Indonesian Government in increasing the quantity and
quality of Sharia Economic Human Resources. The
Indonesian Government's efforts to increase the quantity and
quality of Sharia Economic Human Resources have shown
positive results, but there are still several factors that hamper
these efforts. Therefore, it is necessary to make several
policy recommendations to increase the effectiveness of the
Indonesian Government's role in increasing the quantity and
quality of Sharia Economic Human Resources.
Indonesia, being home to the world's largest Muslim population, is projected to
have 240.62 million Muslim residents by 2023, as reported by The Royal Islamic
Strategic Studies Center (RISSC) in their document titled "The Muslim 500: The World's
500 Most Influential Muslims 2024" (Fatonah, Trihartono, & Hara, 2023). Thus,
Indonesia has great potential in developing the sharia financial and economic sector
which can make a significant contribution to achieving inclusive financial targets,
including the development of sharia finance. According to the Secretary of the
Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Susiwijono Moegiarso, this potential can be
seen from the increase in the financial inclusion index and total Sharia financial assets.
Apart from that, the distribution of Sharia KUR and the number of Sharia debtors also
continue to increase (Setyaningsih, 2024).
Imron Natsir
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 3026
Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, thus
Indonesia has the opportunity to become a country with the highest development in the
value of Islamic economic assets in the world. Sharia-based economics developed along
with the birth and development of Islam in this world (Mardi, 2021). Islamic economics
is an economic system based on Islamic principles. These principles include aspects such
as justice, togetherness, and compliance with Islamic law (Sharia). In Islamic economics,
financial transactions must comply with Sharia principles, such as the prohibition of usury
(interest), the prohibition of speculation, and the prohibition of investment in businesses
that are considered haram according to Islamic law, such as liquor, gambling, or products
related to pornography. The system also encourages risk and profit sharing between the
parties involved in the transaction. Islamic economics covers a wide range of sectors,
including banking, investment, insurance, and capital markets (Prandawa, Jubba, NB, &
Wardani, 2022).
The advancement of Islamic finance in Indonesia has propelled the nation to the
fourth position globally, trailing following Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab
Emirates, Indonesia presently ranks seventh globally in Sharia financial assets, amounting
to a total of US$99 billion. Several opportunities have been identified as drivers for
advancing Islamic finance, such as the expansion of social finance through zakat and
waqf, the tokenization of sukuk, the digitization of financial processes and enhancement
of Islamic Fintech, regulations governing Sharia finance, and Impact investing focusing
on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors (Yusuf & Haryono, 2022).
However, one of the main challenges in developing Sharia Economics is the limited
number of competent Human Resources (HR) in this field.
Human resources have a very important role in the development of Islamic
economics. The existence of trained and skilled human resources is crucial. They are the
main foundation for operating Islamic financial institutions, investment institutions, and
various other business entities. In-depth knowledge of Sharia principles, Islamic law, and
Islamic financial instruments is the foundation for the quality of their work (Harahap,
Azmi, & Syamsuri, 2021). Qualified human resources are also a key driver in encouraging
innovation and the development of financial products and services that comply with
Sharia principles. They also have an important role in supervision and compliance,
ensuring that the operations of Islamic financial institutions are in line with applicable
rules and principles. In addition, they are also agents of change in spreading the
understanding of Islamic economics in the community through education and counselling
(Magfiroh, 2021). Investment in HR development in the Islamic economy not only
supports the growth of the sector but also contributes to building a strong labour market
within the sector, which in turn provides sustainable economic benefits (Rohmah, 2018).
Assessments of the quality of human resources in Islamic economics today reflect
a mixture of progress and challenges. In some regions with large Muslim populations,
awareness of the principles of Islamic economics has increased, supported by the adoption
of specialized educational programs (Andini & Wijaya, 2023). Elsewhere, however,
understanding of the concept remains limited. The quality of HR skills and expertise
The Role of the Indonesian Government in Increasing the Quantity and Quality of Sharia
Economic Human Resources
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 3027
varies depending on access to education and training in Islamic economics. Countries
with strong educational institutions in this regard tend to have more qualified human
resources. Nonetheless, challenges remain in ensuring compliance with Shariah
principles and applicable regulations, highlighting the importance of investing in the
development of personnel trained in compliance and supervision (Tripalupi, 2021).
The government is trying to improve the quality of sharia economic human
resources through the education sector. Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani revealed that
every year there are around 40,000 human resources in Indonesia who have expertise in
the field of Sharia economics. However, the facts show that 80 to 90 per cent of them
come from conventional economic study backgrounds. In response to this, Sri Mulyani
encouraged the restructuring of the Sharia economics curriculum so that it is more
responsive and can meet competency needs that are relevant to the field. He emphasized
the need for curriculum renewal to overcome economic challenges that continue to
change and develop (UMY, 2021).
A previous study conducted by (Tripalupi, 2021) indicates that meeting the
demands for human resources in digital 4.0-based Sharia economics, both in terms of
quality and quantity, necessitates the fulfilment of qualifications encompassing both soft
and hard skills. Soft skills pertain to character development, ensuring adherence to faith,
morality, and Sharia principles, which are manifested in all endeavours guided by traits
such as sincerity, propagation, trust, and comprehension. On the other hand, hard skills
entail the enhancement of knowledge and expertise. To enhance the quality of human
resources in digital 4.0-based Sharia economics amidst the COVID-19 pandemic,
strategies involve a national educational system that integrates offline and online learning,
formal and informal education, as well as outreach and public awareness campaigns.
Implementation is carried out through academic channels across various educational
levels and professional domains.
Another study conducted (Septiani & Thamrin, 2021) revealed strategies for
enhancing the quality of human resources in the banking sector, particularly in Sharia
banking. These strategies include 1) Continuous assessment of the Sharia economics
curriculum in higher education institutions. 2) Establishment of Islamic economics
faculties or study programs tailored to the demands of the Sharia banking market. 3)
Collaboration between universities and Bank Indonesia to provide Islamic economics
education and training for students and employees of Sharia banks. 4) Provision of short-
term education and training programs focusing on banking to uplift the quality of human
resources in Sharia banking in the immediate future. Furthermore, the study highlights
the importance of long-term development through synergistic education efforts involving
three pivotal actors: banking institutions, universities, and the government.
The novelty of this research comes from the research object, namely efforts to
increase the quantity of human resources in Sharia economics, which has never been
studied before. These findings can support a theoretical understanding of the relationship
between government intervention and Sharia economic development, emphasizing the
significance of the government's proactive involvement in fostering an enabling
Imron Natsir
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 3028
environment for the expansion of this sector. Its primary objective is to assess the impact
of the Indonesian government's engagement in enhancing both the quantity and quality
of human resources in the Sharia economy.
This research uses a mixed method research method. Mixed methods research
methods are a research approach that combines or combines quantitative and qualitative
elements in one study to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon
being studied. This approach allows researchers to combine the advantages of both
approaches so that they can better capture the complexity of the phenomenon being
researched (Waruwu, 2023). Data was collected through surveys using questionnaires and
literature studies. The population of this research is all individuals involved in the sharia
economic sector in Indonesia, including industry players, academics and relevant
government officials. The research sample will be randomly selected from the population
to ensure good representation and a sample size of 95 was obtained. The data that has
been collected is then analyzed using a regression test using the SPSS program. Based on
the problem formulation and research objectives, the following research hypothesis is
H1: There is a significant relationship between educational programs and institutions on
the quality and quantity of sharia economic human resources in Indonesia.
H2: There is a significant relationship between Scholarships and Funding on the quality
and quantity of sharia economic human resources in Indonesia.
H3: There is a significant relationship between the Public Awareness Campaign and the
quality and quantity of sharia economic human resources in Indonesia.
H4: There is a significant relationship between Curriculum Development and the quality
and quantity of sharia economic human resources in Indonesia.
H5: There is a significant relationship between Quality Assurance and Accreditation on
the quality and quantity of sharia economic human resources in Indonesia.
H6: There is a significant relationship between Research and Development Support on
the quality and quantity of sharia economic human resources in Indonesia.
Results and Discussion
Validity Test
The purpose of the validity test is to measure the extent to which a measurement
instrument measures what is intended or desired, as well as how accurate the tool is in
estimating or predicting the construct being measured.
Table 1
Validity Test Results
The Role of the Indonesian Government in Increasing the Quantity and Quality of Sharia
Economic Human Resources
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 3029
Sig. (2-
Sig. (2-
Sig. (2-
Sig. (2-
Sig. (2-
Sig. (2-
Sig. (2-
Imron Natsir
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 3030
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Referring to Table 1, the results of the validity test of all variables produce a
significance value of less than 0.05. Therefore, it can be concluded that the questionnaire
results are considered valid.
Reliability Test
Sujarweni, as cited in Pratama & Permatasari (2021), suggests that the reliability
test can be conducted on all items included in the questionnaire.
Table 2
Reliability Test Results
Cronbach's Alpha
N of Items
In Table 2, the reliability test outcomes indicate a Cronbach's Alpha value of 0.892,
surpassing the threshold of 0.600. Hence, it is inferred that the questionnaire exhibits high
consistency and reliability, rendering it suitable for use.
Normality Test
The normality test is conducted to assess the distribution pattern of data (Ghozali,
2011). The researchers opted for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test since the sample size
exceeded 50.
Table 3
Normality Test Results
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
Referring to Table 3, the outcomes of the normality test utilizing the Kolmogorov-
Smirnov test for the variables of the Indonesian government (X), HR Quantity (Y1), and
HR Quality (Y2) yielded a significance value of less than 0.001. Consequently, it is
inferred that the data for all three variables exhibit a normal distribution.
Regression Test
The Role of the Indonesian Government in Increasing the Quantity and Quality of Sharia
Economic Human Resources
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 3031
In this study, the hypothesis was tested using the regression test method. Regression
analysis is a process that studies the relationship between one variable, which is usually
called the explained variable, and one or more other variables (Yuliara, 2016).
Table 4
Regression Test Results
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: Y
Referring to Table 4, the regression analysis shows that the significance value of all
variables is smaller than 0.05. This indicates that the six independent variables have a
good influence on the quality and quantity of Islamic Economics Human Resources in
There is a significant relationship between educational programs and institutions on
the quality and quantity of sharia economic human resources in Indonesia.
Based on the research results, it was found that educational programs and
institutions have a significant influence on the quality and quantity of sharia economic
human resources in Indonesia. Education has an important role in creating quality and
skilled human resources in various aspects including sharia economic aspects (Lian &
Amiruddin, 2021).
Sharia economics is included in UURI No.3 of 2006 concerning amendments to
Law No.7 of 1989 concerning Religious Courts, relating to changes in dispute resolution
in the field of Sharia economics which was previously in the District Court to become a
Religious Court. Islamic economics is an economic system that is guided by Islamic
teachings and based on the Al-Quran and hadith in various institutional processes. The
characteristics of Islamic economics can be easily distinguished, namely the existence of
capitalist and socialist economies based on the Koran and hadith (Sumarno, 2022).
Islamic economics is defined as a system that carries various religious values in economic
ethics, and provides a sense of justice for both parties, without harming each other (Sari
& Amri, 2018).
Islamic economics aims to provide a balance between worldly life and the
afterlife. The Islamic values contained therein are shown to all people in various parts of
Imron Natsir
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 3032
the world. The values in sharia economic activities are the needs of living creatures that
are guided by Islamic values (Garamatan & Ayuniyyah, 2021).
The quality of human resources is very important in achieving the success of an
organization, including Islamic economics also called Sharia economics (Ariansyah &
Roni, 2023). Therefore, the Indonesian government has an important role in ensuring the
quality of sharia economic human resources in Indonesia.
Improving the quality of human resources (HR) in a country requires awareness of
the importance of prioritizing educational programs and institutions as something that
must be fulfilled. A well-designed educational program, which includes theoretical and
practical aspects, and is supported by competent institutions, ensures that graduates are
ready to face global challenges and can innovate. A country can create high-quality
human resources, which is the key to sustainable economic growth and increased social
welfare (Halean, Kandowangko, & Goni, 2021). Structured educational programs can
also attract more students to pursue careers in this sector, thereby increasing the number
of human resources available. Additionally, educational institutions often collaborate
with industry to offer internships and research opportunities, which not only enrich
students' learning experiences but also ensure that they are ready to face the challenges
of the world of work. Educational programs and institutions have a vital role in improving
the quality and quantity of human resources (HR) in the field of Sharia economics.
Thus, educational programs and institutions have a significant influence on the
quantity and quality of human resources in the field of sharia economics in Indonesia.
Structured and quality education at these institutions can produce graduates who are not
only numerous but also have high competence in sharia economic principles. This is
important to meet the needs of a growing industry, as well as supporting Sharia-based
economic growth in the country. Thus, improving the quality of education in this field is
the main key to producing a workforce that is competent and competitive in the global
There is a significant relationship between scholarships and funding on the quality
and quantity of sharia economic human resources in Indonesia.
The research results showed that scholarships and funding influence the quality and
quantity of Sharia economic human resources in Indonesia. Indonesia, with its large
population, has many individuals who have a variety of potential but are often hampered
by financial limitations. So scholarships and educational funding are very important to
overcome these obstacles. Scholarship programs provide talented individuals with the
opportunity to access quality education that they may not be able to afford financially
(Ayuningtyas, Busairi, & Kustiawan, 2018).
Scholarships and funding play a crucial role in improving the quality of human
resources (HR). By providing access to higher education and professional training,
scholarships enable talented individuals from diverse economic backgrounds to develop
their skills and knowledge without being limited by financial constraints. Education
funding, whether from the government, private sector, or non-profit organizations,
supports educational institutions in improving their facilities, curricula, and research
The Role of the Indonesian Government in Increasing the Quantity and Quality of Sharia
Economic Human Resources
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 3033
programs, so they can offer higher-quality education (Oriza & Hanita, 2022). In addition,
scholarships often include additional development programs such as internships,
workshops and mentoring, all of which contribute to the formation of competent and
highly competitive human resources. Thus, scholarships and funding are important
investments in building human capacity that can encourage innovation, productivity and
long-term economic growth.
Thus, the research results can be concluded that scholarships and funding have a
significant influence on increasing the quality and quantity of human resources (HR) in
the sharia economic sector in Indonesia. Through scholarships, individuals gain access to
better education and training, which increases their knowledge and skills in this field.
Funding also allows education and training institutions to upgrade their facilities and
curriculum, thereby creating a more conducive learning environment. Overall, this
combination of scholarships and funding helps produce human resources who are more
competent and ready to face challenges in the sharia economic industry, which ultimately
contributes to the growth and development of this sector in Indonesia.
There is a significant relationship between the Public Awareness Campaign and the
quality and quantity of sharia economic human resources in Indonesia.
The research results showed that public awareness campaigns influence the quality
and quantity of Sharia economic human resources in Indonesia. Indonesia, as a country
with a majority Muslim population, has the opportunity to be able to strengthen human
resources in the field of Sharia economics. These opportunities include halal lifestyle
campaigns, legal regulations that support the government's active role, the many Islamic
organizations that can be used in socialization media, and the many universities that select
halal goods in Indonesia (Azwar, 2023).
Public awareness campaigns are very important in improving the quality and
quantity of human resources (HR). This campaign serves to educate the public about the
importance of education, training and sustainable skills development. With information
disseminated through various media, individuals become more aware of the opportunities
and resources available to enhance their abilities. Additionally, awareness campaigns can
encourage the participation of more people in education and training programs,
overcoming barriers such as indifference or unfamiliarity.
Public awareness campaigns have a significant influence on the quality and quantity
of human resources (HR) in the sharia economic sector in Indonesia. With increasing
public understanding of Sharia economic principles through this campaign, interest and
participation in Sharia economic education and training also increases. This encourages
more individuals to pursue careers in this sector, thereby increasing the number of
competent and skilled human resources. In addition, effective campaigns also improve
the quality of human resources by introducing standards and best practices in Sharia
economics, which in turn increases their professionalism and expertise. Thus, public
awareness campaigns play an important role in building and strengthening quality human
resources in the sharia economic sector in Indonesia.
Imron Natsir
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There is a significant relationship between Curriculum Development and the quality
and quantity of sharia economic human resources in Indonesia.
Based on the research results, it was found that curriculum development has a
significant influence on the quality and quantity of sharia economic human resources in
Indonesia. The development of sharia economic education continues to advance along
with the presence of technology, which has brought about significant transformations in
teaching and learning methods. Technology allows wider and easier access to educational
materials through e-learning platforms, webinars and online courses. Digitalization in
education allows interactive simulations and case studies and helps in understanding
Sharia economic concepts in a more in-depth and applicable way (Maryati, 2022).
The existence of technological developments in sharia economic education
emphasizes the need to develop a more adaptive and relevant curriculum. The developing
curriculum must include the latest knowledge about financial technology (fintech), digital
banking, and other innovations related to Sharia economics. In addition, the curriculum
must include practical skills such as data analysis, the use of digital tools, and an
understanding of the latest regulations and policies in the Islamic finance industry (Sari,
2014). With curriculum development, the quality and quantity of human resources (HR)
in the field of sharia economics in Indonesia can increase significantly. Developing a
curriculum that is responsive to technological developments and industry needs will
ensure that graduates have a deep understanding of Sharia economic concepts as well as
practical skills relevant to the digital era. In addition, the updated curriculum can also
encourage more participation in Sharia economics education by attracting potential
Curriculum development has a significant influence on the quality and quantity of
Sharia economic human resources (HR) in Indonesia because a good and relevant
curriculum can provide a strong theoretical and practical foundation for pupils and
students. A well-designed curriculum will cover relevant subjects, such as principles of
Sharia economics, Islamic financial law, and Sharia financial management, thereby
producing graduates who are competent and ready to work in these fields. In addition, a
curriculum that is continuously updated by developments in the global Islamic finance
industry will ensure that the human resources produced have skills that suit market needs.
Thus, developing an appropriate curriculum will not only increase the quality of human
resources but also the number of skilled professionals in Sharia economics, which in turn
supports the growth of this industry in Indonesia.
There is a significant relationship between Quality Assurance and Accreditation on
the quality and quantity of sharia economic human resources in Indonesia.
The research results showed that quality assurance and accreditation have a
significant influence on the quality and quantity of sharia economic human resources in
Indonesia. Through the quality assurance process, educational institutions can evaluate
and improve their teaching standards, curriculum and facilities, thereby ensuring that their
graduates have competencies relevant to industry needs. Accreditation also assures
prospective students, stakeholders and the general public about the quality of education
The Role of the Indonesian Government in Increasing the Quantity and Quality of Sharia
Economic Human Resources
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 3035
provided by a particular institution. Accreditation can motivate educational institutions to
continue to improve their standards, thereby encouraging innovation and continuous
quality improvement (Adha, Benyamin, Octaviarnis, & Thalib, 2019).
The accreditation process involves an independent external evaluation of
educational institutions or academic programs to ensure that they meet established
standards. By conducting thorough audits of various aspects such as curriculum, teaching,
facilities, and management, the accreditation process helps ensure that the educational
institution is providing quality education. Thus, accreditation assures stakeholders that
the educational institution or academic program meets the standards set by the relevant
accreditation body or supervisory agency. So accreditation not only guarantees the quality
of education provided but also gives confidence to the public about the quality of the
educational institution or academic program (Nawaroni, Riyantini, Hasri, & Sohiron,
Quality assurance and accreditation play an important role in improving the
quality and quantity of human resources (HR) in the sharia economic sector in Indonesia.
By having strict standards and procedures in quality assurance, Islamic economics
education and training institutions can ensure that the curriculum taught is relevant and
up-to-date with the latest developments in the industry. Accreditation provides legitimacy
and trust to the institution, thereby attracting more prospective students and interested
trainees. In addition, graduates from accredited institutions have a higher competitiveness
in the job market, increasing the quality of professionals in this sector. Thus, quality
assurance and accreditation contribute significantly to creating a workforce that is
competent and ready to compete, encouraging the growth and development of the sharia
economy in Indonesia.
There is a significant relationship between Research and Development Support and
the quality and quantity of Sharia economic human resources in Indonesia.
Based on the research results, it was found that research and development support
has a significant influence on the quality and quantity of sharia economic human
resources in Indonesia. Through in-depth research on sharia economic issues, such as
finance, banking, insurance, and investment, we can generate a better understanding of
sharia economic principles and best practices in implementing them. Research also
enables the identification of new opportunities, challenges and trends in the Islamic
financial market, which can shape the direction of HR education and training in this field.
In addition, support for the development of innovative and relevant education and training
programs is also very important. With the right investment in research and development,
we can ensure that Indonesia's Sharia economic human resources have the knowledge,
skills and competencies needed to compete in the global market and contribute to
sustainable economic growth.
Research and development (R&D) support has a significant influence on the
quality and quantity of human resources (HR) in the sharia economic sector in Indonesia.
Through intensive R&D, educational institutions and Sharia financial institutions can
develop curricula and training programs that are more relevant and up-to-date, ensuring
Imron Natsir
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 3036
that the human resources produced have competencies and skills that are in line with
industry needs. Additionally, R&D enables the discovery of innovations and best
practices that can be adopted to improve operational efficiency and effectiveness, which
in turn attracts more individuals to get involved and develop careers in this sector. Thus,
R&D plays an important role in creating high-quality and competitive human resources,
which supports the growth and development of the Sharia economy in Indonesia.
The results showed that there is a significant relationship between the role of the
Government of Indonesia in increasing the quantity and quality of Sharia Economics
Human Resources (HR). Efforts made by the Indonesian government to increase the
quantity and quality of Sharia Economics Human Resources have shown positive results,
but there are still several factors that hinder these efforts. Some of these factors include a
lack of coordination between related institutions, an imbalance between the demand and
supply of skills needed by the industry, and a lack of incentives for individuals to enter
and develop in the Islamic economic sector. Therefore, based on the results of the study,
several policy recommendations need to be made to improve the effectiveness of the
Government of Indonesia's role in increasing the quantity and quality of human resources
in the Islamic economy, such as increasing investment in relevant training and education,
providing fiscal incentives for companies and individuals involved in the Islamic
economy, and improving coordination between government and private institutions to
ensure effective joint efforts in developing human resources in this sector.
In terms of prospects, human resources in the Islamic economy in Indonesia have
great potential for further development. The rapid growth of the Sharia economy, support
from the government, and growing public awareness of the principles of Islamic
economics will provide impetus for the development of human resources in this sector.
With the right initiatives in place, including increased investment in education and
training, as well as continued policy support, human resources in Indonesia's Sharia
economy can become globally competitive and contribute significantly to the country's
economic growth. Hence, the call for sustained efforts and collaboration is important. All
stakeholders, including the government, educational institutions, industry and the
community, need to work together to create an enabling environment for the development
of qualified and competitive human resources for Sharia economics. Inter-agency
synergies, knowledge exchange, and continued investment in education and training are
needed to ensure that the human resource potential of Islamic economics in Indonesia can
be fully utilized and developed.
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Economic Human Resources
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