pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 8 August 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3708
Backend Infrastructure and Specifications Design Using
OpenAPI and API-First on CV Elang Java Mandiri
Yohanes Bagas Ari Widatama
, Nizirwan Anwar
, Agung Mulyo Widodo
, Arief
Universitas Esa Unggul, Indonesia
Keywords: backend,
restful API, open API,
Digital transformation brings changes to the business world
by increasing efficiency, convenience, security, certainty
and operational speed. CV Elang Java Mandiri experienced
the positive impact of this by creating software to increase
operational efficiency. However, the use of direct
communication between the desktop application and the
database causes vulnerabilities. The lack of a bridge between
the desktop application and the database also indicates a lack
of flexibility when adding other applications. Ransomware
attacks on desktop applications cause losses and limitations
in development. This research focuses on backend updates
that use API as an integrator with the API-first method.
OpenAPI standards and OWASP security principles are used
to increase resilience against security threats. These steps
were tested with OWASP ZAP and http test. The goal is to
provide solutions to company problems, meet the need for
more secure applications, and make application
development easier.
In the modern era, digital transformation in business is inevitable. Digital
transformation is intended to make business processes more efficient. Digital
transformation is a topical issue around the world, which is critical for all companies
across all sectors, as customer relationships, internal processes, and value creation
change. The main concern of stakeholders in this transformation is to define a vision and
roadmap that determines the way forward (Zaoui & Souissi, 2020).
CV Elang Java Mandiri, a paper sales company that has tried to digitize by creating
a stock management and sales application has faced serious obstacles when the servers
that store the source code and data of their desktop applications were attacked by
ransomware. This incident led to the loss of data and source code, halting application
development and maintenance. Without source code backups, the operations of
companies that rely on desktop applications become vulnerable. Although the app is
Backend Infrastructure and Specifications Design Using OpenAPI and API-First on CV Elang
Java Mandiri
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3709
currently still running, the company's owners want steps to rebuild the app with a focus
on security and extensibility, including secure remote capabilities and mobile services. In
this study, the design and development of the backend uses the API-first method with
OpenAPI standards and OWASP security principles. Testing includes black box testing
and security testing with OWASP ZAP. This research is expected to solve the company's
problems and meet the owner's expectations for a safer and more scalable application.
Several studies related to security and information system development provide
important insights. Dwi Cahyani et al. (Cahyani, Dewi, Suryadi, & Listartha, 2021) found
that the implementation of Rate Limiting on the school websites studied needed to be
improved to improve security, with ZAP's OWASP analysis showing low to medium
levels of vulnerability. Gong et al. (Gong, Gu, Chen, & Wang, 2020) highlighted the
benefits of separating the front-end and back-end in campus information systems using a
micro-services architecture with Spring Cloud and React, which improves system
performance and user experience. Research by (Ashari & Denira, 2023) the campus e-
learning website that was studied showed low, medium, and high-risk vulnerability
analysis with a focus on quickly handling high-level vulnerabilities. (Adam, Besari, &
Bachtiar, 2019) designed a REST API-based cashless payment backend system, with
recommendations for updating server specifications and database methods. (Dudjak &
Martinović, 2020) suggest an API-First methodology for designing a Backend as a
Service (BaaS) platform. (Baniaș, Florea, Gyalai, & Curiac, 2021) explored automated
testing of REST APIs using OpenAPI 3.0 Standard. (Priyawati, Rokhmah, & Utomo,
2022) conducted a website vulnerability test with the OWASP ZAP tool, identifying 12
vulnerabilities that need to be fixed. Cleveland et al. (Cleveland et al., 2020) discuss the
development of the Tapis API with Python using the Tapis Framework and OpenAPI 3,
enabling rapid web API development for the integration of microservices in scientific
Research Methods
The research method involves interviews with company owners, store operational
members, and cashiers, complemented by observation of existing desktop applications.
The combination of these methods is expected to provide a comprehensive picture of the
redevelopment of the application. Data analysis uses SWOT to assess legacy application
performance, resources, and development needs (Dobrović & Furjan, 2020). The software
development method combines Waterfall and API First for decision stability, risk
management, and robust API interfaces. Software testing is carried out by black box
testing and OWASP ZAP.
UML modelling is used to design various aspects of the backend in a systematic
and standardized manner. It is hoped that this approach addresses the company's
challenges while improving the security and quality of the application.
Yohanes Bagas Ari Widatama, Nizirwan Anwar, Agung Mulyo Widodo, Arief Ichwani
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3710
Figure 1 Research Methodology
The evolution of information technology has progressed rapidly. Web technology
development is focused on three main aspects, one of which is the backend. Backend
refers to programs and scripts that operate on the server side. It serves as a container for
the core logic and operation of an application or information system. The backend system
ensures that the data or services requested and sent by the front-end system or application
or client-side application are delivered through programming methods. The backend part
consists of core application logic, databases, data integration and applications, APIs, and
other backend processes.
Restful API
The research conducted by (Adam et al., 2019) explains several other literature that
discusses the use of RESTful APIs or REST APIs. REST is not a standard but rather a
design pattern of software architecture. REST is a practical approach in web application
development where the system needs to be improved or needs a simple way to interact
with independent systems. REST is stateless and data-oriented, where everything in a
REST architecture is data. Each request is independent, the server does not store any
request state. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that follow the REST Style are
referred to as RESTful APIs. This design pattern uses a Uniform Resource Identifier
(URI) to represent the data. For operations on data, the GET method is used to retrieve
Backend Infrastructure and Specifications Design Using OpenAPI and API-First on CV Elang
Java Mandiri
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3711
data, the POST method is used to create new data, the PUT method is used to update data
with resource IDs, and the DELETE method is used to delete data or data sets.
Restful API vs Direct Database Access
In today's era of application development, developers are faced with an important
consideration between using direct access to databases or utilizing REST APIs as a
method of connectivity. Bennet [12] discusses this in his writing on the DreamFactory
website. Direct access to the database provides the advantage of simplicity and immediate
control, perfect for the prototype stage or controlled environments. However, this
approach also raises security-related concerns, especially as the app evolves and must be
tested by users outside of the development team.
OpenAPI Specification
The OpenAPI Specification (OAS) plays a central role in the development of API
services and microservices with accurate definitions using YAML or JSON format. It
allows consumers, such as client applications, to interact with services remotely with
minimal implementation logic. OAS not only facilitates service understanding for
consumers but also supports efficient and collaborative development, allowing
development teams to understand and optimize service functionality. As a best practice
in defining API service specifications, OAS is becoming a very useful tool in the
exploration of the latest technologies in the field of APIs and microservices, providing a
standard and language-agnostic interface for RESTful APIs in the context of scientific
Unified Modelling Language (UML)
Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standard modelling language adopted in
1997 for Object-Oriented Software Engineering. Used in developing expressive
diagrams, UML facilitates the design and implementation of a wide range of applications,
including embedded systems, web applications, and commercial applications. UML tools
generate bug-free code and are ready to deploy. As a key graphics language, UML aids
in the visualization, definition, and documentation of software systems with elements
such as nodes, paths, and use cases. UML diagrams include conceptual aspects such as
business processes, system functions, programming languages, database schemas, and
reusable software components.
Model View Controller (MVC) Design Pattern
MVC, which stands for Model View Controller, is an architectural pattern that
breaks down the application code into three main parts, as explained by (Hsieh, Li, Wang,
& Ke, 2020). First, Layer models serve to encapsulate the data processing methods and
business logic of the application, allowing direct data access. This layer is independent of
the View and Controller, providing data for a variety of views, as well as avoiding over-
coding. Second, the View layer acts as a user interface that presents data from the Model.
It can be interpreted as a visual representation of data for various clients, such as website
visitors or client applications. Third, the Controller layer is located between the View and
the Model, processing the data from the View and returning the analysis results to the
Model. Generally, a single controller improves the flexibility and overall configuration
Yohanes Bagas Ari Widatama, Nizirwan Anwar, Agung Mulyo Widodo, Arief Ichwani
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3712
of the application. Thus, the use of MVC architectural patterns facilitates the separation
of responsibilities in application development.
Containerization is the process of packaging software code along with the operating
system (OS) libraries and dependencies needed to execute that code, creating a single,
lightweight execution packagereferred to as a containerthat can run consistently on
a variety of infrastructures. Containerization allows applications to be "written once and
run anywhere.".
Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)
OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) is an international non-profit
organization that has a high dedication to improving web application security [16]. The
organization provides a variety of materials for free, including documentation, tools,
videos, and forums, with one of its flagship projects being the OWASP Top 10.
Black box testing
Black box testing, usually emphasizes the examination of the functional
requirements of the software. Black box testing allows software engineers to define a set
of input conditions that comprehensively evaluate all the functional requirements of a
program (Irawan, Muzid, Susanti, & Setiawan, 2018).
Waterfall Methodology
The waterfall method is a type of application development model included in the
classic SDLC, which emphasizes sequential and systematic phases. In this development
model, the analogy is similar to that of a waterfall, where each stage is executed
sequentially from top to bottom. Therefore, each stage should not be done simultaneously.
Thus, the difference between the waterfall method and the agile method lies in the SDLC
stage. This model also includes software development that is more or less iterative and
flexible. Because the process leads in one direction like a waterfall (Firzatullah, 2021).
API-First Design is a method for designing and developing APIs starting from the
design phase. This approach requires that API functionality is planned and described in a
standard format and that the code to implement it is built according to that plan. The API
lifecycle starts from the business needs that can be answered by the API. The design-first
approach is becoming more and more common. API-First Design is also known as API-
guided development, API-first design, or schema-first development. This method can be
interpreted as an approach to developing APIs or as an approach to developing
applications. API development first is desirable, especially if the new application is built
on top of the API. While API-First Design can be used even if there is an existing
application or functionality, defining an API before implementation remains a useful way
(Hämäläinen, 2019).
Results and Discussion
After conducting interviews, observations, and SWOT analysis on CV Elang Java
Mandiri, several internal and external aspects were found that needed attention.
Backend Infrastructure and Specifications Design Using OpenAPI and API-First on CV Elang
Java Mandiri
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3713
Internally, the company's strengths include applications that already meet operational
needs and provide significant support. However, there are drawbacks, such as direct
communication between desktop applications and databases, the absence of backups for
source code, limited application access in LAN networks, and lack of technical
documentation. Externally, there is an opportunity for application redevelopment with
security and technology improvements, as well as potential improvements on the server
and network sides. On the other hand, there are threats related to vulnerabilities in the
communication scheme between clients and databases, potential vulnerabilities from
internet access, and the possibility of new problems emerging during the redevelopment.
Service Architecture
In the context of service architecture, it is considered between a monolithic and
microservice approach. The absence of source code is the main obstacle, so a monolithic
approach is chosen to enable the development of the entire application without managing
complex infrastructure. This decision also takes into account the ease of management and
Current database designs, even though they use Microsoft SQL Server, do not make optimal use of
relational concepts. Therefore, it is planned to redesign the database by taking into account the old scheme,
stakeholder needs, and the user interface of the desktop application.
Figure 2 Provided Communication Scheme Solution
The communication strategy between services is planned by utilizing Hyper-V to
create Docker VMs and containers on Windows Server. This aims to provide isolation so
that attacks do not spread immediately, considering that the company does not have
permanent IT personnel.
Yohanes Bagas Ari Widatama, Nizirwan Anwar, Agung Mulyo Widodo, Arief Ichwani
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3714
Figure 3. Old Communication Scheme
Then the use of containers and virtualization is also one of the steps to improve
technology for security purposes and ease of service management.
The selection of RESTful APIs as the control and data access layer in the
redevelopment of application systems is based on considerations of efficiency, security,
and flexibility. RESTful APIs provide a high level of abstraction, allowing client
applications to communicate with the backend without being bound to the data structure
in the database. The backend design is done with the API First method, starting from the
definition of the API specification and the redesign of the database. Mapping data to
objects on a model in an MVC architecture becomes the focus, following a bit of a
Bottom-Up approach.
Technology Selection
To improve the security of the RESTful API backend, several security guidelines
are used by OWASP. The Laravel 10 framework was chosen as the basis for development
due to its maturity and abundant community support, especially in Indonesia. This
framework, based on MVC, not only facilitates development but has also proven to be
reliable in addressing various security threats. These security guidelines are implemented
through the use of several official packages, such as Laravel Sanctum and Spatie
Permission, to handle authentication and authorization effectively. Additional security is
provided through the use of the Laravel Eloquent ORM, which ensures database security
by implementing techniques such as parameter binding to counter SQL injection attacks.
In database management, there is a migration from Microsoft SQL Server to MariaDB.
This choice is based on high compatibility with MySQL, which allows for a smooth
transition. MariaDB is also known for its optimal performance and high efficiency,
providing additional benefits in handling database operations. The sustainability of
MariaDB as an open-source project provides certainty of support and updates from the
community. The use of Docker as an open-source container platform provides the
advantages of portability, fault isolation, simplified management, and simplified security.
Redis was chosen as the database for session and cache management because of its high
performance and flexibility. Redis stores session data inside RAM improves application
responsiveness and serves as a caching mechanism to reduce server load. By
implementing these technologies, the RESTful API backend not only prioritizes security
but also looks at the overall aspects of performance, efficiency, and cost. These steps are
Backend Infrastructure and Specifications Design Using OpenAPI and API-First on CV Elang
Java Mandiri
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3715
geared towards proactive backend redevelopment to improve the security,
responsiveness, and sustainability of the project.
Request and Response Flow
Figure 4. Request and Response Flow on the Designed Backend
Any endpoints that are protected using authentication and authorization (must have
an account with a specific authority) will be filtered through the middleware first. The
design uses Laravel Sanctum to manage authentication with a token-based concept, where
the token will be used by the client application in the Bearer authentication header. In
addition, authorization is handled using Spatie Permission where the concept is role-based
and permission-based. In addition, Laravel also has rate limiters used in this design for
get-token and register endpoints. In addition, each controller is also designed to verify the
user's permissions, and whether the user can access the relevant actions or not.
The sequence diagram presented in Figure 4 offers a detailed overview of the
interactions in the system that manages the routes protected in the RESTful API. It
illustrates the flow of actions initiated by the client application, directed through various
components including routes, middleware, controllers, models, and databases. Each
component fulfils a different role in the operation of the system, contributing to the overall
The sequence begins with a client request to the route component, which first
verifies the conformance of the requested route with a predefined RESTful API schema.
At critical decision points, such as token validation and access permissions, the system
Yohanes Bagas Ari Widatama, Nizirwan Anwar, Agung Mulyo Widodo, Arief Ichwani
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3716
branches into alternative paths based on specific conditions. For example, an invalid or
non-existent authentication token triggers an unauthorized response, denying access to
the requested resource. Instead, a valid token triggers authentication checks and
authorizations, facilitating the progress of requests through the system.
A robust error-handling mechanism is important for system resilience, addressing
various error scenarios such as unauthorized access, invalid requests, and database errors.
This proactive approach minimizes disruption to the user experience and ensures the
system's ability to handle unexpected contingents well.
The design uses Laravel Sanctum to handle authentication with the concept of
token-based, where the token will be used by the client application in the Bearer auths
header. In addition, authorization is handled using Spatie Permission where the concept
is role and permission-based. In addition, Laravel already has a rate limiter used in this
design for get-token and register endpoints. In addition, each controller is also designed
to verify the permissions that the user has, whether the user can access or not for related
Comprehensive documentation, such as the one embodied in the OpenAPI
specification, is critical in dealing with the risk of Lack of Security Logging and
Monitoring. The designed backend ensures that every request and response is
documented, allowing for effective monitoring of API activity and quick detection of
suspicious behaviour. Then through the application of OWASP security principles, the
backend design not only prioritizes the security of its applications but also adopts a
proactive approach to risk mitigation. With a deep understanding of the security risks
identified by the OWASP Top Ten, the backend can provide solid protection against
evolving security threats. OpenAPI also makes it easier to test Http and the specification
can be used in DAST tools, namely OWASP ZAP Proxy.
Gambar 5. Summary Alert OWASP ZAP
Backend Infrastructure and Specifications Design Using OpenAPI and API-First on CV Elang
Java Mandiri
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3717
Testing was carried out on several endpoints in a local environment with results that
met the specifications. Furthermore, tests were carried out using OWASP ZAP Proxy and
the results were obtained in Figure 5 which identified several warnings with medium and
low risk levels. Preventive measures, such as the implementation of throttle or rate
limiters, are taken to reduce the risk of attacks and abuses as can be seen from the results
of active scans of ZAP in figure 5. The security rules that were successfully bypassed
included various potential threats such as SQL Injection attacks, cross-site scripting
(XSS), and several other security vulnerabilities. It is recommended to immediately take
corrective action, especially on information leaked via .htaccess files, assign proper CSP
headers, and fix vulnerable cross-domain configurations. However, these findings can
also be used as an opportunity to strengthen the security layer and ensure that the system
remains responsive to potential threats.
It is important to keep the system secure by updating and managing the security
rules that are successfully bypassed. While some of the warnings are informative,
preventive measures need to be taken to prevent potential security threats in the future.
Thus, the designed backend can continue to operate with an optimal level of security. In
addition, the results of the active analysis of OWASP ZAP scans on this backend include
additional information regarding HTTP responses and authentication statistics. In Figure
6, there is a variation in the HTTP response, with most responses resulting in 429 Too
Many Requests and 401 Unauthorized status codes. A status code of 429 indicates that
several requests exceed the allowed limit in a given period, while a status code of 401
indicates that there is an issue with user authentication.
Gambar 6. Summary Active Scan
In addition to the results of the active analysis of OWASP ZAP scans that logged
several warnings with medium and low-risk levels, as well as providing an overview of
HTTP responses and authentication statistics on the designed RESTful API backend, it
should be noted that additional preventive measures have been taken. The implementation
Yohanes Bagas Ari Widatama, Nizirwan Anwar, Agung Mulyo Widodo, Arief Ichwani
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3718
of a throttle or rate limiter on the get token and register routes is a critical step to reduce
the risk of brute force attacks or potential abuse of these endpoints.
Throttle or rate limiter plays a role in controlling the number of requests received
from a single entity in a given period. By implementing this mechanism, the system can
recognize and handle requests that exceed the specified limits. As a result, the risk of
threats that may arise from unnatural or excessive activity can be minimized.
The positive side of throttle or rate limiter implementations is their ability to protect
critical endpoints such as token get routes and registers from potentially harmful attacks.
By setting a limit on the number of requests, the system can ensure that only legitimate
users with reasonable behaviour can access and use the service. This is a concrete example
of the application of security principles at the level of access and use of resources that can
provide significant advantages in maintaining the integrity and availability of the system.
Preventive measures like these are in line with the security principles advocated by
OWASP, especially in the context of risk mitigation related to authentication and access
control. Thus, this backend has not only been able to identify potential threats through
OWASP ZAP analysis but has also implemented effective security measures to mitigate
the associated security risks. Overall, this approach provides a significant additional layer
of defence in the face of complex and evolving potential security threats. This approach
provides an additional layer of defence in the face of complex and evolving potential
security threats. The entire system is planned to remain responsive to changes and security
risks that may arise in the future.
Backend development on the CV Elang Java standalone desktop application project
is a strategic step to improve the security, sustainability, and flexibility of the application.
The focus on business logic and database interaction allows for the implementation of
modern architectures with API principles. The API-first approach ensures the application
development interface is well-defined, making it easy to integrate, test, and document.
With the implementation of OWASP security principles, such as protection against SQL
injection attacks and cross-site scripting, security standards can be improved. The move
also opens up opportunities for the development of new features, integration of third-
party services, and scalability as per future business needs, creating a strong foundation
for more advanced and easy-to-develop applications.
Backend Infrastructure and Specifications Design Using OpenAPI and API-First on CV Elang
Java Mandiri
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 3719
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